Let the fun begin MAW/GKTW PTR Chase June 23-29-2010

Oh I love the Tink dress! The goodie bags are too cute. I love the initials! How sweet she woke you up to ask to wear it again. :love:
Okay! So I've finally got some peace and quiet! I uploaded the pictures and I'm ready!!

Up first is a BIG GIVE package from Deann in TN (not sure of her DIS name)


A Totally Terrific Tink Shirt for Courtney (she made me promise to type it EXACTLY like that!!)


Courtney was really loving the stitching on her new shirt! I think we are onto something here (I already know what her big Christmas present is going to be!)


She is a Classic Disney Princess LOVER so she was really happy to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!


Next is a Marvelous Mickey outfit (Again Courtney's wording :rotfl: ) from jeniamt!! I absolutely adore this outfit and it is going to go great with the Mickey Mouse tennis shoes I just got him!





Next is a box of much needed necessities from Scott and Nancy Davis! I never thought about a stain pen! BUT I definitely should have. With two little ones we are always spilling, and dripping stuff everywhere! And I really am glad for the disposable camera! I just stole an awesome idea from yinyanggirls! I'm going to let the kids take pictures of their own so that they will have some memories to share AND it will be great to see Disney from their "eyes"!



This BIG GIVE package is from Dania and comes all the way from TX! I'm not sure what her DIS name is. But she really sent some GREAT GOODIES!


Notice Selah's face. She is trying to be patient and use her "sharing skills" but she is having a really hard time. She was very upset that Chase got to open the box :lmao:





Some of the pictures on my camera got deleted by a mysterious little guy :rolleyes1 so I will post pictures of Chase in his cute outfit tomorrow! He looks absolutely too cute in it! And it fits GREAT!

So to Dania, The Davis Family, jeniamt and Deann my family says a BIG THANK YOU! I can not believe how much you guys have given to us! I am seriously going to have to start packing this weekend! I am going to try and have their suitcases packed up the Monday before we leave. Since Courtney still doesn't realize that we are going so soon. I'm going to take them over to her house when the kids aren't home. The night before we leave for Disney. We are going to go stay at my mom's house. So we will only have small overnight bags (which are actually our carry ons!)I will fill their carry ons with the great stuff you guys have sent! And the next morning VOILA! :wizard:

So of course that is the plan right now!!! But you know what happens when you make FOOL PROOF plans :rotfl:
Aww......I am so glad that everyone enjoyed their little 'goodie' bags ane Selah liked her Tink dress! I can't tell you how nice it was to sew for a little girl again. My 'little' girl is 16 and then she has 3 brothers so I love the chance to sew for little princess' (especially when I get to sew Disney wear! I am also glad that it fit ok..........and yes, what a mean mommy........not letting her wear it to school!!:lovestruc Thanks for sharing the photos and I am so glad it got there so quickly!

No problem at all! I LOVE sharing photos eventhough I know I am not the best photographer! Selah is definitely enjoying all of her customs!! I am so excited for our trip! She is going to have so many little cute things to wear. I'm already searching for matching shoes for her stuff! Girls are so much more fun to shop for and dress. I can only imagine how I would be if I would have stuck with sewing!!! And I almost broke down and let her wear her dress!! Her little pleas almost wore me down!

Oh I love the Tink dress! The goodie bags are too cute. I love the initials! How sweet she woke you up to ask to wear it again. :love:

It is sweet now...but I was so disoriented in the middle of the night. I almost thought it was a dream!! :rotfl2:
You are getting so close! I am so jealous!! You guys are going to have a blast! And the Big Give team does such a wonderful job and they are so generous!!

Way to go Big Givers!! I love seeing all the pictures of the gifts and the kids faces! They are so exicted and happy!!!

Good luck packing :goodvibes
I love Courtney's Chip n Dale sweatshirt! I also love how you asks you type things and follow along! I know that we would get along well! If you buy her :rolleyes1 for christmas then you'll have to send her to the disboutiquers thread to follow along with us!

Selah is just adorable! I love how she wants to wear her stuff!

