Marathon Weekend 2016

Hey all, new to the boards. This will be my first Disney Race but 4th half marathon overall. I am very much looking forward to the experience! Arrive on Wednesday the 6th, with my wife and parents.

Welcome to the party! If you need to burn a few hours of your life, start from page 1. lol

Good morning fellow runners! Eagerly awaiting the QOTD from @LSUlakes, the man is on a roll.

The final early morning frigid temperature run is in the books (or in this case on Garmin Connect.) Enough of this nonsense, moving on to the warmer climes of Orlando this afternoon. Very excited!

Kudos to everyone for training for these races. Between the holidays and adverse conditions, it has been a real challenge.

I've been thinking about the term singly marathon. Can I use "doubly" to describe running the 5k and marathon? I guess not, that sounds pretty dumb...

Happy New Year!

Will have that coming to you soon. What's your handle on Garmin?
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I've been thinking about the term singly marathon. Can I use "doubly" to describe running the 5k and marathon? I guess not, that sounds pretty dumb...

I believe the rule is if you run a multi-race combination not officially sanctioned, you get to name it after a character, like 'The Waldo' or 'The Baloo'. It also means you own the rights to the 29.3 magnets for cars.
First things first. Since its the last day of the month and year its time to post your final numbers! So go ahead and get that last run in, the year is almost over! If you don't run today, you will have to wait till next year. (This sounds a lot funnier in my head than it actually is...)

I haven't run yet today, but will put what I have for now and update later.
December Total = 115.26
2015 Total = 1,122.84

I have to many excuses for 2015 to explain the above.

Not enough has changed to list everything out. Its either going to be hot (weather channel) or it will be nice (accuweather). A third option would consist of a hurricane followed by 2' of snow in a 4 hour window starting at 5:30AM marathon morning.


I think I will stay with the multi question answer format today, so here it goes.

1. What major accomplishment are you most pleased with achieving in 2015 as it pertains to running?
2. What are your running goals for 2016?

1. I think my PR from a mid October half marathon is my biggest running accomplishment of the year.
2. I calling 2016 the year of PR's! My goal is to PR in the following race distance and hopeful time to hit by years end.
5k - Sub 20:00
10k - Sub 41:00
10M - Sub 1:07:00
13.1M - Sub 1:30:00
26.2M - Sub 3:11:00

Some of these goals are much closer than others, and some I may not get in 2016. But I do believe a PR in each based on times listed in my Sig below will be broken by this time next year. Hopefully the full marathon time will be the first to change next weekend!

Happy to New Year to all and stay safe.
I haven't tracked my miles like I should have, so I don't have any mileage to post. I'll go for the QOTD tho!

1 - In 2015, I am proud that I found a training plan and stuck with it.
2 - In 2016, I want remain committed and continue to work on improving my pace. I'm on the hunt for Dopey 2018.
First things first. Since its the last day of the month and year its time to post your final numbers! So go ahead and get that last run in, the year is almost over! If you don't run today, you will have to wait till next year. (This sounds a lot funnier in my head than it actually is...)

I haven't run yet today, but will put what I have for now and update later.
December Total = 115.26
2015 Total = 1,122.84

I have to many excuses for 2015 to explain the above.

Not enough has changed to list everything out. Its either going to be hot (weather channel) or it will be nice (accuweather). A third option would consist of a hurricane followed by 2' of snow in a 4 hour window starting at 5:30AM marathon morning.


I think I will stay with the multi question answer format today, so here it goes.

1. What major accomplishment are you most pleased with achieving in 2015 as it pertains to running?
2. What are your running goals for 2016?

1. I think my PR from a mid October half marathon is my biggest running accomplishment of the year.
2. I calling 2016 the year of PR's! My goal is to PR in the following race distance and hopeful time to hit by years end.
5k - Sub 20:00
10k - Sub 41:00
10M - Sub 1:07:00
13.1M - Sub 1:30:00
26.2M - Sub 3:11:00

Some of these goals are much closer than others, and some I may not get in 2016. But I do believe a PR in each based on times listed in my Sig below will be broken by this time next year. Hopefully the full marathon time will be the first to change next weekend!

