Losing weight for Mickey

:cheer2: :surfweb: :cheer2:

Please count me in if it is not too late!

Name: Marcia
Location: Memphis, TN
Age: 35 (until April 10)
Current weight: 191 (ouch!)
Goal weight: 140
Mini goal: I would like to be 20 lbs lighter for Mickey mouse the first week of June.
Diet: Starting off with Medifast for encouragement and detox, then followed by not eating so much junk, adding more veggies and fresh fruits and exercising daily
Exercise: Wii tennis, walikng 30 minutes and Curves 30 minutes 3-4 times a week.
I definitely would need an online buddy because I have one bff and she is 4 hours away!
Obstacles: son and my fiance that eats constantly, very little time for me, sugar and carb addict.

I am also new to disboards! Please help!:dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
I wanna play!!

I am newly single, about to graduate college and heading to WDW in May!! What better time than now to trim down and shape up!?!

Name: J
Age: 24
Location: Ooooklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plain and everyone eats bread with everything, and we enjoy all kinds of carbs, sugar and fat!!
Diet: Nothing in particular, just trying to eat healthier
Hurdles to overcome: I don't cook, eating on the way to class (fast food, much?), taking time to think about what I eat, thinking about what I can do to get active instead of DOING it!!
Excercise: Chasing a two year old, cleaning house and trekking all over campus. I'm starting Hula Class!! Way too excited about this. Will also definitely will be working on my arms so I can wear tank tops in WDW in May!!
Goal: I'd like to be three sizes smaller...so, 45-50 lbs?
Start date: Today! Sunday January 6, 2008!
Weight at start: I don't know, but I'm a jeans 26 and dress 22.
Weight lost: 2 lbs since last weekend, but that doesn't count since I'm officially starting today!

I'm in!! We are going to Vero Beach in April and I'd love to look okay in a bathingsuit and loose the baby weight!

Name: Donna
Age: 38
Location: North of Boston
Type of diet: Restricted Calories (Use Nutrawatch.com to record calories vs exercise)
Excercise: Eliptical 30 mins 4 times a week, Arm Exercises, Situps
Start date of diet: 1/1/08
Goal: 130
Weight at start of diet: 147
Weight loss to date: 2 lbs (145)

Name: Pam
Age:38 (in March)
Location: North of Boston
Type of diet: Restricted Calories (Weight Watchers)
Excercise: Eliptical (Orbitrek) 30 min 4 times a week
Start date: 1/5/08
Goal: 130
Weight at start of diet: 147
Weight loss to date: Zip:headache:

Count me in too. We will be going to WDW in April. It would be nice to lose the last of the pregnancy weight and a little extra.
Just remember you are doing this for yourself first, and the bonus will be having a great trip with your son!
Don't let where you are starting at get you down, I am focused on ten percent of my start weight, I am borrowing that thougth from WW. Think in small increments. We can all do this together, having everyone on board makes us all so accountable.
Good Luck!

THANK YOU very much for your encouraging words! I get very down when I think of how far I have to go! But I can't let that keep me from succeeding this time. I am going to give myself a small reward for each 10 pounds. Baby steps.
I wanna join too!!! DH found out that his blood sugars are running a little high and his cardiac index is high. It is time for BOTH of us to change the way we live.

Date Started: 12-27-07 (ugh)
Starting Weights:
Me: 142
DH: 279
Weight Goals:
Me: 125 (what I was after my last baby 8 years ago)
DH: 220
Diet plan: cutting carbs whereever we can (this is harder then I thought)
exercise - walking on the treadmill to start until the weather gets better
Oh neat! I have decided to try and loose between 30 and 40 lbs between now (starting tomorrow) and our trip starting 10/25/08. We are going from 10/25/08 to 11/8/08. I am planning on doing WW and as soon as Spring comes I want to get back to walking. A few years ago I was able to loose 34 lbs on WW, so I know I can do it again. My husband actually likes it when I do WW as he thinks I cook more home cooking type of meals. I find I usually eat more when I do WW then I do otherwise as I am just choosing the right types of foods.
Name: Kim
Age: 46
Location: MI
Diet: Eating healthy meals at HOME, more veggies, less carbs
hurdles to overcome: Lack of exercise, working too many hours.
Exercise: Treadmill
Start date: 1/7/2008
Goal: To lose 75 lbs
Weight loss to date - 0

I just bought a new treadmill and I'm hoping to get it set up and working by tomorrow!! I am going to WDW with my DS (9 then) from 12/21/08 - 1/3/09. That's 13 nights over the holidays and it will be crowded so I need to be in better shape to navigate the crowds! :dance3:
I haven't read through the entire thread, but wanted to share this with you all. I went to Disney in July, and did NOT lose the weight I wanted to lose before we went.

