Meeska-Mouska-Mickeeeeeey's House! **8/21 - Preparation Pictures!!**

LOL...I think that is a very good case to get someone else to clean your bathrooms.

It's funny, I was just trying on my white sweatshirt capri's (that are pajama bottoms from Target) & looking in the mirror trying to decide if anyone would be able to tell that they were PJ's if I wore them to Disney!!! :rolleyes1 They are so comfy!!!!

I just finished reading your PTR from the beginning & I owe you a Congratulations on your new little gift from God!!!

Thanks! We're really excited and continually laughing at all the changes we have to plan for, going from 2 to 3!
I say Go For It and wear those comfy pants to the parks :thumbsup2
You won't be the only one!

I see we think alike! I don't mind spending $$$ on shoes for DH and me but the kids???? ;)
Sorry you bleached your new clothes. Ugh!


Ugh! is right :sad2: just sucks that it was my own fault. :laughing:
And I never quite believed that kids feet grow as fast as parents said they do - but now I"m witnessing it. We've been trying to stick to WalMart/Target cheapies as much as we can!

Sorry to hear about your new pants. That's something I've done more than once. And its funny you say that about your belly being covered. That was an absolute must for me when I was pregnant! I would have felt exposed otherwise, I think. Also, if you still need things and shop on-line, might have a lot of things they didn't in their actual store. They also tend to ship really quickly, too.

THanks :) I think I will browse their online stuff, especially since I'd still love a non-black dress or two (I have some comfy ones, but they are BLACK, which = HOT). And that's the only place I can get Tall sizes for my maternity pants. I'm going to send "Sale" vibes their way...:goodvibes
Joining in! I saw you on my PTR, so I had to come over here too!

First, you SO CAN wear pajama bottoms at Disney! :laughing: Espeically since you have the pregnancy card ;) - which, by the way - Congrats! That's exciting!!! You'll find that there are few rides that you have to sit out of, there really aren't that many thrill rides at Disney, I think you can even ride Soarin'!!

and we'll take ME to our 2 bedroom at Beach Club Villas (!!!).

You just aren't doing Disney, you are doing it in style! Very nice resort and awesome location. :thumbsup2

September does have very low crowds, so I wouldn't worry too much about doing parks on the "worst day" as UG predicts. Even up to crowd level 6 we've found it easy to tour in.

I couldn't see your plans that you posted the links to, but it sounds like you already have feedback on that. My #1 suggestion is to plan all you want, but also plan that your plans that you spent MONTHS on will completely go out the window. Allow for little things that people want to do - if you make everyone stick to a plan (unless everyone in your group is super Type A! :laughing:), some people might be a bit upset. Sometimes its in those little moments where you start to "wing it" and not go by The Plan that you find your greatest memories and some awesome magic!

And my final comment - you have a beautiful family! Your boys are adorable!!! Are you going to find out if the new bean is a boy or girl? Or just wait to be surprised?
I sure hope you are feeling better!!

I'm so glad that my chart inspired you. I feel honored. :blush: You'll have to post a picture of it! :thumbsup2

I was pregnant the whole summer leading up to DD's birth. I loved having skirts. They were comfortable and attractive compared to skirts. Do you have H&M near you? They had nice maternity clothes too for not a lot of money. Gap online was nice when they were having sales. Good luck!!

We love our Keens! :love: best shoes we have ever owned!!

party: party: less than 45 days!!!! party: party:
Joining in! I saw you on my PTR, so I had to come over here too!

First, you SO CAN wear pajama bottoms at Disney! :laughing: Espeically since you have the pregnancy card ;) - which, by the way - Congrats! That's exciting!!! You'll find that there are few rides that you have to sit out of, there really aren't that many thrill rides at Disney, I think you can even ride Soarin'!!

You just aren't doing Disney, you are doing it in style! Very nice resort and awesome location. :thumbsup2

September does have very low crowds, so I wouldn't worry too much about doing parks on the "worst day" as UG predicts. Even up to crowd level 6 we've found it easy to tour in.

I couldn't see your plans that you posted the links to, but it sounds like you already have feedback on that. My #1 suggestion is to plan all you want, but also plan that your plans that you spent MONTHS on will completely go out the window. Allow for little things that people want to do - if you make everyone stick to a plan (unless everyone in your group is super Type A! :laughing:), some people might be a bit upset. Sometimes its in those little moments where you start to "wing it" and not go by The Plan that you find your greatest memories and some awesome magic!

And my final comment - you have a beautiful family! Your boys are adorable!!! Are you going to find out if the new bean is a boy or girl? Or just wait to be surprised?

Thank you so much and :welcome:
I'm so excited about the trip, and now glad to see that the rest of my family is catching up with me! I've come to terms with missing some of my favorite thrill rides, and am looking forward to the extra rest.

And thanks for the reminder to go with the flow :)
Once the boys see The World, no telling what they'll be most excited about doing - so I'm prepared to be surprised!

We are hoping to find out gender of this little one the day before we leave for WDW!!! Either way, we're thrilled, and I think we'll reveal the gender to our family during the trip :goodvibes

I sure hope you are feeling better!!

