Kristen & Doug's Wedding: 5.5.12 - TR Day 3 (Updated 6.14)

Helloooooo! Too funny your fam sent money on tickets and didnt want t take full advantage? Their loss! :(. Dinner sounds nice and yummy. Hey, at least you have people wantin to sit with you and not the opposite!! Hahaha

I have been updating my Tr, I'm through the RD so far but no ones commenting, wahh. Hahaha probably has something to do with all my misspellings from this dang iPad! ;) and lack of pictures. I know I know. Haha

I want to hear about the meet up! :goodvibes
I guess I’m a little behind! Sorry!

-I looove that ring picture. Randy didn’t do anything fun with our rings and I didn’t think to ask. So sad.
-Oh I love your hair there too!
-Your music sounds awesome! ☺
-That shot by the window is very pretty.
-You look so happy in all of these Randy shots!
-No, I understand about the time thing. I freakkkk out too!
-But was Doug’s mom talking about cats? That is the important question. Sigh…
-I looove Disney’s white chocolate cheesecake. I had mascarpone cheesecake at Jiko last weekend and it was fantastic.
-Have you ever listened to the wdwtoday podcast’s Mystery Science Theater-ing of Maelstrom? I think you would like it.
Oh dear, sweet Kristen...I totally understand your frustration. My parents were just here for almost a week and by day 2 I was annoyed that they were in my space. I couldn't even do my hair and makeup without my mom following me into the bathroom. And I hate complainers and my mother complains about EVERYTHING. So I am preparing myself to ignore/shut it down for my day.

Good choice on Le Cellier, one of my favorites! I dream about cheddar cheese soup and mushroom filet. :love: (drooling)

What a fun filled wedding day (minus the annoying complaining and dumb people :rotfl:)

Can't wait to hear about MK. We'll be traveling on Wednesday so we'll be hitting up MK on Thursday and getting married on Friday. I'm happy we decided to take a day after travel to kind of hang out and relax. I'm sure there will be a tux fitting in there somewhere...

Your mom sounds like my mom! Nothing's ever good enough, including the daughter. :sad2:

I wish we could've had more time to relax before the wedding day, but Doug only had so much vacation time at that point, so... at least the time with just me and him was fantastic!

I'm hoping to go easy on the typing and mouse-usage today, so that I can type up day three tomorrow!

tric8783 said:
Helloooooo! Too funny your fam sent money on tickets and didnt want t take full advantage? Their loss! . Dinner sounds nice and yummy. Hey, at least you have people wantin to sit with you and not the opposite!! Hahaha

I have been updating my Tr, I'm through the RD so far but no ones commenting, wahh. Hahaha probably has something to do with all my misspellings from this dang iPad! ;) and lack of pictures. I know I know. Haha

I want to hear about the meet up! :goodvibes

I just don't understand my parents. At all. To spend all that money and not take full advantage of it? Leaving Epcot at 6pm without ever really exploring at all? What. The. Duck.

Nah, the misspellings weren't too bad. They were easily decipherable ;)

DoomBuggy0922 said:
I guess I’m a little behind! Sorry!

-I looove that ring picture. Randy didn’t do anything fun with our rings and I didn’t think to ask. So sad.
-Oh I love your hair there too!
-Your music sounds awesome! ☺
-That shot by the window is very pretty.
-You look so happy in all of these Randy shots!
-No, I understand about the time thing. I freakkkk out too!
-But was Doug’s mom talking about cats? That is the important question. Sigh…
-I looove Disney’s white chocolate cheesecake. I had mascarpone cheesecake at Jiko last weekend and it was fantastic.
-Have you ever listened to the wdwtoday podcast’s Mystery Science Theater-ing of Maelstrom? I think you would like it.

-Aww. I think he asked for the 'accessories' and just went to town. I have the rest of the pics now, but have been lazy about uploading. :rolleyes1
-Aww, thank you!
-I just don't understand people that are so lax about being on time. If you're supposed to be somewhere at a certain time, you get there a few minutes prior!
-SHOCKINGLY! She wasn't talking about the cats all that much. Mostly about how the timeshare place they stayed at was terrible and not at all what it looked like in pictures, wasn't wheelchair friendly, etc. I really wanted to say "Well, maybe you should've stayed at a Disney resort then?" And then all the health issues between her and his dad. :sad2:
-So, to show my complete lack of technologic-ness... do I need itunes to listen to podcasts?
I hope you are working on an update for me :). Hahahaha
I have been updating for you!! I'm almost on the Hm by now, whoo hoo! :woohoo: and I tried to correct all the errors too. Lol.

