KFK's First TR!

I got to thinking about this, and I checked the Coleman website. I thought I had seen a pop-up toy hauler at the Tampa RV show this year. Sure enough, Coleman is still manufacturing one, although it is a different design than the one in KFK's photo. Here's a link to the Coleman site for anyone who might be interested: Coleman Pop-up Camper Toy Hauler

This is a pretty cool trailer. But, I don't think it would haul a golf cart.

Thank you for that link. I wasn't sure what year that was or exactly where to find it, but this is exactly what I was thinking of. If anyone reading along hasn't already looked at this video, take a look. You will see good old Samantha Brown at the Fort. And, her first stop is site 734, where she speaks to Charlie and Hilda, and then she catches a ride on their golf cart to go see the Howards over on the 300 loop. For any newbies, the Howards used to have the best Christmas display at the Fort. Unfortunately, Mrs. Howard died just after this special was filmed, and Mr. Howard has not been back at the Fort for the past couple of years. Since then, others, including Charlie and Hilda, have stepped their game up, and the displays have grown in number and size.

There you go, another thread hijack for you, KFK!


Yes, we remember the Howard's display. If I remember correctly, they practically lived there and had a professional decorator come by for every occasion at the Fort. We remember reading about Donna Howard soon after her death, and we were there shortly after and saw the "bare" site they used to occupy. So sad indeed. But glad they got to enjoy Disney that they loved so much.
I got to thinking about this, and I checked the Coleman website. I thought I had seen a pop-up toy hauler at the Tampa RV show this year. Sure enough, Coleman is still manufacturing one, although it is a different design than the one in KFK's photo. Here's a link to the Coleman site for anyone who might be interested: Coleman Pop-up Camper Toy Hauler

This is a pretty cool trailer. But, I don't think it would haul a golf cart.

Thank you for that link. I wasn't sure what year that was or exactly where to find it, but this is exactly what I was thinking of. If anyone reading along hasn't already looked at this video, take a look. You will see good old Samantha Brown at the Fort. And, her first stop is site 734, where she speaks to Charlie and Hilda, and then she catches a ride on their golf cart to go see the Howards over on the 300 loop. For any newbies, the Howards used to have the best Christmas display at the Fort. Unfortunately, Mrs. Howard died just after this special was filmed, and Mr. Howard has not been back at the Fort for the past couple of years. Since then, others, including Charlie and Hilda, have stepped their game up, and the displays have grown in number and size.

There you go, another thread hijack for you, KFK!


Yes, we remember the Howard's display. And, yes, I do remember the first time this episode aired. If I remember correctly they lived in the mid-west, they kept their MH at the Fort and had a professional decorator come by for every occasion at the Fort. We remember reading about Donna Howard soon after her death, and we were there shortly after and saw the "bare" site they used to occupy. So sad indeed. But glad they got to enjoy Disney that they loved so much.
Not many green ears at the fort this past week

During our stay we saw a lot of Golf Carts, plain ones, custom ones, outrageous ones, but my fave was a little simpler....

How can you not love the Herbie Cart?

There you have it. Herbie got my vote for best GC of 2010


Alrighty, who's the imposter:confused3
Buncha wannabees.


Okay, finally got a chance to catch up on your TR -- LOVE IT. The photos! The beautiful family! The familiar scenery! The pancakes!


I'm so glad you're enjoying it. Thanks for the sweet words.

Hmmm. :scratchin

They have hammocks and free marshmallows at the GF?

That is good to know. ;)


And, KFK, I am really enjoying seeing how much your younger DS was able to enjoy his visit to WDW. I don't want to get into the details here, but I have some experience in my extended family with autism. It is really intriguing to see what appealed to your son, and it warms my heart to see him enjoying himself. And, as a big brother myself, I give your older DS credit for being a great big bro.


The sign actually says "complimentary". It could mean they're talking marshamallows that will just tell you your hair looks nice.

