lola's adventure:from couch to 1/2 marathon!!!

No run yesterday, I still had a little tenderness in my right leg so I figured I would take it easy. I plan to run an easy 3 on the tredmill today.

Food yesterday:
B/L: Slice of quiche with a side salad
D: half portion of chicken piccata from CCF and shared a slice of cheese cake with DD and DH.

This has not been a totally on plan weekend but it has been better that I was over the last month or so. Only 3 weeks until Vegas so I'm going to try and be stricter this week. I will try to weigh in tomorrow am at WW to get me back on the regular schedule. I don't think I'll have lost anything since Friday but I can dream. :)
What is this 50 degree/sunny weather of which you speak? ;) LOL! :laughing: We haven't seen 50 degrees in awhile. As a matter of fact, we are under a winter storm warning right now. I can't wait for spring! :sunny: I hope the groundhog cooperates on Wednesday. ;) :wizard:

Great job getting your run in!:cheer2: Hope your leg is feeling better soon!:wizard:

Have a nice evening!:hug:
Missed my run yesterday :sad2: Things at work were too busy and now that DH is doing C25K we have to share the treadmill at night. By the time he was done I was just too beat. I will have to find a way to get 3 miles in today instead.

I went to WW to weigh in the AM before work. Shockingly I was down 4.2 lbs, Go figure :confused3 I think there might be something wrong with the scale b/c I just weighed in on Friday and my scale at home is only down about 1.5 lbs. Anyway for now I will take it but I'm worried they may "take it back" when I weigh in next week.

Starting weight: 244
Current weight: 185.8
Net loss: 58.2 lbs :banana:

Food yesterday:
B: sandwich thin with reduced fat peanut butter
L: LC Chicken Carbonara
D: I was doing so well until I got caught at work and had 3 big chocolate chip cookies instead of a real dinner. :sad2: Oh well, what can you do.

I still feel like I'm just not totally back into a standard routine like I was before the holidays. Little by little I am doing a bit better though. I still have exactly 3 weeks until Vegas so it is possible that I could loose the 6 lbs and make in to my 179 goal before the trip. If I can just keep away from the sweets I think I can do it. :thumbsup2
Did a 4 mile run on the treadmill last night. Did the first mile at 5.0 then the second 2 at 5.5 mph then the last at 5.0. No walk breaks this time. Overall it felt like a great run.

Food yesterday:
B: sandwich thin with reduced fat peanut butter
S: FF Cappacino
L: bowl of chedder ale soup (so yummy but not the healthiest choice)
D: left over 1/2 of CCF Chicken piccata
S: SC ice cream sandwich

I'd like to get more short runs in during the week so I'm going to try to do a short 2 mile run today. I would really like to use these to work on speed but my right groin/hamstring still just doesn' t feel quite right and going faster seems to really aggravate it. I figure it is better to keep moving slowly than to get injured and not be able to move at all.

I've been seeing a lot of people talk about getting their coast to coast medal and signing up for the DL half. It is soooo tempting but I really just can't justify the expense of a cross country flight and the time away from my family. We are planning a family DW trip for early Oct which would make it hard to get all that time off work too. Maybe I will have to plan to do it next year assuming I make it through the full. We will see....
Ran 2 miles yesterday before work in 22:52. I'm loving that I can run these shorter runs with no walk breaks. It makes me feel more like a "real runner" even though I know that is totally bogus. It is hard to judge if my times are better or worse without the walk breaks. I've come to discover that my NikePlus is really completely inaccurate and I had been using that to get the pace for a lot of my previous runs. It makes me look faster than I really am. Right now I'm using my new treadmill which I think is very accurate. I have a Garmin Forerunner that I want to get set up for my outside runs b/c I think it will be much better than my NikePlus. I'd like to move toward getting my 2-3 mile mid week runs up into the 5.5 mph range for the full distance.

Food yesterday was not so great: :sad2:
B: sandwich thin with reduced fat peanut butter
L: Slice of cheese pizza (why? it was at a meeting and free and i was weak and hungry :sad2:)
S: FF Cappucino
D: Spinich ravioli with tomato sauce (ate WAY WAY too much of this)
S: First I had my usual SC ice cream sandwich then DH broke out a bag of chocolate covered nut and I helped him eat the WHOLE THING :scared1: Ugh

Oh well, today is another day :goodvibes I hope to get in 3 miles on the treadmill tonight after work.
Ran 4 miles on the treadmill last night. Did take 1 two minute long walk break between mile 3 and 4. Ran the rest at 5.0-5.5 mph. Did the 4 miles in 47min. Plan for tonight is to run 3 miles with 3:2 intervals of 6mph run and 3.5 mph walk. Unfortunately DH also wants to run tonight so we will have to both try to find time to share the treamill. I'm happy I've inspired him to get moving but wish we didn't have to compete for the same limited time on the treadmill.

I'm not sure I ever talked about buying the new treadmill but we finally got it just before the half marathon and it is AWSOME! so much better than our old one. For Christmas I asked DH to get a tv on a mount that could swing out in front of the treadmill and he did. It is so great to be able to watch DVD's while running. I just LOVE it. We spent about $1,600 on it but I looked at what it would cost DH and I to join a gym that we would struggle to get to and saw the closest one would be $1,200/year but $250 start up fee. So the treadmill with "pay for itself" in just over a year :thumbsup2 Plus having spent all that money really makes me want to use it regularly!

