Mingos in the Watah! What in the Wuhld?

Jill, Great start and introductions for all of your new "crazy internet friends!" The pictures of the girls are wonderful! Those two of them close up are perfectly frame worthly. Maybe side by sides for Memom instead of triplets? ;)

Memom- You intro picture is ideal for your - it's all about the grandbabies! You are lovely, though. I take tons of pictures and my sil would always try to get out of them. Finally, she just started to smile-- can Jill hope the same?

Congrats on booking the next trip!:cheer2:

I am here!!! Checking in from facebook...now to go back and start reading! yiipppyyyyy!!!! I loves me some trip reporting from Jill and Memom!! :cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1:
I made it! I will keep up with the trip report... I will....

If only real life didn't get in the way of our fun!

I'm here! Very early for me!!! Can't wait 'til you get started. X

Good morning!

I'm here! And very much looking forward to it :)
A great start and made even more so by those gorgeous pics of the girls - all smiles and sunshine!

Lots of smiles and lots of sunshine on this trip. It rained a little the afternoon we arrived and then didn't rain again until we were eating our last meal at Pop and getting ready to head out.

Wheeee! Here we go again! :yay: Looking forward to the latest adventure.

That's the way we do it. What fun would it be to not have a current trip to report about!

I'm here. So looking forward to another fun trip with you! :goodvibes

Glad you are here. We will get this show on the road soom.

I'm here. It is so fun watching the girls growing up in Disney.

It is very fun for me to go back and look at some of those older trip pictures and compare them to the most recent ones.

I'm here!!!! Can't wait to read another of your TR's! :yay:

Glad you are here. Bear with us until real life allows us to update.

I don't think I've followed your TRs in the past but I was loving your updates on FB and can't wait to hear more about your trip! We went almost the exact same dates last year and loved it! :thumbsup2

We are glad you are joining in. I really enjoy sharing the magic on facebook. i know I like seeing others updates when they are there.

I'm here!

Glad you made it!

I'm here! Love the title!

MeMom: I'm sorry....but when I saw the picture I laughed. Not because of your hair or anything to do with you. It just tickled my funny bone. :flower3:

Love the pictures of the girls!

Wait until you actually hear her say it. We have it on video and it was just too funny!

The interesting title pulled me...now I figured out what i means:laughing: very cute!

Can't wait to read, your daughters are adorable!:cutie:

Glad you stopped in to check our craziness out. We hope you will make your self at home.

Looking forward to hearing and seeing all about your trip.

Glad you made it over!

I'm in! I've lurked on some of your other TRs and finally decided to just jump in on the fun. I love the title, took me awhile to understand it, but now I do :thumbsup2 Hahaha It still amazes me how your 5 year old daughter can go on so many rides, I was practically forced on Space Mountain my first time and that was over a year ago! Well, I'm a ride chicken so that's what you expect. Can't wait to read all about your summer trip! :mickeyjum

Glad you have come out of lurkdom. Brooklynn is tall for her age and always has been. She rode Barnstormer when she was just 22 months old. She has conquered every height restriction ride as soon as she could. She has loved some and she has been okay with some. She rides it once and then the decision is hers after that whether she rides it again.

I'm here and looking forward to your adventures :cool1:

Jill, that picture of Brooklynn wearing the sunglasses is awesome!! She is a little Diva isn't she?!

She is a diva!

I'm here!!!:goodvibes Love the title!!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 Can't wait to read all about your trip!! :)


Glad you made it over!
I'm here, I'm here!!! :)

So in trip news, I decided to hold off on the Labor Day trip. I got a bonus @ work and I'm using that to redecorate my deck & bathroom. The deck will be Beach Club inspired, and I'm copying MeMom's idea with an AKL Giraffe bathroom. So that's where that money is going. :) I'll for sure post pictures when I'm done!!

