Losing weight for Mickey

Ok, people listing Wii as excercise... is it true? Can you really excercise with that thing?? I'd love to get it for the tennis because I was a competative HS and College tennis player, and DH.. well... sucks. I found a place online that sells it with the "sports package" of tennis, boxing, bowling, golf, baseball, and I think something else... It was $399 - is that a good price? If its something that I can seriously get a good workout with in my home with the curtains drawn, and its fun, I'm totally into it! Let me know fellow Wii users!

My kids have it. it is what you make of it. You don't have to really throw yourself or the controller around to make it work, however you can use it like you are really playing (tennis for instance) and take full swings and jump around a lot. So i can see where you could get some benefit from it, though the game will still work if you don't put that much effort into it.

Oh by the way
Steve here
41 y/o
from maine
started thanksgiving this year
start weight 230
currently 217
loss so far 13#
goal 190
exercise thus far shoveling this darn snow we can't seem to stop
using sort of a modified Atkins, cutting out sugar & sweet snack as well as junk food

(I did Atkins religiously 5 years ago and the lbs melted off did get down to 188, though I found it hard to stick to long term due to a love of baked goods)
Hey guys!!!

My name is Tifani. My goal is to get down eventually to a size 8 about 135. I'd LOVE to be 125 but I'm trying to be realistic here. I live in FL and haven't bought a bathing suit or gone to the beach in almost 2 years.:sad2:

Age: 30
start weight: 162ish
Start Size: 12-14 (ugh!!)
Goal weight/size: 135 / 8
Diet: South Beach has really worked for me in the past (pre wedding) and the end phase of the diet is really the way I feel is a healthy way to eat for life. It's getting started and through the initial 2 weeks when you're kicking all of the junk out of your system and trying to work through cravings. I am a sugar addict. I am trying to eat healthier and more organically but my family has been going through some financial troubles this past year and some times we are relying on whatever is on sale or given to us by family and friends. I have gone back to work full time and am hoping to finally be able to modify my cabinets enough to allow me to go back on South Beach.
Excercise: walking or running 3 miles 3X a week minimum. Also I have a stability ball work out video that uses dumbells I'd like to do that 3X a week and try to do my Carmen Electra strip aerobics DVD once in a while to try to get that dancers butt!!

For the past 3 halloweens I have said I wasn't going to MNSSHP "THIS BIG EVER AGAIN" and I think I've been heavier every year too. This time I am going to get serious about getting in shape...

This was me this year at MNSSHP, I don't want to have to worry what other people are thinking of me, hide from the camera or pick out my costume around what will make me look less fat again. I'm tired of not wanting to have my picture taken w/ the kids on vacation.
I use fitday.com to track my daily food intake. I saw a few of you mentioning writing down your food. I would suggest fitday as it is free and easy.

I really liked fit day. It doesn't really work for me since I don't have daily access to a computer. But using the system for a while really helped me to remember to plan my meals.

Don't be depressed! I know its hard, I mean, the reason I'm on this diet is because I cought a glimps of my nude butt in the mirror -I didn't know a hiney could have that many dimples! :scared1: But it has motovated me to do it! I know I've done it before losing almost 50 lbs, and I know I can do it again. My whole family (mother, father, sisters & brothers) is grosly over weight, and I plan to be the one skinny (or something close to it) one in the family!

I can do it and so can you​

There is no magic pill, but there is magic within ourselves, and with everyone pulling together on this board, I know we can all do it! :grouphug:

:rolleyes: I know that feeling!! When you pass your profile in a store window or catch a glimpse of you bare rear end in the mirror after a shower and you're like "WHOA!!!! Who's @$$ is THAT!?!?
Can I join in too please?

Name: Kirsten
Area: UK
Age: 33
Current Weight: 97.7 Kgs (214 lbs)
Goal Weight: 75 kgs (165 lbs)
Method: Weight Watchers (although not joined yet but this should give me kick up back side that I require.)
Exercise: Hate it with a passion but going to start off with walking. Just had baby number two in November so some fresh air for all of us and exercise for me will be good.

I have two events to aim for, my sister in laws posh frock birthday party in June (have seen a lovely dress I would like to wear for it) and then our trip to WDW in October.

Good luck everyone
Sign me up!

