Lots of Completed Trip Reports....Nov 2009 - April 2014

pixiedust:What a great day!! Wait...no rides on TSMM? :worried: You packed much into your day.

SO proud of your newfound love of TOT! So brave for your young men. I still scream on that ride. It's all good. pixiedust:

Well maybe not the suprise item at dinner...but the rest of the day sounded and looked top notch!

I haven't been on the DL side of the boards in a long time but I keep getting notifications from your thread so I thought I would pop on over since I've loved your prior trip reports!

The part I quoted sounds a lot like my recent trip to WDW. I had so many plans of what I wanted to see and do and most of it didn't happen!! In a way I am disappointed as I don't know when I will get back there but in another way it was time with my DH (who I am living apart from) and that was very important!

I will be back soon to catch up... But I'm trying to avoid Cars Land and Buena Vista Street Pictures as I want to see it for myself first!!

Hi Paula! I'm sorry you missed so much of what you wanted to do. It's nice you can look at the positive...which is more time with your husband. I have a couple of friends who live apart from their husbands due to job situations right now. That's tough.

I totally understand wanting to avoid Cars Land and Buena Vista Street pictures! I did the same thing. No worries about running into any Buena Vista Street pictures around here, though, seeing as how I didn't get any. :(

pixiedust:What a great day!! Wait...no rides on TSMM? :worried: You packed much into your day.

SO proud of your newfound love of TOT! So brave for your young men. I still scream on that ride. It's all good. pixiedust:

Well maybe not the suprise item at dinner...but the rest of the day sounded and looked top notch!


I figured you'd be happy to hear about my newfound love of TOT! :goodvibes

'Tis true. No rides on TSMM. Only 1 ride on TSMM the entire trip! :eek:
I can't remember the exact plan for this day. I remember my brother's family planned to use their Magic Morning -- so they planned to arrive around 7:30 for the 8:00am Magic Morning start time. They invited my 12-year-old son to join them. I originally agreed to the plan, but after such a late night on Wednesday (ending up in Cars Land 2 hours after closing time!) I decided I didn't want to walk him from HoJo to Desert Inn and Suites at 7-ish in the morning. He was totally OK with that. It meant he'd get to sleep in a little. I think we ended up going with the "We'll call you when we get there" sort of plan once again.

So my brother's family hit Magic Morning. I'm one of those rare people that isn't totally sold on Magic Morning. My SIL said they couldn't tell a difference between MM crowds and the crowds they encountered at opening on a regular day. They only got to do 2 rides. (Which has also been my experience during MM before, thus the not totally sold on MM attitude.)

I can't remember what Sis38 was doing at his time. Maybe work stuff? I know she didn't go to MM because she is an AP holder as well.

My 3 boys and I ended up arriving at Disneyland a little after 10am. (I know! What's wrong with me? I just could not seem to get it together like my usual be-there-at-opening self.) My husband stayed behind, with plans to head over to DCA and return a couple of the hats he bought since he changed his mind on what to get.

I finally remembered to take this picture as we entered the park today!


I bought some postcards at the little area just past the tunnel on the right. My boys promised postcards to friends and we still hadn't taken care of that yet. Now was the time. After buying the postcards we headed to the lockers to drop off our stuff. One of the sights on our way...


DS6 said, "That looks like green meatballs." :rotfl: and :sick:

We stowed our stuff and sat at the tables right outside of the lockers to work on postcards.




I got in touch with Sis38, who told me that mom and Sis50 were taking it easy this morning and would meet us at Carnation Cafe for our 1:00 reservation. My boys and I met up with Sis38 and SIL and headed over to Splash Mountain to join my bro and his kids. My bro took 6 of the 7 kids on Splash Mountain by himself. The rest of us weren't ready to get wet just yet. Sis38, SIL, 12-yr-old nephew and I rode Pooh while the others did Splash.


When they got off Splash, my bro, SIL, and I took all 7 kids over to Pirate's Lair.