But I started working on it seriously in September, and have gone from a size 10 to a size FOUR in that short time!!!

This is how I did it: I stopped eating candy and donuts and other such things. It was VERY VERY hard at first, since I have a first-rate sugar addiction. But now I don't even crave them. REALLY!

I continued having Slim-Fast and a banana for breakfast, as I've done for years. But then, just water until lunch. This is hard to do, since I teach Kindie, and they all eat a snack at 10:00!! If I get really hungry, I'll have some wheat thins. Then Slim-Fast and an apple for lunch. It was really hard to get over my cravings for salts/sweets after school. But I found if I kept busy and drank water, (and chewed gum - LOL!), they went away too.

The other thing that I did was stopped eating after dinner. Since having children (10 years ago), I got into the terrible habit of "treating myself" to something after they went to bed. EVERY NIGHT. I would have either a bowl of ice cream, or Homestyle Popcorn with a glass of wine.

Now, I"ll just have a glass of water. And that's IT. On the weekends, I may still have a glass of wine. And if the kids are watching a movie and want popcorn, I'll have a handful -- of the 94%fat-free kind!

I haven't gotten into an exercise routine yet, but I'm working on it now. Even at a size 4, I'm a bit flabby and really need to tone up.

But just wanted to encourage all of you - - IT CAN BE DONE!
Count me in! I haven't weighed myself since I had ds 2 years ago, and I know that keeping track of the pounds will just frustrate me, so I'm dealing in dress sizes, hope that's ok.

Trip Date - 8/3/08
Current size 26/28
Goal Size 18 by trip
Exercise - going to the gym every morning before the munchkins wake up, 30 minutes on the treadmill and some mild weight training.

Mostly I wanna have the energy to get around, be comfortable riding the rides, and help my kids have the time of their life! Thanks so much for starting this tread, cause going to Disney is a HUGE motivator for me to get my act in gear, I joined the gym 5 weeks ago, and so far so good!

DH and I are both on a diet.... poor DH stepped on the scale today and the worst thing happened, worse than weighting in heavier than the day before.... HE BROKE IT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Now we have to go out and buy a new one!

I laughed so hard when I read this... hahahahahahaha! You know that is my concern when I get on the scale... that or will the needle just go all the way around ha! ;)

So here we go... good luck everyone... It's so hard to just start... can't wait to get back to work (tomorrow) from the Holidays and the kid's back at school on Tuesday to get my routine back on track....
Ok, I've been reading more of the thread and you all have shamed me into going any buying a scale to keep track, and so I can send in weight loss updates to the OP so we can keep track.

Here we go, it's gonna be quite a ride but I'm so glad to be participating!
Hey all - there are a lot of new people that have joined on since I did the buddy list just the other night! Several of you have expressed an interest of being buddied up, so I will be buddying up the new people tonight. If anyone doesn't want a buddy, just let me know, and I will take care of it. :wizard: Also, I know its hard to read every post on this thread since there are so many, so I just wanted to repeat this announcement:

Every Monday I would like each person to privately email me @ sharpparties@aol.com with what they lost for that week. I will total it up and post the amount as well as the "Biggest Loser!"

Together we can do this!


PS - Bought a new scale today!
Hey all - there are a lot of new people that have joined on since I did the buddy list just the other night! Several of you have expressed an interest of being buddied up, so I will be buddying up the new people tonight. If anyone doesn't want a buddy, just let me know, and I will take care of it. :wizard: Also, I know its hard to read every post on this thread since there are so many, so I just wanted to repeat this announcement:

Every Monday I would like each person to privately email me @ sharpparties@aol.com with what they lost for that week. I will total it up and post the amount as well as the "Biggest Loser!"

Together we can do this!


PS - Bought a new scale today!