Name: Judie
Diet: write down everything I eat, count calories, lots of water and veggies
Exercise: Weekly schedule - circuit class 3 days, walking 7 days, yoga 1 day
Current weight: 203
Goal weight: 130
start date: 1/5/08
obstacles: stress, not planning ahead, chips,

I'd like a buddy too, please!
I'm in!

Name: Shawn (yes, I'm a girl)
Diet: WW - on my own - lifetime member - don't want to pay to go back
Exercise: 30 min walk 5 xs a week, 1 1/2 hour Masters swimming 2xs a week
Location: Dayton, OH
Goal 26# lost by March 29 and size 12s feeling loose, I'm 5'11"
Start date:1/2/08
Weightloss so far: weighing in on 1/09/08
obstacles: kids, family events, birthdays
I'd like to join in if possible!!

Name: Chris (female!)
Diet: Weight Watchers
Exercise: walking (I saw a post to "walk the miles to Disney World) so I'm subtracting my miles from the amount of miles it would take me to walk to WDW...I'll never get there before my trip in May, but it's a great goal. I like to run, but it will take me some serious walking before I'm back to running.
Current weight: 209
Goal weight: 145
start date: 1/1/08
obstacles: stress, sedentary job at a computer, 2 young kids, & I struggle with carbs
I would love to join in if still able!!

Name: Lori
Age: 36
Diet: Cutting back and trying to cut out what I know is bad
Exercise: Been going on lunch break to work out at local gym for the last
Current Weight: 270:guilty:
Goal: 150:)
Start: Actually started in late Oct. but fell off the wagon so to speak in late november when son was in hosp. So just know getting started back after a month off!!
Obstacles: SWEETS! I love sweets chocolate,etc.

I have lost 25lbs when I was on diet like I should be so I know it can be done. Going to Disney in late March so hope to lose at least 50lbs before we go. Kids want me to ride coasters with them and was paranoid about not being able to fit so I am doing this for me and for them.
Good luck to all!!!!
Nothing else I have ever tried has worked, so maybe combining Disney (my favourite) with losing weight just might be the answer.

Name: Jenne
Age: 35
Location: Brampton, ON - Canada
Diet: on my own - with the support of a great husband
Hurdles to overcome: Getting off my fat **** and starting to move, almost constant eating (especially at night)
Exercise: treadmill in the basement, membership at the local community centreStart date: 1/7/08
Goal: 160 :goodvibes
Weight at start: 264 :sad2:
Weight loss to date: 0

If I find anything that works, I will let you know.

Wish me luck!
Super happy about this thread. Thank you for starting it... I'll keep you up to date...
I'm in too!
I have been on WW since Aug 07. I was steadily losing about 1 lb. per week for about 6 weeks. Then, after that I have been on a roller coaster +/- 3 lbs. My goals are to stick to the plan. Continue working out regularly. Go to sleep early because if I stay up I usually eat another serving of dinner or some kind of dessert. Drink A LOT of water. Don't eat my kids left overs.
Eat more salads.
Diet: WW Flex Plan
Exercise: 6 days a week doing Cathe Friedrich DVD's (cathe.com) and start running again.
Height: 5'5"
Start weight: 140 lbs.
Goal weight for WDW vacation (1/29/08)-135 lbs.
Ultimate goal weight: 130 lbs.
count me in too!!! And I'd really really like a buddy also...never had one of those, my real life friends can't commit to anything!!

Age: 29
Downfalls: I am a bakery manager, need I say more?
Diet: not eating the cookies, bread, cake, lunches out that helped my pile the weight on...just trying to eat right...thinking of looking into the Best Life Diet by Bob Greene...he seems like a smart guy...for right now, I am just trying to cut out anything processed mostly eating fruit and veggies and lean meats and seafood... mostly veggies on my plate every night
Starting weight:252 (two years ago when I got pregnant with DD#2 and this was also my weight during my last family vacation with the mouse)
Weght on 01/02/07: 220
Current weight: 210
Height: 5'8.5"
Goal Weight: at least 175-190 (when I am happy I will stop)
Exercise: last week I started walking again during my lunch break and I also just started doing the Dancing with the Stars workout DVD ( makes my body ache so it must work...lol)
This is a great thread...thanks for starting it!

sorry, forgot to add that I will be going to WDW on Jan 19-26!!!! only a couple of weeks...I would really really like to be in the 100's by then...10 pounds to go!
Okay you got me!! Only because the people who seem to be logging in are REAL women! I know I'll get flammed for this, but it's true. The average woman is overweight - above 170lbs and usually in the 200s. I say together we can do it!

