Kristen & Doug's Wedding: 5.5.12 - TR Day 3 (Updated 6.14)


Aug 16, 2011
Hello :goodvibes

So, I'm finally getting a bit less socially awkward and shy on here, thus I'm starting the PJ today. We're a bit over five months out, so that's a good time to start, right?

Right. Well, I'm Kristen, and my fiance is Doug.


(I haven't posted an image on a forum in forever, so hopefully it doesn't come up ginormous!)

I'm 30, and Doug will be 29 in just over a week. We're both from MA, and met close to three years ago. I had spent most of my 20s living in CA, and when I moved back home, I transferred to a local Walmart and that's where we met. (It's the best thing that the company's ever done for me. One of the only good things! :rotfl:) Our first date was March 5th of last year, and I knew at six weeks that he was the one for me.

We probably have the strangest, least romantic proposal story, but hey, I've never been the typical girl anyways! One night this past summer, I was doing a survey online (because, hey, any extra income is a good thing!), and I told him, 'ya know, I already feel like we're married' (we've been living together since July of last year), and he agreed. The next morning in bed, I remember saying, "I know we already feel that we are, but can you ask me anyways?" (Really, I am the world's biggest dork, and I'm completely okay with that) I still have to get the ring resized (stupid swelling fingers affecting my previous ring size!), but here's a pic of it


(A few years back, I went on an Alaskan cruise, and fell in love with all the tanzanite jewelry, hence my choice in stone. Plus it's really pretty and a bargain, too! :lmao:)

Let's see... about us. We're both pretty geeky in our own separate ways. I'm huge on reading (currently working on book 109 for the year!), LOTR, Harry Potter, all things Tudor-esque, and whatever other history sparks my interest. Doug's of the computer geek variety, being a programmer for a MA-based company that provides hospitals with computer programs, and he's big into Star Wars, Star Trek, comics, etc. We compliment each other nicely. :hug:

(I'm so terrible at intro type thingies. I feel like I'm babbling more than usual)

We chose May 5th of next year, because Doug felt it would give people a bit more time to save. I wanted March 5th, but ah well. We'll be there in time for the Flower Show at Epcot, so yay for topiaries.

I think I'll do a separate post for the wedding-y details. I hope I didn't bore anyone too terribly!
I wanted the Wedding Pavilion for our location mostly because, well, it's inside and should be air conditioned! (right? right?!) It'll be a completely non-religious ceremony, which surprisingly both our parents are okay with. (I say surprisingly because Doug's parents are the type that say grace before every meal. When I told my parents, my mom said, "Oh, good! All the kneeling got to be rough on the knees when we got married") We've booked Reverend Tim Herring.

So, WP on May 5th at noon. We're hoping to do a group dinner after at Le Cellier (Doug's choice), and I'm so desperately wanting a dessert party, but I'm just not sure it's financially possible. We're paying for everything ourselves, and while we're currently living with my parents to save money, it's tough basically surviving on one income. (I'm currently out on long term disability due to fibromyalgia)

Onto the details! We're flying in on the 4th and then staying for a week at the Caribbean Beach resort. I'm super excited about that, since I've never stayed at anything but a value resort (or off-property in regards to Disneyland trips)

It was a bit stressful when it came to the wedding party. Doug always knew his friend Adam would be his best man (they've been friends since 5th grade), and for years, I'd planned on my bestie Johanna to be my MoH. But she lives in CA, and has two little boys now, so she said she wouldn't be able to come out. My next choice was my friend Amelia, which was going to happen...until she texted me that she's pregnant and due two months before the wedding. (She's also in CA) So my bridesmaid, Vicky (who's local! lol) has been promoted to MoH, and she's all I'll have. (It's amazing how quickly you learn who your friends are when you have a chronic illness :confused3) Doug will also have another groomsmen, Seth, who's Vicky's husband, and their two adorable kids will be our ringbearer (David, who'll be 5 then) and flower girl (Kenzie, who just turned two).

