Jon and Kate Plus 8, Official Thread-Part 4

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-Now Jon has morphed into an overgrown frat boy wannabe with too much money - new sports car, earrings, douche-y wardrobe, dating 20-somethings, and looking for an apartment in NYC.

Don't forget the wicked cool chopper from OCC.

What woman wouldn't want to hook up with a man with all of those toys who loves kids and has absolutely no backbone. :scared1:
Don't forget the wicked cool chopper from OCC.

What woman wouldn't want to hook up with a man with all of those toys who loves kids and has absolutely no backbone. :scared1:

That's what I don't get - what are these women who are dating him thinking?
And I have no problem with your viewpoints and opinion below...only time will tell if this contracted season will finish out and what people want to watch. The amount of viewers had steadly declined as the kids grew and they had to work hard to find things for us to watch. I just had a problem with the comparison to a very sick man. This is a family gone bad, just like many Americans. This is not the sickness we saw with Michael Jackson.

My reasons for watching the show, btw is none of the below. I had no urge to be either of them, or their family. I watched it because I was amazed at the skills it took to run a family that size (both in the home and when away), and believe me, I never had an urge or want to have a family that size..

Doris, what drew people to watch J&K over the last few seasons effectively died last night. It started out chronicling the day-to-day lives of a "unique" family. Things started to plateau when it morphed into "watch the family get to do things for free your family likely never will". When news of the marital strife hit, the bloom fell off their "America's Sweethearts" / "Cute Family" crown and people started to get turned off. Sure, they set a viewership record when the season premiered last month... but then the ratings drove off the cliff. Last night's episode of "Pimp My Divorce" no doubt will be ratings gold, but the ratings free-fall well be back next week with a vengeance.

You're right that most American marriages end in divorce, but you're missing the key ingredient in "reality shows". The reason people watch them is because it features a look into something either that new would love to be able to do (i.e. "Top Chef") or offers a an experience very different from our own (i.e. "Little People", "J&K", "Duggars", "Housewives", etc.). Being an "average" family won't cut it in TV Land. TLC ain't gonna come calling to make a series out of my family or yours. So repositioning the show as "watch Kate deal with her loneliness", or "see if Jon marries the young teacher that won't keep his privates in a jar under the sink", or "what will Kate do with her week with the kids", or "watch J&K fight over the kids, money, etc." ain't gonna work. It's not entertaining to the masses, it would be pretty depressing, and for too many people it will remind them of their own lives. True, some people can't help but watch a train wreck as it tumbles to a stop, but it ain't gonna be enough to sustain the show.
They were probably just celebrating Mother's Day on a different day since they were tied up with the tups birthday party.

they didn't film the birthday episode on Mother's Day.

Mother's Day is when Kate ran errands all over town, after being out of town for weeks with the book tour. Jon was shown in the yard with the children, picking flowers, playing, etc.
This divorce couldn't have happened to two more deserving people.

I feel sorry for the kids - whose childhood has been sold for toys for Mom and Dad (or what passes as sorry excuses for a Mom and Dad).

Sadly, until people demand real entertainment and not this reality crap, this very thing will keep happening, and more children who have no say in the matter will keep suffering.

Gee, do you think I made it clear how I feel about all this? :rotfl:
Originally Posted by talulabelle View Post
I just can not see Kate making this an easy divorce. First, she couldn't even wait until a day after the "big announcement" aired to file. She went in the SAME DAY knowing that by the time it hit the blogs and tabloids, her show would be airing. That shows she is rather anxious.

Also, she has a long history of cutting people out of her and the kids lives. As soon as there is *******, she doesn't look in the mirror, and realize she may be wrong sometimes, she doesn't work through things, or maintain relationships and realize that sometimes there are things you just have to ignore about people. She just cuts them off. I can't see her doing any different with Jon. There is no way they are going to have holidays together and things that would make it nice for the kids. She is going to do everything in her power to have Jon there as little as possible. She is going to be estatic now, it will be the Kate plus 8 show. Now it is almost all about her.

I would bet money that in 10 years there will be tabloid reports of her cutting some of the children out of her life. When they are grown and doing anything she does not approve of or dating someone she doesn't like, she won't keep her mouth shut, she will write them off, one by one.

I know I will most likely get flames for this as the disboards are not a place to criticizes each other in any matter but your last paragraph is rotten.
Anyone else think its weird that Jon has the phone thing in his ear the entire time? As if he cant be away from the phone for a second....

it is weird... but in nearly every picture of Kate, you can see her pink iphone. she was texting at the table during dinner with Emeril.

they are both selfish jerks. blech.
With 8 kids this divorce is bound to affect a few of them in a VERY bad way. The tups start school soon. THey can not keep all of this from them for long. Soon one of the twins friends will sneak her a Star Mgazine or something and all heck will break loose when she sees what they have been keeping from them. I don't think Jon or Kate will be "excited" when they have to explain their actions to messed up kids someday!
My reasons for watching the show, btw is none of the below. I had no urge to be either of them, or their family. I watched it because I was amazed at the skills it took to run a family that size (both in the home and when away), and believe me, I never had an urge or want to have a family that size..

the skill to running a family that size is have lots of help... paid and volunteer.

