Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts too........

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Okay, I think I have "The Unofficial Guide" memorized. Anyway, there is a letter to the editor from a lady who describes having a panic attack during her trip due to her over-planning, control freak, commando touring nature - every time I read that section, my heart starts to beat a little faster and I wonder if that will be me at WDW! :confused3
Does anyone else out there think hangers are against them! :crazy:
We got stuck in unexpected traffic for over an hour trying to get to my son's first birthday party (away from home at a site). I was late for my own party! It was terrible. I was sitting in the car ready to explode because There was nothing I could do about it! Everything on the list was marked off but that wasn't on my list!!!! Oh it just ruined me for the rest of the night. I wish I could just chill out. I wish I could just let things go.
Thanks for listening to me vent.
I'm a worry wart w/anxiety problems. I was so scared that after my dd was born that the house was going to start on fire and I wouldn't be able to get to her bedroom to save her. I had such anxiety over it that she is now almost 2 and still sleeping in our bed. I know, there are dangers there, too. I worry about that also, but I am closer to her and wake up so easy if she stirs. Also, my anxiety causes me to think all day, whether it be about what stupid thing I said or did or what bad things could possibly happen. Now I'm trying to plan our Disney trip, 1st time w/ADR's and I'm freaking out. How do I choose a restaurant now when I might be in the mood for something different that day. Oh, the big problems in my world.
Just like the other post, I think I have every illness I read about if I am not feeling right.
Hi, DisneyOhana. I can completely relate to your worry and anxiety problems. I'm doing pretty well most of the time in the last year. However, just about a week ago, I had a "freaking out" episode over planning my trip to Disney. The interesting thing is that I am not normally a type A personality, but I can often worry just as much and I can also get into type A style trip planning when it comes to Disney.

The good thing is that I was able to realize what was going on and see that I needed to calm down and amazingly was able to do so. Not right away, you understand; It is not like flipping a light switch. I sort of worked through it over about a 2-day period. And now I am able to let some things sort themselves out in my head more naturally. I've been thinking about and dreaming of this Disney trip for a long time and I guess I've thought through it enough that the best ideas are coming together and gelling. Doubts are bound to creep in...What if I see a new restaurant that hadn't been reviewed yet when I was planning and we really want to try it? What if I think I'm likely to be in or near Adventureland at dinner time and it turns out we are somewhere totally different? I can think of a million of them. But I've got a couple of months to go to keep working through my issues. I think by the time I get there my non-type A side of my personality will be able to come shining through and I'll be able to relax and have fun. I'll be at DisneyWorld! How can I not have fun? Only by having the wrong attitude about everything. If I see a new restaurant, maybe I'll get to go back again in a year or 2, and maybe that new restaurant will still be there to be tried on that trip. If we are going with the flow of the day and having fun and end up in a different part of the park than what I planned (or having different reason like a trip to a first aid station--ack) then we can walk to Adventureland when the time comes and just cope and have a good attitude.