Food yesterday:
B: Sandwich thin with reduced fat peanut butter
L: brocolii and cheadar soup with crackers (really shouldn't have)
S: SF/FF Cappacino
D: Grilled chicken and brocolii
S: SC ice cream sandwich and 2 chocolate truffles (I blame DH for the truffles he has all this chocolate in the house and it is so hard to resist :sad2:)
Hey Lola
Great job on getting right back to your runs when you got home. Love that you got a new treadmill also. What kind did you get?

Saw another coinsidence in your trip report. We also had breakfast at CP on Sunday morning. Our ressie was for 8:00am though.

So you are thinking of doing the Full. My friend wants to do the Full also. She wants the Mickey Medal.
I'd like to know what kind of treadmill you got as well. I had a used one for years that I bought in 2005 but it just got so raggedy that I sold it a few months ago. I want to get a good one but not one that will break the bank.
We got a Sole F83. So far I am very happy with it. My only (very minor) complaint is that is takes a bit too long to transition between speeds. While this makes for a smooth transition it is a little cumbersome since I do a lot of intervals for my run/walk training.

This weekend was pretty much a complete loss for diet and exercise. For some reason I was eatting like a pig for 2 days straight. Most of the weekend was rainy but I could have got a long run in on Sunday. I ended up skipping it in favor of a nap. Oh well. I just can't seem to really get my heart into weight loss at the moment. Maybe because I am fairly happy maintaining my current size.

Yesterday was better. I did a 4 mile run mostly at 5.5-6mph. I got interupted by a call from work in the middle of it so I can't say what my actual time was.

Food Yesterday
B: sandwich thin and reduced fat peanut butter
L: roasted red pepper soup with crackers
S: FF cappucino, 2 squares of dark chocolate
D: Was stuck late at work so no dinner. Did have a SC ice cream sandwich when I got home.

I'd like to get to WW to weigh in tonight but I'm not sure if I can get out of work. I expect about a 2 lb gain from last week.
Ran 3.1 miles yesterday on the treadmill at work. alternated between 5.0 and 6.0 mph ever 0.25 miles. Overall the run felt pretty good.

I did manage to get to WW last night and I was up 1.4 lbs. Not too suprising given my eatting lately. Speaking of which:

Food yesterday:

B: sandwich thin with peanut butter, SF/FF Cappucino
L: Pizza :sad2:
D: left over 1/2 portion of CCF Chicken piccata
S: SC ice cream sandwich and 1/2 a chocolate santa claus (I know... I know:sad2:)

Oh well.... even if they eatting is not great my weight is hanging out about the same and I'm still moving. I'm sure I'll collect my motivation eventually and get back on the diet wagon.
Ugh, been having a heck of a week. I've caught a nasty cold and just getting through work has felt tough. I have not run the last 2 nights and I kind of doubt I will run today either. I plan to go right to bed after getting DD to bed at 8:00.

Eatting has been just OK but no crazy binging or anything.

Yesterday's food
B: sandwich thin and peanutbutter
S: Capucino
L: chicken salad sandwich (and a cookie :sad2:)
D: Pasta

I was planning a 7 mile long run tomorrow but I will have to see how things are with this chest cold. Ugh....
Still fighting my head cold and feeling exhausted. Work today is not too crazy so far. I could get a run in if I wanted to but I just feel too beat. If I don't run today I will have to do it tomorrow. We'll see how I feel a little later on. Right now I've been on my feet since 6am and I still have 5 more hours to go...bleck.

Food yesterday was a bit better:
B: sandwich thin with RF peanutbutter
S: SF/FF Cappuccino
L: Sweet potato soup
S: an orange
D: More of the sweet potato soup... too tired to cook
No run, still sick... ugh. Work has been busy and today has been another long day. I'm hoping to get back on my feet for a run on Monday.

Food yesterday was pretty good
B: sandwich thin with peanut butter
S: Cappucino
L: LC Chicken carbonara
S: Orange
D: Veggie burritto
Ran 2 miles yesterday before work in 22:52. I'm loving that I can run these shorter runs with no walk breaks. It makes me feel more like a "real runner" even though I know that is totally bogus.

Girl, let's get one thing straight.....(insert stern looking smilie here) YOU ARE A RUNNER! ::yes:: A REAL runner ::yes:: ::yes::

Now that we have that taken care of, how are you? Are you feeling better? Don't push yourself until you are well. No running, maybe just a brisk walk right now. Please take care of yourself. The tread mill will still be there when you are better. :hug:
Girl, let's get one thing straight.....(insert stern looking smilie here) YOU ARE A RUNNER! ::yes:: A REAL runner ::yes:: ::yes::

Thank you for that :hug:

I am feeling a bit better today. Did a slow 3. 1 miles last night and might try to do another 2-3 tonight. Work is still busy but "only" 14 more days until I get a day off so I see a light at the end of the tunnel.... I think I can... I think I can!!!

Food yesterday:
B: Sandwich thin with peanut butter
S: Cappucino
L: didn't really get to it... had a bunch of crackers and half a scone (yuck)
D: a slice of cold pizza... wasn't worth it but I was really hungrey and it was there.
Did 2 miles last night. Still slow but at least I did them. Tonight I will take a rest.

Food yesterday
B: peanut thin with peanut butter
S: Cappucino
L: Roasted Red pepper soup
D: Got home late and DH and I split a box of valentine candy and watched a movie. Not healthy but kind of fun since work kept us from doing anything else for valentine's day.
Hey Lola, how's it going? Are you feeling better? Over your cold? I hate you have to work so many days in a row without a break. That has got to be tough. How is the weather in your area? Have you been able to get out and run any?


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