Loose vs. Lose!

I HATE when businesses try to be cute and misspell words in their title. :confused3 There is a daycare called "Kiddie Kollege" and it drives me NUTS!! :scared1:
In a discussion on the CB (I know it is a dangerous place, but I can't resist) there is a guy who says $500 to spay a kitten is "exuberant". Really? I think it is exorbitant! ;)

Not to mention all the people who are having their pets spaded! Yikes, that must hurt!
Not to mention all the people who are having their pets spaded! Yikes, that must hurt!

Better than having them "clubbed".:lmao: :lmao:

(hearts, diamonds, moons and clover!)
I HATE when businesses try to be cute and misspell words in their title. :confused3 There is a daycare called "Kiddie Kollege" and it drives me NUTS!! :scared1:

You may want to avoid 192 in St. Cloud.

Home of the famous Koffee Kup Kafe!

Yep, thats KKK! :scared1:
I was on another thread where a lady was asking for advise and she was receiving advise and then thanking people for their advise.
Adults who write in text-message language should be fined. What do you think is a proper fine for grown men and women who use "cuz" in letters or emails? What about "4" for "four or for"? Unless you are actually writing a text message, don't use text-message language!

I don't even let my students say "lie-berry". I ask them what sort of fruit grows on a lieberry tree and they just roll their eyes at me. They cannot have the "library" pass until they pronounce the word correctly.

They may think I'm a geek, but they'll remember me, and, hopefully, how to say the word.
... that I have not read this whole thread, so someone else may have visited this territory, but it KILLS me that the vast majority of folk say, "I could care less."

Well, OK, if you COULD care less, that means that you care at all.

The appropriate phrase is, "I could NOT care less."

Fine, out of my system for the moment. I now return you to regular broadcasting.
Thank you everyone! I just had a lot of fun reading all of your posts.

My biggest language pet peeve doesn't appear to have come up yet. It makes my skin crawl when I hear "Can I help who's next?" Urghhhh!

My DW would like to add:

She hates it when people use the compound verb form of "try" + infinitive but insert "and" instead of "to". For example, "I will try and sleep" instead of "I will try to sleep", or, "I will try and go" instead of "I will try to go". She says that she sees this all the time, even in professionally edited papers.

Sorry about the [COLOR] stuff above. I tried to get rid of that. LOL!

I can actually help with this one. When you're ending a display function the closing [] need to have a / in front of the word.
This is a really interesting question about the development of language. See the following excerpt from Wikipedia:

"Because you is both singular and plural, various English dialects have attempted to revive the distinction between a singular and plural you to avoid confusion between the two uses. This is typically done by adding a new plural form;

Nothing is ever simple. ;)


In fact I consider this a weakness of the English language that folk recognize and try creatively to overcome.

Not so with the French and many other languages. There the second person plural is clearly communicated.

Sigh ... but not in English, so I, too, resort, to conventions such as, "you all."
Okay - I was going to go into a long diatribe about this, but I'll refrain -
and just say not everyone has the same grasp of the english language (spelling and grammar) as everyone else.
Just as we're not all at the same level in math, the sciences, religion, history or the arts (my field) etc. -
and I don't think it's very tolerant to make fun of people who slip up here and there.
I for one am spelling challenged, and have had my share of slip-ups (spell check doesn't get everything).

When I encounter someone who can't draw/design - I don't mock them -
I try to encourage them to keep expressing themselves.

Not trying to be the proverbial "wet blanket".
Just another point of view.

Shalom Dudes! :flower3:
Okay - I was going to go into a long diatribe about this, but I'll refrain -
and just say not everyone has the same grasp of the english language (spelling and grammar) as everyone else.
Just as we're not all at the same level in math, the sciences, religion, history or the arts (my field) etc. -
and I don't think it's very tolerant to make fun of people who slip up here and there.
I for one am spelling challenged, and have had my share of slip-ups (spell check doesn't get everything).

When I encounter someone who can't draw/design - I don't mock them -
I try to encourage them to keep expressing themselves.

Not trying to be the proverbial "wet blanket".
Just another point of view.

Shalom Dudes! :flower3:
And it is a very valid point of view. However, language is a basic necessity used by almost everyone, learned by almost everyone from birth. This is not the same with arts, sciences, etc. We live in social groups, within which we must communicate with one another. You would think that, by a certain age, most people would have a little better mastery of a language with which they were raised.
And it is a very valid point of view. However, language is a basic necessity used by almost everyone, learned by almost everyone from birth. This is not the same with arts, sciences, etc. We live in social groups, within which we must communicate with one another. You would think that, by a certain age, most people would have a little better mastery of a language with which they were raised.

