Krysten & Michael's DFTW - 9/9/10 - WP/Narcoossee's - 1 Year!! 09/09

Day 8 - Thursday, September 9th, 2010 - Wedding Day!! - Part 4

So now we are at the ceremony! Everything ran really smoothly and was right on time all morning. We enjoyed a lovely coach ride around the GF, and everyone we passed waved!

Us getting out of the coach and walking towards the WP.


I waited in the brides vestibule while everyone got seated and started walking down the aisle.

Our grandparents and parents walked down the aisle to the Circle of Life (Elton John Version).

Rev. Jack Day, DH, and the Groomsmen walked down to the Popeye theme song. This was a really hard song for us to choose, but DH loves Popeye, and we wanted something light and fun.


We chose the song Define Dancing from Wall-e for my attendants and the flower girl to walk down the aisle to. Now, we weren't expecting much from my cousin (FG) - what I mean by that is that if I didn't expect her to walk down the aisle at all, I wouldn't be disappointed if she didn't. In the end, she walked down with both of my brothers (who were my brides men) and I was so proud of her. She was so good during the entire ceremony as well - she flipped through their digital camera looking at pictures of herself to keep busy lol

My dad and I walked down to Cannon in D. This is the song I have always known I would walk down the aisle to. It was just something I knew. I'm not 100% sure why lol I just think that it is such a beautiful piece of music



Dad trying not to cry

DH waiting for me

Dad giving me away


Rev. Jack started off the ceremony then, and it was everything that I could have asked for. He emphasized love, not religion (which was important to us that he did) and really spoke beautifully. I cannot even express in words how happy we were with the ceremony. Everything was just perfect and Rev. Jack was better than I ever could have dreamed.

The ceremony was the one part of the wedding that I was nervous for. I was so afraid that I was going to burst into tears and not be able to say my vows, and sob uncontrollably lol But Rev. Jack was so calming and I really just enjoyed myself. These vows truly mean something to us. That said, there was one part where I cried. At the very beginning of the ceremony, we had Rev. Jack thank our parents and grandparents for everything that they have done for us. His words were so beautiful, and he turned us around so we faced our families, and it was just such a wonderful time that I started to cry.



But I regained my composure and we went on with the ceremony.






We took some more pictures inside and around the pavilion, and then went back out for the petal toss.







Then we took more pictures!!





I think that is enough pictures for now lol We just have so many that I love.

Up Next: Pre-Reception and Reception!
OOO we can never have enough pictures!!!:thumbsup2
More gorgeous shots!!! You must be so thrilled with them!!!
You were such a beautiful bride! I am loving your trip report and all the beautiful pictures!! Can't wait to hear more....

OOO we can never have enough pictures!!!:thumbsup2
More gorgeous shots!!! You must be so thrilled with them!!!

Thank you! :goodvibes I am glad to hear that it isn't too many pictures lol Randy was so great and we have so many pictures, it is hard not to share them all! You are using Randy too right? Or do I have you mixed up with someone else? If so, you will love him!

You were such a beautiful bride! I am loving your trip report and all the beautiful pictures!! Can't wait to hear more....


Thanks for stopping by and for the wonderful compliments :blush:

Awesome pics it was a beautiful day :)

Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! I have checked out your PJ as well, and it looks great so far!
Hi and congratulations, just joining in! There's no such thing as too many pictures! You look beautiful and it looks like you had a wonderful time. Looking forward to more. Have to say the pic of your dad holding back the tears is so sweet, made me well up. :)
What a beautiful wedding! Congratulations!

And I am dying of jealousy that you got Cinderella's carriage! What a wonderful memory for you!!!!!
You had such a beautiful day! You looked amazing, like a true princess! I cant wait to read more popcorn::

Thanks so much for your comment :goodvibes I was reading your pj, and I must say it made me think of my own planning lol I always made pros and cons lists of everything, and when I got thinking, it usually led to something crazy

Beautiful pictures!!! I can't wait to see more!!

Thanks so much!! I have lots more to share! How are your plans coming along?

Hi and congratulations, just joining in! There's no such thing as too many pictures! You look beautiful and it looks like you had a wonderful time. Looking forward to more. Have to say the pic of your dad holding back the tears is so sweet, made me well up. :)

Thank you for joining in! It is nice to know people are there, and that I am not posting too many pictures lol We definitely did have a great time and are so glad we chose to have a DFTW.

What a beautiful wedding! Congratulations!

And I am dying of jealousy that you got Cinderella's carriage! What a wonderful memory for you!!!!!

Thank you! The carriage was amazing, I loved having footmen to help me in and out too :goodvibes But both my mom and I (who are both huge Disney fans!) felt that if I was going to have a DFTW, I needed to have the carriage. We had to cut out a bunch of other stuff to get it, but I think it was worth it for us.

