January WISH, Journey into January with hope and joy!

This has been a week of lasts... last appointment with my Chiropractor, who I've been seeing for about 10 years. Last time getting waxed at the place I go to here. I had lunch at the neighborhood Pub for the last time, which was very nostalgic because we used to go there all the time when my SIS and SIL were living next door. Last time going into the office for a regular work day, which was also nostalgic. There were visibly more business people downtown and it reminded me of how much I used to enjoy working in the city.

It was also my last time getting filler from the surgeon I've been going to for 15+ years. I'm really happy with the results, but it does need a little bit more. I'm going to wait until my birthday in the summer to top it off, it'll give me time to lose more weight. When I do do it I'll be going to the clinic my Niece goes to on that side of the water.

Sadly I have not made my last trip to GW... today starts with yet another drop off and I'll have at least one more. I'll also be working on getting the garage ready for the junk people, so far I've avoided even opening the door so we'll see what sort of a surprise that is. By the end of this weekend I expect to be well in to the packing side of things.
Happy New Year everyone! I just read through everything. Sounds like everyone is off to a great start. I was off of work for 2 and half weeks and after Christmas I really didn't do anything. I was staying up until about 1 every night and getting up at like 10. I do this every year and every year I say I am not going to do that again. It is so hard getting back up to go to work.

The year has been pretty good. We are starting off 10x better then last year. I have hopes for a much better year. I was glad to see 2022 go. It has been by far my worst year.

I went back to work on Monday and then promptly got sick on Tuesday. Thankfully I can work from home so I didn't miss any time. I was exposed to COVID last week so I tested to make sure and it wasn't that. I didn't think it was but wanted to make sure. It was the weirdest virus though. I would get super hot and get really sick to my stomach and then get really cold and the sick to my stomach feeling would go away. I did have a fever that got to 101 but it didn't last long. By Wednesday night I was doing much better and really back to normal today.

DD started her own business over the break. Her teacher helped get everything going and is very encouraging to DD. We set up a face book page and she has been making some money. She is making shirts, mugs and stuff like that. My nieces dance team has been buy a ton and sounds like more will be coming. If any one wants to join her page and see what she is doing it is called bright blue bug. I had to ask her how she got the name. She just liked the bright blue and the bug comes from the nickname my step dad gave her. He calls her bug. It is really cute. She would always say how much she hated it when he called her that but she always secretly loved it. It was their special thing. He even went shopping for her birthday once (the one and only time he shopped for anyone) and got her the Barbie VW Beatle car and also a hot wheels one. So bug has some close to home feelings for her. She also started a job at the barn she takes lessons at. It is not much now. It a guarantee of 2 hours a week with night feeding on the weekends and then will pick up time as needed when barn managers are out. She is only 15 so this is a good start for her with something that she loves.

DS is doing good and has, what I know, his first girlfriend. She is from Spain. She was an exchange student but is back home now. Soccer has started back up again as well. it was nice have a 2 week break.
Happy Friday friends!!

My goodness it’s been a week here too!!

Seems like we all deserve this upcoming weekend! Hopefully it’s a long one for everyone!!

Today was my day off and I did a deeeppppppp clean of my master bath to include replacing the shower curtain liner, washing the curtain, cleaning the blinds, cleaning inside and outside of the window…things that are often neglected in day to day cleaning. Took DD to and from work, ran errands, spent $13.82 on 3 dozen eggs 😳

Tomorrow is SPCA in the AM for big dog walking and hopefully finish laundry and cleaning in the afternoon.

Sunday is church and my nephews 3rd birthday party in the afternoon-which my sister in law gave a 3 day notice for so DH and DD both have plans so is will be going alone, which is fine.

Monday is a Holiday for me so to be determined!!!

I hope everyone has a Good Friday and start to the weekend!!!


What will you be doing to day to take care of yourself? This picture looks pretty darn good to me.
My horoscope this morning was about being proud of the life skills I've been using to execute this move, so for self care today I'm going to hold those thoughts near and dear to my heart.

I'm starting the day with a last walk around the neighborhood farmer's market and a last lunch at my favorite Thai place. I am done sorting and discarding things and now it is on to packing and cleaning: today it will be the basement and tomorrow it'll be upstairs. Friday I make my first trip up to pick up the keys and to actually go in the house. I have a strong emotional attachment to it already, so it will be interesting to see and feel it for the first time.
Yesterday I downloaded an app from one of my fave YouTube excersize instructors. DD slept late and DH took the boys to church so I got up and did a 5 min workout on the app followed by my virtual PT and then a couple additional exercises recommended by the virtual PT folks.

