Marathon Weekend 2023

@opusone we are also staying at Swan, I am only doing the full. We will get there on Friday. we are in for HH on Friday and DATW on Monday.

I had no goals listed, however it was to run this marathon with less injuries. I am getting through training. I am not training as many miles but knee is holding up. my goal is to enjoy this marathon.

1. As @Herding_Cats said, do the training. In addition to hopefully working with @DopeyBadger on a plan, I want to incorporate yoga & strength. I am doing this currently and seeing a lot of benefits to my mobility.
2. Lose 30 lbs by MW. This will get me under 200 lbs for the first time in a decade. I need to clean up my nutrition and continue working on cutting sugar.
3. Not running related, but graduate!!! I am hoping to walk in December and MW will be a celebration! Why did I choose such a difficult way to celebrate?
4. Figure out my feet problems that are the bane of my existence.
5. Finish all of my races within the 16 min mile time limit. Have fun while doing so!
6. Be in good enough shape after the marathon to not be debilitatingly sore on the cruise and still be able to run/walk the castaway cay 5k.
7. Bonus goal (because 7 is my lucky number): Ride something during the marathon
1. I am doing pretty darn good with training if I do say so myself! I missed a couple important runs early in the program but adjusted. I could definitely be doing more yoga and strength though.
2. I’ve lost like 10-12 lbs which isn’t nothing. Still 20 away from being under 200.
3. lol don’t talk to me about this goal haha. Hoping to defend in the spring.
4. Haven’t figured the chronic pain out but I have found shoes I am relatively happy with (Altra Via Olympus) which seem to have also helped some knee twinges I was having earlier in training. I use super feet and heel cups in the shoes. I -think- (knock on wood) I have figured out blisters with Injinji toe socks and copious amounts of RunGoo.
5. Still to be seen. I did change my registration from all four separate to 5K 10k and Marathon.
6. Still to be seen. I have yet to be very sore after any training runs though.
7. Not sure if this will happen. But I hope I can pet a goat or whatever animals they have near DAK.

1. I am doing pretty darn good with training if I do say so myself! I missed a couple important runs early in the program but adjusted. I could definitely be doing more yoga and strength though.
2. I’ve lost like 10-12 lbs which isn’t nothing. Still 20 away from being under 200.
3. lol don’t talk to me about this goal haha. Hoping to defend in the spring.
4. Haven’t figured the chronic pain out but I have found shoes I am relatively happy with (Altra Via Olympus) which seem to have also helped some knee twinges I was having earlier in training. I use super feet and heel cups in the shoes. I -think- (knock on wood) I have figured out blisters with Injinji toe socks and copious amounts of RunGoo.
5. Still to be seen. I did change my registration from all four separate to 5K 10k and Marathon.
6. Still to be seen. I have yet to be very sore after any training runs though.
7. Not sure if this will happen. But I hope I can pet a goat or whatever animals they have near DAK.
LOL - we’re birds of a feather on #4… Altra + superfeet + injinji is the reason I can still run!
I think the biggest complaint at this point about the VQ is lack of personal control. I would absolutely have gotten in line for merch at 7am or earlier, and been done by 11. Now I don’t know when I’ll even be able to get in that building and the whole morning/afternoon plan has to wait to see where we land in the queue.
I think this is the big problem, along with the fact that there are no buses from the parks, so now instead of going and lining up first thing in the morning, I’ll be rope dropping and then eventually having to take a bus to a hotel to go to the expo.
Is it the end of the world? No. But it’s still a pain since I can’t really plan my day and I’ll end up wasting more time with transportation.
SAFD: I got into Dopey for MW, and my goals are to finish all the races injury free, and feel good enough to be able to enjoy the parks afterwards. Oh, and PR the marathon (which shouldn’t be hard considering it’ll be my first marathon)
My goals are still the same as before - finish injury free and feeling well enough to enjoy the parks with my family.

I theoretically would love to join the meetups, but as an introvert, I’m not sure I’ll actually do it.
SAFD: Lucky enough to snag a Dopey registration. Goals are:
-finish all four races with a smile
-figure out some good, recognizable costumes
-either jump on a ride or finish with a drink at the marathon (i always hear about this and it sounds so cool)
-get to meet some of you all at the meetups
1. hopefully yes. training has been track, so it's looking good 🤞
2. reusing some old costumes and still need to test them all out, but think this is a go: 5k-anastasia; 10k-five person group costume of the aunties + grandma from turning red; half-mr smee; full-eeyore [depending on comfort levels, may switch 5k and half]
3. still very much the plan and would love to join up with others who plan on this as well
4. definitely still the plan for the pre-race meetups. schedule probably won't allow for the afternoon ones🙁
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1) Finish Goofy
2) stop for photos with characters
3) attend meetups, and DATW
4) have enough energy left for park time after the races

edited to add: 5) Wear a costume, hopefully with sparkles!
Still planing for these. I rolled/sprained my ankle by not paying attention so i have missed an entire week of running. Its driving me crazy as i was feelinf traing was going well. Though I'm quite undecided on the costume portion. I bought some fabric glue and sequins, so I should be able to come up with something,even though it may be simple.
Do you have a brand that you prefer?
I have Tuli’s classic (they are yellow). Looks like they also have a heavy duty version.