I think giving the kids a camera to use is a wonderful idea. Seeing it through Chase's eyes will be fun. When Dallas was about 4 we gave him one and then developed the roll of film. It was so much fun to see all his pictures. He'll use my digital all the time but I tend not to print out the pictures and it isn't the same then.
It will be here before you know it! The lead up is fun too:goodvibes

I can't believe we have just about two weeks to go!! I am going to start packing some stuff today! And you are right, the lead up has been awesome!!

How exciting! You'll be there before you know it. :goodvibes

I am ready to go now! lol

You are getting so close! I am so jealous!! You guys are going to have a blast! And the Big Give team does such a wonderful job and they are so generous!!

Way to go Big Givers!! I love seeing all the pictures of the gifts and the kids faces! They are so exicted and happy!!!

Good luck packing :goodvibes

The Big Give team has done an amazing job! I am soo excited!! Packing is going to be a lot of fun! I get to re-live all of the Big Give moments :rotfl:

I love Courtney's Chip n Dale sweatshirt! I also love how you asks you type things and follow along! I know that we would get along well! If you buy her :rolleyes1 for christmas then you'll have to send her to the disboutiquers thread to follow along with us!

Selah is just adorable! I love how she wants to wear her stuff!

I think giving the kids a camera to use is a wonderful idea. Seeing it through Chase's eyes will be fun. When Dallas was about 4 we gave him one and then developed the roll of film. It was so much fun to see all his pictures. He'll use my digital all the time but I tend not to print out the pictures and it isn't the same then.

That is Courtney's favorite sweatshirt!! She is not technically supposed to wear that to school because she has a uniform..but she sneaks it in here and there! She is so happy to be involved in the Big Give! She is always telling people about it! And I know she would love to follow along with disboutiquers! She is going to need a lot of tips and advice. I'm going to make sure that she gets to take some classes. Funny thing is when I was in school we still had homec! That's how I learned to sew!! Why did they ever take that out????

I'm looking forward to seeing what the kids come up with when they take their pictures!! It should be so interesting!
Sorry I haven't been around much! Had a migraine all weekend so I was trying to rest. I managed to take the kids to the zoo on Saturday and it was a loong day. It rained on and off the whole time we were there but that's okay. I have to say the zoo is not one of my favorite places at all. But I do take the kids at least once each year because they really love it and Pittsburgh really has a great zoo. But I will admitt, I am relieved that we won't be going back until next year...and who knows...maybe I can get Nana or my favorite cousin to go with the kids :rotfl:

We got another BIG GIVE PACKAGE yesterday!

This one was from cajunfan! :cool1:






The kids LOVED their beach towels!!!

Courtney: Tinkerbell!
Selah: The little mermaid (one of her most favorites!)
Chase: Cars!!

So to canjunfan we say a BIG Thank you!!! :goodvibes I will be packing these today!!

Here is a picture that got deleted the other day. We got a wonderful package in the mail from Dania and Courtney's goodies got deleted!



So again to we say a BIG THANK YOU! To Dania! The kids really loved all of their wonderful gifts!

You guys ROCK!!! :hippie:
I think it's my age catching up with me. I've been so sluggish and exhausted lately. I know it's my iron levels. I have zero energy and so much to do over the next few days.

Today was Courtney's performance at school! She takes a class at school called Broadway and Beyond! She LOVES musicals and they were doing a shortened version of In the heights. She tried out for a singing solo and got it! Every semester her school puts on a performance called the celebration of learning. It's a showcase of each grades work. They offer karate, hip hop dancing, african drums and all kinds of other things for 6-12 weeks at a time. The kids always do such an amazing job! Last performance she had a 2 minute dance solo! She did an awesome job and today she sang. :goodvibes She did a great job!!! I am so glad because there are three girls that constantly bully and harass her. This has been going on for 2 years!! Yesterday the kids did a "mock" celebration of learning for the staff and students. And the girls were so rude and covered their ears, made all kind of rude comments and everything. Courtney was sooo crushed! I told her to pay those girls no mind. She got the part because she is good. She auditioned and everything. Those girls don't have the voice or the guts to try for a solo!