I knew they would enjoy it, but once we got over there they were all kind of standing around like, "Now what?" Explore! It's kind of hard to keep track of and keep up with 7 kids on that island!






Heading back to the mainland.


We stayed for a little less than an hour. By the time we left they were all really into it. My boys asked if they could come back the next day.

We met up with Sis38 when we got off the raft. We had about 20-ish minutes before we needed to be at Carnation Cafe, so we decided to go ride one of our favorites:


One of my favorite Hidden Mickeys. Besides being fun, I really like that it is easy to point out to kids. They can easily see it and say "Oh yeah!!" I try to point out some of the more "hidden" ones and the kids miss them and then get frustrated that they didn't see them.





Time for one of my favorites! Lunch at Carnation Cafe! Mom and Sis50 met us out front, as did my husband. I can't remember how he spent his morning. I remember he wanted to return some hats, but then forgot to bring them with him. I know he rode up and down Main Street on various Main Street vehicles, looking for us at Carnation Cafe each time he passed. When he saw us he came over.

The check-in area is inside now, after the remodel. They asked if we wanted inside or outside. Outside, of course! I saw a copy of the children's menu while I was standing there. I was so happy to see that the Peanut Butter and Jelly Palette was back on the menu! I made a comment that I was glad to see it back, then we went outside to wait. There is a small waiting area inside, but it was much too small for our group of 14. The kids sat on the sidewalk up against the building, out of the walking path. My mom waited inside.

A couple of pics while we waited:



To Be Continued...
Okay, I'm trying to get out of the house to run some errands before it gets dark (and even gustier than it is now) but I could not walk through the door without stopping to post and tell you that I love love love that B&W photo at the mailbox! That is truly one of your best photos EVER. That should definitely be in the Picture of the Day thread, to say the least, but it should also be somewhere else - in a book, in a gallery, or somewhere.

See, the thing is, there are many great photos from many people on this board (both from Point & Shoot cameras and from DSLR cameras). There are many beautiful photos that look like they should be hanging on a gallery wall. There are many photos with nifty effects, or excellent composition and cropping. There are many pictures of details and little hidden gems.

BUT, my friend, every so often you pull out a photo that is extra special - one that captures a certain nostalgia, wistfulness or emotion. There's a definite feeling attached to these photos. They are not one-dimensional. Great job!

That new Carnation sign is actually the recycled Blue Ribbon Bakery sign with new lettering, I think!

Must run errands now!
Okay, I'm trying to get out of the house to run some errands before it gets dark (and even gustier than it is now) but I could not walk through the door without stopping to post and tell you that I love love love that B&W photo at the mailbox! That is truly one of your best photos EVER. That should definitely be in the Picture of the Day thread, to say the least, but it should also be somewhere else - in a book, in a gallery, or somewhere.

See, the thing is, there are many great photos from many people on this board (both from Point & Shoot cameras and from DSLR cameras). There are many beautiful photos that look like they should be hanging on a gallery wall. There are many photos with nifty effects, or excellent composition and cropping. There are many pictures of details and little hidden gems.

BUT, my friend, every so often you pull out a photo that is extra special - one that captures a certain nostalgia, wistfulness or emotion. There's a definite feeling attached to these photos. They are not one-dimensional. Great job!

That new Carnation sign is actually the recycled Blue Ribbon Bakery sign with new lettering, I think!

Must run errands now!

Wow Sherry! Thank you for such a nice compliment! That made my day! Thanks! :goodvibes (That was a lot of exclamation points, I know. :)) DS6 had started writing on the postcard himself. He got as far as the word "My" and I realized he would quickly run out of room for what he wanted to say. I just had him dictate while I wrote, and then he drew that cute little picture depicting what he did on TOT and then signed his name.

Good eye on the recycled Blue Ribbon Bakery sign. Here it is in October 2010.