SAFD: I forgot to answer the part about meet ups. I don’t think I’ll be able to do HH bc I’ll be at DHS (maybe I can leave the park and come back depending on how logistically easy that is? It’s a solo park day for me) and I will be on the Wish on Monday. But I am planning to meet up before at least one race— maybe the marathon if I’m not sick with anxiety!!!
In for Dopey #3, most likely with the usual goal of staying injury free and beating my previous Disney marathon time, though that usually comes at a cost of slowing down in the 10 and half so I may set a harder goal being that I am very self-competitive
5K sub :25
10K sub 1
Half sub 2
Full sub 4

Or I’m thinking go for a PR in the half and then enjoy the full stopping at all the rare photo ops that I don’t get when I run for time. Probably make the decision after W&D
Well I almost made it, managed to stay injury free until a couple weeks ago, and only needed to move my simulated dopey to this weekend for a few days of recovery so as long as I make it through dopey I may consider that goal complete. Still not sure if I’m going for time in the half as wine and dine was not what I wanted but 99% sure that I will just enjoy the first three and go for a marathon time.
Will most likely not make HH but am looking forward to pre race meetups, hopefully I can find people.

Past SAFD: training, wasn‘t sure as last week saw an overuse of my calf/Achilles but I think I’m back on track. Did my 5/5/10/20 dopey the last four days as well as 19 miles hiking/hunting. The perfect simulation of four races + park time, and I feel good. Even had the fortune of my beautiful wife making a homemade chicken parmesan lasagna for my pre marathon carb load (my usual WDW is mama melrose)
- Make it through finish line Sunday healthy and smiling
Still TBD
Consistency in training especially with core strength work
Happy with this one
Make it to the morning meet ups and maybe even DATW Monday (although through bad planning on my part my current checkout date is Monday)
Well still TBD, but solved the reservation issue by booking a night at Pop so I can go to DATW. HH meetup is up in the air depending on how expo goes for me Friday when I arrive, but plan on pre-race meet ups for sure.
Keep from being frustrated with the crowds given how close it is to New Years
Still TBD but not planning much park time which will definately help
Will revist time goals in the fall, but ideally they will involve a HM <2:30 and full <5:00
Still holds for the HM but haven't decided if I want to run for time on full or try and find group to run with for full and focus on fun instead.
Is anyone else doing MW for GOTR Central Florida? I am getting my 10K bib through them. I reached my release fundraising amount back in October and emailed them, but it was when the hurricane came through so I was not surprised to not hear back. I reached out again and heard back with a registration link, but they sent me the wrong link (it was for W&D and didn't work). I have then reached out to them multiple times since then to let them know this via both email and text and have still not heard back. I'm kind of frustrated and also stressed that I do not actually have a 10K bib in my name yet.
I wasn't participating in the convo back when the original goals questions was asked, but here are my goals as of today:

  1. PR in the 5k
  2. Have fun during the 10k and Half
  3. Break 4 in the Marathon
  4. Stay consistent in training
  5. Enjoy my toddler's first trip to Disney
So far things seem on track. I haven't missed a training run yet and have been able to add in some cross training and core work as well. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about going sub-4 this time.
I have started making a list based on folks responses and will share it out later in the week. Sounds like HH’s has been at 2pm in the past so probably best to stick with that time. I only went once a few years ago and can’t go this year - so what ever you all think is best.

Hopefully we will get the guide soon and then @DopeyBadger can work his map magic for the morning race meet ups. I am happy to be at the decided location, but can’t be at either HH or DATW. In the meantime keep sharing those SAFD responses!
It's waaaaay too early for me to set any race goals. I still have some key workouts to complete, plus who knows what the weather will be like. I did have a goal to properly train and that is going well so far.

However, I do plan to make the pre race meetup on Sunday AM.

