Just back from the Southwest!!!

BTW love your user name! The Starbucks is on the upper concourse of the airport. I can't recall the terminal number but not too worry because your guide will show you where it is after you get the bags. We arrived at 9 am and hung around on the Starbucks level, had lunch, snoozed and checked out some of the shops. If you arrive early there are plenty of couches and seating areas to hang around and nap. There is also free wifi at the airport so it helps pass the time. Once the group is assembled then its an orderly march down stairs to catch the bus and head out to Montezuma's Castle and finally Sedona. Plenty of things to do on the bus to pass the time and the scenary is very interesting.
BTW love your user name! The Starbucks is on the upper concourse of the airport. I can't recall the terminal number but not too worry because your guide will show you where it is after you get the bags. We arrived at 9 am and hung around on the Starbucks level, had lunch, snoozed and checked out some of the shops. If you arrive early there are plenty of couches and seating areas to hang around and nap. There is also free wifi at the airport so it helps pass the time. Once the group is assembled then its an orderly march down stairs to catch the bus and head out to Montezuma's Castle and finally Sedona. Plenty of things to do on the bus to pass the time and the scenary is very interesting.

Thanks for the great info. We'll be arrving early, so the free wifi will definitely come in handy for killing time. BTW, I like your user name too. I personally know a few crazy ducks... :upsidedow
Anything info I can spare that will make everyones trip as enjoyable as ours please ask away. Though I will not reveal any surprises......
One thing I'm realizing as I think about it more is that we're in for some very long days. It seems that many of the activities start at a reasonable time (I've seen some 6:30 AM wake-ups mentioned, which is late for us, but reasonable for "normal" people I suspect, and some 7:00 AM wake-ups), but I've also seen some nights that seem to go until 9:00 PM or later (which is pretty late for us! :blush: )

Saturday - Welcome Dinner starts at 7:00 PM right?
Monday and Tuedsay (both) - Twilight visits to the Grand Canyon starts at 7:30 PM ???
Friday - Goodbye Dinner starts at 7:30 PM right?

For those who have taken the tour already: Are those guesses about right?

The guides try to keep you on a fairly tight schedule but at the same time there are aware of any activities that people might be on.

The welcome dinner at Sedona was at 6 pm and everything was setup right on que. My family is very punctual so we were right on time. We got to the hotel at 5:30, checked out the room, quick freshen up, and down for dinner.

Breakfast is usually scheduled starting around 7 or 7:30 except on the day you travel from the Grand Canyon to Moab. That day breakfast begins at 6:30 you'll head out between 7:30-8.

The farewell dinner is scheduled between 6-6:30 but they are flexible because you'll have that afternoon free and many people take the outside excursions like horseback riding, Hummer off road, etc....We couldn't do the campfire that evening because we got slammed with an unexpected sand storm and we took everything indoors. I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason and we still had an incredible evening.

As for long days and late evenings, unfortunately days fly! The nights really do not go too late because the guides also work well into the evening planning for the next day. You can make it as late as you want, and if you want to cut away from something you can without any problems. Given that it's a small group everything is very flexible. Honestly in our group we wished the days didn't end! I can go on all day yapping about the incredible time we had.
If anyone wants to get a glimpse of some of the things you might see drop me a note to testduck@gmail.com and I'll send you a couple of pics we took. It won't be anything that could reveal some of the surprises in store for you but enough to get you even more excited for the trip.
Did you find a need for bug spray (something with DEET), for mosquitos/ticks? I don't want to pack that stuff if I won't need it, but we are planning to do some hiking on our own.
The only place they recommended folks to spray bug stuff was the hike at Red Cliffs in Sedona. It's more of a nature walk than anything else. Our guides were prepaired and had bug spray and sunscreen on them. I live in south Florida and know all too well how vicious those little buggers can get. But I think since it was so stinking hot they all kept out of sight! End of June the daytime highs out there ranged between 105-115. :scared1:
Thanks 3little peas! That was the info I was looking for. Our tour is in mid-September...

