Kim's maintenance rollercoaster. Wanna ride along? (all are welcome)

Hi Kim!!! Hope Day 2 is a good one! It was close to 80 here yesterday! Now in the 50s... Still nice out though. Glad to hear you're doing well w/ your running!

Hope to see you at the Minnie!

Darn work got in the way today. I was lucky I got to walk the 2 seconds to the microwave to heat up my Lean Cuisine. :mad: So, no run today. But I am doing it tomorrow no matter what.

Does anyone know when the sun starts to come up around 6 or so (here on the east coast)? I'd really like to start running in the early am again...just so that this crap doesn't happen and make me ruin my running schedule.

So, I'll have to alter the plan this week to Tues, Fri, Sun, and then again on Tues. At least I won't have to run two days in a row. Don't think I can handle that yet. :rotfl2: I'll do some more pilates or ab work tonight to ward off the guilt.
Way to go getting back into the C25K!!! :thumbsup2 I hope the weather continues to hold up....spring isn't tooooo far off. is...but let's pretend it isn't LOL! How is the pilates going? I think it's awesome that so many on this thread are using the Pilates for Dummies DVD! :goodvibes

Have a great weekend!!!
I don't know what is going on with my water challenge ticker thing. It's like 1/2 showing? :confused3's what I stopped by to say. My friend at work (had the preemie baby) is also doing the c25k program and is one week ahead of me. She finished up week 4 today. I decided I'd try to stay with her today, since it's always more fun to run with someone. I DID IT!!! :cool1: I'm going to stick with week 4 for 2 more runs and go on from there. I was winded doing the last 5 minute run, but I was SO glad I was able to complete it today. :thumbsup2

I'm not bragging by any means, just posting my excitement. :goodvibes

Have a great weekend, guys!
Well done on doing a great run Kim - you should be proud & brag away if you want ;)
I'm so jealous you have great weather! We're lucky if we spot a bit of blue sky!!!
Have a great weekend :)
Hi Kim,

Congratulations on the run. It will be great, if you and your friend can synch up your training. I like working out with a friend.

Keep up the fantastic work.

Take care,
great job on the run!! It is so much nicer to have someone to run with. :thumbsup2
So much for that "schedule". :laughing: I didn't run this weekend, but ran today to catch up. We have a bit of a cold spell going on, so I ran on the TM at lunch...but I got the run in & I'm still feeling good. :thumbsup2

I'll run again tomorrow (week 4 day 3) and then will start up week 5 on Thursday. :goodvibes

Hope you're all doing well.

I need to do the pilates DVD again. It's been almost a week. I hope to do that tomorrow or Wed to get myself all stretched out. :upsidedow
Wow, Kim - planning your runs back2back! Don't you just hate when other things squeeze out your scheduled fitness activity? I haven't done a DVD in a few days either - I guess we both need to get back on that track.

How's the food treating you?
Yay Kim!!! Great job on the runs!!! :thumbsup2 You are doing great! Don't you just hate it w/ LTO!!! or WTO!

I have a hard time getting in my DVD too... Don't feel bad. At least you are getting it...some... :goodvibes

Yay Kim!!! Great job on the runs!!! :thumbsup2 You are doing great! Don't you just hate it w/ LTO!!! or WTO!

I have a hard time getting in my DVD too... Don't feel bad. At least you are getting it...some... :goodvibes


At the risk of sounding like an idiot...what in the world is LTO or WTO?? :confused3

Well, ladies (and Scott if you're around ;) ) - I'm done week 4!!! It was quite cold out there today, temps in the 20's. But we went outside at lunch & ran. :thumbsup2 (it wasn't icicle-eyelashes cold, Corinna :laughing: ). Thursday will be week 5. I can't believe I'm actually getting there again. Completely exciting. :woohoo:

Trying hard to eat really well, along with getting the water in. Not perfect, but doing better, that's for sure.

The back2back runs weren't too bad. I'm sure if I was going a longer distance that I'd definitely struggle. Put it this way...I know I have legs right now. :laughing:
Congratulations on completing Week 4!

And doing better on food, too!

And running in the cool, refreshing weather, frosty eyelashes or not!

Good to hear you can feel your legs. Of course a longer distance you'd struggle - that's the way it goes, and that's why you build slowly. :) You will get there, though. :thumbsup2

I don't know what those fancy letters of Stacie's mean either. Soooo out of it over here......
I don't know what those fancy letters of Stacie's mean either. Soooo out of it over here......

LTO - I'm thinking lettuce, tomato & onions? :confused3

:laughing: (everything relates to food for me :rolleyes1 )
LTO - I'm thinking lettuce, tomato & onions? :confused3

:laughing: (everything relates to food for me :rolleyes1 )

:lmao: Life Takes Over or Work Takes Over

Great Job on getting out there and getting week 4 done!!! Great Job :thumbsup2 Whew girl...That is COLD temps! I'd be freezing...actually, no, I'd be on the TM! :goodvibes

Hey Kim,

Congratulations on completing week 4. You are breezing through the program. Keep up the great work, woman.

Take care,


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