It is Disney afterall. :lmao:

Thanks TCD. I'm really glad you're enjoying the TR. The boys were great and had a blast. Autism affects more families than people realize which is why I like to be pretty open about our experiences. Usually I reserve all of this type stuff for the disAbilities forums, but I am a camping Fort Fiend at heart who also has a child with autism, so the lines just have to cross sometimes. :goodvibes

TCD, Thank you for your kind words. DS5 really does enjoy himself at WDW, and DS7 really is a wonderful UNDERSTANDING (for his age) big bro.

:thumbsup2 (For any of you wondering....this is Mr. KFK.) :love:

My GF is from Aiken and says you look really familiar.
Great trip report. :thumbsup2

You'll have to PM me her name or a pic....I'll probably recognize her too. I used to work in Aiken and am actually there pretty frequently.

I believe the Contemporary also has this. We saw the outdoor screen the last time we were there and we were surprised.

My cousin, mentioned earlier in the TR, stayed at a value resort and they had an outdoor movie as well. She didn't say whether or not there was a campfire anywhere.

During our stay we saw a lot of Golf Carts, plain ones, custom ones, outrageous ones, but my fave was a little simpler....

How can you not love the Herbie Cart?

There you have it. Herbie got my vote for best GC of 2010


Alrighty, who's the imposter:confused3

Some of you may remember that earlier in the TR I mentioned that we missed out on the Jedi Training Academy due to the change in the way they do the selection for participants.

We'd promised DS7 that we'd go back early and make sure he's signed up.

Today is the day.

It's EMH at HS, but we just decided to go at the regular opening time.

When we get there we head straight for the sign up spot, thinking that we'd get him signed up on some sort of FP type system and get on with our day. Nothing is ever as easy as it seems.

When we arrive, we're told that the first show is already full and the next sign up is for the 10:50. That's ok with me, just as long as he's guaranteed to be in a show. We didn't really care which one.

Here's the hitch. You have to wait in line until the showtime that you're able to get into. WHAT! My brain is already doing the math.

That means nearly a 2 hour wait.

Now DH's brain is doing the math and he's looking like a deer caught in headlights.

That means he's got DS5 to entertain on his own for nearly 2 hours. Not an easy task considering how clingy he was this trip. He did NOT like the group to be split up even for a potty break. Oh well....it must be done.

So we wait.

It actually ended up working out great. DS and I had a great time together, struck up conversation with other waiters...one of whom was a CM from the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular. Cool. To top it off, when DH and DS met back up with us for the JTA, he said DS did great. Awesome.

Here are a couple of pics of this most anticipated event...DS was beside himself with excitement. He did it last year and has been practicing all year for this moment.

Just look at that pose!


DS whoopin' some Vader booty. The force is strong with this one!


No photo op goes unnoticed...
In fact when he came home and watched Star Wars, he saw this scenery in the movie and excitedly started exclaiming....

"I was right there! Remember mama! That's where you took my picture! Remember! Remember!"


Now we've got just enough time to catch Lights Motors Action!

Nothing like speeding cars and flames to catch the attention of little boys.



Back to Pixar Place...the Fantasyland of Hollywood Studios.

That face says it all.




DS7 was really disappointed he missed a chance to get his pic w/the toy soldier, but just as we sat down for a snack....

Look who came out of a door right beside us!

With no one else around, DS had him all to himself. Magic happens.


DS5 even got in on the action.


The Walt Disney Story is up next. DS must always have an opportunity to see the suit of his favorite hero....

Zorro! Who makes the sign of the Z...


I'm rather intrigued that DS takes such an interest in the man Walt Disney. I love it!



The Great Movie Ride is very appealing right now!!!! It's been a scorcher of a day! A/C sounds mighty good!


It's been a couple of years since we've seen the Beauty and the Beast show, but we also want to see the Indiana Jones Stunt Show.

After checking the schedule we'd picked up when we first arrived, it appears we can do both! Yay!!! We scooted on over to B&B first. They hadn't opened the theatre for seating yet, so we had to wait...

in the heat

in the blazing sun.


We finally got in and seated anxiously awaiting our favorite part of the show.

Four for a dollar.

They never appeared. What gives? Are they no longer performing there?

The Stage Show was still great and we all had a good time.


We've got just enough time to rush over the I.J. show.

What!? There are no more shows? But..but...we've got the schedule. We give it another look. First DH, then me. It says there's another show on the paper, but the sign out front does not list another show....and it's empy.

