July 17, 2004 Magic (Western)

Hi Everyone and Welcome Jill!

I am so glad the signatures are back and the countdown is there. I really look forward to seeing that and missed it when it wasn't there.

Mary, today I shall really start packing. We had another launch delay, so I have been up early and just got back home. So I have time today to really get down to business.

Carole, I did see that the kids were sending email! I sure hope they aren't shy when they get on the boat. Cam, did they have some type of game for all of the kids to play who got to the port early? I was thinking maybe we should send them out to find each other and collect an autograph or something? Maybe that is too organized. Cam, I noticed that you were leaving out of BWI instead of Philly! Is that a long drive? My group lives about 20 minutes from BWI (15 without traffic!)

Remembering that I never have any tips and only have questions, my travelling buddies and I wondered if we would all be at late seating (with so many teens).... hmm... but I suppose we will have different rotations so chances of dinner nearby are slim....

Well, I have to get some breakfast going here and drag some folks to church.

Good morning, Jeanne!
Glad to see someone else compelled to check the boards this early. I did restrain myself until after I had gotten to the office and made coffee and checked office email first! LOL.

We usually take the 630 us airways flight out of Phila, but were unable to get anything there until late in the day and the flights were about $50-60 more round trip per person. BWI is about an hour and a half away, but Howard said he doesn't mind the drive, especially since our flight is not until 11:25 a.m. (bummer -- losing 5 Disney hours is like losing 5 days, as far as I am concerned!)

Our experience at the port is that the kids all go wander around, looking at the model of the ship and all the cool decor and just check back with us periodically. There is a tv area too, and their used to be a coffee/danish shop, though I heard that isn't there anymore. The kids will probably alternate between gameboy, portable DVD and wandering around looking for others their ages.
Your idea of autographs is fun -- they may actually be too excited to stay that focused!
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Well, I am going to get to work, so I can get out of here and enjoy the gorgeous day! Hah! Who am I kidding? I want to get home to PACK!
This thread is taking off... welcome Jill. Just a quick note to say hello to everyone and that I can't wait to meet everyone on board the Magic or in the terminal.

We will get down to some serious packing soon, then we are off for BWI and for the sunny skies of Florida. I am really looking forward to two days at the Polynesian resort before the cruise and all that WDW has to offer.

The cruise (our 3rd Disney Cruise) is absolutely our favorite vacation activity and we are veterans enough to get the maximum relaxation and pleasure from it.

My tip for the day: While sunning on deck, try to get a lounge chair near a shower (located near the hot tubs and pool), it is important to not fry under the sun or get overheated. Simply get up everytime you need to and cool off with an icy blast of water from the shower, then resume sunning. You'll feel like your on :cloud9: Enjoy!

Now I have to get to work... I'll check in tonight. I hope everyone has a great day!

See you SOON! :bounce:

The excitement continues ... today I'm working on my last couple loads of laundry before entering the "Mommy says you better not wear anything set aside for the cruise because she's not washing it AGAIN" mode!! So my family will be wearing last year's shorts and T-shirts this week! :rolleyes:

Hmmm ... a tip for the day ... pack a large garbage bag (I use the kind intended for outdoors like picking up leaves). When packing to return home, I place all the dirty laundry into the garbage bag and remove all the air from it. Helps to consolidate room in the luggage so there is room for all the souvenirs and stuff we've acquired along the way!!

(I also pack a flimsy large gym bag or two - folded up in our luggage on the way down - in case we need to use it to pack the extra stuff on our way home.)

Jeanne, I don't know how you do it - thank goodness nothing being launched into space is dependent on my focus!! :crazy: To address your other question, we have late seating (and requested APLAPLA rotation ... if we don't get it we will request a change once onboard). I know at least some folks on our thread will have early seating since they're traveling with very young children.

Have a great - and productive packing - day to all!!

Hi everyone!

I see we have a bunch of early birds today. We had to drop off DS at 7 am for a weeklong camp trip. White water rafting, Carowinds in Carolinas and then 6 Flags in Atlanta. :bounce: Then home on Friday and off to cruise on Saturday. All in all, a nice life!

Yes, Jeanne, it looks like DD finally got to the e-mail thing, so our kids will know each other when we arrive. It's amazing when they listen!::yes:: Today we shop for whatever's on sale and then we can start getting everything laid out (now that DS is conveniently gone! He pretty much wears whatever you put in front of him, thank goodness.)

Have a great day all!
Hey everyone ... we're filling out our cruise paperwork and completing our door decorations. Just wanted you to know our room assignments:

Mary, Ed, Chris, Tori - 7014

our friends:
Natalie, Phil, Veronica, Catherine - 7012

my parents:
Tina and Jack - 7008

I think these rooms are right across from somebody else on this thread ... but not sure who!
Hi everyone!