Regarding the course guide, I last ran the marathon in 2018 and it was this coming week when the guide was released for that event. Hopefully it's the same this year. 🤞 I'd really like to see the course map so I can practice my nutrition & hydration during my last 16 miler in two weeks based on what I should expect on race day.
SAFD: I’m just a virtual participant for MW, since that’s just not a time of year that works for vacations for me, so my goal is boring: run the 10K and the half outside (as opposed to inside on a track like 2022). Which means that my goal is 100% out of my control and in the hands of Mother Nature and how she chooses to treat central Minnesota the first weekend in January.
SAFD: my goals remain the same, with the addition that I want my left achilles to stop misbehaving! I‘m just starting a week (minimum) with no running and it’s already driving me nuts! it was 30° F and sunny today and I wasn’t allowed to go out for my 60 minute run 😭😭

I’m in for Dopey during MW 23, which will be my second MW after the ill-fated Goofy of 2017. Dopey had been on the wishlist for a while but it only came into focus after my wife (not a runner) was convinced by a friend to do the Springtime Surprise 10k earlier this year as part of a girls weekend … and loved it. The enabler friend also wanted to go Dopey in 23 and convinced a dozen others in our circle to register for a suite of MW 2023 events; my wife is in for the 5k and half.

My goals are still evolving, but this is where I am currently:
  • Diversify the training and don’t overdo it. My Goofy 2017 experience was a mess, not just because of the canceled half or the temperature at the start of the marathon. My training for that was just to add more miles but not more strength, stretching, recovery, or better nutrition. Add an extra 50+ miles with family in the parks in the days leading up to the races and it didn’t end well. I ran a decent marathon (PR by 23 minutes, had a 12 minute negative split from first to second half) but ended up using my youngest’s stroller as a walker for the 36 hours after the race and came home with the worst tendinitis I’ve ever had. I need to remember that my 45 year old body needs more prep and recovery than the 16 year old body I had in high school.
  • For the 5k and half, enjoy the experience with my wife. I‘ve run regularly for over 30 years but she’s relatively new to it so I want her to have fun. Running in costume isn’t really my thing, but we have a few good couples ideas that will add to the experience. (Hint: Bob Newhart and Eva Gabor)
  • Take advantage of what I hope is a decent PoT corral placement (3:44 marathon) to get photo ops I skipped during 2017.
  • Start and finish each event as healthy as possible!.

I’m generally pleased with how things have gone thus far and have fingers crossed that it continues:

  • I moved a few runs on my Hal Higdon Dopey plan but have made every mile. Until about 3-4 weeks ago I was adding unscheduled intervals but started seeing signs of fatigue in my long weekend runs, so I dropped those in favor of running the last 30 minutes of the long runs at target pace (between 7:45 and 9:15, depending on what race I’m setting as the target). I’m still doing yoga 2 to 3 days a week, cycle periodically, and have been more diligent about pre- and post-run stretching and that has kept serious injury at bay, for now. I was in NYC with family for Thanksgiving, managed to fit in my scheduled 30 miles, added nearly 70 miles more (!!) in walking, and had my best week of runs this last week so something is working. Hopefully the end of the semester crunch doesn’t derail it.
  • I don’t know that my wife will run another half after this, but she’s been committed and is looking forward to MW. Considering my tendency to go out too quickly, I‘ll appreciate having her there in the 5k and half to keep me in check.
I didn’t dare it at the time, but I’ll put out my time goals now that we’re closer and I know how things have progressed. The 5k and half will be with my wife and try to estimate for photo opportunities:
5k - 1 hr
10k - 50 min
Half - 3.25 hrs
Full - 4:12 (shy of my PR by a minute per mile but it would match my 2017 MW time)

I hope to be at HH on Friday and will keep and eye out for pre-race meets, but will be on the road on Monday so I’ll miss DATW.
SAFD: my goals remain the same, with the addition that I want my left achilles to stop misbehaving! I‘m just starting a week (minimum) with no running and it’s already driving me nuts! it was 30° F and sunny today and I wasn’t allowed to go out for my 60 minute run 😭😭
In the same boat. Well, coming out of it. I just finished my 5th run following a week of rest due to Achilles pain. So far it’s going well and haven’t had any pain. It will be worth the rest. If you have a cross training option available that you can do without pain, use it. I didn’t have a bike or anything so it was pretty total rest but I did some body weight strength and core workouts and took a slow walk after several days. Keep it up!
FWIW, I don’t think my endurance took much of a hit. I missed running but so far, I feel like I’m picking up where I left off. I am doing shorter runs because I want to ramp up slowly to avoid reinjury, not because I can’t do the distance. I’m slowly getting back to my plan with some shuffling and shortening of runs.


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