Anyway, just wanted to share some good news!

Chase's eyes are still red and they seem to still be sore from time to time. I think it's because he is a head bager at night and at nap time. And maybe the pressure of him banging his head hurts his eyes? :confused: They do look better than they did at first. But he's still got a ways to go. Hopefully they won't be red on our vacation!! People keep asking me if he has pink eye!!
You are too sweet! I received your thank-you note today... completely unnecessary. I'm glad you liked the pirate mickey, I made the same outfits for my boys when we went on the Disney Cruise in November. I forgot to mention in my note that I try not put the appliqued shirts in the dryer. If they do find their way through the dryer, the appliques tend to get crinkly.

I love seeing your kids opening their gifts! You are doing a great job with the photos... keep it up while you are at Disney. You know we all want to see the photos of you guys in the parks!

Have a wonderful time!!!! Gosh, you are getting so close :yay: :yay: :yay:
You are too sweet! I received your thank-you note today... completely unnecessary. I'm glad you liked the pirate mickey, I made the same outfits for my boys when we went on the Disney Cruise in November. I forgot to mention in my note that I try not put the appliqued shirts in the dryer. If they do find their way through the dryer, the appliques tend to get crinkly.

I love seeing your kids opening their gifts! You are doing a great job with the photos... keep it up while you are at Disney. You know we all want to see the photos of you guys in the parks!

Have a wonderful time!!!! Gosh, you are getting so close :yay: :yay: :yay:

Thanks so much for the tip on the applique! I am certain that I would have put it in the regular wash and then had a fit if something would have happened!!! I am looking forward to taking lots of pictures! We still look at the pictures of our trip from last year! I have been horrible about organizing them though :sad2: I definitely have to do better with that this time around!

So today has been a really good day so far. It started off pretty rocky..another migraine!!! However I got some rest and quiet and I'm feeling much better. I'm sure that getting 2 more BIG GIVE packages in the mail today helped a lot! :goodvibes

We also got our Itinerary from MAW!! And now I have a dilema!!!

They have booked us breakfast on 6/28 at Ohana's. I already have ADR's for breakfast at Ohana's and dinner at the garden grill on 6/26!!! I'm not sure what to do!!

On 6/26 we have an ADR for the Crystal Palace for lunch at 1:00.

Any suggestions?

I may post this in the wish trippers thread also!
I wanted to post the pictures of some awesome BIG GIVE stuff that we got in the mail!

First I have cute T-shirts from Billwendy!








I apologize for posting the pictures out of order!

So to Billwendy we would like to say a BIG Thank you!!! She was sweet enough to send shirts for me and my mom too! We all LOVE our shirts!!!
Next we have adorable outfits from Jessica Lee! Not sure what her dis name is?









So to Jessica in GA we say a BIG Thank you!!! I have to say that you REALLY made Chase's day with the Thomas outfit!!! I had picked up a pair of Thomas sandals and a matching Thomas swim trunk with beach hat outfit and he is so ready to wear his stuff NOW :rotfl: so of course we Have to have a whole Thomas outfit day. And of course I already have a Thomas movie and sticker book all ready for him!!

And Selah and Courtney absolutely adore their things. Selah twirled and curtsied in her skirt!!

I have to go back and look on my camera, not sure if I got the pic of Courtney with her shirt! But she LOVES it!!!
Good I just checked and I see it!! I've been having some little faux paus with my camera and batteries. Plus Chase has been extremely interested in my camera lately...maybe it's all the pictures I've been taking!! :lmao: But he has found out how to erase my pictures!! I think he believes that he is taking pictures when instead he is deleting them!!

I've been thinking a lot about the double Ohana breakfast ressies! And I may just cancel the ones we have. I'm not sure if we need a whole day at Epcott? We may go to the beach that morning or do wet in wild or one of Disney's water parks and go to Epcott after lunch and stay for the rest of the day and keep our Garden grill ressie for that evening. So...will I be able to go to Epcott twice during our visit? We could go the second time just for Breakfast and then move onto somewhere else the day that MAW has us scheduled for breakfast there at Ohanas!

