Mask mandates being lifted in some places

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Agree, and a good portion of what is reported in the Media is incorrect or speculation. IMO.
Lots of 'experts' that are not experts.....
Trust me, I know. Which is why we have one person full time dedicated to tracking this down. And which is why I am asking for a link so we can examine who is making that claim. I don't think what is reported in the Media is necessarily incorrect or speculation. But given we have only been dealing with covid-19 for just over a year, our understanding is rapidly changing.
Reminds me a bit of what my parents told me about why they started smoking in the 1930's and 40's. Their Doctors recommended it for their health! It wasn't until the 1950's the links to cancer became common knowledge. Good Lord willing, we will all be around 5 or 10 years from now and I suspect we will have a better understanding of covid-19 then that we do now.
I cannot wait until vaccinations are widespread enough that we can ditch masks. I absolutely loathe wearing a mask.

I know we’re all supposed to say it’s easy and no big deal and it’s a small sacrifice and unless you’re lungs are failing you shouldn’t have breathing issues and blah blah blah but I hate it. I find it miserable. I end up breathing through my mouth unless I’m actively just thinking about breathing, my face gets all damp, I feel claustrophobic and like I’m suffocating ugh. Masks are not here to stay for me, that’s for sure!

Same to all of this, plus I start feeling light headed after about 30 minutes. And I usually end up with a headache.
You keep stating that no one likes wearing a mask and then you go off on a passive-aggressive rant on posters that state their reasons why they don't like wearing them. We all get it, we get the good reasons why we need to wear one. Life is still happening however, and I'm going to be one of the ones who lives it again someday how it's meant to be lived. I probably will still wear one when I'm ill, because I think it's a good idea, but I'm not going to be masked up until I kick the bucket.
You keep stating that no one likes wearing a mask and then you go off on a passive-aggressive rant on posters that state their reasons why they don't like wearing them. We all get it, we get the good reasons why we need to wear one. Life is still happening however, and I'm going to be one of the ones who lives it again someday how it's meant to be lived. I probably will still wear one when I'm ill, because I think it's a good idea, but I'm not going to be masked up until I kick the bucket.

How sad. I don't know of one person that likes to wear a mask all of the time.

No passive-aggressive rant, just facts on the physiological that happens; one thing has nothing to do with the other. There is no direct correlation.
IMO there are people that don't get it which is obvious by behaviors. Wearing a mask not until you are ill is too late; you have already given it to your family and friends and co-workers etc.
Some of these may die or have long term health issues that could have been prevented.

Life for a lot of people is not happening; it appears that you don't quite get the big picture and have empathy for others. Tough way to live life.
IMO, 'normal' life, for the most part is not happening because of the chosen ignorance of others.
This is prevalent by the number of Covid cases and deaths.
You do you.
Trust me, I know. Which is why we have one person full time dedicated to tracking this down. And which is why I am asking for a link so we can examine who is making that claim. I don't think what is reported in the Media is necessarily incorrect or speculation. But given we have only been dealing with covid-19 for just over a year, our understanding is rapidly changing.
Reminds me a bit of what my parents told me about why they started smoking in the 1930's and 40's. Their Doctors recommended it for their health! It wasn't until the 1950's the links to cancer became common knowledge. Good Lord willing, we will all be around 5 or 10 years from now and I suspect we will have a better understanding of covid-19 then that we do now.
Good points but the Media, IMO has perpetuated quite a bit of speculation and incorrect information, for example calling any physician an expert on this.
I am in critical care and LOTS of what the media has reported is just wrong.

I cannot think of one media source that can be relied on for correct information. Too may news celebrity anchors etc. giving their opinions and analysis.
It is very apparent to those in the know that they don't know.

The public believes what the media says and that can be terrifying and misleading.
This is MO but I work on the front; do not mean to been offensive but it is difficult to watch.
Take care.
Good points but the Media, IMO has perpetuated quite a bit of speculation and incorrect information, for example calling any physician an expert on this.
I am in critical care and LOTS of what the media has reported is just wrong.

