Losing weight for Mickey

I've read that some of you are on Atkins...I've done it and I did loose weight, however I was also rushed to the hospital to have my gall bladder out emergency surgery!!!

Be VERY careful of the fat content of the things you eat. It says you can eat bacon and steak, but hello those are very high in fat. Eggs, nuts and things like that high oils, high fat. I can't eat nuts anymore because my body can't digest them properly and never mind about french fries.

Focus more on the veggies and sprinkle in the meats - remember this is a diet you have to be able to do the rest of your life or the weight will just come right back on.
I'm in too!

Name: Lori
Age: 32
Location: TX
Diet: Cut out junk food and stop eating late.
hurdles to overcome: Lack of exercise, trying to get up at 5 am to walk on treadmill.
Exercise: Wii, treadmill
Start date: 1/3/2008
Goal: 200 to start with
Weight at start: 240
Weight loss to date
Ok, people listing Wii as excercise... is it true? Can you really excercise with that thing?? I'd love to get it for the tennis because I was a competative HS and College tennis player, and DH.. well... sucks. I found a place online that sells it with the "sports package" of tennis, boxing, bowling, golf, baseball, and I think something else... It was $399 - is that a good price? If its something that I can seriously get a good workout with in my home with the curtains drawn, and its fun, I'm totally into it! Let me know fellow Wii users!
I lost 60lbs before baby #3 and then gained back 50lbs. Going to Disney in May '08 and would like to take off at least 40lbs by then. I'm having a hardtime already eventhough I'm excercising daily I'm not loosing any weight.

Name: Kim
Age: 31
Location: Michigan
Diet: excercise, low carb diet, more water consumption, no eating after 7p
Hurdles to overcome: stress eating and sugar/chocolate addiction
Excercise: 30min (to start) of stationary bike everyday.
Goal: 40+ lbs.
Start date: 11/24/07
Weight at start: 242
Weight lost: 2lbs
On fitday you can enter custom labels for any item that is not listed. It takes a few minutes, but if you are obsessive like me its worth it. If not forget the hassle.

As far as receipes, I get all of my atkins meals from this great site


As far as support and help with the Atkins way of life


We started atkins after my hubby had his acl in his knee replaced. We have read the book and frequent the ADBD forums for help. Since June, we have never cheated and I have lost 45ish pounds and my hubby around 80. Since he has been closely watched by his doctor I can say we have seen no negative effects. All his blood results have improved. But we follow the diet to the letter and have a doctor involved in the process.
Ok, people listing Wii as excercise... is it true? Can you really excercise with that thing?? I'd love to get it for the tennis because I was a competative HS and College tennis player, and DH.. well... sucks. I found a place online that sells it with the "sports package" of tennis, boxing, bowling, golf, baseball, and I think something else... It was $399 - is that a good price? If its something that I can seriously get a good workout with in my home with the curtains drawn, and its fun, I'm totally into it! Let me know fellow Wii users!
I call using the Wii exercise because it is totally more workout than I would be getting without it. Am I getting a 'good' workout?:confused3 Well, my heartbeat goes up and after about 20 minutes of boxing, my arms hurt. So for out of shape me, it is a good workout. I don't know how much of a challenge the tennis is going to be for you since you are obviously very good, but it is fun.

As far as the deal goes that you found online, it isn't a very good deal at all. The standard Wii console comes with the Wii Sports and (when you can find it) runs $249. The challenge is finding one in stock somewhere. Hopefully, it will be easier now that the holidays are over.

I am excited about the fitness game that is supposed to be coming out for the Wii. I think if you google WiiFit, it comes up. The game is going to run about $70 and come with a balance board. I'm just not sure I want to have my whole family comparing weights. With a kindergartner, I can just hear the playground discussions about how much mommy weighs!
I'm in!! We are headed to WDW in late Nov./early Dec. 2008. I would like to take off at least 20 prior to summer here in NJ.

Name: Jill
Age: 32
Location: Jersey Shore
Diet: WW, drinking more water
Hurdles to overcome: stopping emotional/stress eating, not eating anything left in the firm's kitchen
Excercise: 1 hour of cardio/weight training, 3 days a week
Goal: 40 lbs.
Start date: 1/4/07
Weight at start: 175
Weight lost: 0
the on-line support will be helpful. I am a part time worker. i work about 50 hours/2 weeks, but it is all 10-12 hour shifts. I have 2 kids 6 and 4, and we are going to WDW in 3 weeks!!!! so my expectations are fairly for weight loss prior to our trip, but I have are greater incentive of better health and more energy in general. so here goes.

age: 38
starting weight 210
current weight 208
plan: sparkpeople and walking. i walked in a local mini-marathon a couple of years ago, i would like to be able to do that again.

thanks for getting this started.
I'm in!! We are going to Vero Beach in April and I'd love to look okay in a bathingsuit and loose the baby weight!