Like I said with them leaving the park, their loss!! They are crazy, clearly. That Is the only explanation. :lmao:
Joining in! Sorry to hear about all the trouble you've had with health and family issues. I'm so happy to hear that your wedding day was great for you, even if you had to deal with the MIL at the end. They can be so annoying, can't they? I love the colors of your flowers and the guys ties. It all flowed together so nicely. :)
I'm trying, girls, I really am, about updating on a more regular basis. Between my hands/wrists being swollen and painful and the little grey raincloud that seems to have lodged itself over my head, I'm struggling. With everything lately.

Onto Day Three! Sunday, May 6th.

We slept in a little bit (9-ish maybe?) before heading to the bus stop to go to MK for half the day. (Epcot for an early dinner, since I figured we'd go to bed a bit earlier, due to the MK and Epcot photo shoots the next morning)

There's only a handful of the Photo Pass pictures that I actually don't mind, and thankfully, this one has us in our bride and groom ears. :goodvibes


We headed to Haunted Mansion first, since it's on my must-do list, then went over to ride PotC, as that's Doug's must-ride. Little to no waiting on either of them - yay!

There was definitely some rumbly in the tumbly at this point, so since Tortuga Tavern was so nearby... plus, it was on my mental "we should eat here for QS meals" list. (See, Kristen can be less OCD and more go-with-the-flow if she really tries!) We both had the Taco Salad, which was surprisingly good, and split two different desserts (the chocolate cake (you know, the one that's everywhere) and the cookies 'n cream gelato - yum!)

At this point, it was about 12:30, and the DIS Bride meet-up was at 1, so we started making our way slowly towards the Dole Whip area. I passed by a girl who looked really familiar, so I stopped and turned towards where she was walking. And Jennifer (jlocmac) was doing the same thing. :lmao:

We soon met up with Broghan (BroghanTaylor), Andrea (Belle2211), Sarah (Sizzle), Norma (roxysmum123), Deena (LuvLuvLuv), Morgan (CDsSleepingBeauty), and Courtney (I can't find your DISname!). For a girl who tends to be shy and awkward, I was comfortable from the start. (This makes me all the more excited for the February meet up!) The guys were on picture-duty and of the ones Doug took, these two have everyone looking in the same direction. ;)


(From left to right: Sarah, Morgan, Deena, Jennifer, Norma, me, Broghan, Courtney, and Andrea)


We all migrated over to Tortuga Tavern for some shade and air conditioning, which was much needed by this point!

Doug and I headed back to the hotel for a nap around 2 or so. His CPAP machine wouldn't arrive until Monday morning, so neither of us had been sleeping well. Our planner, Karen, called around 3:30, to let me know the time that we'd be picked up for the parks photo shoot, since that information was saved on my computer, and not with me. (Again, blaming my mother's stressing and craziness on forgetting to print that out! :laughing:)

Dinner reservations were for 5:45 at Via Napoli, so after a quick change, we made our way over to Epcot. Of course, despite the time, there was the obligatory stopover at Club Cool. (I'm so sad that the entire time we were there, all of the machines were out of the Mexico drink, which is my favorite) We ran into Sarah and Brandon again, somewhere near Norway, but couldn't stop to chat for too long.

Got to VN, where it was mobbed inside. We were given the vibrate-y thingie, and probably waited about ten minutes before it went off. We were seated - and holy moly, it's freakin' noisy in there! Pretty, but noisy.

After hearing Jackie's rave reviews, I had added this one in at the last minute... especially since it's known for pizza, I knew Doug would enjoy it. (I tease him that he's secretly a Ninja Turtle :lmao:) He had the pepperoni pizza, while I had the margherita. They were both AWESOME. I'm generally not a thin crust kind of girl, but I LOVED the crust. Doug was wishing that they'd deliver... not just to the hotel, but up to New Bedford. For dessert, I went with the Torta di "Mamma Rosario" (apple cake with almond sorbetto) and Doug had the tiramisu. I kinda wish I had ordered the tiramisu instead. The apple cake was good, but not as good as that.