It was a good shopping day!:) We are on the late dining rotation, but don't know our rotation. Our cabin is 2514, but I am told we will not have decorations. I have picked out all my evening outfits, and we are now working on Lisa's. Wish me luck!
Cathie and I spent this afternoon shopping for a suit coat for our disabled friend, Steve for formal night. It wasn't easy to find one as Steve is a pretty big guy to begin with. His muscles are also contracted so it's hard to put jackets on him that are fitted. We finally found a really nice one with a matching tie. It made his day. We spent this evening filling out our cruise documents for all 8 of us. Cathie and I were pulling out our hair with the Bahamas Immigration forms. They seemed more complicated than last time. I hope we did it right. We're all getting so excited. We're heading out around 9:30 am on Thursday to beging our 27 hour drive to Port Canaveral. Cathie is in charge of the green ribbons for everyone. Have a great night!:D
Hi, everyone! Sounds like everyone is making great progress. We ran a couple errands yesterday (flip flops for Andy, sandals for me, bathing suit and shorts for Howard), and just when I thought I was done, Jenn told me late last night that she needs new goggles. And since she just got contacts and we will be snorkeling with the stingrays, I want to make sure she has good ones (now that she can see underwater!) So, a new shopping list is started and, hopefully, it won't get too long!

Well, both kids' carryons are packed with 2 days of clothes, stuff for the flight, etc. -- we'll have to add walkmans, gameboys etc. on Wednesday. Much of the miscellaneous stuff is gathered and grouped, with everything put in ziplock bags. That part is big, so thank God it is done!! Looks like Howard is going to need a suitcase all his own -- that man has more shirts than anyone I know and we love them all -- though our favorite is from Carlos & Charlie's!!!

Susan -- I am so glad you found a jacket for Steve! I bet he is really excited. You are very diligent in having your paperwork filled out -- we will do that tonight-- I had a weird feeling about taking the passports out of the fireproof box -- worried they'd get lost the longer they sat around. And, I took one look at the Bahamas immigration forms and decided to procrastinate on filling them out. We should have all had a teleconference to fill them out together! I agree that they are much more complicated than last time.

BTW, my plastic paperwork accordian is all pulled together now except for the passports. It is really exciting to have it all organized, but Howard said, "oh, great, if that gets lost, EVERYTHING is gone!!" :0) But I would have had them all together anyway, and at least they are organized, right down to directions from Cocoa Beach to the airport hotel on 7/24. We are looking forward to visiting our friends Shirley and Norm at The Perfect Gift when we get off the ship.

Which reminds me -- if you want to send gift baskets or flowers or anything to the cabins for when people board the ship (including a basket of goodies for your kids or travel mates), be sure to give Shirley a call. She is amazing and may be the only outside flower/gift shop that can deliver to the ship. We have ordered something everytime we have sailed and have been thrilled! If you are interested, her website is www.theperfectgift.cc

I think I forgot to mention we have early dining -- our Godchildren are 4 1/2 and 21 months, so early will be the better choice for us -- I will be curious to see our rotation, though I would bet we will start in Parrot Cay.

We are in cabin 2532, so it looks like we are close to Carole and her family!! We are right across from the forward elevators and will have signs and a tinkerbell WDW notepad on our door. Please be sure to stop by if you are in the area and visit (or just leave a note, if we aren't there!)

I think the kids are going to look for each other in the tv area at the terminal, so hopefully they will have no problem finding each other in the crowd.

Have a great day!
Hi everyone! I made great progress with packing yesterday ... picture this: me standing at my ironing board in the guest bedroom, surrounded by piles of clothes (only some of which needed to be ironed, thank goodness!), my DS10 sitting on the bed with my laptop logged onto a cruise site ... reading through all the dinner menus for the Western Magic!! Yummy!

If you could only have heard how many times we said something like, "oh, on that day I'm going to order two appetizers, two desserts, ..." - I can ALREADY feel the additional pounds as I sit here in my office with a pre-cruise salad lunch!! :p

Okay ... last two tips before the cruise. Make copies of your important documents like birth certificates and passports. Put the copies someplace other than where you're carrying the originals. While you still need the original "real thing" for getting on the ship ... just in case something gets lost during your cruise, it will be much less complicated if you have the copies in your possession.

Also ... don't forget to take your health insurance/prescription drug plan cards or proof of coverage. You never know when you're going to need some emergency medical care, and things could be less complicated if you have proof of insurance.

Have a great day to all!!!


Well time is getting close...the kids are watching the video of our 1st Disney Wonder Cruise. I can't wait to hear the ship's horn again! I convinced my 16 yr. old to finally start packing some things..we leave Thursday AM. Called Ron Jon's to check reservation....ready for our marathon drive from NH to FL! Hoping to meet everybody. Have a great evening! Cathie & The Gang:wave2: :sunny: :jumping1:
Good evening, everyone! You're all very quiet which means you must be PACKING!!

Cathie - Good luck with your drive ... I hope you all have lots of activities to keep you busy in the car. Books, movies, music?

What is everybody planning to read on the cruise? Believe it or not, I've had The DaVinci Code sitting in my bedroom for months, but I've used willpower to not open it and start reading. I really wanted to save it for the cruise. I just finished its prequel, Angels and Demons, which was great but people tell me not as good as The DaVinci Code. (The only problem, a friend of mine pointed out, is that once I start reading I may not want to put it down and will opt out of other fun things ... don't let me do that!!)