So, my ideas are gelling and my travel guides etc, are providing me with good info on how to make decisions and now I'm pretty well decided on which parks to visit on which specific days of our trip. (I've also made a few other important itenerary decisions, like reserving a specific morning or evening to relax.) So after deciding which parks, I'm ready for and have started the process of looking at and matching up restaurant reviews, to Disney Dining Plan info, to locations of restaurants. I have my first days "touring plan" ready to go with several restaurant possibilities penciled in. And if I can stay calm, I can probably make a final decision and make a reservation. I've read reviews here and other places on the internet, but when I come down to making the decision, if I need to refer back to some info, I'll be using guidebooks and the official web page that tells which restaurants are currently part of the Disney Dining. That is just what works for me. I've got a copy of the 2007 Unofficial Guide and also a copy of PassPorter's Walt Disney World For Your Special Needs. I would not have thought ahead of time that I'd pay for 2 different guide books. But I got an older copy of the UG nearly a year ago ($1 @ a library sale) and decided that it was worthwhile enough to buy an up to date copy at full price when the date of our trip got close and then I just got the PassPorters book on impulse as soon as I saw it, because it seemed like such a good idea. Now I am so glad that I have both of them. And you might be able to borrow them from your library too. The main thing about the particular PassPorter's book that I have is that because it is does a great job of covering just about every different type of special need, it gives a noise level rating for each restaurant. I am definitely taking that into consideration. With me and my crew having a few sit down meals in quieter settings at least a few days of our trip will probably make a big difference. I have to kids that have sensory issues and get overstimulated even more than normal kids. And DH and I are both normally not crowd people. So, I think that if we succeed at getting quiet restaurants a coule of times, where we can really "decompress" and getting restaurants that are at least not the loudest one the rest of the time will allow us to all have a much better time.
It's so nice to talk to other Disney people who sound like me. I try and try to control my anxiety. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. We leave in 2 days now and I am at peak anxiety mode worrying I forgot something. Oh well...like you said...once I'm there I will be happy no matter what because I'm in WDW but for now I agree with all the things you guys mentioned. I worry about all of that! Right now my kids have colds and I am worrying about that too.
Oh well.....maybe if we have each other to talk to we can work it out in our heads a little easier!
Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Today, amongst my unsolicited emails I got one that had this quote: "If you can't make a mistake, you can't make anything."
--Marva N. Collins

I agree. I've got to allow mistakes.
Great quote but how come you know what is the right way to react or feel but to actually do it is so hard. I could probably tell someone how to deal with anxiety and worry better than Dr. Phil could but can't apply it to my own life! I am still stressing today over a party that is already over! No one else is stressed so why am I? And further more I am going to be in WDW in the VERY near future so I should be floating on cloud nine!
Sometimes I do think I am nuts! :crazy:
Maybe it gets easier with age?? I know that I used to be completely anxiety driven. Almost obsessively so. I'm now 42, and I really feel as though I'm getting to the point where I can let go of some control, and realize that nobody is going to care, or that it really isn't worth the stress. Just yesterday as I was going over a packing list...I thought...well, if i forget something, I can just go to a store and get whatever it is! Can you believe that??? That is NOT like the old me at all.

My husbands quirks that used to drive me insane, don't really irk me any more, my son's lack of enthusiasm for school work....I figure at least he's a sweet kid, so what if he won't go to college. There are still signs of the control freak though...as you'll notice by the way I already have a packing list that I've been going over and over and we aren't leaving for 3 months. But hey...life is a work in progress!
Hey, good for you! I'm 39 so hopefully every couple years I'll get better too!I'm a work in progress all right!

:confused3 Life's too short, right?
Debbie6221 said:
..but how come you know what is the right way to react or feel but to actually do it is so hard...

Good Question! I wish I knew. Maybe then I could totally fix myself! I've noticed the same thing with other things too, not just with worry or controlling behaviors. I have a temper like my Dad and it is not even like I don't recognize it when I snap at someone or start letting off steam innappropriately, but stopping myself is a lot harder than just recognizing it. So it is an ongoing struggle. I do win the struggle more and more often as time goes by. Thank goodness! Gotfids must be on to something with the age hypothesis. I guess we all live and learn. Now if we could only speed up the learning part of that. ;)

Of my 3 kids only one of them has the same struggle with temper and only one (a different one) has the same struggle with worrying too much about everything. I feel like I do a better job communicating with them about these things than my parents did. So they know that I don't think that it is ok, if I lose my temper or start acting nutty over some worry. And they are already showing signs of learning to recognize their own flaws. So I guess there is some hope for the future. :thumbsup2
fromscratchmom said:
Good Question! I wish I knew. Maybe then I could totally fix myself! I've noticed the same thing with other things too, not just with worry or controlling behaviors. I have a temper like my Dad and it is not even like I don't recognize it when I snap at someone or start letting off steam innappropriately, but stopping myself is a lot harder than just recognizing it. So it is an ongoing struggle. I do win the struggle more and more often as time goes by. Thank goodness! Gotfids must be on to something with the age hypothesis. I guess we all live and learn. Now if we could only speed up the learning part of that. ;)