I just finished reading your update from DCA. I am glad that you were able to go on Radiator Springs Racers with a 45 minute wait which is very nice at that time of the day. I thought that you would have to wait longer but it was nice to hear that the wait time was short. Even though 45 minutes does sound like a long wait, but for that ride is good. The pictures from the queue are very nice. Nice to hear that you all had a great time riding RSR and you got Luigi's side of the ride which is my favorite. I do like Ramone's side, but Luigi's side is the best in my mind with the AA Luigi and Guido.

You also got to ride Luigi's Flying Tires with a short wait time at 30 minutes which was nice. A lot of great pictures from Luigi's Flying Tires. It was sad of not seeing the beach balls on the ride which was part of Luigi's Flying Tires when I went during the preview. But when I was their in August, I have heard that they have taken the beach balls off the ride since it was slowing down the ride time and have heard people got hit by the beach balls. It was a shame to see them take the beach balls away, but it did speed up the wait time.

The food at Paradise Garden Grill looks good. I can't believe I haven't ate at that restaurant yet and I should consider it one day. Maybe I will eat there this upcoming trip. But we will wait and see.

Very nice pictures from MFWoD which Sherry would call it a lot. I did mention on my TR back in August that when I saw Instant Concert the show that had the WoC fountains run during the daytime. It is a okay show but not worth waiting since it just uses the fountains during the day. This is like watching the fountains at the Bellagio during the afternoon.

Nice to hear that you enjoy riding the ToT. Even though I haven't rode the ToT at DCA in years, it is still a fun ride to go on.

I will read through your next day at DL another time and enjoyed your day at DCA.
I just finished reading your update from DCA. I am glad that you were able to go on Radiator Springs Racers with a 45 minute wait which is very nice at that time of the day. I thought that you would have to wait longer but it was nice to hear that the wait time was short. Even though 45 minutes does sound like a long wait, but for that ride is good. The pictures from the queue are very nice. Nice to hear that you all had a great time riding RSR and you got Luigi's side of the ride which is my favorite. I do like Ramone's side, but Luigi's side is the best in my mind with the AA Luigi and Guido.

You also got to ride Luigi's Flying Tires with a short wait time at 30 minutes which was nice. A lot of great pictures from Luigi's Flying Tires. It was sad of not seeing the beach balls on the ride which was part of Luigi's Flying Tires when I went during the preview. But when I was their in August, I have heard that they have taken the beach balls off the ride since it was slowing down the ride time and have heard people got hit by the beach balls. It was a shame to see them take the beach balls away, but it did speed up the wait time.

The food at Paradise Garden Grill looks good. I can't believe I haven't ate at that restaurant yet and I should consider it one day. Maybe I will eat there this upcoming trip. But we will wait and see.

Very nice pictures from MFWoD which Sherry would call it a lot. I did mention on my TR back in August that when I saw Instant Concert the show that had the WoC fountains run during the daytime. It is a okay show but not worth waiting since it just uses the fountains during the day. This is like watching the fountains at the Bellagio during the afternoon.

Nice to hear that you enjoy riding the ToT. Even though I haven't rode the ToT at DCA in years, it is still a fun ride to go on.

I will read through your next day at DL another time and enjoyed your day at DCA.

Hi Bret! Thanks for chiming in. :goodvibes Yes, I agree. I was pleasantly surprised with the shorter waits for the Cars Land rides. I had prepared my family to stand in line for a longer period than we did. I wish I had a chance to explore the Cars Land details a bit more, though. I would like to finish up this TR while details are still fresh in my mind before going back and looking at your Cars Land pictures -- Sherry's too. Hopefully I'll be able to get my next installment up this morning.

I think you should give Paradise Garden Grill a try sometime and let us know what you think. I will definitely go back.

I'm glad a like TOT now, too. I'm also glad my oldest son decided to give it another try after not liking it all the first time he rode 3 years ago. Now it's a ride that everyone in my family likes.
While waiting to be seated for our Carnation Cafe reservation at 1:00pm, I noticed my favorite Disneyland Cast Member...Oscar Martinez. I told him that I was glad to see that he had come back after the Carnation Cafe remodel.


