Magic Double-dip "SCOOP AWAY THE POUNDS"

Tagging a little late, it appears, but....

Congrats, Linda!! Official medical confirmation at that! Yeah!!!

And, Peggy, where'd you find mosquitos? (Adam's always worried about, "the West Nile"...our very own Niles (Frasier's brother))

Hey everyone
Great job linda , Dee and Peg :cheer2: :banana: Hang in Jackie not gain is also a great thing!!!
Sorry I haven't been around for a LONG time. Life is crazy here and to top it off I really messed up my back. I was in such terrible pain for over 10 days. I had an MRI and it showed quit a few issues. Anyway felling much better today. I went to a message therapist yesterday. What a difference. I haven't weighed myself in weeks. But the weather is cooling off and hopefully I can get out walking.
Not good news on my front - I lose I gain I lose I gain, this is getting RIDICULOUS!!!!!

I must commit I must commit. All I can think of is VEGAS and all that good food!!! ARRGHHHH
I will not be able to weigh in next week as I will be in Vegas. I do have a plan. I plan to walk, a lot, and try to eat salads. I am taking some food with me that will help me regulate my points. I am also taking my water jug so I can stay hydrated. I may get the gym package and just go use the tredmill.

I am sorry to say that I did not make my goal for my birthday.

I am trying to set a new goal for the cruise because I know I will not make my original one. This really knocks the wind out of my sails. On a good note. The gown I am wearing for the cruise is the one my sister wore to my sons wedding 5 years ago. Now that did make me feel good.

Onward and downward from here. RTD
It sounds like a great plan. Please son't be discouraged that you did not reach your Bday goal. You have been doing an AMAZING job!!!! How is your sister doing?
I hope you have a great trip to Vegas.
Ok, no weight loss, but at least I am finally ok with it. I've been battling this stomach issue again the last month or so. I am going to resolve this issue, because as it is I need 9 hours a night to sleep in order to get myself through the day at work. Once I solve that issue, I'll move on to the weight/work-out issue! My advice:

That's right Peg! ::yes::

I'm happy with the half pound that just went away. I'm just one stupid half pound from hitting 20 lbs! :thumbsup2

Well I really was being Happy and gained 3 lbs (had a rough week at work laid off 2 more people) I think it is stress I ordered a salad and hot wings from dominos twice. I eat when I get mad, and I ate a lot over the last two weeks. Why I haven't posted or even read anything for that mater. If I have missed anything Impotent PLEASE let me know. Man I am ready for a vacation. Next week I am going to run 15 miles and lift weights with my nephew. He joined and gym and has been after me to join with him. I think I am going to. I need the stress relief. And that is a better way than eating junk, or at least if I eat junk I can burn it off.
Well guys I think I have offically given up :sad2: Know matter how hard I try it just isn't working.I think it is all stress realted but it is really depressing when you completly watch everything you eat and cant lose at all!!!I was always a skinny person and for 3 years now I have been fat and I really hate it. Sorry to rant but it is really getting to me. I can not imagin how big I would be if I actually ate what I wounld like to eat.
Well all I can say is don't give up. A healthy life style is important. If you are trying to loose weight maybe what you are doing is not right for you.
A few years ago I tried the ackines diet it worked wonders for my DW, but for me it was really BAD my sugar went through the floor and I was having real issues. But some thing as switching from regular to diet and cutting back on fat and calories made all the difference. But my DW had no luck what so ever with doing that. She still watches her sugar intake and is doing very well with it. And I can tell you stress WILL make you gain or not loose weight. I must be something you are happy with or it will not work.
Good advice SPOT DUDE! I agree, don't give up Michelle - just know that you are loving yourself by watching, that's what I am happy with right now. If I can keep my knees from pain, and my tummy from burning, I'm happy! Good choices, when you can!

Well I probably won't lose another pound before the cruise. My doc lowered my thyroid med again. That's a good thing, but she has lowered it two other times in the last year and a half and each time I stopped losing weight for about two months. So it looks like it will be January before I start losing the last 20 lbs. Oh well, "c'est la vie". :)
It is always difficult when you know that something that is a good thing (lowering meds) causes something not so good(stop of weight loss)hang in there.
Devin and Peg
I will still keep eating healthy and walking but I think the weight loss will never happen. I was one of those skinny people who could eat for all of my younger life, so I think it is mentally really hard on me. Vito jr just noticed that I am never in any"family pictures" anymore. I had to admitt that I do not want to see myself in photos anymore. It is to depressing to me.
Well no Gym today I got what ever is going around. I feel better now but this morning was pretty tough. DD was brought home from her cousins house for the same thing last night at about 11:00pm Maybe tomorrow.
Devin - hoping you feel better to go to the gym today! Good for you.

Dee - is such an inspiration - she is so committed - and doing just GREAT!

I got a lot of walking in over the weekend and yes, it's paid off. Dropped 2 pounds!

I'll be working out from now until the cruise!


Jackie - I see you posted this morning? Can I also assume you walked? You built up some good stamina you were much better on Sunday than Friday or Saturday - don't let that roll stop!!!!

I would continue pushing yourself, but also to stretch and take hot shower/baths after - and some medicine for inflamation (soreness)!

Well I have set a new goal. I want to lose another 10 before the cruise. I am hoping that it is doable. Right now I am hungry and could eat those M&M's sitting behind me. So instead of that I thought I would post. Well, I think I will go down and make some dinner.

Thanks Jackie and Peggy for the memories. See you in a few weeks.

Thanks you all for the continued support. :thumbsup2
WHAT HAPPENED IN CHAT? I'm so mad I could :badpc: that darn computer at home is driving me crazy. I spent money to have this software to eliminate pop-ups and it doesn't ! I must have a virus it cannot get rid of. So any help so I don't feel left out would be greatly appreciated!

Peggy you did not miss anything in chat. I was in and out and really not much went on (that I could see).


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