Jon and Kate Plus 8, Official Thread-Part 4

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I cringed when both Kate and Jon talked about the kids. The called them, "my kids". Not "our kids". I know they are divorcing, but the mindset doesn't seem to be cooperation for the kids sake. Maybe it wasn't intended the way it sounds, but when they both said it, it was jarring.

I agree 100%

Here's the scenario I see in my magical crystal ball;)

Fast forward 10 years or probably less as savvy as kids are at surfing the internet. They search their names and see all of the “nice” things posted about their parents. They start asking questions:

Kids: Dad, why did everyone say how you cheated on mom and took your girlfriend on trips? Why were you out partying instead of being at home with us?

Jon: I did not cheat on your mother, but I did not communicate well enough to your mother how unhappy I was. I did what I thought was right, since you are MY kids.

Mom, why do all the people on the internet say horrible things about you and say that you drove daddy away and that you deserved what you got?

Kate: Yes, I was out of control and made many mistakes. I did not communicate well enough with your dad to tell him how unhappy I was. I did what I thought was right, since you are MY kids.

Kids: But you say that you love us, why didn’t you just talk and say you are sorry to each other and try to stay together…….

Parents: We should have. (if they have enough sense at that point to realize their mistakes)

Good Luck Jon and Kate with throwing your kids under the bus and not trying to save their future and yours. Pathetic.
Well, the crooked house people sure got the bang for their product placement buck! Their website crashed from all of the hits. I guess they range between $1,500-4,500.
Maybe Kate filed yesterday because that video of Jon and the doctor's daughter was the final straw. Looks like the announcement was supposed to be the separation, but it turned into the filing and TLC had to throw in the Chyron at the last minute.
I just can not see Kate making this an easy divorce. First, she couldn't even wait until a day after the "big announcement" aired to file. She went in the SAME DAY knowing that by the time it hit the blogs and tabloids, her show would be airing. That shows she is rather anxious.

Also, she has a long history of cutting people out of her and the kids lives. As soon as there is *******, she doesn't look in the mirror, and realize she may be wrong sometimes, she doesn't work through things, or maintain relationships and realize that sometimes there are things you just have to ignore about people. She just cuts them off. I can't see her doing any different with Jon. There is no way they are going to have holidays together and things that would make it nice for the kids. She is going to do everything in her power to have Jon there as little as possible. She is going to be estatic now, it will be the Kate plus 8 show. Now it is almost all about her.

I would bet money that in 10 years there will be tabloid reports of her cutting some of the children out of her life. When they are grown and doing anything she does not approve of or dating someone she doesn't like, she won't keep her mouth shut, she will write them off, one by one.
ok....I'm done now...I'm not going to watch or comment any more on the lives of those poor children.

Someone else needs to start part 5 because it won't be me....

Stupid Jon and Kate for ruining what used to be a nice thread to hang out in....
I cringed when both Kate and Jon talked about the kids. The called them, "my kids". Not "our kids". I know they are divorcing, but the mindset doesn't seem to be cooperation for the kids sake. Maybe it wasn't intended the way it sounds, but when they both said it, it was jarring.

If you rewatch the episode, it was Kate that consistantly referred to the 8 kids as "my kids". Jon, for the most part, said "our kids" (although eventually he switched to "my kids" as well). How sad for the children.

I almost choked when Kate said that she never imagined that it would come to this. How could she be so blind. If you beat a dog repeatedly, eventually it will find a new master.
Stupid Jon and Kate for ruining what used to be a nice thread to hang out in....

We should start another thread "The Ex-J&K Thread Posters"

Does anyone have pictures of Jon looking at the apartments? Is their actual confirmation?
I agre with a lot of what is being said here. I have been giving this a lot of thought since last night's episode and this is what I think happened:

-Kate was mean to Jon. Jon was a wimp and took it. This caused Kate to lose respect for Jon which caused her to continue being mean to him.

-Jon went to visit his mother earlier this spring and went to a bar. I believe that's where he met Deanna and started the relationship with her. Once the relationship started I believe Jon's whole attitude changed.

-At that point I think Jon emotionally left the marriage.

-Kate probably realized how wrong she was and might have tried to work things out with Jon but I think he was over it at that point.

-Now Jon has morphed into an overgrown frat boy wannabe with too much money - new sports car, earrings, douche-y wardrobe, dating 20-somethings, and looking for an apartment in NYC.