Darn. If only we'd known we would've chosen Indy!

This was going to be our last attraction anyway, so we decided to head back for the Fort to enjoy a little r and r while it's still fairly early.

Random pic of the Dinosaur at Echo Lake on our way out.


We only have a few days left in our trip now...
The next installments will include plenty of Fort pics. Mostly Fort pics in fact.
KFK, Four for a Dollar are no more, the dreaded Disney budget cuts.:sad1:

Lovin' the trip report and pictures, it's getting me prepared for arrival the day after Labor Day!:thumbsup2
You guys are so fun! I just love the pic on the GC of brotherly love - that's a keeper! Your DS's are so cute! I also adore the shots of DS7 at the Jedi training thing. He looks like he's SO into it!
Looking forward to more Fort pics! :thumbsup2

I've been scheming- trying to figure out a way that we can go again before next summer... I just don't think it's gonna happen. If only we had a camper... :confused3

Thanks for giving me such a good TR to keep me happy in the meantime!!!:)
O.K. I know I'm late to the game but what's up with site 617?

It's TCD's favorite site. He always wants to get it but doesn't want to buck up and pay for a premium site so he says in the 1500 loop instead. He does however wander over there during lunch or dinner time. :rotfl2:
Thanks for the 617 site info.

My 3 DS's also love the star wars training pics.. Dad can we do that, please can we ,please please please, well can we..
I used to enjoy the 4 for a dollar as well. I was very disappointed when they took it away.

Sorry to hear about the I.J. show. It stinks when they decide to pull something like that and not warn you earlier with a sign or something.
KFK, Four for a Dollar are no more, the dreaded Disney budget cuts.:sad1:

Lovin' the trip report and pictures, it's getting me prepared for arrival the day after Labor Day!:thumbsup2

Darn those budget cuts! They were the main reason I wanted to see the B&B stage show! Glad we caught them on video a couple of years ago.

Thanks for taking the time to follow along. Hope you have a great trip!

O.K. I know I'm late to the game but what's up with site 617?

I saw where repriebe replied to your question.....

I wish we had a just pulling your leg smiley right now!

617 has been heralded as the worst site at FW! After paying a little more attention this trip, I'm afraid I have to agree.

1. It is right beside a walking path, which some folks seem to use as a GC path.

2. When your awning is out it reaches all the way to the foot path where passersby are tempted to give it a good "Whack" as they walk past.

3. Because your awning is right by the foot path....so is your picnic table.

4. It's right beside a noisy bus stop.

5. Not much shade.

When we first passed by it, without realizing it was 617, I remarked to DH what a horrible site it was. He just said I should look at the site marker. :lmao:

I noticed that campers didn't stay long and very few pulled their awnings out at all.

You guys are so fun! I just love the pic on the GC of brotherly love - that's a keeper! Your DS's are so cute! I also adore the shots of DS7 at the Jedi training thing. He looks like he's SO into it!
Looking forward to more Fort pics! :thumbsup2

I've been scheming- trying to figure out a way that we can go again before next summer... I just don't think it's gonna happen. If only we had a camper... :confused3

Thanks for giving me such a good TR to keep me happy in the meantime!!!:)

Thanks! That's so sweet.

DS practiced with the video we took of him last year so he'd be prepared. He was very intense! He takes the force very seriously. :laughing:

I wish we could go back too, but I'm 99.99999 % sure that it won't happen.

It's TCD's favorite site. He always wants to get it but doesn't want to buck up and pay for a premium site so he says in the 1500 loop instead. He does however wander over there during lunch or dinner time. :rotfl2:

:lmao: Sarcasm at its best.

My 3 DS's also love the star wars training pics.. Dad can we do that, please can we ,please please please, well can we..

Tell them, "Yes you can!", but you will definitely have to wait.

Sorry to hear about the I.J. show. It stinks when they decide to pull something like that and not warn you earlier with a sign or something.

Got that right! We'll just make sure we catch it early in the day next time.

Completely loving the TR! Can't wait for more pics!