And Brook - my birthday is Feb 10th, so I am thinking I'll go that week. However....if you're there the last week of February, it would be fun to be there at the same time, and maybe meet up for a meal or two. Hmmm....I haven't booked it yet, because I'm still deciding on do I want to stay DVC, or another resort?? I'd like to stay in all eventually. What moderate is the best one, in your opinions???
I'm here for the report(rather than lurking:rolleyes:). I totally know what you mean Jill about working in a pre-school. I am an early years practitioner and love working with young children, but some days are really hard and there seems to be more and more paperwork everyday:confused3. Looking forward to this report and your girlies are super sweet as always princess:princess:
I'm here! Can't wait for more! Memom- my mom is the same way with pictures. I rarely have any of her in them.

I force her to be in a picture every once in a while so that my girls will see that she really was there.

Got the bat signal on fb and I'm still on the 3rd page! Oh well! Can't wait to hear about your exciting adventure!

I wanted to make sure every one had a chance to make it over and didn't lose us since the last report has ended.

I'm here!!!! Can't wait!

Glad you made it! We'll be rolling on soon!

This "crazy internet friend" is reporting for duty! :lmao:

Am I seriously on the third page and you just started this last night? Tsk, tsk, tsk. :sad2:;)

I about laughed out loud when MeMom tried to bargain for triplets because of the picture. :rotfl:

Can't wait for all the new fun to be had here!!!

If I have triplets she is going to have to move down here and help me!

Me too! The question is did she put any quarters in the magical WL fountain???

She better not have! She promised she wouldn't harrass me until Bellarie was 3!

YIPPEE! You started your new TR! :love:

I am here...you can't shake me ....I will find you! :laughing:

Love the intro pics! The girls smiles are precious!

Memom it's a great candid pic so don't worry about it...no one is even looking at your hair...just your nose. :rotfl:

Great pic of John and the skewer! Did it live up to his expectations?

Brooklynnsmommy, I thought your favorite was a cherry turnover?

My favorite would be anything from the Main St. bakery. :lmao:

I can't wait to see all that you have in store for us.

Bring on the pics! :woohoo:

John loved the Ohana meal and is very excited for a repeat trip on New Years Eve. I like the apple turnover, but I determined this past trip that the chocolate croissant is my favorite!

I wondered that, too! :lmao: And would you have to put three quarters into the fountain all at the same time to ensure triplets? :laughing:

I don't know MeMom and her magical quarters and fountain combo could probably make me have triplets.

My husband, who is working from home today, rang me earlier and said "hun, Toby's received a post-card from Mickey Mouse - actually FROM America" - with a very puzzled tone to his voice!!!

I haven't seen it yet, nor has Toby (he's in nursery, I'm at work!) but a HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to MeMom and Jill for doing something so kind, generous and thoughtful for me and my little boy all the way over the pond! THANK YOU!!! You really are special friends! :lovestruc

I can't wait to get home now, and see what Toby thinks to his post-card!!!!

Julie xxxxx

I am so glad it got there. Not much longer until you guys head this way to the most magical place on Earth.
I'm in!

Jill that picture of Brooklyn on Dumbo is one of the best Disney pictures I have ever seen! It is postcard worthy!!!!!! You should enter that into the picture of the day contest on allears.net. I just love how the dwarfs are in the background, and her with those snazzy shades on......... it's just perfect!

She wanted her picture by herself and just hopped up there and posed. It is one of my favorite pictures. I may have to check into that contest.

Jill, Great start and introductions for all of your new "crazy internet friends!" The pictures of the girls are wonderful! Those two of them close up are perfectly frame worthly. Maybe side by sides for Memom instead of triplets? ;)

Memom- You intro picture is ideal for your - it's all about the grandbabies! You are lovely, though. I take tons of pictures and my sil would always try to get out of them. Finally, she just started to smile-- can Jill hope the same?

Congrats on booking the next trip!:cheer2:


Framed side by side pictures I can handle! Sounds like a much better idea than triplets! Booking the flights definitely helped eased the pain of returning to the real world.

I'm here! I can't believe you are already on page 3.