The whole thing is disgusting. I think both are somewhat responsible, but I place the majority of the blame on Jon. If he was unhappy with his marriage he should have stood up to his wife, gone to marriage counseling and tried to work it out. Now I suspect the kids will rarely see him. If you watched the episode last night he said he was "excited about his new life" and that he already hasn't been around much for the last few months to "prepare the kids" for how things will be in the future. I predict he will be too busy partying to have much time for his kids.
Two thoughts: 1. While they were in Utah, Jon talked about how he hadn't skied since he met Kate. I think it might have even started the, him realizing how much he had given up for her.
2. Anybody else see the next book / speaking tour? "How to survive/ thrive after divorce"?

I was so sad after watching the show, even tho I knew it was going to happen. I also just told my DH how glad I am to be married to him.
Jon looks ridiculous with those earrings. He needs to grow up. If he is going to be spending so much time with the kids then why is he moving to NYC? I know it sounds good that they will BOTH be in the house with the kids when it is their time to have them, but it just doesn't work out that way in reality. I truly believe that we will see less and less of Jon.

I had the same thought about the Mother's Day brunch at the restaurant -- it was empty. Also, Mother's Day was on May 10, which was also the little kids fifth birthday and there was no mention of that, which I thought odd. I thought the bibs were a good idea -- maybe they were going somewhere else afterwards.
I hardly think this is the same. It isn't illegal to divorce, almost 60% of Americans do that. It is illegal to cuddle boys to sleep, in the inference you are using that.
Doris, what drew people to watch J&K over the last few seasons effectively died last night. It started out chronicling the day-to-day lives of a "unique" family. Things started to plateau when it morphed into "watch the family get to do things for free your family likely never will". When news of the marital strife hit, the bloom fell off their "America's Sweethearts" / "Cute Family" crown and people started to get turned off. Sure, they set a viewership record when the season premiered last month... but then the ratings drove off the cliff. Last night's episode of "Pimp My Divorce" no doubt will be ratings gold, but the ratings free-fall well be back next week with a vengeance.

You're right that most American marriages end in divorce, but you're missing the key ingredient in "reality shows". The reason people watch them is because it features a look into something either that new would love to be able to do (i.e. "Top Chef") or offers a an experience very different from our own (i.e. "Little People", "J&K", "Duggars", "Housewives", etc.). Being an "average" family won't cut it in TV Land. TLC ain't gonna come calling to make a series out of my family or yours. So repositioning the show as "watch Kate deal with her loneliness", or "see if Jon marries the young teacher that won't keep his privates in a jar under the sink", or "what will Kate do with her week with the kids", or "watch J&K fight over the kids, money, etc." ain't gonna work. It's not entertaining to the masses, it would be pretty depressing, and for too many people it will remind them of their own lives. True, some people can't help but watch a train wreck as it tumbles to a stop, but it ain't gonna be enough to sustain the show.
-Now Jon has morphed into an overgrown frat boy wannabe with too much money - new sports car, earrings, douche-y wardrobe, dating 20-somethings, and looking for an apartment in NYC.

The whole thing is disgusting. I think both are somewhat responsible, but I place the majority of the blame on Jon. If he was unhappy with his marriage he should have stood up to his wife, gone to marriage counseling and tried to work it out. Now I suspect the kids will rarely see him. If you watched the episode last night he said he was "excited about his new life" and that he already hasn't been around much for the last few months to "prepare the kids" for how things will be in the future. I predict he will be too busy partying to have much time for his kids.

For me this was the sickest part of the show last night. I started getting really disgusted when he kept saying, "I'm only 32.." but when he said, "excited about his new life", I wanted to spit in his face. So not only is he walking away from Kate but also his kids. What a selfish, self-absorbed jerk!

And for someone that is upset by the invasion of privacy, why was he out in front of his house with a stack of pictures--signing autographs for fans? (Sorry this was from a pp)
I'm a stay at home Mom so I guess that means I can go have an affair and party it up at the bars so as to regain my identity? I would never do that. Jon's a big boy, he can man up and tell Kate no if he wants to. He quit his job to do the show. Plain and simple. Then when their speaking engagements came, he decided he didn't like doing that so he opted to stay home with the kids. Then he complained that he was always home with the kids. Now he's excited about this new chapter in his life. Yet he's still doing the show isn't he. Why is everyone pinning this whole thing on Kate? They are both responsible for their decisions.

Ok woke up this morning and there are 9 pages! I knew there would be lots!