More TR coming soon!
Day 8 - Thursday, September 9th, 2010 - Wedding Day Continued

We had our pre-reception in the Whitehall Room at the GF. This wasn't something that we wanted to spend a lot of our budget on, so we didn't decorate or anything. We had a delicious fruit display for our guests to enjoy before brunch and it was so tasty!




This is when our guests signed the guestbook, which was an autograph book. I really liked the way it turned out.

This part of the day went by really quickly. Since DH and I were taking pictures we didn't really spend much time at the Whitehall room, but our guests liked the fruit and had a good time mingling.
Now on to the reception. We chose Narcoossee's so that we could have a less formal feeling brunch, while getting a great view! This was the only part of the day where we had anything go wrong, so I am going to talk about them right here in this post and get rid of the negatives (even though they weren't all that bad)

I had sent Karen a diagram of the way we wanted our tables set up, and I also provided a back-up way that we would also like. Since our guest list was small, everyone really knew where they would sit and I didn't make a formal seating chart. When we got to Narcoossee's, Karen told me that they had to use the back-up seating plan, but not to worry, they got it all straightened around. I really liked the way she handled this. She told me about it so that I wouldn't be surprised when we walked in, but she made sure that I was calm about it all. But I was so relaxed all day, that I didn't really care where the tables were, as long as there were enough seats for all of our guests!!

So this is what we ended up with. A long table on each side of the head table where DH and I sat.


Table Name Cards - There for decoration more than anything else lol

When I sat down, I noticed one other small mishap - our napkins that we ordered (remember that gorgeous satin eggplant?) weren't there! This one disappointed me a little because I loved them so much, and we just had regular white linen napkins there, which blended in with the table cloth. Once again, Karen was on top of everything and went to find out what happened to the napkins. Turns out it was some type of clerical mistake and we never got our pretty napkins, but we had a message left to our room that afternoon that we would be refunded the whole amount that we were charged - problem solved!

My grandfather ended up being sick and had to leave the reception early, which was the worst part of the entire day. He never said anything to anyone except for my one uncle, who was looking after him. I was really upset that he had to miss some of the day, but the Disney staff was incredible. Karen got him some water and had someone bring a golf cart to Narcoossee's to pick him up and drive him back so that he didn't have to walk. We figure it was probably heat stroke because of being in his suit all day, and it was soo incredibly hot!! But he ended up being okay thankfully!
Okay, so getting back to the properly ordered TR.

We walked into Narcoossee's and went straight into our first dance, which was to the song Forever by Kiss. It seemed really long lol but it was nice.




The best man gave a great speech - and from what I heard it was done really last minute lol But it was sweet and funny and we really enjoyed it


Then it was time for food! We were all starving by this point, and I was so excited for this brunch! We used the Tinkerbell Brunch menu and altered it a little bit - I couldn't not have Mickey Waffles! I had a server walk around with a plate and get me what I wanted, and he explained what everything was - he was very nice! And when we got our pictures back, there were pictures of things I didn't even know we had because there was so much food, I hardly scratched the surface of what we had!






We did our father/daughter and mother/son dances at the same time to the song Forever Young by The Pretenders. The sound quality wasn't great from my ipod, but it was nice having us all dance together. We had to do this later than planned because of my grandfather being ill, but Karen was amazing and just altered the schedule and kept everything going.




Then it was time to cut the cake. I didn't think about it beforehand, but we probably should have practiced lol This isn't something that you do every day! But the cake was beautiful, and so delicious! Everyone loved it. We had yellow cake with strawberry mousse and chocolate cake with chocolate mousse. I had some of both (well it was my wedding day after all lol) and I couldn't choose which I liked best - they were both so delicious!





With our cake, we had some coffee and tea, and I just want to say that the tea in Florida seems to be a lot weaker tasting than what I'm used to. We didn't have any dancing or anything, so the reception was quite short. I did up a play list of music on my ipod and everyone just mingled and talked with one another. But I think that this was the best thing for our guests.

Overall, I would just like to say that we had an amazing day. I am so glad that we decided to have a DFTW. Disney has always been a big part of my life, so it only made sense for me to get married there, and DH just likes to make me happy :goodvibes I have clinical anxiety and I really didn't think that I would be able to enjoy my wedding day as much as I did, and I really thank Disney, and my planner Karen for that. I didn't have to worry about keeping things on schedule, or making sure that all of the vendors came on time and got paid - everything was taken care of. So I was able to fully relax and really enjoy my wedding day. It is something that I will never forget.

Up next: Some more random photos from the day and TR from the rest of our honeymoon trip.
More pictures.

Our guestbook pen.

Being silly, showing how big the coach centrepieces are

Our rings

The guys and a monorail. I was so excited to just know that I have monorails and palm trees in my wedding photos lol

Outside the GF















Poor little guy was tired
Krysten - Lovely, beautiful, gorgeous and any other suitable adjuctives!!!


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