Thanks for the reviews. I leave next week and am planning on the hot hot but can't wait to go...the helicopter ride sounds great but I'm a chicken what about the rafting, is it scary at all or did you love it ?
Rafting is very mellow :rolleyes1 ...but be prepared for some nasty waterfights!!!! The helicopter ride over the canyon was amazing....have fun!!!!
I just by chance started checking out the Adventure website a few days ago. We are cruising Nov of 2008 so I wasn't looking for another trip that year...BUTTTTT, I was so intrigued by the Southwest trip I have started planning as a surprise for the whole family (even DH!!)

I have not read the whole thread yet, so forgive me if any of these questions are repeats!!

I am looking at April 20th 2008 because the kids are off school that week. The website shows the temps that time of year might be chilly....anyone out there take the trip that time of year??

How much of the trip is spent traveling between destinations??

I am still trying to figure out the cost...and if I can come up with the amount in time....
Bottom line question....
(I am putting my trust in Disney that it is...they have never let me down yet!!)

Any help or recommendations would be appreciated!!
We just returned from our Southwest Splendors trip. To give you a quick answer to your question, it is worth the price and more. My family had a wonderful time. It is a remarkable trip - and everyone of all ages enjoyed each day fully. We enjoyed spending time with all families on our trip, and of course our guides, Tiffany and Chris were the BEST! We are trying to figure out when we can go on another adventure. It is very, very well done.
Hello Everyone,

I am going on this trip next Tuesday, Aug. 14. And as time approaches I am feeling a little pressured regarding the unstructured time (both the unscheduled day time,and the "on your own" meals). Can we figure it out on the fly, or do you think that I have to have in mind what I want to do ahead of time.

Also, one more specific question: Is there time between the day activities and dinners during which everyone showers and changes? I guess what I'm really trying to figure out is if I need a second set of clothes every day for dinner.

Excited but nervous as the day approaches!
Thanks to all of you for your fact-filled posts!

Hello Debbie!
Don't worry about "free time" your tour guides will "guide" you to different activities and restaurants you can explore.
And yes, there is enough time to shower and change btwn activities and dinner. I did change my clothes, mainly b/c it was soooooo hot and I felt very sweaty/dusty but not b/c I wanted something fancy, it is VERY laid back. Capri pants and a tank top are more than enough for most dinners, like I said on my first post, the only time I wore a skirt was on our second night in Sedona where we had dinner at the Amara, but only b/c it was my birthday!!! princess:
You will have a great time...we are booked for next year...down under :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Thanks Julie!

My 11 and 14 year old daughters are less than excited about this. They are not the outdoorsy types. I am hoping that they meet some other young teens that they get along with, and that, as my husband likes to say, "Pixie dust" gets in their eyes and they drop their preconcieved notions of how boring it is all going to be.

Personally, he and I cannot wait.

Hello Debbie,
As Julie told you, do not worry about the down time - we filled ours on the fly, and believe it or not, if you do not fill it, you will welcome the "down time"! The pool at the Amara is very nice, most of our group did nothing on that Friday afternoon, our last day there before we left. But if you do have people that like mountain biking, we had a gang of 7 go and do that and they said it was the best experience they ever had. My 14 yr old went and they had a blast.

My "teens" - 18, 14 and almost 13 (boys) were also not enthused about the trip, but I will tell you that each of them would do it again in a heartbeat. They did meet other people, and we had a good mix of ages and boys and girls, and they all had a great time. The families we met on our trip were so much fun, and our guides did a great job of including even the most reluctant older kids.

You will have a wonderful time. I wish I was going again!

We're just back ourselves, and had a great time!

The highlights: The hike to Delicate Arch in Moab, UT! And the incredible service provided by the wonderful people Disney selected to lead the tour.

The lowlight: The Grand Hotel -- was as bad as the worst reports indicated. Dust bunnies the size of golf balls, left for days despite complaints made.

More to come in time, including photos and perhaps videos.


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