I have a couple of things to say:

First was it your choice to stay home?? Because I get the feeling that it wasn't Jon's. Yes if he didn't want to quit his job he shouldn't have but then he would have to hear it from Kate every single day. Lets face it you pick your battles. I think Jon doesn't pick battles but he picked the war. Just my opinion.

You keeps saying that going out to bars is irresponsible. Why? can't people with kids go to a bar? It's not like he had the kids locked in the van while he got toasted in the bar and then drove them all home. The kids were safely home with their mother.
I'm not placing blame on either of them. I think it's a bit unfair to put it on just one person.

When I watched last night I was overcome with sadness, I guess I just didn't have time to pick apart what each of them were saying.
I just can not see Kate making this an easy divorce. First, she couldn't even wait until a day after the "big announcement" aired to file. She went in the SAME DAY knowing that by the time it hit the blogs and tabloids, her show would be airing. That shows she is rather anxious.

Also, she has a long history of cutting people out of her and the kids lives. As soon as there is *******, she doesn't look in the mirror, and realize she may be wrong sometimes, she doesn't work through things, or maintain relationships and realize that sometimes there are things you just have to ignore about people. She just cuts them off. I can't see her doing any different with Jon. There is no way they are going to have holidays together and things that would make it nice for the kids. She is going to do everything in her power to have Jon there as little as possible. She is going to be estatic now, it will be the Kate plus 8 show. Now it is almost all about her.

I would bet money that in 10 years there will be tabloid reports of her cutting some of the children out of her life. When they are grown and doing anything she does not approve of or dating someone she doesn't like, she won't keep her mouth shut, she will write them off, one by one.

In regards to Jon, I don't think Kate should be the one labeled as, "cutting off", the relationship. He's carrying on an affair (emotional/physical whatever) and it's all been documented in the media. I think she's done very well holding it together during all of this mess. I don't know many women that would want to hang onto that kind of thing, but it does look like she was willing to work it out.

Jon is probably being deflective by being angry and not wanting to talk to her. With this approach he doesn't have to own up to what he's been doing and can carry on. She's the one that should be angry. Not him. His anger issues with how he was treated could've been worked out responsibly one way or another. I don't think his continued actions could lead to any other outcome than what has happened.

So sad. :( I watched the clips of those sweet babies/kids and it just breaks my heart.

ETA- I agree with a pp, when Jon said he was excited about his future, it was sickening.
For me, the truly sad thing is that the kids are going to suffer the most. I just cannot believe at this point that Jon or Kate will put their own egos and self absorption aside and focus on what is best for their kids. This situation is going to be ugly, drawn out, and in the media and there is no way the kids will escape unharmed. At a time when the kids will need all the love and support that both parents can provide, there parents will be focusing on how to hurt the other one and how to make themselves look best in the media (or maybe that will just be Kate, since Jon no longer seems to care).

As soon as the cracks in their marraige began to appear, J & K should have pulled the plug to the show and focused on healing their family....or if things couldn't be worked out then at least focus on how to disolve the marriage with the least amount of damage and publicity for the kids sake. They have chosen the route that they are going, which to me seems like the one that will be most harmful to their kids. I don't believe for a second that they will peacefully alternate in the house with one parent watching the kids at a time. I also don't believe that anyone in this family will feel any peace for a very long time. Those poor kids have just watched (along with the rest of the country) their parents' marraige implode all for the sake of TLC ratings. :sick:
For me, the truly sad thing is that the kids are going to suffer the most. I just cannot believe at this point that Jon or Kate will put their own egos and self absorption aside and focus on what is best for their kids. This situation is going to be ugly, drawn out, and in the media and there is no way the kids will escape unharmed. At a time when the kids will need all the love and support that both parents can provide, there parents will be focusing on how to hurt the other one and how to make themselves look best in the media (or maybe that will just be Kate, since Jon no longer seems to care).

As soon as the cracks in their marraige began to appear, J & K should have pulled the plug to the show and focused on healing their family....or if things couldn't be worked out then at least focus on how to disolve the marriage with the least amount of damage and publicity for the kids sake. They have chosen the route that they are going, which to me seems like the one that will be most harmful to their kids. I don't believe for a second that they will peacefully alternate in the house with one parent watching the kids at a time. I also don't believe that anyone in this family will feel any peace for a very long time. Those poor kids have just watched (along with the rest of the country) their parents' marraige implode all for the sake of TLC ratings. :sick:

I agree with you 1,000%
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