Meredith & Matt's PJ-June 19th, 2011 Germany/LSS - Completed TR and Blog Feature!

LOVE the photos in EPCOT! So beautiful! My favorite is the one you want to get a canvas of, it seriously looks like something out of a magazine!
Fabulous photos in Epcot. The one that you want as a wrapped canvas is stunning! I agree with *Pixiedust1438* it does look like it's from a magazine :goodvibes xx

Your photos are lovely! One of the reasons we decided on an Epcot ceremony so that we could have the bonus photo time there. Really looking forward to that. Glad it worked out so well for you. We were down there that weekend for our site visit and it was brutally hot. At least it doesn't show in the photos. :)

Seeing your photos is also easing my mind a bit about DPS. Amy and Regina are at the top of my list, so hopefully that will work out for us.

Can't wait to see and read more.
Meredith sweetie - These are stunning photos!!! The best I have seem lately from DPS. You must be thrilled with them!!

We are absolutely thrilled with them!! Thanks for the compliment!

Love the photos, no such thing as posting too many! Looks like it was a wonderful day

Thanks for following along!!!

LOVE the photos in EPCOT! So beautiful! My favorite is the one you want to get a canvas of, it seriously looks like something out of a magazine!

Fabulous photos in Epcot. The one that you want as a wrapped canvas is stunning! I agree with *Pixiedust1438* it does look like it's from a magazine :goodvibes xx

Thanks!! When I was showing people at work they thought that pic was an advertisement. They didn't even recognize us :rotfl: I can't wait to get it blown up.

Can't wait to see your pictures at the LSS!! Beautiful pictures!

I've been slacking on updated but I'll post soon!


Your photos are lovely! One of the reasons we decided on an Epcot ceremony so that we could have the bonus photo time there. Really looking forward to that. Glad it worked out so well for you. We were down there that weekend for our site visit and it was brutally hot. At least it doesn't show in the photos. :)

Seeing your photos is also easing my mind a bit about DPS. Amy and Regina are at the top of my list, so hopefully that will work out for us.

Can't wait to see and read more.

Thank you so much!! You're going to LOVE being in Epcot early in the morning. You won't even notice how early you had to get up because you'll be having too much fun. The bonus time is great and you really get to take a TON of pics.

It was pretty hot that weekend but somehow we all survived. We were in AC for the hottest part of the day at least.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get Amy and Regina!!

I know I've been slacking with my post and I promised I'll get some more up soon. I can't believe it's been 2 months since the wedding and I haven't even posted the reception yet.....SORRY
Your Epcot bridal portraits are so amazingly beautiful. I'm pretty sure I just stared at the ones in Germany for like 15 minutes. :laughing: They're stunning. I can't wait to read about your ceremony!
Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous! Makes me almost wish that I was getting married in Epcot so I could get pictures done around the countries. :) Can't wait to see more.
Your Epcot bridal portraits are so amazingly beautiful. I'm pretty sure I just stared at the ones in Germany for like 15 minutes. :laughing: They're stunning. I can't wait to read about your ceremony!

Thank you so much!! Everyone is so supportive on here...I could spend all day on these boards :goodvibes

Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous! Makes me almost wish that I was getting married in Epcot so I could get pictures done around the countries. :) Can't wait to see more.

We LOVED getting married in Epcot but I understand it's not for everyone. I wish we could do it all over again.

Your epcot Bridal portraits are amazing!!!!

Thanks!! :goodvibes
So I had bigs plans this past weekend for a long update on my TR, but my computer, or I should say computers, had other plans. I had off all weekend and the Northeast was going to get hit with Irene. So we were going to be stuck inside all weekend and I was gonna get as much stuff done on the computer as I could before we lost power. We didn't end up losing power at all but it was better to plan for the worst. Anyway, Saturday was suppose to be designated to doing anything we needed electricity for.

So we wake up Saturday morning go shopping to stock up on the essentials (beer and sangria) then go for a run, come home and get ourselves ready to spend the rest of the weekend in the house. I turn on the computer right before I get in the shower and come back to the "Blue Screen of Death".:headache: Well DH just about lost it then and there, this is the second computer that's died on him in 4 years. He didn't lose everything the first time but this time wasn't looking good. So I tell him to try to relax on the couch, bring him a beer and I get on the phone with Dell. I'm on the phone for about an hour running diagnostic test and the conclusion is the hard drive is shot. They offer for replace it for some amount of money and DH is screaming in the background NO, I DON'T WANT ANOTHER WINDOWS COMPUTER. So we're done with Dell, I politely say no to the guy, we're going to Mac.