And you?
We have been packing and planning. I was thinking about what book(s) to bring. I would like to read Bill Clinton's book, but don't want to lug it around! Hey, it's a long walk to the family beach on Castaway Cay! My DH always brings car magazines, which keep him occupied. I think a lunchtime visit to Barnes & Noble is in order for tomorrow. Something nice and light, I think, in every sense. I'll just be happy not to be reading contracts, as I am fried!:crazy:

Have a good evening all. See you real soon:earseek:

Tomorrow is my last day at work... Why is it always so hard to leave for a vacation? Cam, that note I sent Sunday morning was sent when I got home from work... normally, I don't get on the computer so early!

Cathie, maybe we will see you on I-95! We'll be the Honda minivan with the teenager behind the wheel! Ha! (maybe we'll let him drive some of the time) We'll be getting a head start on Wednesday (I hope).

Mary, did you see Dave Barry's column two weeks ago? He did the funniest parody on the Da Vinci Code. I'll try to remember to bring it. I'll be the one on deck reading A&D!

As usual, no tips from me!
Hi everyone!

I helped garner some items from around the house tonight and piled them on the guest room bed, getting them ready for the fluff, stuff and cram session which is to come soon enough.

I hope everyone that has to travel some distance (NH, etc.) has a swift and uneventful journey. We will see you there! I can't wait! Like the Beach Boys song Kokomo says.."I want to get there fast and then take it slow."

Wear those ribbons! Safe packing and travels. :moped:

All the best, :hug:

Yeah!! Got all the paperwork filled out including those confusing Bahama forms!

Also got Jenn's invitations completely done, stuffed, stamped, addressed etc (well, 70 are done -- just need 3 more addresses) and they are going to the post office today. YIPPEE!!!

Have to call the vet today to get our fur-baby's updated vet records and do an emergency/non-emergency medical authorization for our friends who are keeping her for 11 days.

I think a lot of the teens have been emailing and IMing and I am sure they are going to have a blast.

As you can see from above, Howard did the seek and segregate for a couple hours last night. So, now the guest room bed really looks like "packing central" -- guess I will have to figure out tonight what I am wearing for dinners, and semi-formal and formal nights.

How is everyone else doing?

To all of you who are driving a distance -- Godspeed. Be safe. We will be thinking of you and will see you at the terminal in 4 days and 2 hours (give or take) :Pinkbounc
Good morning!

Went to pack up DS's room when I found that his pants were all pinned but not hemmed!:mad: So I had some sewing to do.

Cam, Lisa and Jenn were burning up the IMs last night! I think she's finally getting as excited as we are.

Most of our stuff is packed. I have to get DH packed, need I tell you he is helpless in this regard.

Have a great trip down, and we'll see you all on Saturday!:wave2:

Yippee - my second last day at work. As usual, it is hard to focus but luckily I am very busy so the day will go quickly. I tried to resist, but can't help it ... here are a couple more tips.

If you're going snorkeling, don't forget that the sun beats on your back and you won't feel that you're getting burned if you're in the cool water. Be sure to put plenty of strong sunscreen on your back, and replenish it often.

Remember to pack your camera/film (including disposable and underwater cameras) in your carryon bag because of the strength of the x-rays for the checked luggage. Also be sure to put valuables like jewelry in your carryons.

Pack extra batteries if you're traveling with things like Game Boys, CD players, walkie-talkies, etc.

Oh, here is a good one ... if your children are youngsters (age for the club, maybe like 3 through 7 or so) there is a pajama party with Goofy. Last time we cruised, my daughter wore her pajamas but was upset because she had to wear sandals since we forgot to pack slippers. SO - if any of your young children may like attending this, you might want to throw in their favorite pajamas and slippers!
I actually meant to post a tip about the film. Regardless of what they tell you at the airport, xray machines WILL ruin film sometimes. We always put all our cameras & film in one large ziplock bag and ask to have it hand inspected. Don't let anyone talk you out of this. Several returning cruisers have recently reported ruined film.

Carole -- I can relate on the hemming thing. Finally acknowledged I have neither the time nor talent to do Andys -- took his pants to my dry cleaners and picked them up this morning. I probably should have had the sleeves shortened on his tux, but am hoping he will be able to wear it again, even if he grows and figured hemming would make that less likely. They are not too long to wear.

Mary -- thanks for the tip re: pjs and slippers. My Godson will be so excited to be prepared for that. I am hoping he will love the kids' clubs.
First - thank you for all of your idea sharing. I wasn't kidding when I said that I was copying and pasteing (sp?) every idea into a document which became one big cheatsheet.

Now onto my confusion... I saw ya'll referenced the Bahama (sp?) immigration paperwork.. did I understand that we do have to do this? There is no other immigration paperwork needed? Sorry I have been to the caymans and mexico and never did paperwork...

Any light shed on this would be FANTASTIC. I am completely obsessive/compulsive about being an oganized traveler.. but cruising isn't something I get... yet.


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