I'm going to Disney in April 2008 and hope to be alittle bit smaller in order to drive the 24 hours down from MA. Right now I'm about 230lbs and need to kick those 30lbs to get at the 200 mark.

Treadmill, aerobics and yoga bands.
Just finished a 35min workout and boy am I tired. I'm also doing the Special K diet (K for breakfast and lunch and then a normal dinner with little snacks in between.


Have you done the Special K before? I am in, too! I'll pick up a box today. My timeline is short since we leave on 2/15. However, I have been vowing since the beginning of the 2008 that I am going to lose 10 lbs. This would put me at my marriage weight. I know it doesn't sound like much but I am short so this little bit of weight looks like more on me. Wish the opposite was true as far as weight loss! :)

Name: Lisa
Age: 36
Location: Michigan
Diet: Special K
Hurdles to overcome: Snacking during the day (I work at home) and being aware of my past problems (I had anorexia at a young age - I am definitely obsessive about things)
Exercise: Work out 20 minutes every night with my kids and DH
Start date: 1/7/08
Goal: 10 lbs.
Weight at start: 147
Weight loss to date: 0
Ok I'm in. My goal is to walk to Disney by the time we leave. I am 42 years old.To walk there I would need to go 1050 miles by the end of June. I am hoping to get there sooner.
To inspire myself I have a map that I plan on marking up with my progress.

We'll see how it goes. The walking is really to get me into the daily grind of a Disney trip. If I lose weight that will be a bonus. (oh and I need to lose weight!!)

Thanks for starting this. Is there going to be a weekly update kind of thing? to keep us going?
I would like to join in

Name: Dawn
Age: 36
Started on Jan 2
Weight: 213
Current: 211
Goal: 180 by the time we go to Disney.
How: cutting my portions and more exercise.
I am going to buy a bathing suit that I want that is a smaller size and keep going until it looks great. I am sick of going on Vacation and being so nervous about how I look in my bathing suit.
I would like to join in

Name: Dawn
Age: 36
Started on Jan 2
Weight: 213
Current: 211
Goal: 180 by the time we go to Disney.
How: cutting my portions and more exercise.
I am going to buy a bathing suit that I want that is a smaller size and keep going until it looks great. I am sick of going on Vacation and being so nervous about how I look in my bathing suit.
DH and I are both on a diet.... poor DH stepped on the scale today and the worst thing happened, worse than weighting in heavier than the day before.... HE BROKE IT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Now we have to go out and buy a new one!
Hello! I would love to join you all and to have a buddy if that is possible. I can only get to this Board a few times a day, but I have access to email all day.

I want to lose before our trip in August. On past trips, when I got tired and needed a rest, my DH would take DS11 on a ride or something that I didn't really care about. This year's trip it is just going to be DS and I. I don't want to have to sit down & rest unless we want to. I want this to be the trip of a lifetime and I know I have to be in better physical shape for it to happen.

Name: Vicki
Age: 43
Location: Update NY
Diet: WW- count points.
hurdles to overcome: Telling my family & friends because I have started and failed so many times. Sticking to the plan on weekends.
Exercise: Walk Away the Pounds DVDs, walking to work (1/2 mile) and Wii with DS.
Start date: 1/5/08
Goal: To be well under 250 by our trip. I have such a long way to go.
Weight at start: 287
Weight loss to date: 0
I know how you feel about telling people you are starting again on a plan/diet/whatever you want to call it. So don't tell anyone, just by making small changes throughout the day are great. I started on 12/31,with just walking a little on the treadmill and drinking a ton of water. I can really tell a difference, especially because of the water. My complexion in the last few months was starting to look like I was 15 again. Just from increasing my water intake the last week I can see a difference in my face. I have been walking 2 miles per day, not much, but still feeling it.
Just remember you are doing this for yourself first, and the bonus will be having a great trip with your son!
Don't let where you are starting at get you down, I am focused on ten percent of my start weight, I am borrowing that thougth from WW. Think in small increments. We can all do this together, having everyone on board makes us all so accountable.
Good Luck!


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