Now we were planning on getting a Mac at some point. DH is starting PT school in September and we were waiting to see if he needed a Laptop and go from there. So plan was to hook my computer back up for the month or so until school started. My computer had been sitting on the floor in our room for less than a month so it wasn't a big deal to hook back up. WELL, I bring the tower in to the desk and plug it in, then FLAMES START SHOOTING OUT THE BACK OF IT :scared1::scared1::scared1: I mean flames that are actually hitting the wall, I thought the house was going to burn down. I start screaming and rip the power cord out the back of it. DH immediately starts yelling, that's it we're going to Apple right now!! I'm hysterically laughing rolling on the floor because there's nothing else you can do at this point and DH is walking around the room yelling :rotfl::rotfl::mad::mad: I finally compose myself and start to think rationally. I not going to buy the computer in Jersey and pay tax it when we just visit my sister the next day and buy it in Delaware. DH says he need peace of mine and wants to just look and we can go to Delaware the next day to actually buy. So off we go to Apple before the storm gets bad! We get there and DH starts recounting the events of the day and I go into a laughing fit...well DH is so embarressed I have to go outside to compose myself. I have no idea why I found the whole thing so funny, but I just couldn't get over it. I mean who has FLAMES come out the back of their computer. He decides what he wants and we head back to the house to drink away our sorrows and ride out the storm.

We went to Delaware the next day to buy our BEAUTIFUL new iMac. DH is spending the day today playing with his new toy while I'm at work. He's also taking our old towers to Geek Squad to see what they can salvage off the hard drives. I'm hoping my hard drive is intact but you just can't turn the computer on :confused3

Needless to say, I'm trying to salvage our pictures. All of our honeymoon and wedding pictures are on there. I had uploaded some to shutterfly, but not everything. I still have our prof pics on CDs but I really want to get back the ones from the rest of the honeymoon. Fingers crossed!!

Anyway, I need to load on the prof pics on our new computer before I can update more. That's on the agenda for the next couple days...sorry for the delay!!
Wow. Just, wow! Really you have to laugh because otherwise it would make you completely insane, lol. My hard drive failed a couple of weeks ago so I have been using DF's computer for the last two weeks. Mine was still under warranty and it gave me some warning before it completely stopped working so I was able to do a back-up. It too is with the Geek Squad. I hope your Mac treats you better!!
I completely sympathize as I lost everything in a 'Great Computer Crash' a lttle while ago. There is nothing more frustrating!!
eek, I hate hard drive failures! :eek: I've lost a couple of external hard drives and all the info stored on them and it makes me sick to think about! All my photos, and videos, and everything!

I hope you get all your stuff back!
So good news is Geek Squad said they're able to get everything off BOTH our hard drives:thumbsup2 Apparently they're super busy so we're just waiting for the call to go pick up all our stuff.

Now I can finally get around to posting about our reception. After we took pics outside the Living Seas we were taken up to the reception through the back door. I was so turned around in there I even forgot where the bathroom was at one point during the reception. We got up to the room and Amy had a couple plates ready for us with food and drinks from the cocktail hours. They held us back there until they were ready to announce us. We talked with Amy and DJ Steve about how we wanted to reception to go and we just told them we wanted a party :cheer2: I was sooooo excited to finally see the Living Seas I really couldn't wait to get out there. DH and I were never able to get to down for a sight visit so we were really seeing the room for the very first time.

We were announced and went right into our first dance. All of the pics of us during our dance are of us just looking around the was awesome. Apparently I didn't upload all of those pics so I'll have to go back and add them in...sorry. We danced a little bit and it was time for the best man speech before we ate. His speech was awesome and DH even teared up a bit.

Having fun before brunch

Speech :goodvibes

Then it was time for some food...mmmm We were taken up by some cast members and they FILLED our plates. Once we sat down they just kept bringing more and more. I made sure I tried EVERYTHING they brought because I didn't want to miss anything. I thought I was gonna burst out of my dress by the time we were done.

Once we gorged ourselves we had a little bit of time to check out our cake for the first time and it was AMAZING. We couldn't have been happier with it. I'm so happy we left up to the bakers to make it a surprise...we LOVED it:love::love::love:

Some of the cocktail hour food


Our centerpieces

World Showcase Cake :love:

I love how they lit up some parts



I'm going to upload a bunch more pics to shutterfly to post some of the details. I was looking through my account tonight and can't believe how little I actually uploaded. I'm promise I will eventually get on top of this :rotfl:

More of the reception to come!
Meredith sweetie - that cake is absolutely amazing!!! I wouldn't have wanted to cut it!!
The food looks really delicious!!!
Can't wait to see more!!
Just curious, why is your screen name 'Irishwishes'? Are you from the Emerald Isle?
wow! that cake looks amazing. I love the decoration, they did a spectacular job with it.

looking forward to seeing more... and I'm glad your hard drive stuffs getting sorted. xx
omigod! Lights on the cake!! :love: Why didn't I think of that?!? :rolleyes:
Meredith sweetie - that cake is absolutely amazing!!! I wouldn't have wanted to cut it!!
The food looks really delicious!!!
Can't wait to see more!!
Just curious, why is your screen name 'Irishwishes'? Are you from the Emerald Isle?

I'm not from Ireland but I am Irish and I have a very Irish last names. The wishes came from MK's Wishes. DH proposed using a video I took of Wishes when we were down there together. :goodvibes

wow! that cake looks amazing. I love the decoration, they did a spectacular job with it.

looking forward to seeing more... and I'm glad your hard drive stuffs getting sorted. xx

Thanks! :goodvibes

I LOVE your cake! It's simply amazing!

It was so delicious, I had a hard time cutting was too beautiful.

omigod! Lights on the cake!! :love: Why didn't I think of that?!? :rolleyes:

I never would have come up with that either...Disney came up with something more beautiful that I ever could have imagined :love:


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