I wonder, on an average day (if there ever is such a thing :confused:), how much time Jon or/and Kate spend managing their household on their own, without help.
With 8 kids this divorce is bound to affect a few of them in a VERY bad way. The tups start school soon. THey can not keep all of this from them for long. Soon one of the twins friends will sneak her a Star Mgazine or something and all heck will break loose when she sees what they have been keeping from them. I don't think Jon or Kate will be "excited" when they have to explain their actions to messed up kids someday!

I think we all should be careful with our words here. You speak of tabloids and such and here you are using the phrase messed up kids. Maddy and Cara can and will also have access to the internet and here is a whole thread some with negative remarks and some with not. I am sorry and you all can flame me all you want but I feel very sad for these children and as far as Jon and Kate go, anyone who judges them based on what TV shows you should be ashamed. Just my opinion. Step back and take a look at your selves. Once you are declared perfect then you can bash others for there imperfectness.
This is not the sickness we saw with Michael Jackson.
Doris, it was an analogy, not a direct comparison. As with Jackson, the general public is becoming quite disturbed by what they see and hear from J&K. Both have been "bad actors".

My reasons for watching the show, btw is none of the below. I had no urge to be either of them, or their family. I watched it because I was amazed at the skills it took to run a family that size (both in the home and when away), and believe me, I never had an urge or want to have a family that size..
Actually, I think your reason would fall into my "offers an experience very different from our own" category. That's the reason that my family first started to watch the series too.

it is weird... but in nearly every picture of Kate, you can see her pink iphone. she was texting at the table during dinner with Emeril.
Agreed, John loves his Bluetooth, and Kate her Crackberry.
I was just watching the Today show. Kate Coyne, identified as a senior editor for People, just said TLC will broadcast the retrospective next week, then they will be on hiatus for several weeks while the family adjusts to their "new normal." Too bad that didn't happen before now.

Sorry if this has already been posted.
For me this was the sickest part of the show last night. I started getting really disgusted when he kept saying, "I'm only 32.." but when he said, "excited about his new life", I wanted to spit in his face. So not only is he walking away from Kate but also his kids. What a selfish, self-absorbed jerk!

And for someone that is upset by the invasion of privacy, why was he out in front of his house with a stack of pictures--signing autographs for fans? (Sorry this was from a pp)

You know, we are all just couch analyzers. Nobody knows what the real story is, no one knows where the real failures are. How anyone can assume to know and so carefully place blame on with Jon or Kate is beyond me.

The only fact I know is that this isnt good for the kids and the only wish I have is that they would pull the plug on this show.

As far as Jon being excited. My sister recently got divorced after 10 years. They have 3 great kids. She should have bowed out a while ago. Her husband wasnt and isnt the easiest man.. But when she finally decided that it was the end, she WAS excited also. Not excited to be getting a divorce, not excited about the hard work and time it was going to be for her kids, but she was excited that she was finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. She was excited to be out of what was making her miserable and find some happiness. She also was excited because she knew that if she was happier, if the kids weren't always surrounded by miserable parents, in the end it would be better.

As far as signing autographs, well, do we know the details behind it? Was he leaving and had no choice but to walk through them? Was he just going outside to fluff his feathers? No one knows... But then of course, he could have been going out to the store or trying to get these people out of the front of his house as it might have been bothering the kids and maybe being nice instead of causing a scene was helpful? Maybe he didnt want to talk about what was going on if it was a rough day. Why assume he invited these folks over for tea so that he could just get some face time? Maybe he did, maybe he didnt, but I surely don't know.... But heck, Im going to take TMZ's word for it...

All this thread shows me is that its time to pull the plug...
But notice that Jon has to get 23 year old party girls to date to find someone on his level!

Typical story of a man marrying a woman and when life and responsibilites change her he complains that she is not fun anymore and goes looking for his youth! UG! Sorry, but life and responsibilites/kids DO and should change you. It's called being a responsible adult!
This has been an interesting read. I admit I haven't followed the saga so it's interesting to read other's opinion's who have actually watched the show.

I watched the first special with Jon and Kate when they were having the 6. This was before the show started. I found it fascinating and them fascinating. I admit, I though Kate was a bit short with Jon, but I also cut her a lot of slack - she was carrying 6 babies for cryin' out loud! I was miserable my last month and I only had one. Then the time in the NICU and stress - easy to forgive.