Glad you are here! You and Jeremy will be making a guest appearance on Day 2 which means we'll see your picture in September! :rotfl:

Wait for me!!!! I'm finally here!!! :cool1:

Less than 12 hours after it started and already on page 3... :eek:

We'll hold the bus long enough for you to jump on. We'll be updating soon.

I am here!!! Checking in from facebook...now to go back and start reading! yiipppyyyyy!!!! I loves me some trip reporting from Jill and Memom!! :cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1:

I don't usually put it on facebook but last time several people lost us as we transitioned from one report to the next so I thought that might help.
I'm here and will do my best to keep up. Time of the disboards has been very limited for me lately. But you guys know I love reading about your adventures and seeing what funny and cute things the girls do! :goodvibes
I'm here, I'm here!!! :)

So in trip news, I decided to hold off on the Labor Day trip. I got a bonus @ work and I'm using that to redecorate my deck & bathroom. The deck will be Beach Club inspired, and I'm copying MeMom's idea with an AKL Giraffe bathroom. So that's where that money is going. :) I'll for sure post pictures when I'm done!!

And Brook - my birthday is Feb 10th, so I am thinking I'll go that week. However....if you're there the last week of February, it would be fun to be there at the same time, and maybe meet up for a meal or two. Hmmm....I haven't booked it yet, because I'm still deciding on do I want to stay DVC, or another resort?? I'd like to stay in all eventually. What moderate is the best one, in your opinions???

Bringing little bits of the World to your home sounds like an excellent way to spend your money and make the Magic last between trips. I have been contemplating changing the girls bathroom to a Pop Century theme. Still debating. I have stayed at Riverside, French Quarter, and caribbean Beach and liked the,m all for various reasons. If I had to choose I would probably say French Quarter is my favorite moderate.

I'm here for the report(rather than lurking:rolleyes:). I totally know what you mean Jill about working in a pre-school. I am an early years practitioner and love working with young children, but some days are really hard and there seems to be more and more paperwork everyday:confused3. Looking forward to this report and your girlies are super sweet as always princess:princess:

So glad you are not going to lurk this time. There are days that I just want to walk out the door and not come back for sure, but there are too many rewarding moments that make it all worth it.

Oh oh oh!!! Count me in!!! I just love your TR's!

Glad you made it over!

I think I would be scared. :lmao:

I am very scared!
Me too!! :) Jill, just to be safe, you'd better just not even go into WL for awhile, in case those baby vibes are still lurking. :)

Don't forgtet MeMom and Brooklyn have their trip coming up. It will be the perfect time for MeMom to sneak some quarters into that fountain.
Hey ladies!!! You know I am here and would not miss this for anything! :goodvibes
Me too!! :) Jill, just to be safe, you'd better just not even go into WL for awhile, in case those baby vibes are still lurking. :)

I told MeMom no quarters for me when we were over there last week.

I'm here and will do my best to keep up. Time of the disboards has been very limited for me lately. But you guys know I love reading about your adventures and seeing what funny and cute things the girls do! :goodvibes

Dis time is definitely limited when you have real world duties - job, kids, etc. Even if you don't post much we know you check in when you can. Your trip is creeping closer and closer. I can't wait to see how Seth does on his first trip.
Don't forgtet MeMom and Brooklyn have their trip coming up. It will be the perfect time for MeMom to sneak some quarters into that fountain.

Do not give her any ideas!

Hey ladies!!! You know I am here and would not miss this for anything! :goodvibes

Glad you have made it over for our newest adventure. I thought about all my Georgia friends as I drove through Atlanta at 4:30 in the morning on the way down.
Yikes 4 pages in. That what I get for passing out early last night. Too hot around here!!!!

Going back to read.

ETA: all caught up. I bet the video of Bella saying the title is cute.!!
Caren- that pic of you and Bella is great. So much love and nose pinching...:goodvibes
Wow, I sure am late to the party. Ah well, I made it and that's what's important.

I thought Jill's defense of having one pic of MeMom against so very many of herself is a sound one so I'm taking her side. Sorry MeMom. