Met NateandJenn and kab407 at The MarketPlace tonight


Dec 17, 1999
Kevin and I decided we needed to get out of the house for a little while, especially in anticipaiton of what the rest of the weekend might be like.

We took his folks to DTD to have dinner at the Earl of Sandwich (yes, we are VERY good to them).

While in line the folks directly behind us were NateandJenn - here from Japan. They recognized Kevin right away from his Samantha Brown picture on the internet (not the one where he dresses like her...the one where he is standing next to her). They were super nice and hadn't heard about Bob's passing. This is my biggest fear on Sunday, those who may not know and show up only to find something other than what they expected.

Then, on the way out of the Marketplace we stopped to use the facilities and ran into kab407 - Kathy. She was there with her Mom. We had a nice visit and chat. She will be at the Gaylord Palms on Sunday as well.

I still don't think Kevin's Mom and Dad completely understand how people know us or why they would want to listen to us on the internet - afterall she spends most of her timing trying to get us to shut up :laughing:

So this is a very good example of the wonderful community that you and Bob and the other podcast members, and everyone else who loves the Dis, has created over the years. A great legacy for you all, and now particularly for Bob . . . .
Kevin and I decided we needed to get out of the house for a little while, especially in anticipaiton of what the rest of the weekend might be like.

We took his folks to DTD to have dinner at the Earl of Sandwich (yes, we are VERY good to them).

While in line the folks directly behind us were NateandJenn - here from Japan. They recognized Kevin right away from his Samantha Brown picture on the internet (not the one where he dresses like her...the one where he is standing next to her). They were super nice and hadn't heard about Bob's passing. This is my biggest fear on Sunday, those who may not know and show up only to find something other than what they expected.

Then, on the way out of the Marketplace we stopped to use the facilities and ran into kab407 - Kathy. She was there with her Mom. We had a nice visit and chat. She will be at the Gaylord Palms on Sunday as well.

I still don't think Kevin's Mom and Dad completely understand how people know us or why they would want to listen to us on the internet - afterall she spends most of her timing trying to get us to shut up :laughing:


Sure is nice to hear you guys got a chance to get out and about. We will me thinking of you all this weekend. It must be such a weird feeling to have people recognize you from all around the world. I don't emagine when you all started doing the boards and podcast that you emagined it would touch so many people and become as big as it has. What a wonderful oppotunity. Take Care John:)
I still don't think Kevin's Mom and Dad completely understand how people know us or why they would want to listen to us on the internet - afterall she spends most of her timing trying to get us to shut up :laughing:

Too funny!

Your comment about Sunday struck a chord for me. After my Dad passed away (rather suddenly), for months I would run into people who would ask about him, and there was always an awkward pause before I would tell them that he had died.

I will be thinking of you and Kevin, Bob's family and all of the Podcast crew this weekend. I do hope that I run into you guys in happier times in the parks or restaurants (and yes, I would definitely recognize ya in an instant, not so much from Kevin's Samantha Brown pic, but your distinctive voices :)).
I still don't think Kevin's Mom and Dad completely understand how people know us or why they would want to listen to us on the internet - afterall she spends most of her timing trying to get us to shut up :laughing:


Were the ones who listen, and I don't think even we know why we do. On that note, I also spend much of my time trying to get you guys to shut up, never works from here either! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
That one was for Bawb! ;)
Thats is so cool. :thumbsup2 And glad you got out for a bit tonight.

I so wish I could be there tomorrow. I will be lighting a candle and being there in spirit. :goodvibes
They were super nice and hadn't heard about Bob's passing. This is my biggest fear on Sunday, those who may not know and show up only to find something other than what they expected.


John, I have a suggestion. There are probably many people that listen to the podcasts but don't check the boards. Could you do a quick message thru the podcast regarding the change of format for Sunday? I know my Itunes pulls the new podcast as soon as it is posted.
My job once I get home is to buy my mom an ipod an show her how to find you! Next thing you know she'll be wanting to go on the cruise!

Please thank Kevin's dad for the pin off his hat.

See you tomorrow.
Give everyone my love, Kathy. Wish I could be there with you.
John, I have a suggestion. There are probably many people that listen to the podcasts but don't check the boards. Could you do a quick message thru the podcast regarding the change of format for Sunday? I know my Itunes pulls the new podcast as soon as it is posted.

Pete was going to record something and get it up on Itunes/the Listen Now page but I don't think he could get through it.

He did modify the Podcast main page with a link back to his original post from Monday.

I sent a sperate email to everyone who emailed us about coming to the Live Audience Show to let them know what happened in case they couldn't get to the boards.

I realize some folks still may not know. We'll just have to deal with that the best we can on Sunday.

That is so cool you ran into 2 DISers. I think you will run into people who dont know for a while. It was that way for me when my parents died. I still get mail for them 10 years later. Good luck this weekend. I will be lighting a candle for Bawb at church tomorrow.:grouphug:
I am glad to here you guys were out and having a good meal! I hope I can run into you guys some day!
John, I have a suggestion. There are probably many people that listen to the podcasts but don't check the boards. Could you do a quick message thru the podcast regarding the change of format for Sunday? I know my Itunes pulls the new podcast as soon as it is posted.

I've tried a few times to record something, but I can't seem to get thru it without breaking down. As soon as I can, I'll put something in the's just too damn hard to sit in that room without him.

I've tried a few times to record something, but I can't seem to get thru it without breaking down. As soon as I can, I'll put something in the's just too damn hard to sit in that room without him.



I can't even tell people without welling up with tears, and I only met him a couple of times. My heart goes out to all of you who were family. I hope you all find comfort and a little peace today as you gather to celebrate such a wonderful human.
I've tried a few times to record something, but I can't seem to get thru it without breaking down. As soon as I can, I'll put something in the's just too damn hard to sit in that room without him.




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