I'm so glad that my chart inspired you. I feel honored. :blush: You'll have to post a picture of it! :thumbsup2

I was pregnant the whole summer leading up to DD's birth. I loved having skirts. They were comfortable and attractive compared to skirts. Do you have H&M near you? They had nice maternity clothes too for not a lot of money. Gap online was nice when they were having sales. Good luck!!

We love our Keens! :love: best shoes we have ever owned!!

party: party: less than 45 days!!!! party: party:

Oh, wow, did you ever inspire me!! I wish I could figure out how to post the pic :confused3
I think I'll give it one more try later :sad2:

Thanks for the reassurance about wearing skirts. I'm pretty well stocked right now - two short skirts, one long, one sundress, 2 palazzo capris. All with comfy fold-over waists (well, except the dress :laughing:). I've used some H&M nursing shirts before, which were great. Unfortunately, there's not one closeby. My long skirt is from Athleta, and I found it as I was browsing Old Navy/Gap websites. Can't believe it fits so well, given that Athleta is for such athletic, sporty, skinny, fit ladies -- NOT me! :rotfl:

My Chacos and/ or Keens look good with all. OH! And, this weekend, my mom GAVE me her Chacos b/c the contour doesn't feel good on her feet anymore. They have cute skinny pink straps, no heel strap, though, but they'll still be great!! :cloud9:

And my DH is going to look at them soon. He saw one pair at a sporting goods store, but was a bit scared of the pricetag! :scared1::laughing:
Glad you are doing well!! Keens are not inexpensive but at least as adults, our feet really do not grow (at least like kids feet do). :goodvibes
We are getting SO CLOSE and SO EXCITED!!

Plus, we have such exciting events between now and our Disney trip. In such a short amount of time, too!

First, my sister is due with her first baby in a couple weeks. She lives about 6 hours away from me, and I am planning to drive down the day after the baby comes. It will probably end up being a c-section b/c the baby is stubbornly remaining breach, so we're planning around the scheduled date at the end of August. I can't wait to meet my little neice or nephew AND get an awesome solo road trip! :lovestruc

Then, while I'm at my sister's, DH and the rest of the family will be heading to visit the Georgia cousins for a family birthday celebration. So, it will be an almost full-fledged Disney rehearsal (minus me!). The boys are great airplane travelers already, so I'm not too concerned about that. It's the whole combo of me - the controlling Mom - with my well-meaning in-laws that I really need to prepare for :sad2:

Plus my baby check-up and "big" ultrasound appointments that are scheduled between now and our trip!!!

And given that we're getting so near our trip, today was a rare crafty day at our house :laughing:
The boys got to decorate the trip folders I put together for them (a very pared-down version of my "master" folder) with stickers.
AND, we did our countdown chain :cool1: !!
It will start tomorrow, tearing off one link each day. I didn't get too fancy, but we did put it in a certain order ( I wrote the actual date on the inside of each link) so that we decorated special links for the Georgia trip and their new cousin's probable arrival date :goodvibes and, of course, the last few days before D Day!! :wizard:

I'm going to get caught up on others' PTRs and TRs tonight and improve my own packing list. Amazing what good ideas I get on these boards!

Right now, I'm reading up on Body Glide... I know it can help with feet, but I'm also wondering about (TMI, sorry!) how it could help with inner thighs... I've seen mixed reviews, but I'm going to try skirts some days and I'm not the slimmest gal :rotfl:.
One month, one month!!! :yay:

Sounds like a very fun crafty time! I am thinking of getting my craft on again this week...Lilo and Stitch style. Might be a tad scary. :laughing:
We're going to be in Disney same time as you :) A month to go :banana:

Also congrats on your baby news :)
One month, one month!!! :yay:

Sounds like a very fun crafty time! I am thinking of getting my craft on again this week...Lilo and Stitch style. Might be a tad scary. :laughing:

:rotfl: Yup, our craft times are always a tad scary! But Disney as motivation makes it much better :)

I bought our first body glide for our trip. I'll let you know what we think!


Great, thanks! Hope it saves your feet :)

We're going to be in Disney same time as you :) A month to go :banana:

Also congrats on your baby news :)

Thank you! :cool1: It's so fun being this close to our trips -- I'm going to check out your PTR :goodvibes
OK, since pictures are fun, I've got a few for this post ;)

Here is our Countdown Chain, minus a few links since we started. The kids are so excited that they are already seeing it noticeably shrink down!! :cool1:



Gray was a rather impatient model...


And Oliver is happy to ham it up! Classy, I realize, in his diaper :rolleyes:


This is where the chain lives. Not fancy, but keeps links from disappearing early...! And I think it will travel to my MIL's house some, so that they can have fun seeing the boys tear of some links :goodvibes

Here is some of the stuff I've gotten for the boys - to be used on the airplane and/or in line at the parks:


I hit the jackpot at the Target $1 section! The stickerbooks, maze books, "surprise ink" coloring book, and Toy Story straw-cups were great. But my favorites are the little dry-erase spiral pads. Gray will love the alphabet one, and Oliver can draw and scribble. but of course I had to get two of each. And then they had the packs of little mini dry-erase markers! I think they should store ok in a ziploc baggie so I won't lose them (right away).
I also got a good deal at CVS on the Crayola color-magic pads; I have two other packs that include the markers (I think they are Toy Story). The poor guy at CVS drugstore hates to see me coming b/c I "work" their rewards system by doing separate check-outs in one trip (to take advantage of the Extra Rewards bucks).