Originally I had planned on heading back to the hotel after dinner, since Beaute Speciale would be there at 4am for my hair and makeup, but Doug convinced me that I'd be fine on five hours of sleep. :rolleyes1

We wandered through the WS as a rainstorm was clearly moving in...





(I like this one because you can see, on the far left, the rain that was falling elsewhere)


(Jackie, do you feel that the lens flare thingie in the clouds kinda looks like a Dharma logo? :laughing:)


At this point, the raindrops were getting larger and the wind was picking up. We went and sat under some umbrellas outside of the America pavilion, and all was well for the time being. Then the rain was pouring down and the wind was gusting, causing the rain to be horizontal, at which point I yelled to Doug that I was going inside because my shirt was soaked through. (Thank goodness I wasn't wearing the white Bride tank top!) He gave in about a minute later, joining me in the puddles inside the Liberty Inn. Five minutes later, the sun was back out and I had sufficiently wrung out my shirt enough. ;)

And we had a nice rainbow after :)

More topiary action -



The bonsai trees near China -




When we had passed by the Italy pavilion before the storm, a cast member with a clipboard saw our Just Married pins, and asked if we were staying for the fireworks. I let Doug decide and he said yes, so the CM took down our names and told us to come back to that area for Illuminations, and we'd have a reserved spot. :woohoo:
(Overdid it on images in the last post!)

Doug had fun playing with the new camera on the fireworks mode (not sure if that's the real name of it or not, that's just what he called it)












We had limped our way to the front (it took us about an hour to get from Italy to the front), so by the time we made it the buses, there was no wait whatsoever AND we were able to sit. Woohoo! Getting up the stairs at CB was another challenge. As happy as I was to be away from my family a bit, unless there's an elevator, I'm not doing anything but first floor. Unless there's some miracle with my health, because nearly every night, I was crying while going up the stairs.

I think I passed out even before the nighttime pills kicked in. Which is good, because Monday was going to be a very early morning!
Hi twin! :goodvibes
I'm sorry you haven't been feeling so hot, but I'm glad you're keeping the TR going!! When I read about your rain I was like hmm it didn't rain at all for us on Sunday, then DUHH (didn't there used to be a lightbulb? well insert it here) it did while we were at dinner, it pourrrrrrrrrrrrred! i forgot about that!

I love your pic with the ears outside MK, so cute!! I also of course love hearing about the meetup! All you girls are so cute! :bride:

Via Napoli is super loud isn't it, I blame it on the acoustics in there. hahaha But I like that you can't really be heard either, like it's so loud that other people can't hear your conversation? And isn't that pizza so amazing?! I would second a delivery route up north! :thumbsup2

I'm glad to see all you girls' pictures from F&G, since we didn't get to do much at all. haha I keep wondering to myself if we'll keep going in October or if we'll switch to May now and go back for our anniversary. We normally took a cruise or something caribbean etc in the spring then disney in the fall. Josh thinks less than a week at Disney is a waste and I won't get him there for two weeks a year. decisions decisions!! Anyway, enough about me.. lol

Doug is such a pro with the new camera! I love firework pictures! I take so many and then afterward I'm like .... yup, another firework, looks like all the rest! lol Do you save all your firework pics and can you tell the difference between them? Do you think we take fireworks for granted since we get to see them eveyr night in Disney?

I'm clearly rambling, not sure what got into me.. bahaha so I'll stop myself.
More! (when you're up to it!) popcorn::
WE LOVE VIA NAPOLI!!! It is one of our favorites too so we had to go when we were there a two weeks ago. I always play the "you order one and I'll order another and we'll split trick" because I can never decide which one I want to try. Being from NY originally I will tell you that the pizza rivals some on the best places in NYC.

It looks like you guys are having the time of your lives! I love all the pictures, keep em' coming!

Ooo, and it's so cool that you got a reserved Illuminations spot. A good spot is hard to come by, I think harder than a good Wishes spot.

Can't wait to read about your portrait session!!!


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