Marathon Weekend 2016

Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

1. Get glucose in me STAT. Learned that lesson the hard way.
2. Ice/eat/shower/eat/stretch/eat/rest/eat.
3. Celebrate with my BRFs. While eating. :)
Weather Update 12/30/15 @ 10:40 AM CST

Per Accuweather we have the following:
1/7 (5k) - Low 58, High 75. Rather Cloudy, a little rain.
1/8 (10k) - Low 62, High 74. Clouds and sun.
1/9 (13.1) - Low 54, High 72. Sunny.
1/10 (26.2) - Low 50, High 77. A couple of showers possible.
1/11 (DATW) - Low 59, High 76. A strong T-Storm possible.

Per weatherchannel, we have the following:
1/7 (5k) - Low 59, High 77. Mostly Sunny 20%
1/8 (10k) - Low 59, high 77. Mostly Sunny 10%
1/9 (13.1) - Low 60, High 79. Mostly Sunny 0%
1/10 (26.2) - Low 62, High 80. Mostly Cloudy 10%
1/11 (DATW) - Low 64, High 76. Showers 40%

Looks like the temp ranges for the 5k and 10k are starting to match up, but the chance of rain is going to be the thing that determines if it cools down for the half and full or stays hot.
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Weather Update 12/30/15 @ 10:40 AM CST

Per Accuweather we have the following:
1/7 (5k) - Low 58, High 75. Rather Cloudy, a little rain.
1/8 (10k) - Low 62, High 74. Clouds and sun.
1/9 (13.1) - Low 54, High 72. Sunny.
1/10 (26.2) - Low 50, High 77. A couple of showers possible.
1/11 (DOTW) - Low 59, High 76. A strong T-Storm possible.

Per weatherchannel, we have the following:
1/7 (5k) - Low 59, High 77. Mostly Sunny 20%
1/8 (10k) - Low 59, high 77. Mostly Sunny 10%
1/9 (13.1) - Low 60, High 79. Mostly Sunny 0%
1/10 (26.2) - Low 62, High 80. Mostly Cloudy 10%
1/11 (DOTW) - Low 64, High 76. Showers 40%

Looks like the temp ranges for the 5k and 10k are starting to match up, but the chance of rain is going to be the thing that determines if it cools down for the half and full or stays hot.
I will definitely take the Accuweather low on 1/10 over weather channel! 12 degrees is a huge difference.
Ways I know I have morphed into a Mom...I am more worried about the weather being good for the people who aren't running in our party because I know I can "take it" if it's not great for my race, but I don't want to deal with having to alter our touring plans if it disrupts all the family time fun in the parks, swimming, etc.
Now ideally, I just hope it is nice for everyone during everything and that is what I will cross my fingers for. I think if I ever dive into the world of the marathon or half marathon I will just make sure to go on a solo trip or only with the hubby!!!
Weather Update 12/30/15 @ 10:40 AM CST

Per Accuweather we have the following:
1/7 (5k) - Low 58, High 75. Rather Cloudy, a little rain.
1/8 (10k) - Low 62, High 74. Clouds and sun.
1/9 (13.1) - Low 54, High 72. Sunny.
1/10 (26.2) - Low 50, High 77. A couple of showers possible.
1/11 (DOTW) - Low 59, High 76. A strong T-Storm possible.

Per weatherchannel, we have the following:
1/7 (5k) - Low 59, High 77. Mostly Sunny 20%
1/8 (10k) - Low 59, high 77. Mostly Sunny 10%
1/9 (13.1) - Low 60, High 79. Mostly Sunny 0%
1/10 (26.2) - Low 62, High 80. Mostly Cloudy 10%
1/11 (DOTW) - Low 64, High 76. Showers 40%

Looks like the temp ranges for the 5k and 10k are starting to match up, but the chance of rain is going to be the thing that determines if it cools down for the half and full or stays hot.

Really hoping the Accuweather forecast is more accurate for the marathon. Starting out the race at 62+ degrees does not sound fun....
Question of the Day (QOTD)
Meeting up with my wife to say "thanks dork" for supporting me and talking about how I didn't die. Depending on finishing time whether we go back to the resort or quick freshen up for lunch at via napoli for a pitcher or two of sangria and a artichoke with truffle oil white pizza. Then it will come down to how we are feeling until dinner.
Been a while since I've been on Disboards, so I'll answer both sets of Questions:

1. I will be 6 weeks post major surgery and not cleared to run yet. I will be power walking Dopey #3
2. Is it possible to not look forward to a Disney trip? This is my first solo trip (DH passed away last June), so playing this one by ear
3. Coming from frigid Southern California on a 5-ish hour flight Tuesday.