Thanks YG!
We're you able to get any pics of the fort's front gate. How's it looking?
What are your pros and cons of loop 1400 over the 900's your staying in? We always stay in loop 1400.
. . . . I saw where repriebe replied to your question.....

I wish we had a just pulling your leg smiley right now! That's a great idea!! :idea:

617 has been heralded as the worst site at FW! After paying a little more attention this trip, I'm afraid I have to agree.

1. It is right beside a walking path, which some folks seem to use as a GC path.

2. When your awning is out it reaches all the way to the foot path where passersby are tempted to give it a good "Whack" as they walk past.

3. Because your awning is right by the foot path....so is your picnic table.

4. It's right beside a noisy bus stop.

5. Not much shade.

When we first passed by it, without realizing it was 617, I remarked to DH what a horrible site it was. He just said I should look at the site marker. :lmao:

I noticed that campers didn't stay long and very few pulled their awnings out at all.
. . . . .

That's a great description of that site but you forgot the best feature. You can walk by on the path and snatch a hot dog or burger off the grill and never miss a beat. I forgot what TCD called it but it was something like "drive by dining" or "grab and go".

Oh and KFK, I'm loving your trip report. It's been great following along with your adventures.:woohoo::woohoo:
We're you able to get any pics of the fort's front gate. How's it looking?
What are your pros and cons of loop 1400 over the 900's your staying in? We always stay in loop 1400.

Sorry, no pics of the front gate. We didn't get up there but a couple of times and there was nothing really to photograph at the time. Maybe some of the Fiends there now can get a few.

I don't really have cons in either loop. It's a toss up to me as to which I like best. Both 900 and 1400 are, for all intents and purposes, tied for the top spot IMO. They are both right in the heart of the Meadows area, close to the pool and campfire. Can't go wrong either way.

That's a great description of that site but you forgot the best feature. You can walk by on the path and snatch a hot dog or burger off the grill and never miss a beat. I forgot what TCD called it but it was something like "drive by dining" or "grab and go".

Oh and KFK, I'm loving your trip report. It's been great following along with your adventures.:woohoo::woohoo:

Ahhhh yes, the Grab and Go. Not to be confused with the Giddyap and Go. Can't believe I left that one out of the description.

Little known fact: 617 was the inspiration for the song feature in The Little Mermaid....Poor Unfortunate Souls. :lmao:

Thanks for following and I'm glad you're enjoying. Before I started the TR, I was a little worried I might be boring. :goodvibes
Today, the plan was MK in the a.m. and then come back to the Fort during the midday then back to MK in the evening.

I've already posted a lot of pics and made a lot of comments from MK, so I'm not going to do that this time.

However I will share just a couple from the carousel.



...and this one of the castle and Sir Mickey's.

For anyone who may not know, Sir Mickey's is where you can have your Mickey ears embroidered w/your name.


DS7 wanted to ride the Snow White ride so that's where we headed next.

It was lucky we did.

If we hadn't I would not have found this little known Disney secret.

A diabolical WDW secret hidden in plain sight.

Right there in the Snow White attraction.

For all to see.

Earlier in the TR, someone wondered out loud what would happen if I hadn't shown the CM the pics in my camera.

I found out what the CM's do with guests who take pix in unauthorized areas:

It's not pretty!


After uncovering the horror of the dungeon for backstage picture takers, and realizing that could've been me, we thought it would be a good idea to head back to the Fort.


After a little lunch, I decided it was a great time for a picture taking golf cart excursion.




I apologize in advance for this one. It couldn't be helped. :lmao: (I am not making fun of this man....he just looks naked.)


Some random shots of the Meadows pool area.






The bridge from the pool/campfire to the trading post.



I spent a few minutes at the little deck area on the backside of the trading post just taking it all in and snapped this shot of the Bike Barn.

What a beautiful area.

You should take time to enjoy the scenery over there.

There are a couple of picnic tables, plenty of shade and you can fish or watch someone else fish.

Plenty of wildlife too.




After I'm done absorbing the beauty of the Meadows/Bike Barn area...

I decided to walk inside the Trading Post.

Did you know that you can get a half gallon of chocolate milk for $5.95?

What a bargain!


I've hit my 25 pics per post limit, so I'll have to finish up Day 13 tomorrow....


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