We've been out shopping once for a dress, and I fell in love with one at David's Bridal... but it was $450. Which I know is a bargain compared to some dresses, but at that time, it just really wasn't financially possible. I found this one the other night, and I'm really leaning towards it...


(instead of the black sash, it'll be white)

I really, really love chiffon as a material, and it's an a-line, which is so nice and forgiving for the belly area :rotfl: And with it being on sale for less than $100 on, I think we've a winner. :cutie:

For our colors, everything is based off a tie of Doug's that I really, really liked. (Yep, told you, dorky!) At DB, the malibu blue color matches it perfectly, so this is the dress Vicky chose.


Doug's mom will be making the flower girl dress, which helps save money since she has a ton of fabric already. I'm not too fussy on the style. Ideally, I'd just like it to be something that Kenzie can wear again at some point before she outgrows it.

I found this necklace on ebay and just fell in love with it. The pic makes the jewels look reddish, but they're really the prettiest shade of purple.


Ebay and Etsy have become very dangerous for me :goodvibes

Let's see... I've booked Beaute Speciale for hair and makeup, and I have no idea what to do with my hair. I bought a cute crown at a local renaissance fair, but other than that, no clue. My hair will likely be back at the length that it is in the picture in the first post. (It's currently just half past the center of my back, and I'm thinking of donating it again) Any thoughts? I'm completely inept when it comes to that kind of stuff.

Seriously, if anyone's actually read all of this so far (because again I feel like I'm babbling), thank you! :thumbsup2

Congrats on your DFTW!!

The dress in your picture is a discontinued Maggie Sottero stock picture. I was looking for this dress last year and it had already been discontinued. The company you are looking at may recreate the dress, but just be careful :hug: There is one very similar at David's Bridal!!

Can't wait to hear more about your plans!!
Welcome!! I would like to comment we are pretty much wedding twins!! hahaha We are also getting married on 5/5/12, but at 5pm. We also booked Beaute Speciale and Tim Herring! Sounds like theyre going to leave you and come right to me- too funny!! :rotfl:

Looking forward to hearing more about your plans! :goodvibes

Congrats on your DFTW!!

The dress in your picture is a discontinued Maggie Sottero stock picture. I was looking for this dress last year and it had already been discontinued. The company you are looking at may recreate the dress, but just be careful :hug: There is one very similar at David's Bridal!!

Can't wait to hear more about your plans!!

Thanks! And thanks for the heads up! Thus, the search continues :surfweb: ;)
Welcome!! I would like to comment we are pretty much wedding twins!! hahaha We are also getting married on 5/5/12, but at 5pm. We also booked Beaute Speciale and Tim Herring! Sounds like theyre going to leave you and come right to me- too funny!! :rotfl:

Looking forward to hearing more about your plans! :goodvibes

Yay! I feel so cool, having a wedding twin now! :goodvibes Truly, great minds think alike :)
Hey Congratulations!!!!

All sounds lovely!!! I cant wait to hear more from your plans! Your dress and the BM dresses are very pretty! I cant wait to see more photos! DF and I are getting married May 22nd next year! So exciting!

Happy planning!


Planning-wise, I really feel like I'm at a standstill at the moment. (Oh, we have Vita as a planner; I like her. She's quick to respond to emails that have a variety of questions in them lol)

The most important thing for me is photography. I'm contemplating looking into seeing if Randy Chapman is available. I've heard such good things about him on here, and I really like his work. But until I can grow a money tree in the backyard... we'll have to see how it goes.

Cake-wise, we've decided on the Mickey's Delight design, with the white background and blue and silver Mickey heads (That just may be a nod to one of my favorite fandoms ever - Harry Potter - and the Ravenclaw house colors, but shhh... Doug doesn't know yet why I chose those colors ;)) I let him choose the cake flavors, so the bottom layer will be yellow cake with chocolate mousse, and the top layer will be marble cake with raspberry mousse.