Name: Donna
Age: 38
Location: North of Boston
Type of diet: Restricted Calories (Use Nutrawatch.com to record calories vs exercise)
Excercise: Eliptical 30 mins 4 times a week, Arm Exercises, Situps
Start date of diet: 1/1/08
Goal: 130
Weight at start of diet: 147
Weight loss to date: 2 lbs (145)
ok, I'm in too... already started to buy the healthy foods ha! ha! getting rid of the bad one:sad2:
Name: Nathalie
age: 39
Location: Quebec, Canada
Diet: to speed up my metabolism
exercice: Walking
Weight: 250+ (too scared to look)
Obstacles: diet coke and potato chips

Would love to lose 30 pounds by the end of May and then 40 more by October... doable right?
I was just thinking about seeing if anyone else was doing something like this! So amazing timing! We are going on our first family trip in April and that means swimming, which means bathing suits which means I need to work out! Also shorts... :: Shudder :: Yeah... I am trying to work out daily for at least 25 mins.

So a big Hello to everyone! And here is my info

Name: Becca
Age: 24
Location: North Carolina
Type of diet: Calorie counting, No eating late, and Drinking nothing but water
Excercise: Walking treadmill, Stationary bike, Crunches
Start date of diet: 1/2/08
Goal: 135
Weight at start of diet: 165
Weight loss to date: 3 lbs (162)

I really think this is a wonderful idea!
Name: Susie
Age: 46 (I win the prize)
Hurdles: SAHM--with access to the fridge all day! I love anything sweet.
Exercise: hate it--starting to use pilates machine, Wii and walking tapes.
Starting: 1/3/08
Current weight:170 (that hurt to type)
Goal: 135

Since I gave up my career to be SAHM I have gained 20 pounds (in 14 months!) I am going to start writing down everythig I eat. I hope this will be enlightening. I know I need to eat less and move more. But I need to also make healthier eating choices.

Let's go girls! Group hug!:grouphug:

It hurt to type in my starting weight too :hug: but just think about it this way in a few weeks you will never be that weight again! I also gained weight when I became a SAHM (actually lossed, than gained- depression is funny like that) But I am much more upbeat now, new year-new you. It's gonna rock!

We leave March 7th...I think I can do anything for two months (which is my new approach. If I start to think to long-term then I get frustrated, so my plan it to keep my focus on the two months till we leave!)


Hurdles- Finding time for exercise and cooking dinner(not relying on prepared food and/or last minute carry-out). Usually breakfast and lunch are fine....it's dinner that trips us up!

If you have one day a week (say a weekend) try to do your cooking then and freeze\fridge it, so when you come home exhausted just pop it in. Also getting bagged salads have worked great for me, I made them and fruit my only easy to grab foods in the house so if I want something quick thats it. I think all of us are going to do great! :grouphug:

Hiya - count me in too please- have done many diets in the past - but gone back up weight wise again and again, and sooooo need to lose quite a few pounds before our trip in April - I know WHAT to do, just need some motivation... those airline seats are not very wide !!

mantra - every day in every way I will feel fitter and healthier (and thinner!)


I love that Mantra! I am stealing it and posting it on my wall! :goodvibes

Want to lose weight before our Sept 2008 trip. Still trying to lose baby weight from #3 and he'll be 2 this month (moan). Not sure what type of diet or exercise routine to try. I'm only 4'11 so a little weight looks like a lot on me.

weight: don't know/ haven't looked in 2 years
diet plan: walking/ maybe low carb? not sure best route
downfall: sugar
goal: total of prob 50 lbs or so

Are you breast feeding? Because if you are be very careful about what sorta diets you go on, I know because I was an idiot with DD and wanted that baby weight off fast and she started to lose weight because I wasn't providing her what she needed. If sugar is your down fall, ban it from the house, Splenda is okay (still has an after taste to me) but if you really need a sugar fix it will do it. Also don't stress too much, having a new baby is hard work, just enjoy him and go for walks together, that sorta thing.:goodvibes

Thanks Becca - my big diet news of the day(year/decade) I said NO to chocolate!!


If I can do it.....


No Chocolate?!?!?!? Oh wow. Yes I need to do that too. Right now I am saying no to sweet tea which is tough for a southern girl like me.

Hey all - So since everyone was talking up Wii, I was really concidering getting one. First, because its better then just sitting on my butt all day at home (SAHM), and second, because it just looks like fun! So I called, and called, and called every store in the area, and every single store in all of New Jersey is sold out. :sad2: I could get it online if I really wanted to, but $250 in stores compaired to online prices of $399 plus S&H :scared1: - I don't think so! Plus, the one that seems like it would be best for cardio - the boxing - you have to get these $50 to $60 gloves for it! I heard the baseball one is really hard to do as well. I don't know, we will see... Its funny though, because I was giving up a christmas gift from DH to get it - a night out at a NYC Bobby Flay restaurant!

Lets Keep Loosing Those Pounds Girls!​


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