The last time I talked to him, he wasn't sure if he'd be coming back. His wife has cancer and it kind of depended upon how well she was doing health-wise. I asked him how his wife was doing and he said about the same, still going through treatments. He said he needed to leave for a moment, but would be back to say "Hi" and pose for a picture or two later.

We ended up waiting for about 20 minutes to be seated. I suppose this was due to having such a large party. I didn't need a menu, as I already knew what I wanted to order. The Loaded Baked Potato Soup is my must-have food item at Disneyland. MMMMM! When Sis38 ate here a month prior, she told me that they no longer offered the soup in a bowl...just a cup. When she asked why, they responded, "We can fit the same amount of soup in a cup." Unless they started using new cups that were significantly bigger than the old ones....whatever. :rolleyes: When our server came to take our order, I mentioned how much I enjoyed the soup, and asked whether it was possible to have it served in a bowl. She said, "Of course..." So I ordered my soup and a new-to-the-menu item...Fried Pickles with Dipping Sauce.

While we were waiting for our food to be served, Oscar came back as promised. I wondered if this might be the last time I would see him. If things go according to plan, my next trip to Disneyland will be in 3 years. He might be long gone by then.



I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised. Sidenote: I just ordered my 2013 calendar from Snapfish. One of the month's spread of pictures contains 6 pictures of me and Oscar over the last few years. I visited him 6 of the last 7 times I've been to Disneyland. (The missing time was in April 2010. He was on vacation.)

What may be my last photo op with Oscar Martinez...


After chatting with me, he went down to the other end of the table to chat with Sis38. She pulled out her camera to show him pics she and her friend had taken with him during their C.C. lunch the month before.

On to the food! My favorite beverage at C.C. The Pomegranate Lemonade.



My husband's PB&J Soda...which apparently doesn't get ordered too often!


Our server actually stood there and waited for him to try it -- for 2 reasons. She said she wanted to see his face when he tasted it, and then she wanted to see if he would like to order a different beverage instead! :rotfl:


I tasted it, and I wasn't a fan. I couldn't ever taste the jelly flavor. I only tasted the peanut butter flavor. Love peanut butter, just not as a soda flavor. The peanut butter taste is what lingered. Not good. :crazy2:

My beloved soup (should soup ever be described as beloved?) was served. Disappointingly in a cup. This was all they would serve it in. (Where's a shaking-head/tsk tsk emoticon when I need one?) Big mistake to stop offering it in a bowl.


Maybe they can call it a bowl since there isn't a handle like a typical cup? Who knows...but it was way too small of a serving. :(

My Fried Pickles:

I had high hopes for these...and they were really good! DS9, who was being slightly pouty because he couldn't find anything on the menu that he wanted to eat, gobbled my husband's order of these right up. And DS9 doesn't even like pickles! Or so he says... It wasn't as if they didn't taste like pickles anymore, because they did. My mistake was letting too much time pass to let them cool off. They were on the room temperature side when I ate them, and I think they'd be better hot. It's just that Sis38 burned her mouth when she ate them the previous month -- in that too-hot hot chocolate sort of way when you feel the effects in your mouth for the next day or 2. I should have tested them earlier. But I was happy and would definitely order them again. Oh yeah... the picture. :)


My niece got the PB&J Palette, which isn't nearly as good as it was 3 years ago. It was served on a palette 3 years ago, with little cups of raisins, bananas, strawberries, marshmallows, pb and j, and 2 pieces of regular old white bread. This time it wasn't on a palette. There weren't as many choices for how to build your sandwich, and the bread was whole grain and fish-shaped. The bread seams like it could be a fine improvement, but the whole idea of a palette with little cups was so clever and now it was gone. Odd. It still had the name, but the palette was missing. Maybe just my niece's palette was missing, because it makes no sense to call it that anymore. At any rate, a man (C.C. cast member) came up and asked if we liked the new or old PB&J Palette best. I said the old one, and he said to let City Hall know. They must have had other comments. I'm wondering how he even knew I was familiar with the old one. He wasn't the person I commented to when checking in that I was glad to see it back on the menu.