Happy to New Year to all and stay safe.

December total: 146!!
2015 total: 855 (I think...)

1. I am very happy that I decided to train for a marathon and completed two since the beginning of October. My first one wasn't great because the temperature got to almost 90 by the time I finished and I don't do well running in the heat. The second one a little over a month later, I finished 25 minutes faster because of cooler weather and I felt good throughout most of the race.
2. Well I have at least one half marathon on my schedule. I'm looking forward to backing off the miles a little, but I do plan to continue running. I think my plan is to take it easy and just run and not try or worry about getting faster.
1. What major accomplishment are you most pleased with achieving in 2015 as it pertains to running?
2. What are your running goals for 2016?
1. I guess running my furthest distance ever in training for my half. Prior to getting hooked on Disney races I was never a runner and now I am so I am guessing my major accomplishments will only get bigger as my life goes on.
2. Run my first half in Disney, finish, and have fun doing it. I also hope to do some local races but have not set plans on that.
I am not at my laptop so the mileage numbers won't be here.

1. My accomplishment this year was completing my first Goofy. That was my first marathon on top of only my second half marathon. The fact that I only went over 10 miles once in training and finished upright with a huge smile. Amazing what a really cool medal will do for motivation.

2. Goals for 2016 are to try go under 2:30 for the half. I am running the Princess with my DD and Star Wars solo. I also want to finish a Olympic or half triathlon. Did a sprint tri this year and enjoyed it.
Thanks @LSUlakes for another round of QOTD!

Here are my a devoted supporter of the metric system (I'm a Canadian, what can I say?), I'll post in kilometres but provide the mileage conversion.

December Total = 321km (200 miles)
2015 Total = 2721km (1700 miles)

All you Americans should measure your runs in kilometres too, makes it seem like waaaaay further :smooth:


1. What major accomplishment are you most pleased with achieving in 2015 as it pertains to running?
Running a 2:58 at Disney in January to get my BQ​
2. What are your running goals for 2016?
Taking in the joy and experience of my marathons (Disney and Boston) without the pressure of running for a PR, then kicking the crap out of my body as I train for my first Ironman in August​
First things first. Since its the last day of the month and year its time to post your final numbers! So go ahead and get that last run in, the year is almost over! If you don't run today, you will have to wait till next year. (This sounds a lot funnier in my head than it actually is...)

I haven't run yet today, but will put what I have for now and update later.
December Total = 115.26
2015 Total = 1,122.84

I have to many excuses for 2015 to explain the above.

Not enough has changed to list everything out. Its either going to be hot (weather channel) or it will be nice (accuweather). A third option would consist of a hurricane followed by 2' of snow in a 4 hour window starting at 5:30AM marathon morning.


I think I will stay with the multi question answer format today, so here it goes.

1. What major accomplishment are you most pleased with achieving in 2015 as it pertains to running?
2. What are your running goals for 2016?

1. I think my PR from a mid October half marathon is my biggest running accomplishment of the year.
2. I calling 2016 the year of PR's! My goal is to PR in the following race distance and hopeful time to hit by years end.
5k - Sub 20:00
10k - Sub 41:00
10M - Sub 1:07:00
13.1M - Sub 1:30:00
26.2M - Sub 3:11:00

Some of these goals are much closer than others, and some I may not get in 2016. But I do believe a PR in each based on times listed in my Sig below will be broken by this time next year. Hopefully the full marathon time will be the first to change next weekend!

Happy to New Year to all and stay safe.
December = 200.95. Purposely ran 4.5 yesterday on what was supposed to be a rest day to reach the 200 level. How or, more importantly, why I hit 200 I have no idea. It's a new monthly record for me. Looking forward to training in February and March when it "warms up" to see what I can do.

1. Stayed healthy! Probably more luck than anything. Secondarily, worked really hard to qualify for that race on a Monday in April...
2. Stay healthy! Secondarily, continue to really enjoy running and hopefully qualify again at a marathon in September.

Love the weather update. I would say just about anything is possible given the crazy weather around the world lately. Above freezing at the North Pole??? Nuts.