With all our other travels between now and Disney, I actually get to start doing some "real" packing and prep work! :cool1::cool1:
Since I'm currently too lazy to take pictures of the actual clothes I'm packing, I think I'll find pics of the items online to post. I love getting to rationalize being lazy b/c I'm pregnant! :rotfl2:

I'm terrible about solid-colored (i.e. boring) tops (and apparently bottoms too), so I won't be posting too many of those. I have waaaaay too many solid colored tank tops and tees. But many of the items I'll be taking with me to wear are recent purchases, so I know precisely the brand and that they are still on the store website. So...



As I've said, these fold-over waists are my best friends right now! Black and brown, not too exciting :sad2: but being paired with various colorful tanks/tees ;)


My current favorite looong skirt (mostly brown again - yikes!) although it may be too hot to wear much at Disney except in evenings. It's also fold-over; from Athleta.


I know! Black again :rolleyes: More colors to come!


These are the "sleep pants" that I may be sporting at the parks :rolleyes1
But at least they aren't black or brown!!! :laughing:



Finally, a fun dress! ...and this is exactly what I look like in it, too! And the heels in this pic will be PERFECT for Disney walking! :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Now, the boys' clothes aren't very exciting, either. I'll just make sure they each have 4-5 sets of short and tees that can all mix-and-match (have you caught on yet that that is my style? Really simplifies life!)

They'll have some khaki, brown, some plaid shorts, navy. They have an unusual amount of orange tees, so they will match. Less of the color red, for some reason. Their tops will be mostly whites, oranges, greens, blues. No special Disney tees ... Oliver may have a white Cars tee? But I'm sure that may change during the trip -- especially if we can hunt down any sort of Phineas and Ferb tee!!!! I keep hoping they will show up more by the time we're there, but don't think there is much to be found :sad2:
Love looking at your clothes. It's always fun for me to see pics of what others are wearing! I really like the long brown skirt.

I have a hard time getting away from black & brown clothes too. That's mostly what my wardrobe is and I have to talk myself into buying/wearing other colors.
Adorable pictures of the boys - and your clothes! Basics are nice, it certainly makes life easier too, which is helpful when you are prego! ;) Your dress is super cute - it's funny they have the model in a heel. Do pregnant women EVER wear heels?!?? :lmao:

I am really surprised there isn't more Phineas and Ferb stuff out there, I only recall seeing a few shirts in the WS (of all places?!?!) on a previous trip. Hopefully they will start stocking it more!
Love looking at your clothes. It's always fun for me to see pics of what others are wearing! I really like the long brown skirt.

I have a hard time getting away from black & brown clothes too. That's mostly what my wardrobe is and I have to talk myself into buying/wearing other colors.

Thanks! that's one of the funnest parts of people's PTRs, I agree.

Adorable pictures of the boys - and your clothes! Basics are nice, it certainly makes life easier too, which is helpful when you are prego! ;) Your dress is super cute - it's funny they have the model in a heel. Do pregnant women EVER wear heels?!?? :lmao:

I am really surprised there isn't more Phineas and Ferb stuff out there, I only recall seeing a few shirts in the WS (of all places?!?!) on a previous trip. Hopefully they will start stocking it more!

Thank you :)
I actually happened across a Phineas and Ferb pj set yesterday at Walmart. They only had 2 left - both size 4! That would work for my youngest, but slightly too small for my oldest. On sale for $5, I had to get them both and try!
I can' t wait to see if more stuff starts showing up!
Whew! I sure am keeping my brain busy, trying to organize my trip this week to meet my new neice/nephew AND our Disney trip coming up right afterwards. Such fun fun trips to plan!!!

I think I'm done with my shopping (dangerous words! ;) ).

Finally found cheap rain ponchos yesterday -- 88 cents per poncho!

How did my bill total $75??!! :confused3

I also couldn't resist getting some 4x6 self-laminating things to make cards for each day's plans. I figure this could be a fun way to kill time when I'm at my sister's and she's not needing my help with baby.
:rotfl: isn't it funny when we find something we need, and find it cheap, yet our bill ends up being really high?!?! How does that happen?!?! ;):lmao:
Here I am! Almost one week until our trip :cool1::cool1::cool1:

I have been wonderfully lost in baby-world for the past week with my sweet new neice, Greta. :cutie: She is beautiful and perfect of course!

I think that today or tomorrow I'll start a packing area for Disney!! My boys get back from their trip this afternoon, so I may just wash and re-pack most of the clothes they took to Georgia. They have junkier play clothes that they can wear for the next week!

Looking forward to spending some time catching up on other PTRs here too


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