My niece made a cute Mickey Head with her banana, peanut butter, and raisins. :goodvibes


One more cute thing. My other niece had overheard me telling some of our group that Oscar had been at Disneyland since 1956. She ended up finding a penny on the ground at the restaurant that was dated 1956! She decided to give it to me because she thought (or knew, rather) that it would be special to me. How sweet and thoughtful is that?!? :goodvibes
I'm so glad you were able to visit with Oscar. I just love the pictures you got. I guess since the soup only comes in cups we'll just have to order two of them in future.

My Snapfish calendar ran out last month, I turned the page on the 1st and all I see is 'time to reorder'. Not nearly as fun as my family having a blast at DL!

Too sweet about the penny! :goodvibes
I'm so glad you were able to visit with Oscar. I just love the pictures you got. I guess since the soup only comes in cups we'll just have to order two of them in future.

My Snapfish calendar ran out last month, I turned the page on the 1st and all I see is 'time to reorder'. Not nearly as fun as my family having a blast at DL!

Too sweet about the penny! :goodvibes

So that would be $11.00 for the equivalent of 1 bowl of soup!

I remember our Disney calendars started on the same month. Right now I have that ugly "time to reorder" up, and my calendar that was delivered yesterday will start in December with some nice Disneyland pictures taken during Thanksgiving week last year.
So we just finished up with lunch at Carnation Cafe.

Up next...




We rode Splash Mountain, and then moved on to Thunder Mountain. My husband, mom and Sis50 didn't ride HMH, Splash or Thunder Mountain with us, as we were using FPs. The three of them didn't enter the park until much later, so they weren't around when I grabbed the FPs. I know they rode Jungle Cruise and Mark Twain during that time period. As we made our way from Splash to Thunder Mountain, we actually saw my husband, mom and Sis50 sailing on the Mark Twain. My husband was quite easy to spot with the Grumpy hat complete with long white beard.


After Thunder Mountain all 14 of us headed over to ride the Matterhorn. Sis38 had 2 "any attraction" passes good for 6 people each that she wanted to use. (She had gotten them back in May when she went to Town Hall to report on her bad experiences with Grad Nite attendees.) She decided to use both passes at the same time, making them good for a total of 12 people. I decided to sit out of the group Matterhorn ride while Sis38 went to check on using the passes for the ride. My husband decided to sit out, as he just isn't comfortable in the new sleds. It turns out the passes were expired. The CM who had given them to her left the use-by date blank so Sis38 could use them whenever she wanted to, but apparently they weren't using that pass anymore. In the end they let her use them. They also told her that our entire party of 14 could use them, instead of just 12 of us, but my husband and I still sat out.

I should mention that I wasn't feeling well at this point. I had experienced some sharp stabbing pains in my chest the day before, and now they were increasing in frequency. Add a headache to that and where should I find myself? Crying on a bench across from the Matterhorn. (Yes, even then while I was crying I thought about Sherry crying on the bench in DCA, albeit for different reasons.) The combination of not feeling well and just not wanting to feel sick at all during our "last hurrah" (for a few years) vacation got the best of me. So I sat on a bench with my head in my hands and cried for a bit. I really didn't want to end our trip like this. Anyway, Sis38 bought me some water, my mom and Sis50 offered to take my kids over to DCA (that's where my bro and his family decided to end their final day at DLR), with their cousins and my bro, and Sis38 went shopping with SIL (for AP discount purposes).

I decided that if I were going to spend time sitting on a bench, I would rather it be on Main Street instead of across from the Matterhorn. My view from the bench:



We had been sitting there for a while when Sis38 walked up. She didn't know we had moved from the Matterhorn bench and was surprised to just run into us. After telling me how awful I looked, I invited her to join us if she didn't have other plans. We were just going to sit. I think she got a treat and then sat down. I'm pretty sure my husband was eating a Turkey Leg by this time. After sitting/resting for a good while, I got hungry. I really wanted soup. I remembered that I had enjoyed the French Onion Soup at Cafe Orleans during a previous trip, so we headed over there to see if we could get in without reservations.

