Magic Double-dip "SCOOP AWAY THE POUNDS"

Way to go peggy Jo and Dee :cool1: :banana: :Pinkbounc
I know what its like to be stuck. I have been stuck for 3 years now!!!
Where is everyone. Have we lost sight or are we so busy with life that we do not have time for ourselves.

We worked on the in-laws house for 12 hours on Saturday (way longer than I anticipated). I ended up not having enough food packed for the day and by time we got home it was to late for dinner. I hope that having the 18 points left over will not hurt me for this week.

I also went out for Mexican last night. I ate so many chips with white sauce and salsa that I was not hungry for dinner. I did manage to force myself to eat half of the dinner and was still full and suffering this morning. I am not used to eating like that and quite frankly I did not enjoy it at all. I guess this whole experience has been a life change.
faireygod mother said:
Congrats, Peggy Jo. We will take the 2. Hang in there Devon. Maybe we can use your wifes 20 to add to our family.

I am reporting another 2 for a total of 45. % more to go before my birthday in a couple weeks. I am hoping I will make it. I think I am gonna bump up the excercise. I have been working out every night for 3 weeks. I have a cardio dvd from McDonalds and I am going to add that to my regimn now that is has gotten cooler. I hate to sweat.

Onward and downward from here and RTD

WAY TO GO DEE! Every night workouts, eating right and when you over indulge - learning the lesson! YOU GO GIRL!

I am back on track! I put on my pants this morning and yipee!!!! Not tight - but actually a little loose! CONGRATS for ME!

I'm afraid of the scale - :guilty: so I plan on staying away - this is working - this blood type thing! I'm going to weigh myself before Vegas and then once more before our cruise - so please apologize to Bubba and family for me not being able to really bump up their weight!
Ok I was going to be bed I type this out really quick. I moved down to the belt that I bought by mistake. I could never figure out why I need a belt bigger than my pant size, and I have never needed to hold my pants up. I usually just hang stuff off the belt, but I now my pants fall off with out them. I know ha-ha that’s funny until you think of that in a warehouse with some really crass bunch of guys. There is a take no prisoner attitude there.
OK I guess it is funny if I think of it happening to someone else.
But I am down to my 34 belt that I bought by mistake.
Congratulations Devin! Now aren't you glad you bought that belt by mistake? Now it's time to GO SHOPPING for pants that fit ;)

I've a big fat nothing to report on the weight loss front, so I'm consoling myself with the fact that I haven't GAINED anything. The weather is slowly improving and it's time to start up those morning walks...can't fight it any longer.
Well congrats Devin.

I am not able to weigh in for the next 4 weeks because they have finished the WWaW program and are putting us on hold so that all the facilities start at the same time. My next WI is not until 10/11 ugh. I wish I would have thought to weigh myself last week at home so I could tell what my loss was this week. I weighed myself this morning on one scale and it showed 3lb loss and then on another scale it showed 1.5 then on the third and it showed .2 gain. So what one do I trust. :confused3 I think I am gonna weigh myself at home today so I can measure a loss there next week(now that was positive thinking).

Jackie. that s a good thing to celebrate. I would rather stay still than gain.
Hi Everybody...

Life and work have been crazy...trying to get the house ready to go on the market and was scrap-booking all last weekend...Labor day weekend was a bust for I am still stuck at 61 lbs...hoping to have a good week this week....

Congrats to everyone....Keep up the good work...

Devin, I finally bought new pants when I was using one hand to hold them up as I was walking....I was afraid of a very embarassing issue.... :rotfl2:
faireygod mother said:
and then on another scale it showed 1.5 then on the third and it showed .2 gain. So what one do I trust. :confused3

Well, definitely NOT the one that showed the gain. Obviously, THAT scale is broken!

Carolyn (who fell off the good eating wagon, which made her so hungry that she ate the wagon and, then, ate the horse that was pulling the wagon...)
Well I stepped on that "bad" scale again ( yes I know I am obsessive) and it showed that I was the same as last week. Funny thing was that I had eaten breakfast and had something to drink. So I am certain that scale is not opertaing very well.

I am leaning toward splitting the differance and claiming 1.5. I also know that I would have done better had I eaten all my points everyday this past week. I was so busy that there were days I had over half left. I am not doing that this week because I want to lose 25 lbs before the cruise and it is not looking promising for me at this rate. Guess I had better up the workout. :banana:
CONGRATS DEVON! :banana: :thumbsup2 ;) :Pinkbounc

That's such a great feeling!

Since this is a numbers game and I'm going by clothes, I can only say that three people in the past two days have commented on me losing weight! YIPEE!!!

Carol (my friend) said, "Your face is less puffy"... The other two just said, "your losing weight - I can tell". When did I say I'd weigh myself? End of Sept.?

Ok that's what I'll do. Last day of the month - I'll report a loss (how's that for positive thinking?)

DEE - that scale is broken!!!! I say report the 1.5 and then you can correct it when you can WEIGH in at WW. But yes, use your home one to report the losses from now until then. Ok, that's my opinion.

So, gals - what topic/conversation was your FAVORITE last night during chat?
My favorite part of chat was the enthusiasim of getting together, even for a breif moment. I am looking forward to touring some of the differnent cat cabins.

Well, Peggy Jo I think your advice is a good one.

Jackie..count me in for 1.5 please.
Ok, not a good night last night - I think my sister and I together is a bad combination for eating... she mentions dessert, I say NO - then I eat a french fry and BAM - all you know what breaks loose. Oh, well had a good day earlier and today back on track!!!!
Alrighty then, double dippers! We've got SEVEN WEEKS!

Anybody up for a 10 pounds in seven weeks challenge? Or the loose an inch around the middle challenge? Time to get out there and start walking, hitting the tread-mill, hitting the gym. Let's knock off some 'cushion' to make room for those yummy DCL desserts :thumbsup2

I've, once again, been playing the two pound 'floating' game with the scale. I know it's because I'm not paying attention to the 'quality' ;) of my carbs.


Remember the dolphins....................
I just came home from the doctor (regular check-up) and I am down another 6 pounds! I haven't reported any loss here, because I thought my scale might be broken, but it's not. Wahoo!
Congratulations Linda! I just updated page one for you.

Anybody else need page one updated??? Huy? Do 'ya? Wish I did!
:banana: :grouphug: :woohoo: :cool1: :banana: You did great!

Sorry I didn't post this earlier - I had to make an emergency run to CVS pharmacy. I woke up with mosquito bits ALL over my self. 24 and counting!!!!

I was told by my friend (co-worker) Deb 's folks in Colorado to get "After Bite" the itch eraser! Got some for the trip too! :cool1: It works GREAT!!! Stings, but it's worth it.

Hope all is well with everyone!


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