Longest time spent away from spouse / partner?

3 weeks.

From mid-2015- majority of 2016 and majority of 2019 he was away on field assignments and it would largely be every 2 weeks we'd see each other but one or two times it was 3 weeks.

1st assignment it was every 2 weeks we'd see each other for 2 full days together, 2nd assignment was every 2 weeks we'd see each other for 1 1/2 days together, 3rd assignment was every 2 weeks we'd see each other for 2 1/2 days together.

He actually travels more frequently than his prior job outside of the field assignments he did but he has no plans to do a field assignment again being away from home for that long.
A week several years ago when he went to Italy for work. Since then his company has cut back on work travel.
Probably about 10 days, either when she or I were away for business or for one of my hockey/baseball/theme park vacations when she decided to stay home instead.
9 weeks taking care of Grandson #1 and Grandson #2 when Army deployed Dad. I went additional times for shorter durations since I was available because DW ordered me to retire while she continued to work.


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