Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts too........

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Hi Guys,

I'm back home! :guilty:
We Arrived back in Chicago last night and already can feel the WDW blues setting in. :sad1:
:cloud9: The trip was FABULOUS to say the least. The weather was perfect :sunny: , we hit a billion things (I actually lost 5 pounds from all the running around....and that was even on the dining plan!), no major snafoos (I'll tell you about the minor ones later), and everyday was :tinker: MAGICAL! pixiedust:
I hope all of you are doing well and were doing good while I was gone.
Have a great day!
:surfweb: Talk to you more later.
I'm off to go sulk about being home....
:sad2: DEBBIE
So glad you had a good time. My sister and I always get the blues when we get back. We only go every few years because of money and my husband likes to try different places. Not that it bothers me that much. Mexico was beautiful. Chichen Itza was so awesome.
My dd will be 2 in December and we go to WDW in May. Any advice you have would be great.
I am going to do a trip report and post it here if anyone cares to read about my trip. I can tell you one huge tip....... use the disboards...they got me a cheaper car rental rate, told me how to make the most of our dining plan and answered about a thousand other questions! It was a huge help. Ask me ANYTHING and I will try and help you out.
Welcome home Debbie!! Finished doing laundry yet? I start to think of all the stuff I'll have to do when I get home from vacation as soon as I get on that airplane ride back home! I'm glad you had such a great time and that no major mishaps occured. I know I look forward to the trip report. Again...welcome home!
I am still doing laundry, organizing, trying to find missing stuff, etc.
:sad2: I CAN NOT believe it but BOTH my DH and I forgot to check the middle drawer between the beds at GF! I know of two things that were in it for sure and the GF hasn't found the stuff yet. How can they not just put in a box and send it to you when you leave it like that. Oh well....
My luggage broke when we were going home too. It just gave me an excuse to buy the WDW luggage I had my eye on though. My DH sent me to the gift shop to buy a couple luggage belts and I came back with the new luggage! Ooops! I must have misunderstood what he wanted me to buy!!!! :rotfl2:
I'm in Chicago where the weather is chilly and it is hard to be back.
:sunny: WDW was sunny everyday!!! :sunny:
I am still experimenting at photobucket and trying to organize my pix. Keep checking in!
Have a great Sunday!
I'm sure you guys can appreciate this question:

Does anyone see any dangers to posting family vacation pictures in trip reports, etc.? I am doing a trip report right now and kind of got nervous about it.
Am I worrying about nothing? I'm close to pulling the pix off.
It is hard to say for sure. My DH is always on the side of protecting our privacy at all cost. I tend to agree with him. But I don't know to tell you exactly what the dangers would be.

For a long time, I sort of agreed, but mostly was just going along with him because it was important to him. When one of my daughters was born, my mom put a big sign up in our yard. When DH got home from the hospital he made her take it down. I always felt badly about that until that news story a little while back when there was a newborn kidnapped and the police were theorizing that that was exactly how the victim had been picked. So I guess I'll just be happy with his level of paranoia. :rotfl:
I agree with the above. I don't know what the dangers could be since no one has your address or last name, but I get paranoid. It takes some of the fun out of this board though, doesn't it. So many people post their pictures all over the internet, so I'll bet the chances of anything happening to your family is very small. On the tv show Numbers the other day, the mathemetician was talking about the worries that people have and the percent chance that each would happen. I wish he would have had a percent chance for posting pictures and having something happen. Then I would have a better answer for you.
Well as you can see I have been doing it. I keep playing around with my siggie. I am kind of doing a TR with pix too. Maybe I can PM it to you if you are intersted!
Just had to add to this thread... I am such a control freak that I actually had a nightmare last night about being UNPREPARED for our trip to WDW in March. I spent considerable time after waking, convincing myself that I would never leave my house with out our PARK TICKETS! In my dream, I had left the park tickets at home and when I asked my husband how much spending money we had brought (like I'd ever leave that to chance?!?!?) he answered "maybe $200 to $300". None of these things would EVER happen, why am I stressing about them :confused3
Debbie6221 said:
Hi, my name is Debbie and I am a control freak! :wave2:

Anyone else out there like me? I can't stand when things are out of my hands.

WDW is kind of good for our kind. We can make reservations, look at schedules, and have a plan for the whole trip but.....
don't throw any curve balls our way like refurbishments or a bad view or God forbid someone gets sick!
:crazy: We might go crazy, out of our minds, coo coo.