I also deactivated my Twitter account. I've been in a better mood since I stopped using it a few months back and took the step to make it official today.

Unfortunately DD seems to have whatever DS7 had last week. She had a fever and has been sleeping off and on all day poor babe. But she is responding well to the tylenol so that's a plus. So the rest of the day will be hanging out with her while she rests and I read or watch TV in between work calls. DH is bringing the boys to a hockey game. Hopefully DD perks up enough to be awake for a little while before bed so she can actually sleep tonight.
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I managed to lose half a pound this week but I am not sure how I did that given all the junk food I ate! Really glad the week is over. Of course, the weekend is almost over, but have tomorrow off so that's good!

Went to my parents' house this weekend. Did some chores for them and then booked airfare for DS2's wedding. They told us to book the hotel, so we will do that later tonight or tomorrow. Doing laundry, but have to babysit soon. Yesterday I baked last year's turkey so we'll have lots of leftovers this week (and so will my parents)!
Sorry to be absent.

My school BFF got covid from visiting her father in the hospital. Apparently ALL of his nurses have it and ALL of the patients have it too. My friend who visits him before and after school didn't have a chance. I have had a scratchy throat, but nothing else, so my booster must be fighting it off.

It was a weird weekend. DD was off to NYC for an intensive two-day class at FIT, and my mind was on her and how she was doing. It was a successful trip. She enjoyed the class...especially the professor. She and her friend had lots of plans, but all they could manage was dinner at a fancy restaurant and crashing at their hotel to work on their projects for class the next day. She got home after dinner last night and had so much to tell me.

I got a lot done around the house and finally took down the second tree in the dining room. Yesterday, DH made a rude comment which set me off for the rest of the day. I hate to fight especially on a Sunday meant for relaxation, but it's important for me to stand up for myself or I will eat my feelings. Unfortunately, I did that too. Why does he have to be a hypocritical jerk? Ugh!!!

Today I'm off school, and I'm happily alone.
@Summer2018 sorry it was a rough day...we have some serious passive aggressive tendencies around here I need to try to nip that I haven't gotten up the nerve roo yet.

I normally have today off but there is a major project happening presidents day weekend and the dress rehearsal for it is this weekend. So I have been working pretty much all weekend. DD is feeling much better than yesterday...she started getting her energy back around 4 and was good after that.

Couple more meetings today but all the little fires have been put out so hopefully I can chill a little in between. I want to do another 5 min workout and repaint my nails
@Summer2018 sorry it was a rough day...we have some serious passive aggressive tendencies around here I need to try to nip that I haven't gotten up the nerve roo yet.

I normally have today off but there is a major project happening presidents day weekend and the dress rehearsal for it is this weekend. So I have been working pretty much all weekend. DD is feeling much better than yesterday...she started getting her energy back around 4 and was good after that.

Couple more meetings today but all the little fires have been put out so hopefully I can chill a little in between. I want to do another 5 min workout and repaint my nails
I really appreciate your comment. Since my adult DD told me that it bothered her that I always tried to keep the peace rather than stand up to DH when he behaved badly, I have started telling him how I feel. It doesn't go over well, but after 30 years together, 25 of which DD was negatively affected, I refuse to let him get away with it anymore. Here I thought I was protecting her...
I do have today off, so it has been a nice long four day weekend. It is so gorguous outside this morning: sitting in the drive-thru line at Starbuck's I started thinking aww, spring is here and then remembered nope, it is just mid January.

Motivation this week... as of today it is just four days until I pick up the keys to my new home and my new life. Still lots to do, but it is all so close now, the next time I pack up the car it will be stuff that is going to the new house with me, not to Goodwill.

In just a couple weeks, this will be one of the local beaches I'll have to walk on:
I do have today off, so it has been a nice long four day weekend. It is so gorguous outside this morning: sitting in the drive-thru line at Starbuck's I started thinking aww, spring is here and then remembered nope, it is just mid January.

Motivation this week... as of today it is just four days until I pick up the keys to my new home and my new life. Still lots to do, but it is all so close now, the next time I pack up the car it will be stuff that is going to the new house with me, not to Goodwill.

In just a couple weeks, this will be one of the local beaches I'll have to walk on:
It’s very exciting to live vicariously through you right now.

How does this affect your work commute?


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