Two more pictures before giving up our bench to some guests waiting for the parade to start:



We were pleasantly surprised that we only had to wait 10 minutes to get a table. I ordered the French Onion Soup and the House Salad. Both were delicious, but I'm pretty sure the portion size of the soup was smaller than it was previously.

My soup and salad:


My husband got the Monte Cristo and French Onion Soup:


It was almost Disneyland/DCA closing time. The 3 of us decided to ride Pirates, and then we met up with everyone at the Esplanade at closing time. The others did TOT, Screamin' and watched Aladdin...to name a few.

We visited for a bit, and then all 14 of us headed to IHOP for a late dinner. Well, everyone else ate dinner except for me, my husband and Sis38. We had just eaten. :) Apparently I still had room for a chocolate milkshake, though. ;) This was a great IHOP experience. Much better than our Denny's experiences. My mom said this was her best meal of the trip. I can't remember what she ordered. The restaurant is much bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. I will definitely return here.

After our dinner and more visiting, we said our goodbyes to my bro, SIL, nieces and nephews. So sad. It wouldn't be the same when we returned to DL the next morning without them.
Oh no, you were ill in the Happiest Place on Earth? :( Did you feel better after that scrumptious looking soup and crisp salad?

Looking foward to hearing how the next day goes. popcorn::

There is nothing sadder than being sick at Disneyland. I hope that eating helped.
Some very nice pictures on this thread. Ive never been to DL, so seeing the pics on here have been wonderful.
Oh no, you were ill in the Happiest Place on Earth? :( Did you feel better after that scrumptious looking soup and crisp salad?

Looking foward to hearing how the next day goes. popcorn::


I was feeling much better by the end of the night. :goodvibes

There is nothing sadder than being sick at Disneyland. I hope that eating helped.

I know what you mean. You put so much money into a trip like this and if you can't enjoy it like you want to...:(

Some very nice pictures on this thread. Ive never been to DL, so seeing the pics on here have been wonderful.

Thank you for your comments! :goodvibes I appreciate it!
so good to see that Oscar did come back after the renovation. I'm also disappointed that the soup doesn't come in a bowl anymore. That soup is DELICIOUS! The Fried pickles sound good as well!

So sorry you didn't feel good while there. That is always a big bummer! I've been afflicted with colds there a few times.

Saying good-bye to part of your family had to be Bittersweet. Happy that you had spent some good times with them, sad they were leaving, but then happy again you still had more time at DL.
so good to see that Oscar did come back after the renovation. I'm also disappointed that the soup doesn't come in a bowl anymore. That soup is DELICIOUS! The Fried pickles sound good as well!

So sorry you didn't feel good while there. That is always a big bummer! I've been afflicted with colds there a few times.

Saying good-bye to part of your family had to be Bittersweet. Happy that you had spent some good times with them, sad they were leaving, but then happy again you still had more time at DL.

Yes, I was happy to see Oscar back. I really hope I haven't seen the end of him. I can't remember if I mentioned earlier that some place in Vegas wants him. MGM Grand, maybe? That's what he told my sister. I can't picture him leaving his Disneyland post, especially with his wife being sick.

I was definitely happy we had another full Disneyland day to look forward to. But wow...my brother's family's absence sure was felt by all. :sad1:

I just saw your ticker! How exciting! I sure could use some Disneyland snow right about now. :goodvibes
I am going for a ridiculously short trip... Shorter than I have EVER done before. I am driving down after work tomorrow. I will have a few hours in the parks tomorrow (if I can stay awake). Full Park day Wednesday (but hours are only 10am-8pm) and then a few hours on Thursday before driving back up north to work Thursday night.