Because I am a control freak this also adds up to "worry freak" too.
Worrying that stuff is going to go wrong that you can't fix! :crazy:
Am I alone?
Nope, but based on your post we may be twins separated at birth :rolleyes1
OMG On travel day I was convinced something was going to be forgotten. I kept telling myself that I could buy anything we forgot out there but it just doesn't work! Instead we overpacked!!
Well get this....we left GF without double checking all the drawers! As a worry wart/ control freak you realize the drawers are usually checked about 10 times! Well, we forgot stuff in the bedside drawer and housekkeping/lost and found at GF said that they found nothing! Whatever!
Don't you feel sorry for me fellow control freaks!?
Part of the problem was as we were leaving and packing up my luggage broke and I had to go buy new luggage and repack a whole bag. Plus I had to ship stuff home which is a whole other story! Crazy!
Good morning my fellow worry warts! How is everything going???
I received my shipped items today and it was all fine except for one item. The GF was really nice about it though and said they would replace it and ship it out.
Anyone else already starting to worry about the holidays???
Hope everyone has a worry free day!! :thumbsup2
Debbie 6221, I absolutely love the new photo in your signature!

Are the items shipped, the things that housekeeping originally said they didn't find? I think I missed a post somewhere. I'm glad that you got most of them alright.

I am getting along pretty well... obsessing about my ADRs and such of course. But mostly having a good time looking forward to my trip. About the holidays, I'm doing pretty well. I'm a little worried about it. Our Disney trip is our big expenditure and our presents on Christmas morning will be less than what we have done in the past. That won't matter to my six-year-old. She won't notice or care about how much I spent. The other two kids are good kids, but... I'm trying to be prepared in advance so that we'll have plenty of packages to open and all have a good attitude that the trip was worth it and Christmas is still special. We'll be together and we always have fun that is not just about how much loot we got. DS, age 15, is unfortunately way too into computer games and not enough into any other stuff. Well, he loves to read, but really all he wants is games for christmas. He has a few nice books that have been presents that he loves owning, but mostly he'd rather get a book from the library. So he'll be my trickiest one to plan Christmas presents for that will make him smile when he opens them. I think part of his stuff will be some coupons for stuff like watching a movie with mom, playing a video game with dad. He always wants to get us to do that and generally we are just not interested in his games enough to be able to cope.
I'm nervous about Christmas especially w/my dd's b-day 11 days before. I have 2 b-day parties because I only have a kitchen and small living room. Not to mention that my family and my IL's aren't alike and both mom's will probably fight for my dd's love. Sometimes we go to 4 places during Christmas week because my grandma can't leave her condo so we have Christmas Eve there, on Christmas Day my IL's have us over as does my mom because she doesn't want to lug all the gifts for her grandchildren to the small condo, and then the IL's have another party so that their grandchildren who live every other week with their father can be with us around Christmas. The IL's also would like us to go to the Aunt's house on Christmas Eve after my grandma's and make me feel guilty every year, but come on 4 parties are enough. Sorry if I sound crabby, I love Christmas. I just wish it could be a little less hectic and guilt-free.
fromscratchmom Good to hear from you...
Good luck with the whole gift giving thing. We know how great the trip is as our treat but somehow teenagers are a challenge. Hey, I shop for a ton of stuff on Ebay and always get great deals. Have you ever tried that for the video games?
No, the GF still hasn't gotten back to me about my items left in the room since they told me the inspector didn't find anything. Bummer!
On a side note...I still don't know how much it cost to ship my souvineers home either. I'm scared but I didn't have a choice!
Got the siggie pic when we were at MK for CRT breakfast before they let everyone else in. It was really cool!

DisneyOhanaI LOVE Christmas but I literally get stomach aches over who we are visiting and when.
Come visit the Chicago thread!

Fromscratch Mom where are you from?
Hugs to Disneyohana :hug: And the rest of you with the family thing too. One reason I do well not stressing about the holidays is because when we first got married, my DH started our tradition that Christmas is a family time that we share at home, not an extended family time where we owe a piece of ourselves to a million different extended family members. He was basically following the example of my own father, who always said, "We'll be at home and anyone who wants to come see us can." Except DH didn't extend an invitation to his other family members. In fact, I don't think he'd let them come, because there always ends up being some kind of drama when they get together. But he likes my mom and she is coming to spend Christmas with us for the first time, this year. I am so happy about that. She is a very laid back person and won't make any ruckus. She'll just fit right in with the way we interact for such a special day. I've already got a few things squirreled away for her to have packages to open. Hooray.

Debbie, thanks for the ebay tip! and hugs to you to! :hug: I have not tried that before. I might follow your example for getting some awesome pics too. I'll have to call each day to see if I can change our CRT ressies to a time before the park opens. Its funny that someone else just mentioned that to me recently and now that I see your pic, I'm sold. Hopefully, I'll catch a cancellation and be able to change mine.

49 days till Disney! pixiedust:
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