Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party 2009

We will be there on Oct 12. We have never been & will probably eat at the hotel PORS. I am not sure about a costume for the adults but the kids (3&13) will definitely dress up! I will either be "festive" or the Queen of Hearts. I did plan a full day at MK and the evening at MNSSHP so that we can get more of the park in that way.
I do have a question: will they give us a treat bag or can we take our own?
Thanks Tami )O(
They hand out bags. Often they're themed for a movie opening soon, or something like that. Some years they've been bright orange with black graphics and handles. In all the years I've gone, they've never failed to be strong enough to last the whole night.

You could also bring your own or kids could use a "pumpkin" if they're attached to it. I realize there are now a million varieties of these things, but I still remember my trick-or-treat pumpkin when I was a kid, so I kinda just call them all that. :) Last year they had these really cool Halloween Tote bags that were on sale for a really low price, so you were seeing them everywhere, too.
Attending MNSSPH on Halloween for the 1st time. WE are all very excited. We have a park hopper and are thinking of eating at liberty tree tavern. Should we avoid MK crowds during the day and spend more time at a less crowed park till 4ish? Also will there be other Halloween things going on at other parks/hotels?
Cool, we'll be there the Halloween night, too.

Offhand I can't really think of other stuff going on besides decorations of course, and the seasonal haunted hayrides over at Ft. Wilderness.* Atm I'm not really remembering anything else that stands out as an official Halloween Activity. As for what park you spend Halloween Day in...that's really just a matter of preference. It is a Saturday this year, plus it being Halloween, so I would expect things to be pretty busy all around. Of course, the MK might be worse than others, as it often is, but that may not turn out to be true.

* They may not be doing the hayrides this year, at least not at Ft. Wilderness. I suggest calling for information if you're even interested in that. It sounds like it may be part of MNSSHP now, but not included with tickets.

We have talked about maybe spending a lot of the day in the MK as well. In theory I liked the idea at first, but I'm thinking that in order to leave, grab something to eat and properly put on costumes, we'd have to leave the park kinda early anyway to get back on time. Plus there's the added bonus of being sweaty, disheveled & tired before it's anywhere near time for the party. In my house, I'm kinda the one who actually thinks of these things, before they cause all sorts of problems. lol Since you can generally get in a lot earlier than the time on the tickets anyway, I'm leaning much more towards relaxing at the hotel, swimming etc. Having lunch there, then doing the whole shower, costume thing and moseying to the MK. Since we don't have APs right now, that way we also won't end up wasting a pass for what would truly end up being such a short day before the other ticket kicks in.

If I was on vacation and had limited time to visit the parks, then I suppose that would change my thinking.
Ah, I see. I wasn't aware of the pirate cruise and other small things from last year, probably in part because the stuff specifically for children doesn't really concern us.

I guess we'll find out in the coming months if they'll be doing anything like that this year. Given that it's the year of a million cutbacks....we can only hope, I suppose. I'm more concerned with MNSSHP itself, though. We lost the Adventurer's Club (and the special Halloween shows along with it) and the Pirate Princess Parties they used to have various times throughout the years, but MNSSHP just has to stay good.
Hi! We are also flying down Oct. 31st, doing the MNSCHP and then heading to the ship the next morning. We have4 families with us!
Wow you guys hopping on the Disney Cruise the next day are going to be busy busy! And in kewlteachers case, flying in the day of the party as well! We had all to do just to get to get up, get ready and get to the port that day. Hence the reason we stayed in Cocoa, even though we're technically locals. It'll be worth it though. MNSSHP rocks and so do Disney Cruises. What an exciting vacay!

Your group doing costumes, kewlteacher?
I am surprising my daughter and her best friend with a trip to Disney World for her birthday on 10/22. To make it even better they are having MNSSHP that night, so we will attend that for the first time. My Jessica has been to Disney several times in her 12 years, but her best friend has never been so I know it will be an amazing trip for both girls. (Especially because she doesn't have to share her time with her three siblings! hehe The only thing that could make it better is if her Daddy could go too, but someone has to watch the other three ;))

I truly cannot wait to see her face when she finds out what all I have planned.

(Oh and I am not telling we have tickets to the party until the about 6 p.m. when I take them back to the hotel and open a special suitcase that will have their costumes!)

I love a good surprise!!!:rotfl:
I sure hope so! I have been planning it long enough, hehe.

One thing that is hard about it though, is I am so excited about everything and cannot even talk to her about it!! Its hard now, but the look on her face when she finds out will make it all worth while.:woohoo:
I'm sure it will be. The first time I ever went to WDW I was 15 and it happened to be Halloween Week. My mother's cousin and her son that was 1.5 yrs. younger than me went, too. We were totally surprised by the news. Our mothers gave us each an odd wrapped gift at their table and we were told to open them. They were big framed poster pictures of, if I remember correctly, a whole bunch of characters standing on main street. We already loved Disney so we liked the pictures but then they told us the significance. Oh I was so excited! It's a shame there are no pictures, I bet my face was quite a sight! The strangest thing was this was totally unlike my mother. We never went anywhere, because it wasn't really her thing as she was more into fussing over the house instead. She also doesn't really fly. I'm glad we weren't told very far in advance because I don't know how I could have dealt with it. I'm still that way now and so is my husband. Even though it's not a first trip, it sounds like a special one, with her best friend and all, plus the party at night. I can see how you might be busting keeping the secret. :)
I see from previous park maps that "Boo To You" runs from Frontierland to Town Square. Does the second parade of the night run the same exact route or does it do like Spectromagic and turn from Town Square to Frontierland??

I'm a first time MNSSHP and I am EXCITED!!!!!
I thought it was the same for both, but honestly I am so not sure and hadn't really considered it, so don't take my word on it!

That's cool that this will be your first year. I hope you love it. I bet you will, though. You're already excited about going, so you probably have the right mentality to enjoy it.

It's like a big kid paradise. lol Ok, little kids, too. :P
Can't wait again for this. This will be our 6th trip to MNSSHP. I hope the weather cooperates and it is cooler that it has been in years past. Year before last my son went as a vampire. He had the the whole get up, long sleeve shirt, vest, cape, etc. I was concerned that he would be too hot and I asked him regularly if he wanted to take off the cape, roll up his sleeves, etc. He always said no. Then at about closing time, he started crying tell me how hot he was. He never complained about it earlier in the night, it was always me asking him if he was OK, did he need to take off the cape, get a drink, etc. Well he nearly passed out from the heat in that costume. I was ripping his cape and shirt off and putting wet papertowels around his neck.

So we have always been mindful of that incident when we pick our costumes. Last year he was a prisioner and it wasn't as hot and just in case he wore shorts under the costume.
we will be going oct 23.its our first trip anywhere lol:cheer2:
its my daughters make a wish trip we are going to have a blast:thumbsup2


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