I cannot think of one media source that can be relied on for correct information. Too may news celebrity anchors etc. giving their opinions and analysis.
It is very apparent to those in the know that they don't know.

The public believes what the media says and that can be terrifying and misleading.
This is MO but I work on the front; do not mean to been offensive but it is difficult to watch.
Take care.
It certainly is a difficult story to report because the "facts" keep changing as we learn more. A responsible media report will indicate the source of the information which allows the viewer/reader to evaluate the credibility of that information. And if you go back over the post I have made in the last 10 months, you will see more than once me questioning if there are any covid-19 experts, yet. For example I was looking back at some of our stories from April of last year, when some very credible educated medical professionals felt the outbreak could be controlled in 4 to 6 weeks. Clearly they were wrong. So to your comment "It is very apparent to those in the know that they don't know", my comment would me that many in the know, DIDN'T know. They may have been well educated and experienced, but the virus didn't respect that.
Our biggest challenge now is people feel a Facebook post is more credible than a statement by the CDC.
How sad. I don't know of one person that likes to wear a mask all of the time.

No passive-aggressive rant, just facts on the physiological that happens; one thing has nothing to do with the other. There is no direct correlation.
IMO there are people that don't get it which is obvious by behaviors. Wearing a mask not until you are ill is too late; you have already given it to your family and friends and co-workers etc.
Some of these may die or have long term health issues that could have been prevented.

Life for a lot of people is not happening; it appears that you don't quite get the big picture and have empathy for others. Tough way to live life.
IMO, 'normal' life, for the most part is not happening because of the chosen ignorance of others.
This is prevalent by the number of Covid cases and deaths.
You do you.

How self-righteous are you? I can hear your disdainful sniff all the way over here.

I said in the future when masks are behind us *all* I would still wear one when I was ill. I meant ill with a cold or some other sickness. I have had quite a bad case of Covid-trust me, I get the big picture. Also, you are reading a heck of a lot into my post when you talk about empathy and my supposed lack thereof. You have no idea what kind of person I am or how much I care, so I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't sit wherever you are like some sort of Masked Up Saint and judge me.
IMO we all agree with you; please consider those who have caught the virus; a person can't catch their breath because their lungs are failing because COVID has destroyed their lung tissue so they no longer can do oxygen exchange. You would not be ever able to catch your breath so you are put on a ventilator which only forces oxygen into your lungs but does not ensure the oxygen gets into your body because your lung tissue is inflamed or destroyed. This affects every organ, your vascular system, your heart etc., in your body; your body starts to die from lack of oxygen. Many have long term physical affects from the virus which we are only beginning to know about. Too many have died as you know.
This has happen to people no matter how old you are.
This is the basic physiology of the COVID virus and what it does to the human body, so I hope you do your best to help others from getting this horrific thing.

And then there is Karma.....

Stay safe all!

um, what? That was an unnecessary passive aggressive lecture with a nice side of emotional grandstanding.

The last bit where you suggest karma is going to come for me because I dislike masks is especially nice.

I’m not sure why saying that I dislike masks and will be all too thrilled to ditch them when safe is so offensive to you. But I don’t think there’s anything morally wrong with saying, I hate masks and will stop wearing them as soon as it’s safe 🤷‍♀️ Very confused
um, what? That was an unnecessary passive aggressive lecture with a nice side of emotional grandstanding.

The last bit where you suggest karma is going to come for me because I dislike masks is especially nice.

I’m not sure why saying that I dislike masks and will be all too thrilled to ditch them when safe is so offensive to you. But I don’t think there’s anything morally wrong with saying, I hate masks and will stop wearing them as soon as it’s safe 🤷‍♀️ Very confused
I started out saying I agreed with you. I asked that you please consider....
Just going by how you presented yourself.
Take care please.
How self-righteous are you? I can hear your disdainful sniff all the way over here.