Of my 3 kids only one of them has the same struggle with temper and only one (a different one) has the same struggle with worrying too much about everything. I feel like I do a better job communicating with them about these things than my parents did. So they know that I don't think that it is ok, if I lose my temper or start acting nutty over some worry. And they are already showing signs of learning to recognize their own flaws. So I guess there is some hope for the future. :thumbsup2

I feel like being an older Mom with little ones doesn't help in the patience department. I lose my temper now more than I ever did. Well, my DD has a bad temper! Because her temper is bad I have to watch my temper even more. Easier said then done unfortunately, especially on a day like the "hair cutting" day! :furious:

I taught kindergarten for 12 years and had TONS of patience. Maybe I used it all up then!

Good night. Have a peaceful sleep!
Just wanted to say good night to all of you.

I'm off to my DREAM trip tomorrow and am worrying I forgot something....
I've already decided that tomorrow morning I am going to take everything out of the suitcases and redo them again. :crazy:
I CAN NOT wait to be there!

I hope all is well on your ends.

When I get back I'm gonna need you guys to get me through being home!!! I get very depressed (I know....shocking, right)
Take care!
Oh my....I'm excited for you!! You'll have a wonderful time! And go ahead and redo those bags...it will make you feel better. It's best to keep Worry warts busy!! No time to worry that way.

Have Fun!!!
Didn't sleep very well last night.....I will be fine once I'm there but for now. WOW... I am stressed!
My latest is that our bags aren't going to all fit with all our bodies in the cars! Oh boy...
I must start unloading the luggage now too so I can put it all right back in!
Thanks again for listening!
Thanks for the info on the book. I like to know details about everything. I just read a review on CRT which said they call your name and walk your group up the winding staircase. Lovely. Then the music during dinner is magical. I can't wait to go. I will be going with my husband, daughter age 2, uncle & aunt, two sisters, & two nephews age 6 & 8, so since I am trying to plan what would be fun for all of us, I think that is where my anxiety came from this time. Normally, my dh and I just go to whatever restaurant we want w/no ADR's. With this big group I can't do that. We also didn't have a group meeting yet so I've calmed down and told myself that I will pick what is good for my dd and if everyone wants to join us, great. If not, we will have plenty of time to see them in Disney.
Also, I have problems w/my temper. So does my dd. She is smart & sweet, but at times very stubborn. I can rarely get her in her carseat w/out problems. She will fight me so hard that she almost hurts herself wriggling around. Then my temper starts and I find myself red in the face yelling. I'm not one who spanks, so I feel like instead I hold it in and my head is going to explode. I have to tell myself to breathe. Sometimes when I am cleaning she will keep calling me for something silly and I will yell "What"?! I end up telling her that I am so sorry that I yelled because I too don't want to teach her that it is ok to yell back. She just wants some attention.
I'm off....and let me just say...I had the worst travel day for a worrying control freak ever! :furious: It was a terrible travel day and I hope the rest of the day goes better. To make a long story short...I have been packing and repacking all day to make our luggage fall under 50lbs! Plus now we had to call another friend to drive all of us to the airport so we can fit. That's 3 vehicles now! What a joke. THANK GOD I will be in WDW tonight(hopefully). I do not do good on the travel day. I just can't see past all the worrying! I don't chill until I am actually in my room. Oh..I can't wait.
Thanks AGAIN for listening!!!! You're like my very own personal support group.
I'll be thinking of all of you!
I'm the same way on travel day....YIKES!! I can just imagine the huge sigh of relief that poor girl lets out when she gets to her room. I know how I relax....with a nice big strawberry margarita! Can you get those there???? I'm gonna look into that since I know I'll need one.

Some things just don't change as you get older....travel day stress is one of 'em.
I never sleep good the night before vacation. Not just because I'm worrying about everything but, like the kid in the Disney commercial says, I'm too excited to sleep. I too like to keep busy just so my mind is at ease.
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