** Kat & Pauls Wishes Wedding 3.8.11 WG/AG/DP @ UK Lochside **

We have two months and some change to go and I have an aunt and uncle who haven't booked flights OR Disney stay and another uncle who hasn't booked his flight. I feel your pain. None of our other guests can BELIEVE that they haven't booked yet. I freaked out about it for the longest time and finally got my mom to call....they're coming, they just don't feel they need to book yet (?!). It's not the money.

Different strokes for different folks ;)

But yes, it's SOOOOOO annoying!

I'm sorry to hear that but good news that they are coming! I am glad I'm not the only one having problems with people actually booking though! When I go to Florida we book a year in advance...we save for ages and we get it all planned out early. I guess I just don't understand why someone would want leave it so late?! It's a big, expensive holiday for us which is why we gave everyone so much notice. I guess our wedding is just not as important to some as it is for others! I just thought for MOH, BM and photogapher it would be!

DF has sent them a message, so fingers crossed eh?!
Aww Kat this is really really frustrating!!!
I would be going absolutely mad by now!!
I guess you will just have to throw down the ultimatum and say 'if it's not booked by (whenever), we will regretfully have to find other friends to fill these roles'. You need to be sure. The photographer, especially, needs to be settled. I am sure you have lots of friends who will be honoured to be a MOH or BM, but the photographer is a little more tricky!!!
Lots of :love:: and :hug:and I really hope this gets sorted for you soon
Yeah, I'm in that boat too... My sister was telling me the other day that it's such a headache that she only has 3 months to organise everything. I didn't bother pointing out to her that she's known for 2 years. I do have other people who have booked flights but nothing else, and they just seem to think that rooms are just always going to be available. I've given up caring, I've tried helping them and making suggestions the whole way through this, but they're clearly the wait and see what happens type of planners. Eeep! I could not do that!!
Yeah, I'm in that boat too... My sister was telling me the other day that it's such a headache that she only has 3 months to organise everything. I didn't bother pointing out to her that she's known for 2 years. I do have other people who have booked flights but nothing else, and they just seem to think that rooms are just always going to be available. I've given up caring, I've tried helping them and making suggestions the whole way through this, but they're clearly the wait and see what happens type of planners. Eeep! I could not do that!!

Ooo I would of had to point that out...infact I have, several times! :rotfl:Most of the people coming to our wedding are all booked so that's great! I've tried helping the others too but it's not helped at all! :confused3 I so couldn't leave it to the last minute either!! Each to their own I suppose though eh?!
So I was browsing the boards at the weekend and stumbled across one I hadnt read before (nickandlarisa -I loved looking through all the pictures, it really was a beautiful wedding!) As I was scanning the pictures I saw we have the same guestbook (great minds think alike eh?!) and I absolutely fell in love with the stand she had her's on...and I want one!! I've sent a pic to DF and my mum who are now on the hunt to find one! I hadn't really thought about what I'd do wth it to be honest...I just kind of thought I'd leave it on the table and let people take a page each to do their thing on but having it on a stand makes so much difference!! My mum being the total superstar that she is has found some and there's one I really like..but not sure I'm totally in love with it so we'll keep looking I guess! Of course if anyone can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated!! ;)
Finally some good news...BM and photographer are booked! :banana::banana: They are flying out on 3rd March and are staying on the I Drive with some other friends and they are due to fly home on 10th March so they really are just coming for the stag do and the wedding but that's just fine with us!! We are just super excited that they will be there!! :goodvibes Just waiting on MOH now and I don't think we'll really know what's going to happen until end of January. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll find out something before then but I'm not counting on it!
Oh, that is good! I bet it's a weight off your shoulders!
I checked my bank account today as I have done every day this week and Disney have now taken our big payment! Yay! :banana: It was slightly more than what I thought so I guess the exchange rate dropped but still, it's taken and there's no backing out now! :rotfl:

I also got my garter in the post today! It's beautiful and I'm super happy with it!
OK so this is not strictly wedding related but it is holiday related so I thought I'd share...everytime we go to Florida we always eat at Perkins on the first night after we've dropped all our suitcases off at wherever it is we are staying, and the wedding trip will be no exception! (Even if the kiddies are asleep we're still going!! :laughing:) I always get the same thing too, an appetiser sampler, but not this year as bizzarely they added deep fried green beans and took away the onion rings...how strange?!