1. Linger in a long, hot shower until my fingers look like raisins
2. Eat a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger and wash it down with a bigger, fatter, juicier beer
3. Take a nap and maybe check out the festivities at DTD
Been a while since I've been on Disboards, so I'll answer both sets of Questions:

1. I will be 6 weeks post major surgery and not cleared to run yet. I will be power walking Dopey #3
2. Is it possible to not look forward to a Disney trip? This is my first solo trip (DH passed away last June), so playing this one by ear
3. Coming from frigid Southern California on a 5-ish hour flight Tuesday.

1. Linger in a long, hot shower until my fingers look like raisins
2. Eat a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger and wash it down with a bigger, fatter, juicier beer
3. Take a nap and maybe check out the festivities at DTD

I hope you have a amazing time.
Good morning folks! Great responses from everyone on my little series of questions yesterday. Since it seemed to go so well, lets play the game again.

Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

1. Huge my wife and daughter.
2. Drink a Bear Republic - Racer 5 IPA at our resort or nearest location. (Love that beer and we no longer get it in Louisiana. Its been many years since I've had one.)
3. Spending some time in the parks with my family with my new hardware.

That's one of my favorite beers too. It's not too hard to find in Florida, so I always have several when I'm back. I'm not running this year, but if I were, I'd answer:

1. Having a beer in the parking lot while waiting to take pictures with the characters
2. Ice bath with another beer
3. Showering
Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?
Thanks for the question.
1. Take my shoes off and put on flip flops or slides.
2. Heading back towards France to cheer on other runners. Some of our wives will be running and we get them Icee's from World of Coke to help them make it through the last mile and a half or so.
3. Dinner at Ohana.

I don't know that I've ever looked forward to an ice bath.

Glad you are enjoying it. My production at work is at an all time low, but I'm very entertained. We are also going to Ohana for dinner Sunday night. 6:40PM I may fall asleep at the table after stuffing my face!

We have a 5:30 reservation. I plan on eating all the meat. Look for a group of 8 and say "hi" if you see us. If I don't have a pile of shrimp carcasses larger than my head on my plate I am doing something wrong.

The ribs at Yak & Yeti were pretty good, but the best place for ribs at Animal Kingdom is Flame Tree should try them out some time!

Been a while since I've been on Disboards, so I'll answer both sets of Questions:

1. I will be 6 weeks post major surgery and not cleared to run yet. I will be power walking Dopey #3
2. Is it possible to not look forward to a Disney trip? This is my first solo trip (DH passed away last June), so playing this one by ear
3. Coming from frigid Southern California on a 5-ish hour flight Tuesday.

1. Linger in a long, hot shower until my fingers look like raisins
2. Eat a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger and wash it down with a bigger, fatter, juicier beer
3. Take a nap and maybe check out the festivities at DTD

You're not cleared to run after major surgery. Has your doctor cleared you to power walk 48.6 miles over 4 days (plus whatever walking you will be doing at the theme parks)? How has your training been? I wish you the best experience possible and a great trip. Please make sure you do not injure yourself or cause complications over the Dopey, particularly since it is a solo trip for you and you don't have a support crew who can help you if you have problems after the races.
I see there are some parents of small people on this board so I have a question about flying with a toddler. My 3 year old is 40" as of her last checkup in very likely could be over 40" now. She's very tall for her age. She also has her own seat and will be by the window or between my husband and I (we have a whole row booked.) We are not bringing a car seat on the plane because we are not driving once we arrive (and United does not allow booster type seats anyways.) The harnesses you can buy are all really expensive $70, and they max out at 40". She would likely be uncomfortable in them. Wondering who has flown with a 3-4 year old and what they do about restraint. Are they ok just in the normal lap belt everyone wears?

I have the option of buying a CARES belt on Amazon prime and getting it delivered in time, but like I said...they max out at 40" tall.
Its nice to see so many people responding to the questions being asked on the forum lately! I will continue to ask a question each day until the end of the marathon. Over the last ~27 hours we have had ~ 146 responses on this topic! Hope we can keep it up till marathon weekend is over, and then the post marathon weekend comments.
Question of the Day (QOTD)
So here it is, you just crossed the finish line of your last race and received your medal. You are on top of the world and already thinking about the next one! What are 3 things you are going to do / looking forward to doing post race?

Ooh, pick me! Pick me! :)

I plan to:
1. Savor the moment, take photos in the finishers' chute areas, get some chocolate milk.
2. Eat something (all the food?), shower, nap in hotel room. In that order.
3. Head to the parks wearing my race shirt and Dopey medal. No ADR, going to just wing it.


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