Thanks for taking this all on!
Hey all - there are a lot of new people that have joined on since I did the buddy list just the other night! Several of you have expressed an interest of being buddied up, so I will be buddying up the new people tonight. If anyone doesn't want a buddy, just let me know, and I will take care of it. :wizard: Also, I know its hard to read every post on this thread since there are so many, so I just wanted to repeat this announcement:

Every Monday I would like each person to privately email me @ sharpparties@aol.com with what they lost for that week. I will total it up and post the amount as well as the "Biggest Loser!"

Together we can do this!


PS - Bought a new scale today!

Thanks for taking this all on!
I would love to join you guys.
I have lost and gained so much weight over the years its ridiculous.
I want this to be the last time,so I can just say,oh ,"whats my New years resolution??".."to stay thin",LOL

Name: Marcy
Age: 38 (this March)
Location: Brooklyn,NY
Type of diet: vegetarian diet but without all the added junk food I used to eat with it :rotfl:
Excercise: need to get off the couch to start,lol then "Walk away the pounds",and then chase my two girls around the house
Start date of diet: 1/1/08
First Goal: 168 (havent seen that number in a long,long,time)
Ultimate Goal-140ish with a normal BMI
Weight at start of diet: 237
Weight loss to date:

I had joined the last DIS biggest Loser group last time,but then found out I was pregnant,then lost the baby at 4 months,so its been quite a rough couple of months for me,and I definitely did some stress eating during this time. I am more stable now and need to be healthy for hubby and my two girls,so Im ready for this!!!!

I would love to have a buddy. I think having the support of this online group as well as someone to turn to to be accountable to will be great. I cant afford to go to WW meetings right now,i but I cant afford not to eat healthy,know what I mean, so I look forward to really getting to know all of you and getting smaller week by week with you all.

Thanks for organizing all of this,and we can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Count me in, too!!! This is a great idea and I love the buddy system!!! I would like to be a part of that as well:goodvibes !!!

Name: Laurie
Age: 40
Location: Suburb of Pittsburgh, PA
Type of Diet: Healthy Performance
Exercise: Wii (esp boxing and bowling) and pilates (just starting that)
Start: 11/10/07
Height: 5'6"
Weight at start: 184
Current: 168
Weight loss to date: 16lbs
Trips planned: June 21-28,2008 and August 9-16,2008

I would love to be at 130 and a size 4 again for our vow renewal in 2009.

Hears to everyone reaching their goals safely and effectively!!!!!:banana:

Hello again all - its me Sarah. So here it is, the second installment of the Weight Loss Supporters List for all the new joiners. If I made any mistakes like leaving someone out, or doubling you up, just let me know via email (sharpparties@aol.com) and I'll fix it. So with no further adu, here is the list!

Weight Loss Supporters List # - Newbies!



Disney MAINEiac











Together We Can Do This!

so sorry for not seeing this sooner - but my daughter and I are doing the same thing - trying to lose weight before our disney trip - and i'd like to join all of you -

Name: bobbi
Age: 48
Location: rutherford, nj
Diet: eating right and exercise (we're doing yoga together)
Hurdles to overcome: skipping lunch and then eating with each of the kids when they snack - finding time to exercise w/a 2-1/2, 15, & 17 year old - going in all directions.
Exercise: Yoga - classes and independant.
Start date: 1/2/2008
Goal: tbd - would like 150 but just want to be comfortable when down in disney
Weight at start: 195
Weight loss to date: 0
Yeah!! Here's my story - had a daughter (8), she was very ill, gained weight, want to lose it:woohoo: Started dieting and exercising with a co-worker 2 months ago and love having her support:love: So I figured, 'why not have more support?' We Can and WILL do this! August is my big date --- I'm in two weddings and will be going to WDW!!! Yahoo!

Name: Amanita
Age: 35
Location: michigan
Diet: Weight watchers and exercise
Hurdles to overcome: beer
Exercise: Elliptical
Start date: 11/1/07
Goal: 110
Weight at start: 138
Weight loss to date: 11

Oh yeah, I'm 4' 11" so 110 is healthy for me:) Didn't want ya' all thinking I was crazy!!!
My I please join? I am normally a lurker here on the dis.
I started trying to lose weight after my surgery in Oct. I had alot of post op problems so I couldn't start exercising till the first of DEC.

Name: Vicki
Age: 35
Location: South Carolina
Type of diet:Low cholesterol,low fat
Exercises: Giselle,boflex at home
Start date of diet: Oct. 18th
Goal: 160
Weight at start of diet: 308
Weight loss to date 28
I still a have a long way to go!


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