Edit to add: I don't track mileage when I'm not training for something, so no clue about 2015 total. Would guess around 1400-1500.
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Good question LsuLakes

December miles - 200 exactly this morning.
2015 - 1583.6 miles

1. 2015 accomplishment - recovering from a hip fracture & getting the okay at the end of October to start training for Dopey. Slow, slow, slow but I'm much better now.

2. 2016 goal - get below 2:00 half time. I can physically do it but I'm mentally terrified to push myself after the fracture. I was 1min & 32 seconds off my PR, did a 5k a week later at a 7:54 pace & boom my hip hurt but I PR'd that 5K. I didn't listen to my doc to lay off the running & officially fractured it a month later. Live & not learn.
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Thanks @LSUlakes for another round of QOTD!

Here are my a devoted supporter of the metric system (I'm a Canadian, what can I say?), I'll post in kilometres but provide the mileage conversion.

December Total = 321km (200 miles)
2015 Total = 2721km (1700 miles)

All you Americans should measure your runs in kilometres too, makes it seem like waaaaay further :smooth:


1. What major accomplishment are you most pleased with achieving in 2015 as it pertains to running?
Running a 2:58 at Disney in January to get my BQ​
2. What are your running goals for 2016?
Taking in the joy and experience of my marathons (Disney and Boston) without the pressure of running for a PR, then kicking the crap out of my body as I train for my first Ironman in August​

You will be pleased to know that at Boston they also include km markers on the course. Usually next to the mile marker, but maybe not only at mile markers... I would assume Disney does the same with a the amount of runners coming in from outside the states. An ironman on the list, I would like to try that if I ever BQ. My wife would probably kill me or divorce me if I registered for one. They say that running the marathon portion isn't that bad during an IM when compared to the swim and bike. Good luck on all of them.
1. Stayed healthy! Probably more luck than anything. Secondarily, worked really hard to qualify for that race on a Monday in April...
Congrats on getting to that April Monday race! Might see you there...
You will be pleased to know that at Boston they also include km markers on the course. Usually next to the mile marker, but maybe not only at mile markers... I would assume Disney does the same with a the amount of runners coming in from outside the states. An ironman on the list, I would like to try that if I ever BQ. My wife would probably kill me or divorce me if I registered for one. They say that running the marathon portion isn't that bad during an IM when compared to the swim and bike. Good luck on all of them.
It is nice to have km markers on the course when that's all that I have been training with, good to know. For Ironman training, I'm going to try to get my wife and kids involved as much as wife and I can bike together on weekends and my son is going to be 7, so he can ride his bike with me for some runs.
December total: 151 miles.
2015 total: 1391 miles.

1. Running solid races through most of the year. Did not shoot for any PRs. 6 half-marathons, 2 10 miles, and 1 Ragnar Trail relay race.
2. Shooting for a BQ by the end of the year, since I am turning 50 and getting the extra 5 minutes
December total: 151 miles.
2015 total: 1391 miles.

1. Running solid races through most of the year. Did not shoot for any PRs. 6 half-marathons, 2 10 miles, and 1 Ragnar Trail relay race.
2. Shooting for a BQ by the end of the year, since I am turning 50 and getting the extra 5 minutes
Oh cool, I've always wanted to do a Ragnar! How was it? It sounds like it would be a lot of fun!
2. Shooting for a BQ by the end of the year, since I am turning 50 and getting the extra 5 minutes
That was definitely the key for me. At my age there is no way I could qualify with a time that some people in their 20s and 30s have to post. Sub 3? Never.
Been a while since I've been on Disboards, so I'll answer both sets of Questions:

1. I will be 6 weeks post major surgery and not cleared to run yet. I will be power walking Dopey #3
2. Is it possible to not look forward to a Disney trip? This is my first solo trip (DH passed away last June), so playing this one by ear
3. Coming from frigid Southern California on a 5-ish hour flight Tuesday.

1. Linger in a long, hot shower until my fingers look like raisins
2. Eat a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger and wash it down with a bigger, fatter, juicier beer
3. Take a nap and maybe check out the festivities at DTD

So sorry to hear of your DH passing in June ReindeerMom
Enjoy your race and your juicy cheeseburger and juicier beer!


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