I said in the future when masks are behind us *all* I would still wear one when I was ill. I meant ill with a cold or some other sickness. I have had quite a bad case of Covid-trust me, I get the big picture. Also, you are reading a heck of a lot into my post when you talk about empathy and my supposed lack thereof. You have no idea what kind of person I am or how much I care, so I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't sit wherever you are like some sort of Masked Up Saint and judge me.
um, what? That was an unnecessary passive aggressive lecture with a nice side of emotional grandstanding.

The last bit where you suggest karma is going to come for me because I dislike masks is especially nice.

I’m not sure why saying that I dislike masks and will be all too thrilled to ditch them when safe is so offensive to you. But I don’t think there’s anything morally wrong with saying, I hate masks and will stop wearing them as soon as it’s safe 🤷‍♀️ Very confused
The tone wasn't passive aggressive tone it was an outright aggressive tone and I'm with both of you I'm confused because what you said didn't at all warrant the response and oddly it didn't even seem like the person was in disagreement with you so it just left me even more confused reading it. And BlueStarryHat you def. know what it's like to have a "mild" case of COVID I remember you telling us about it :hug: so I don't think you're ignoring at all what COVID can do to the body. This thread had been civil I thought. I'm not looking for a fight at all just wanted to say I was left with a "huh?" thought too
I posted three reputable links about the vaccine significantly reducing transmission, just look back.
Thanks. But reading all three articles they are all preliminary studies that haven't even undergone peer review. They could be determined to be correct in the future, but the biggest thing we have learned in the last 10 months is that preliminary findings on covid-19 frequently don't hold up.
The tone wasn't passive aggressive tone it was an outright aggressive tone and I'm with both of you I'm confused because what you said didn't at all warrant the response and oddly it didn't even seem like the person was in disagreement with you so it just left me even more confused reading it. And BlueStarryHat you def. know what it's like to have a "mild" case of COVID I remember you telling us about it :hug: so I don't think you're ignoring at all what COVID can do to the body. This thread had been civil I thought. I'm not looking for a fight at all just wanted to say I was left with a "huh?" thought too
I have to agree with you completely. I even went back and read the thread twice and I am still left with a “huh” thought 🤷‍♀️
um, what? That was an unnecessary passive aggressive lecture with a nice side of emotional grandstanding.

The last bit where you suggest karma is going to come for me because I dislike masks is especially nice.

I’m not sure why saying that I dislike masks and will be all too thrilled to ditch them when safe is so offensive to you. But I don’t think there’s anything morally wrong with saying, I hate masks and will stop wearing them as soon as it’s safe 🤷‍♀️ Very confused

When this whole thing is over I suspect psych med prescriptions will quadruple since the media has driven people bat (you know what ) crazy and they will not be able to tolerate seeing bare mouths and noses in public.
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I started out saying I agreed with you. I asked that you please consider....
Just going by how you presented yourself.
Take care please.

I guess I’m very confused as to what it is you’d like me to consider and how it is that you think I’ve presented myself.

Am I meant to consider continuing to wear a mask once vaccines are widely distributed and community spread plummets? I personally believe with the vaccine we will reach a point where it no longer makes statistical sense to wear masks and social distance etc. Is that what you disagree with?
I am in critical care and LOTS of what the media has reported is just wrong.
I have to ask, have you gotten the vaccine yet. If not, will you? Seems like a surprising number of front line medical staff are refusing to get the vaccine.
What you saw is prevalent in many parts of Wisconsin.

Milwaukee and Madison are the only areas really still masking up consistently.

I think that's a rural/urban distinction in most places right now. It certainly is in Michigan. My mom only lives about 45 minutes from me but she's in the Detroit metro and I'm in a nothing town in the middle of a cornfield. When our numbers were really bad here, I started doing as much of my shopping as I could on days when I had to do her shopping or drive her to the doctor or be in her area for whatever other reason because compliance there is almost universal while around me it is about 50/50. We have a state mandate but no enforcement other than for businesses who don't require employees to comply, so it is basically a matter of people doing what they want.
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