Anyway, let me get back to the point!

I went out with DF, my mum, dad, sister and brother in law for our family Christmas meal last night and after we had sat down and had our pictures taken with the stick on moustaches they supplied (see below! We were at a mexican restuarant!)


mum handed us all an envelope and told us to open them at the same time. Now we've all dreamt of this moment...getting an envelope and opening it to find a cheque for an obscene amount of money because they've won the lotto...it's never happened and it didn't this time either! :rotfl: BUT we did find this...


with $10...enough to pay for whatever it is we want to eat at Perkins...and a cherry coke of course (I don't know what it is about cherry coke in Florida but it's sooo much better than ours and I drink it everywhere!!)

Mum got $20 in hers and her piece of paper said 'because I like you more' :rotfl: well she did do them herself! It certainly made us smile and think about what we'll eat on that first night...and we don't have long to go now either!! :goodvibes
LOL. I love it! :lmao:
We used to eat at Perkins with my grandmother, whenever we'd visit.

That's such a fun way to get into the excitement of your trip! :)

And PS. fried green beans are just as delicious as onion rings, no need to worry.
I checked my bank account today as I have done every day this week and Disney have now taken our big payment! Yay! :banana: It was slightly more than what I thought so I guess the exchange rate dropped but still, its taken and there's no backing out now! :rotfl:

I also got my garter in the post today! Its beautiful and Im super happy with it!

I need to make my payment to Disney... I just don't want to :lmao: I better do that this afternoon...

I love the Perkins vouchers from your mum, that's such a good idea!
LOL. I love it! :lmao:
We used to eat at Perkins with my grandmother, whenever we'd visit.

That's such a fun way to get into the excitement of your trip! :)

And PS. fried green beans are just as delicious as onion rings, no need to worry.

I LOVE Perkins :lovestruc It's one of my favourite family places to eat. I have to say I find the whole idea of deep fried green beans really bizzare! I love my veg...but deep fried?! I'm just not sure!!

I need to make my payment to Disney... I just don't want to :lmao: I better do that this afternoon...

I love the Perkins vouchers from your mum, that's such a good idea!

It's exciting making the payment...but sad too when you think how long it took to save the money and how quickly you can spend it!!
LOL. I love it! :lmao:
We used to eat at Perkins with my grandmother, whenever we'd visit.

That's such a fun way to get into the excitement of your trip! :)

And PS. fried green beans are just as delicious as onion rings, no need to worry.

I LOVE Perkins :lovestruc Its one of my fav family places to eat with the family. I have to say I find the whole idea of deep fried green beans really bizzare! I love my veg...but deep fried?! Im just not sure!!

I need to make my payment to Disney... I just don't want to :lmao: I better do that this afternoon...

I love the Perkins vouchers from your mum, that's such a good idea!

Its exciting making the payment...but sad too when you think how long it took to save the money and how quickly you can spend it!!
I have been looking everywhere for a dress to wear to my bridal tea party and it's just not happening! I've been looking forever and I still haven't found anything but I'm going shopping Wednesday so maybe I'll find something then?! Who knows?!