And so it goes. :rolleyes:
Well - Have fun.
I don't have any problem with people making the occasional slip. I make typographical errors all the time. I also find myself looking for the correct word and choosing one that will get the idea across even though it's imperfect. (And, I know plenty of people who struggle with dsylexia and other learning disabilities.)

What bothers me is the number of people who are unconcerned about dropping literacy standards. (Believe me, I feel the same way about dropping numeracy standards.)

When people are poor artists they tend to admit to their weakness and will work to improve their skill if art is necessary for their daily lives. What I usually encounter when people have poor literacy skills are excuses about why literacy and grammar don't matter. This lack of concern is what worries me the most.
I agree. While I may correct people, I do not belittle people. (Well, maybe a close friend if we can make a joke about it). I have to admit that I grew up with plenty of colloquialisms that were improper. I also admit that I am not perfect.

But I think that when given the opportunity to correct your speech or grammar and to put a better foot forward, one should take that opportunity as it comes.

I grew up say "See yas later". (I never went for the traditional "youse" sound, but always the "yas" sound.) I said "beers" as in, should we get some beers for later.

But I cannot draw. I am awful at math. So I would never make fun of people, but if someone wanted to help me become a better artist or improve my mathematic skills, I'd be ready, willing and able. Just as people should not be too offended when I tell them that "I ain't got no money" is improper.
Hey there Mindy. Thank you for pointing this thread out. The loose vs. lose was really getting to me. One of my mom's pet peeves is finished and done. A task is finished, a cake is done as she says. I will admit I have certain words that I can't spell for the life of me. Separate is the main one.

wallyb said:
and I don't think it's very tolerant to make fun of people who slip up here and there.
I for one am spelling challenged, and have had my share of slip-ups (spell check doesn't get everything).

When I encounter someone who can't draw/design - I don't mock them -
I try to encourage them to keep expressing themselves.
Just when I was thinking how nice it is that nobody's criticized this thread yet :umbrella:

I don't believe we're making fun of any person, but rather of the actual misuse of words or terms. This is different from misspelling something, or a typographical error. I'm aware that not everyone can spell*. That's not the same as using 'exuberant' when the person means 'exorbitent', or 'there' for 'their', or 'flawed' for 'floored'.

While it's admirable to encourage others to continue to express themselves (I know I can't draw; I also can't sing), people are generally NOT receptive to having misspelling or grammatical misuse pointed out - even privately.

Grammar Police Honorary Member

*Side note: I am happily anticipating seeing a play about spelling, where the audience will be encouraged to participate in a spelling bee.
*Side note: I am happily anticipating seeing a play about spelling, where the audience will be encouraged to participate in a spelling bee.

:) That sounds like fun. I'd do horribly. I've finally figured out why I can spell quite well when I'm writing, but, not when someone asks me how to spell a specific word; I spell with my fingers, not a phonological memory of the words.
Just when I was thinking how nice it is that nobody's criticized this thread yet :umbrella:

Sorry - didn't mean to criticize your thread -
about criticizing peoples' grammar. :laughing:

Actually, I was expecting more heat from you guys.
What I was just trying to convey was - as one of those spelling and grammar "challenged"
people some of this does seem judgmental to me -
and I would think as an online community we encourage discourse.

But as I said I'm just "tossing my opinion in the hat" too.
Sorry - didn't mean to criticize your thread -
about criticizing peoples' grammar. :laughing:

Actually, I was expecting more heat from you guys.
What I was just trying to convey was - as one of those spelling and grammar "challenged"
people some of this does seem judgmental to me -
and I would think as an online community we encourage discourse.

But as I said I'm just "tossing my opinion in the hat" too.

I see this thread as a place that we can confine our "little red pencil" urges to one thread, rather than share the wealth of our vast OCD all over the board.
In other words, be grateful that we're not following you around and correcting you where you post.

And maybe with constant diligence, we can get a FEW of these serial misspellers to see the error of their ways...it's clear that their teachers couldn't get through to them.

Maybe this thread should be made a sticky...:lmao:
I see this thread as a place that we can confine our "little red pencil" urges to one thread, rather than share the wealth of our vast OCD all over the board.
In other words, be grateful that we're not following you around and correcting you where you post.

... or snickering to yourself about your :worship: linguistic superiority.


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