When they started the show I watched about 2 episodes before I couldn't stand it any longer. Kate was HORRIBLE. Not only did she continue the constant nagging and digging at Jon but she didn't seem to like her kids at all. I couldn't watch her treat every single person in the family like crap, including those precious babies. I honestly felt like she didn't deserve any of it.

My feelings - when the tabloids reported on Jon's possible affair my only shock was that it had taken that long for him to get sick of Kate's nastiness. This doesn't excuse it in the least, but I wasn't surprised. I watch a lot of TLC so I would see the ads for the show. I saw the ad for the Hawaii show and my thought was that it was set up by the show to prove that yes, they do really care for each other. Even in the clips, I got no sense of sincerity. I thought it was very telling when they moved into their new house and the clip was Kate declaring "all of this is mine". Not "ours" and no mention of the kids, but "Mine". I kinda laughed last night when she claimed that she always called the house the "kid's house". Um, no you didn't.

So I watched last night. My observations (again as someone who has only seen the ads for the show the past few years):
-one point the kids were sitting down preparing for their "interview" and yelled for their dad to be quiet because it was interview time. Wonder where they learned that?
-Kate still bugs me. I got irritated when she complained that the houses took so long to build because "Jon was supposed to clear the spots beforehand." Well, he did - you decided you wanted them in a different spot as they were unloading. Don't blame him.
-Jon seems very sullen and done with the whole thing. He sseems like he's going through a major mid-life crisis. Grow up.

I do think TLC is trying to make Kate the sympathetic one (trying being the operative word. I still get the impression she doesn't really like her kids) basically because Jon has indicated he wants out fo the contract and out of the show while Kate seems to really want to continue the cash flow coming in (even last night she stated that the show was "for the kids" so they could provide them with everything). TLC knows they can continue their top rated show with Kate Plus Eight so they need to make her much more sympathetic as she does not have the best reputation.

My heart aches for those kids, esp. Mady and Cara. Both their parents are self-centered idiots.
you know.. I have been a long time watcher of this show and I just have to say that I really think I am done with it as well, which is a shame. Up until last night I was still watching.. mostly for the kids.. even though the shows haven't been focusing on the kids much lately.. and I will even admit that my husband and I have been watching lately because of all the drama between jon and kate and their marriage.. but I really feel I am done with the show.

Both Jon and Kate just got on my final nerve last night.. I don't know what it was about last night's show compared to the others but I think they both are at fault and maybe it is better that they just get divorced. I wouldn't want to see my parents fighting all the time and unhappy.. I think Jon wants to be free and able to date and have fun again and now he has the money to do it .. and kate.. well, I don't know what I see in her future... she doesn't want to be alone? well, I can't imagine what guy would want to date her now after seeing how she treated jon on tv .. the only men who I think would date her would be men going after her money.

this is just sad all the way around.. I like seeing the kids, I like hearing the cute things they say and they are just adoreable but I don't know if I will be watching anymore either.

Kate tried to make herself look like she has done no wrong.. even when she admits that maybe she's become crass and harsh, she never says anything about trying to fix it or change... she just comes across to me as sounding like "yeah, maybe I am mean sometimes but that's just the way it is!" ... who can blame jon for not wanting to be with someone like that..

I really wonder though if kate did come to jon and say "you know what? I was terrible to you.. I will try to change.. let's work it out.. let's quit the show".. would he take her back? I can't imagine kate every saying that but I wonder what jon would do... and jon does seem a bit selfish .. but I dunno.. we always want what we can't have right? I wonder if he will someday regret his decision...

all I know is it is hard to watch both jon and kate on tv anymore.. they BOTH annoy the heck out of me...

too bad TLC can't just film the kids doing stuff without their parents. LOL.. that maybe I would watch...

maybe TLC should end the show and wait until they are 18 and then catch up with the kids and see where they are in their lives.. I'm sure everyone will be interested to see how they are.

ugh, it's just a big mess all around. :headache:
I think it is hard for most people to swallow that Jon is excited about the new chapter in his life because he IS out partying with young women and we know this is part of the excitement. If he had not done this (got caught out at 2am with another woman), we may have perceived that 'excitement' differently. We may have said "yay, for Jon, for growing some ____ and getting a voice. Instead we are more like, "how dare you leave your wife and kids to go out partying with women and playing at a ski lodge."

Hopefully, Jon will surprise many of us and man up and be a good father to those kids, not have a revolving door of women in his life and his kids' lives and do something productive with his life--like getting a job, having some meaning in his life instead of being lazy and remaining like a 20yo college kid who enjoys a carefree life that includes a lot of partying.
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