For flowers, I'm leaning towards the calla lilies. I don't have any real strong preferences as to flower variety; I think those are the prettiest of the options. My cousin found this bouquet online, and I kinda like it. The light purple would go with the secondary color that we wound up having (because Kristen picked out invitation stuff without realizing that the purple would become a secondary color lol)

Anyways. Babbling again.


There's also this one - it was posted on here originally and I didn't make note of whose it was (Oops!), and I just love the colors.


Any thoughts? I know I definitely want some sort of blue or purple in the bouquet, but again, not fussy with flower variety or anything.

For Vicky's bouquet and the corsages for the groomsmen and my dad, I'm leaning towards silk flowers. (I found some adorable paper flowers on Etsy, made with sheet music, but I worry about the portability of those). I quite like the ones made by SilkBridals, but I've a number of different ones bookmarked. (That 'weddingy' folder sees so much action these days ;))
Congratulations on your upcoming Disney Wedding!

I have to agree with you on the Etsy and Ebay thing. I am completely addicted to both of them. I have turned so many people over to Etsy its crazy. :goodvibes

The bouquet combination is beautiful.

Etsy is addictive...but at least most of what I buy isn't even for the wedding! :)

Can't wait to read more!
Completely not related to anything at the moment, but I just learned how to multi-quote for future reference. Woohoo! :cool1:

Still on the subject of flowers... I'm leaning towards these from Etsy, but instead of the hot pink, in a blue that would match Vicky's dress...


And these for the Adam, Seth, and my dad -


I got some bad news in the mail yesterday. The insurance company won't be paying any more long-term disability benefits after next March. Because of what the doctor wrote on the paperwork (saying that I'm able to lift 50 pounds - which, sure, if my life depended on it - but I wouldn't be able to move for the next three days afterwards) during the last appointment which all he did was yell at me. (Did you know that I'm a terrible person because I have no desire to get a driver's license? I didn't. :confused3) So, yeah. Definitely no dessert party happening now, and I really need to keep things at as low a cost as possible. So yay for stress with that and that I need to find a new rheumatologist. I'm sorry, yelling at me and making me cry and completely avoiding the topics of what to do with the medication and my daily headaches means you are no longer my doctor. *sigh* :worried:

Onto a happier subject, I was able to get all the ADRs that I wanted for the trip. :woohoo: I may or may not have had a general timeframe listed about two months prior to the 180-day mark... :littleangel:

5.6 Rose and Crown for lunch
5.7 Mama Melrose (the Fantasmic dinner package)
5.8 Restaurant Marrakesh (I'm so freakin' excited about the baklava again!)
5.9 Tusker House for breakfast
5.10 Chefs de France

We're hoping to go by Tutto Italia on the 4th (the day we get there), but I don't have a count yet of how many people actually want to go with us then. I need to bug some family members, I think.

Alright. Since it's semi-warm out (low 60s is cause for excitement in November in MA!), we're doing the outside decorations today and I'm super excited. :yay:
-so hooray for multi quoting! I agree it is kind of awesome and very useful
-I think what you found on etsy is great I don't know much about etsy or how it works but I know people find stuff on there all the time
-always feel free to vent on your PJ that is what it is there for and we will always try to be understanding. I think your situation stinks but seeing as how I work in a medical field i understand where they are coming from so i am not sure I will be much help except to tell you that I hope you get things worked out and that you have the wedding of your dreams
-i also like the bouquets you have posted I like the bigger/fuller one with more blue but I think thats because I am a huge blue/purple person

good luck with your planning oh and btw i am a huge ravenclaw fanatic too I costume as a ravenclaw student for HP events!

-First: Very pretty flowers! I love etsy.
-Second: I'm sorry the doctor yelled at you AND I am sorry you won't be getting your payments anymore. :( That must be hard. And, why the heck does the doctor care if you have a driver's license?! I didn't even start driving til I was 20 and I HATE driving!!!!! (But I love my car, so I guess it could be worse...)
-Your ADRs sound great! Have you had the macaroni and cheese at Chefs de France? They call it something fancy, but it's mac and cheese, and it is DELICIOUS. And I recently fell in love with R and C.
Completely not related to anything at the moment, but I just learned how to multi-quote for future reference. Woohoo! :cool1:

Still on the subject of flowers... I'm leaning towards these from Etsy, but instead of the hot pink, in a blue that would match Vicky's dress...