I think I may need a few high caffeine drinks in there!!
I am going for a ridiculously short trip... Shorter than I have EVER done before. I am driving down after work tomorrow. I will have a few hours in the parks tomorrow (if I can stay awake). Full Park day Wednesday (but hours are only 10am-8pm) and then a few hours on Thursday before driving back up north to work Thursday night.

I think I may need a few high caffeine drinks in there!!

A short trip is better than no trip. :goodvibes Have a great time! :santa:
Time for an update!

So we left off with ending our Thursday at IHOP, and saying goodbye to half of our group. :(

On to Friday October 26th. Since a month has passed and I am noteless, I'll have to rely on the pictures to jog my memory.

DS12 wanted to eat breakfast in Disneyland one of our days. Today was the day, and River Belle Terrace was the place.

First, I headed over to Space Mountain to grab FPs for later. We hadn't gotten our fill of this ride yet. Everyone else headed over to River Belle Terrace.


On the way to meet the others, I stopped to take a picture of one of our favorites that we missed out on this trip.


Breakfast is served!

DS6's Mickey Mouse Pancake:


Somebody's Steamboat:


My Mark Twain:


As usual, the breakfast potatoes and sausage were very good, the eggs were interesting -- salvaged by a little salt and lots of pepper, and the biscuit was dry. I always pass my biscuits off to someone else no matter where we are. (OK, if my boys were to read that last sentence they would burst into laughter. Two of my boys had the same Kindergarten teacher, who referred to butts as "biscuits" -- as in "OK Kindergarteners...put your biscuits on the floor..." ;))

Our breakfast view...


After eating a meal, we tend to keep things a little mild ride-wise. We headed over to Jungle Cruise, which we hadn't ridden yet this trip. It was closed. So sad.

We moved on to the Tiki Room. My Sis50 wanted a picture of her earrings taken in a Tiki Room-ish area. She had sent a picture from the old Tahitian Terrace menu to the earring maker (found on Etsy, I believe) and this was the end result. $6 well spent, I say!



I never wanted to sit next to these guys when I was little.


I have to admit, tears stream down my face during this attraction. Sitting in the Tiki Room is the best way I know to be transported back to 1979. :cloud9:


I believe I was going to get FPs for Thunder Mountain, but the ride was down so no FPs were being offered. While I was gone, Sis38 treated my boys to a round of fun at the Frontierland Shootin' Exposition.


While they were shooting I moseyed on over to the Pioneer Mercantile across the way. I really wanted a picture of Creepy Pumpkin Guy. Here is my original picture of Creepy Pumpkin Guy in 2010. A partial picture, anyway.


My sister took a picture of me cozied up with Creepy Pumpkin Guy, which I sent to my husband with the caption "Jealous?"

I wanted another picture with him now, 2 years later. My sister had sent a picture of him to me a month earlier, so I know he was out for the season, but when I walked over there he was nowhere to be found. This is where he was supposed to be, surrounded by all sorts of Fall decor, but now there was nothing.


It was so bare...and non-Halloweeny. I asked a CM in the Mercantile what happened to him. In her "I'm not really supposed to give you any real answers" kind of way, she said that winter was coming and asked if I'd noticed the light dusting of snow on the Castle. Or something like that. I thought it was an odd display to move out early. It didn't look like a real time consuming thing to clear out, yet it was a great addition to Halloween Time. It seems like they could have left it up those last few days.

According to my pictures, we headed over to the Matterhorn next.

At 11:31 I was taking a picture of everyone with their guns at the Shootin' Exposition. At 11:58 I was taking a picture of my feet in line 5 waiting to hop into my bobsled.







Weird...no waterfall.


It makes me sad that this ride isn't as good as it used to be. I haven't really read any reviews of what the general consensus is regarding the new sleds, but I miss the old ones. The ride "feels" different too - slower and jerkier. I'm sad that I'll never be able to share a ride with my husband like this ever again:


Even though we were totally squished.



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