Jenni's Journal (kind or constructive comments welcome)

I think it is funny that people look at this. It is also pretty kewl. One more night of work then one day off woohoo Yeah that woohoo was sarcastic. One day off is not enough time to recover and enjoy it. All I will end up doing is grab a nap, laundry, and grocery shop before have to start another 3 days in a row. Told my boss to never put me on a schedule like this again. At least when it is all over I should have quite a few days off. I am looking forward to that. What I am doing now gives me no time to workout or eat healthy. It is all just grab and go meals. I feel icky from it.:sick:
ahhhhhhh no work tonight. Just relaxing at home with lil princess and DS. I love getting to do that. If I can gather a bit of energy then I will work out later. I think Drop Dead Diva is on tonight. I can do my stepper while zoning out to that show. Dinner is simple. Garden fettuccine with garlic sauce for me and marinara sauce for kids. Sounds like perfect night to me. :goodvibes
went and did it. Volunteered to coach a week of the fall challenge. I hope I can pull that off. I am totally going to have to watch and see what other coaches do. I also have to come up with good questions to ask. This will be hard. Hopefully by December 9th I will have a good handle on everything. WOW I will be on tailend of the challenge, trying to keep people onn track for Christmas LOL no pressure there. :scared1:
wooohooooo :banana: no work tonight. I got overstaffed. Finally I can catch up on sleep. That way my last night tomorrow won't be so bad. Then I am off for a few days to enjoy the Autumn weather. I am so going to bake something with pumpkin in it if I can find any. Just not the chili :sick: that did not taste good with pumpkin in it.
It is funny having to rethink Fall. Before moving here I was used to about two weeks of Fall then just cold and icky. Last few days stuck at work has driven me nuts thinking I was missing it all. I had to finally remind myself that the South gets a Fall season and I have time. I am so looking forward to getting back out there and walking. I can't wait to see trees change colors and smell an Autumn breeze. This Saturday even taking my DS and lil princess to the zoo since the 100 + temperatures are gone. It should be nice little adventure. My lil princess has never been to a zoo before. Oh I cannot wait for 7am to get here. I will have seven days off. It will be an unexpected mini-vacation. Wish I had known in advance, I would have planned something. A stay cation won't be so bad. Autumn is here and I now have time to enjoy it. First stop the store to get some mums and apples for baking as well as pumpkin if I can find it for making muffins. It is going to be a nice day. :flower3:
ok I am up and ready to go. Got some sleep so I am ready to enjoy Autumn. Baked some apples yesterday and today they are going into some homemade and healthy oatmeal cookies that hopefully my lil princess princess: will like. Also going to take her for walk in stroller this morning. She loves those. I sent in starting weight and am ready to get that number lower. :cheer2:
totally rocked the walk this morning. 150 minutes pushing my daughter in stroller. Then had salad at One The Border with the dressing on the side. Today so far has been good day.
Just checking out the new ticker. I finally made one for my new year goal. It says I have lost 24 lbs. That is too kewl. Today is Lowe's Build and Grow clinic to make a police car, then driving up to the zoo. Little princess has never been to one and DS hasn't been to this one since he was about lil princess' size. Camera all charged up so hopefully will get lots of great pics. All the walking at zoo will help too. Only drawback is there is a football game up there and those fans are insane :rotfl: I have never seen people go so nuts for football. Stadium is adjacent to zoo so should be interesting when we leave.
We had a great time at the zoo. We were lucky enough to see most all the animals. Took forever to park due to game. Shoot just to park at zoo was $20 but bonus was free day at zoo so actually worked in our favor. Ended up costing us half of what I was expecting to pay. Since it was still early in day the animals were awake and out in their play areas. Lil princess loved getting to see all of them. The penguins were her's and everybody elses favorite. She liked seeing them swim around. Also had a grizzly come right up to us. If it wasn't for 5 inch glass I would have been screaming in terror it was so close. So lots of walking and sweating, but it was all fun. I cannot wait to go back next month for Boo at the Zoo.
The QOTD on the Fall Challenge thread was Who is standing in your way in losing weight. Most said themselves, while I would say same thing, I started thinking it isn't just me. It has a lot to do with not being able to afford the healthier choices. Apples which used to be so inexpensive are outrageously priced right now. It is too expensive to buy fresh produce, even at farmer's market. Lean cuts of meat are usually $2 more a lb. How can a regular person afford to eat healthy. Seems like the worse it is for you, the cheaper it is. Ramen noodles have no nutritional value, tons of calories, and cost only 0.15/package. Is it no wonder they sell like crazy.

Fitness equipment is too high priced, gym memberships are too high priced, shoot schools don't even offer PE classes or recess. If want kids to exercise have to sign them up for sport which of course costs. Is it any wonder why there is obesity problem in America?

Of course keeps the drug companies in business because people now need drugs to manage high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes, bad joints, and everything else that comes along with the extra weight.

So I didn't realize how annoyed I was with big business in regards to mine and my kids health. I just need to win a sweepstakes so I can afford to be slim and healthy.
up and moving, though would rather be back in bed. So tempting to blow off school, but can't. Not sure what we are going to do today. Need to find some energy.
didn't doo too much today. Took a nap, made pumpkin muffins with lil princess, and unsuccessfully tried to get license here. Seems I have to get copy of marriage certificate to prove I am legally me. Pain in the butt. Tonight I did manage to exercise for 60 minutes :cheer2:now going back to bed.
my coffee pot died which is sad because a lot of times I am like this :surfweb: now I am like this :sad1: must go shopping before this :dance3: happens.
Totally frustrated over here. I have been super watchful about what I am eating and exercising, and yet the evil scale refuses to admit that. It dared tell me I had gained 4 lbs :mad: I think it needs a good thumping. I did start using the myfitnesspal app on my iphone. According to it I am kicking butt. Not sure if I totally believe it. I think it is giving me too high a number for exercise calories burned. Tonight it said if I keep having days like today I will achieve my goal in about 6 weeks. That would totally rock. We will see. I actually wish I could see. Clothes feel the same, I look the same, I would like some more visual results. That would be very encouraging.
ugh back to work tonight as well as Friday and Saturday night. When are the sweepstakes people gonna call me and say "You are a winner!!!" they really need to get act together and do that soon.:cool2:
ok I so wish I had new job or better yet was able to be a SAHM. That would be so kewl. I just cannot get into working tonight for some reason. I so enjoyed having all the time off this year, but makes going back all that harder. I wish I could be retired like my mom is now. I guess closest I can get is getting bills down so low I only have to work part time. That way rest of time could be spent with my kids and getting healthy. Going to have to work hard at that plan.


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