And these for the Adam, Seth, and my dad -


I got some bad news in the mail yesterday. The insurance company won't be paying any more long-term disability benefits after next March. Because of what the doctor wrote on the paperwork (saying that I'm able to lift 50 pounds - which, sure, if my life depended on it - but I wouldn't be able to move for the next three days afterwards) during the last appointment which all he did was yell at me. (Did you know that I'm a terrible person because I have no desire to get a driver's license? I didn't. :confused3) So, yeah. Definitely no dessert party happening now, and I really need to keep things at as low a cost as possible. So yay for stress with that and that I need to find a new rheumatologist. I'm sorry, yelling at me and making me cry and completely avoiding the topics of what to do with the medication and my daily headaches means you are no longer my doctor. *sigh* :worried:

Onto a happier subject, I was able to get all the ADRs that I wanted for the trip. :woohoo: I may or may not have had a general timeframe listed about two months prior to the 180-day mark... :littleangel:

5.6 Rose and Crown for lunch
5.7 Mama Melrose (the Fantasmic dinner package)
5.8 Restaurant Marrakesh (I'm so freakin' excited about the baklava again!)
5.9 Tusker House for breakfast
5.10 Chefs de France

We're hoping to go by Tutto Italia on the 4th (the day we get there), but I don't have a count yet of how many people actually want to go with us then. I need to bug some family members, I think.

Alright. Since it's semi-warm out (low 60s is cause for excitement in November in MA!), we're doing the outside decorations today and I'm super excited. :yay:

Chiming in to my wedding twin!! :goodvibes
Tutto Italia doesn't require a CC for reservations (I made one for 5/6 for a birthday dinner for one of my BM's) FYI- so if you want to go ahead and make one now, they can't charge you if you change your mind (and you can always go back and cancel later anyway!)!!

I also work in LTD (don't hate. hahaha) You should be able to appeal! Depending on your plan you may even have up to 180 days or even more to appeal that. I think it's odd they would tell you they're going to stop your claim in advance also. hmmm Definitely get yourself a new Dr, see them and have them submit your updated records! :thumbsup2
Congrats on your wedding!

I was intrigued to look at your PJ because of the title haha when I saw "wickedly" I immediately was like Boston?! So being nosey, I had to check ;) haha I am also a Bostonian! :thumbsup2

I really like the ideas you have been posting! Look forward to see future posts :)
-so hooray for multi quoting! I agree it is kind of awesome and very useful
-I think what you found on etsy is great I don't know much about etsy or how it works but I know people find stuff on there all the time
-always feel free to vent on your PJ that is what it is there for and we will always try to be understanding. I think your situation stinks but seeing as how I work in a medical field i understand where they are coming from so i am not sure I will be much help except to tell you that I hope you get things worked out and that you have the wedding of your dreams
-i also like the bouquets you have posted I like the bigger/fuller one with more blue but I think thats because I am a huge blue/purple person

good luck with your planning oh and btw i am a huge ravenclaw fanatic too I costume as a ravenclaw student for HP events!

-Oh, it's sad, I think I forgot what I learned about the multi-quoting :confused3 *sigh*
-I understand where the doctor's coming from, of course, but I'm a big fan of the phrase 'you catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar'. Not driving is my choice, and no one gets to yell at me for that, ya know?
-I'm definitely leaning towards the bigger bouquet, too. I'm very much a blue/purple/green girl.
-And yay Ravenclaw! It made me a very happy girl to be 'officially' sorted into it on the Pottermore site :goodvibes

virtuous girl
Welcome Everything sounds & looks great!

