Meeska-Mouska-Mickeeeeeey's House! **8/21 - Preparation Pictures!!**

You've been busy Sarah!! Clothes will be great, for both you and the boys. :goodvibes

Chafing Cream I like is
I will find it at Target (across from the other feminine products).

Thank you SO MUCH for that info! I found some at CVS this past week and Ive gotten to test it out some. Works great!

:rotfl: isn't it funny when we find something we need, and find it cheap, yet our bill ends up being really high?!?! How does that happen?!?! ;):lmao:

Oh, boy, yes! It was bad with Disney trip shopping, and worse when I went out to "get a couple things" for my sister's baby this past week!
Your ticker is looking MIGHTY fine! TWO DAYS! :banana:

Oh, yes!!! I've been quite wrapped up in Real World packing, working, scurrying around for last minutes things.

It's been especially fun seeing how excited the boys are, now that the trip is more "real" to them!

I feel so prepared and have already been able to be more relaxed, though, thanks to everyone on these boards!!
It's so nice to be relaxed before a vacation! I hope your last day is full of it instead of running around.

Though, I think some running around the day before vacation is unavoidable! :rotfl: There is ALWAYS something!


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