A few days ago, while browsing the internet, I got bored of dress hunting and decided to look at other peoples tea parties. For inspiration. I found one that I was ooo'ing and ahh'ing over and sent some of the pics to my mum so she could do the same! Later on I went to bed and was very nearly asleep when all of a sudden I realised...Warren has never sent me the budget for the centrepieces/linens/chair covers etc!! :scared1: Don't ask me how I managed to not notice for so long! :confused3 I just didn't! So I got up and emailed Warren about it (it was like, 11pm, there was no way I was going to be able to sleep until I had emailed him! :laughing:)

He got back to me today, really, he's such a numpty. I'm sure he just doesn't pay any attention to me! He said to me 'shall I price up the blue, green and brown like the pictures I sent you?' Umm, no. Warren please re read the numerous emails I sent you on this subject...I'm going for the bright colours! Hot pink, lime green, orange. There's no sludgey brown in there! I've emailed him back today with my inspiration pictures. He said he'll put it together asap but really, I'm not expecting to hear back from him until after Christmas!! If I do I'll be pleasantly surprised!!

It makes me wonder what else I've forgotten?!
Isn't it funny Kat, how things often pop into your mind just as you're dropping off to sleep!! Glad you remembered and that it will all be sorted (eventually). I think you girls are very patient with your planners/florists. If my planner, Karen doesn't e-mail me back within a couple of days, I am jumpy
Yeah I need to reread everything I get from my planners, other wise I can't remember if I've been over it with them or not :lmao:
Isn't it funny Kat, how things often pop into your mind just as you're dropping off to sleep!! Glad you remembered and that it will all be sorted (eventually). I think you girls are very patient with your planners/florists. If my planner, Karen doesn't e-mail me back within a couple of days, I am jumpy

It's always the way isn't it?! And once it's in there...there's no way I'm sleeping till it's sorted!! I'm so glad I realised though...can you imagine turning up with all my girls and just having nothing there?! :scared1: That would not of been good!! I get totally bridezilla when I don't get replies to my emails...I just take it out on DF and the girls at work! :rotfl:! I've learnt not to expect much when it comes to Warren. He's not the quickest at replying so I'm now trying not to get stressed out when it takes him soooo long to get back to me! But who knows...maybe I'll be surprised this time?!

Yeah I need to reread everything I get from my planners, other wise I can't remember if I've been over it with them or not :lmao:

It doesn't matter how many times I read everything from them...I guarantee I will end up sending a handful of emails to make changes. I can never remember it all in one go! It's terrible! Yesterday I thought...I'll email Warren back about the tea party and tell him to add a hidden mickey for DFs bout. 5 minutes later I send the email...I didn't tell him about the hidden mickey though so had to send another email! I wonder if I drive them as insane as I drive myself?! :rotfl:
Well I guess he proved me wrong! I got home from work today and had not 1 but 2 emails from Warren! Mind you, he didn't prove me that wrong as he did make a mistake but easily fixable and I won't complain about it...much!

So here we go, here's the breakdown for the tea party...

Resort to provide white floor lenght linens for roman table

3x 90x90 lime green solid linen for overlay on roman table $33

11 neon pink solid chair covers with 4x periwinkle, 4x lime green and 4x tangerine solid sash tied in a bow $93.50

1x lime green solid sash tied in a bow around highchair $4.50

12 napkins - 4x periwinkle, 4x tangerine and 4x neon pink folded flat $12

4x teapots evenly spaced down table $20

4x arrangement of bright, colourful floral made in each teapot to include gerbera daisies $300

1x lollipop arrangement made in colourful terra cotta pots placed in centre of table $70

Total with tax $567.65 Bargain!!

I'm super happy with the cost. I was thinking upto around $1000 (I over estimate everything...makes me feel much better when I get the actual cost through!! :rotfl:)

The only change is to remove one chair so the cost is going to go down! Woo! :banana: I kind of feel like I want to add other things now but I dont think DF will let me! I'd like to add a character but I'm not going to ask him...not yet anyway! :laughing:

Obviously there are other costs, like the activity bags I'm going to make for the 4 kiddies but I'm not going to do that until I get over there. I'm thinking I'd like place cards now too so I may speak to Warren about that! I'm also going to buy some cheshire cat cuddly toys and have them placed around and then the kids can take them home! I'm getting super excited about it all now! Not that I wasn't before but it just seems more real now!! :goodvibes


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