Thanks! :)

-First: Very pretty flowers! I love etsy.
-Second: I'm sorry the doctor yelled at you AND I am sorry you won't be getting your payments anymore. That must be hard. And, why the heck does the doctor care if you have a driver's license?! I didn't even start driving til I was 20 and I HATE driving!!!!! (But I love my car, so I guess it could be worse...)
-Your ADRs sound great! Have you had the macaroni and cheese at Chefs de France? They call it something fancy, but it's mac and cheese, and it is DELICIOUS. And I recently fell in love with R and C.

-Me, too! I have to restrain myself on there, because there's so much pretty that I want! :rotfl:
-I have driven before... for all of 15 minutes in my life :lmao: I even got my permit when I was 28. Sure, it's expired now, but I maintain that I'm an awesome passenger because I'm good at navigation and what not. I'm just really not comfy with the idea of driving, and with the issues with my hands/wrists, it just doesn't seem like the safest thing for me to do.
-I've never been to Chefs de France before, but it was the mac and cheese that hooked me in. I remember telling Doug about it, "They have grueyere in their mac and cheese!" He wasn't as thrilled as I was. :confused3 R&C was the first Epcot restaurant I went to back in...2004, I'm definitely wanting more. Really, if I could eat all day and not gain a bajillion pounds, I totally would. :)

Chiming in to my wedding twin!!
Tutto Italia doesn't require a CC for reservations (I made one for 5/6 for a birthday dinner for one of my BM's) FYI- so if you want to go ahead and make one now, they can't charge you if you change your mind (and you can always go back and cancel later anyway!)!!

I also work in LTD (don't hate. hahaha) You should be able to appeal! Depending on your plan you may even have up to 180 days or even more to appeal that. I think it's odd they would tell you they're going to stop your claim in advance also. hmmm Definitely get yourself a new Dr, see them and have them submit your updated records!

Yay wedding twin! :goodvibes

I had called TI last month, but since they're doing the renovations, I can't make any large reservations until April 20th. But I'm thinking that I'll just ask people ahead of time. I know my parents and aunt and uncle will go. To save a day on the park tickets for Seth, Vicky, and their kids, it wouldn't make sense for them to use one day when it's just for the evening. At least on the website, I can make reservations for up to 14 people without having to call. (I've terrible phone anxiety, for some unknown reason.)

Nah, I'd never hate on someone based off of what they do. Well, unless it's something physically harming people, I can't get behind that, of course ;) So the hunt is on for a new rheumy. I just feel awkward meeting a doctor for the first time, and saying, "here, fill this out." I do have 180 days, so hopefully I can find someone semi-local that's decent.

Congrats on your wedding!

I was intrigued to look at your PJ because of the title haha when I saw "wickedly" I immediately was like Boston?! So being nosey, I had to check haha I am also a Bostonian!

I really like the ideas you have been posting! Look forward to see future posts

Thanks! It's so funny how certain words are only used in certain places. When I lived in CA, everyone thought 'wicked' was an odd use of an adjective. I'm down in New Bedford, towards the Cape. You?
Thanks! It's so funny how certain words are only used in certain places. When I lived in CA, everyone thought 'wicked' was an odd use of an adjective. I'm down in New Bedford, towards the Cape. You?

I know! When my cousin and I visited our family in NC we frequently referred to things as "wicked awesome" and they could not stop laughing! I go to school by Dorchester and there was one of those light up construction sign things (i have no idea what they are called) warning people of high tides and to seek alt. routes, but it said "Wicked High Tides" and I could not help laughing out loud!!! :rotfl:

I am about 15 minutes outside of Boston, but am a frequent visitor of the South Shore!
I know! When my cousin and I visited our family in NC we frequently referred to things as "wicked awesome" and they could not stop laughing! I go to school by Dorchester and there was one of those light up construction sign things (i have no idea what they are called) warning people of high tides and to seek alt. routes, but it said "Wicked High Tides" and I could not help laughing out loud!!! :rotfl:

I am about 15 minutes outside of Boston, but am a frequent visitor of the South Shore!

LOL! And in CA, the big phrase at the time was 'hella', which to this New Englander, just sounds ridiculous. :rotfl:


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