I'm sure things will all work out!! But it sure is stressing me out now!!

Today was an awesome day! I had an early morning doctor appointment and ran into a friend I hadn't spoken to in a while! It was great seeing her and we made promises to get the kids together for a play date very soon!

I did the LAST of my big shopping for our trip!! :banana: I just have a few little odds and ends to pick up on Wednesday.. I just wanted to pick up sunglasses for the kids. Chase already has a pair so naturally I have to get some for Selah and Courtney. And I have to pick up some Ziploc bags for our spare changes of clothes which will be in our backpacks at the parks. AND BATTERIES!!! lol. I may save those few things and get them while we are down there. We are going to make the obligatory trip to Walmart our fist day there so I guess it's no biggie!

So now, I can really get the packing underway this week while Courtney is at school. Thursday is her last day and boy is she excited!

Friday we are going to pick up her new glasses and take Chase's in to be fixed. If the kids are up to it we may go check out Karate Kid. They are dying to see it! Saturday Courtney has a hair appointment to get her hair braided and I will begin cleaning the house and finish doing my flowers and yard. I am hoping the weather is nice so that I can fill up the pool and let the little ones have a nice day splashing around. Sundays are my lazy days mixed in with some laundry and cleaning out the fridge. Monday I havea hair appointment and Selah has speech and OT at Chase's school and he has school. I will continue cleaning up and getting ready. Tuesday the girls are going to be a the community center doing activities all day and that evening we are going to get pedis/manis! and my mom will pick us up that night!! Wednesday we are off!!

Time is really moving along!!! I feel like I have a million things to do but I am trying not to get too crazy about it!!! I already know this schedule is going to change a million and one times!! And ho9pefully I can just roll with the punches.
Woo Hoo!! so glad they arrived!!! The kids look adorable!! Cant wait to see you all matching together!!! Have FUN!!!!!:cool1:
Woo Hoo!! so glad they arrived!!! The kids look adorable!! Cant wait to see you all matching together!!! Have FUN!!!!!:cool1:

Thank you billwendy!!!

I can officially do the single digit dance!!! :banana: :dance3: :cool1: :yay:

Well I'm getting ready to take Selah to her weekly summer OT/Speech group! This is her first session and I hope it goes well!!

I packed Selah and Chase's medicine in their suitcase. The only things left to go in are some new tooth brushes, sunscreen and I almost forgot to look for a dress for Selah to wear for CRT :rotfl: now how in the world did I forget about that??? Last year she just wore a regular outfit but I'm thinking this year she may wear a dress. She kind of has one that she plays dress up in from time to time, but I'm going to look around and see if I can find one this week...I hope...if I have time!! :lmao:
I spoke to my wish granter today and she is trying to help me sort through my Ohana's dilema!! She is going to contact the Wish office to see if there is anyway that we could possibly get Chef Mickey's on our Magic Kingdom day INSTEAD of Ohana's on our MK day! That way I can keep our Ohana's!!!

If id doesn't work out I will understand but I really appreciate her trying!! Also she is going to find out about making sure there are car seats for our transportation to the airport AND for our mini van while we are in Orlando!

They've already got the Nebulizer ready for us and I packed all of their meds already. I picked up scripts over the weekend so I am all good there! Selah and Chase have dr. appt's on Tuesday morning just to get lung checks and all that good stuff! Thankfully they both have been doing wonderfully! The pediatrician said that she has a portable nebulizer that I can borrow and take with us! I think it's battery operated or something? :confused3 That would be a BIG load off of my back!

Selah's first day of OT/Speech group went wonderfully! They said she was a little "busy" but redirectable. And she participated in the activities very well! :cool1: hopefully she will keep up the good work!

I am going to start packing Courtney's stuff tonight or tomorrow and see if there are any last minute things of hers I forgot! She has horrible allergies so I had to remember her meds as well!


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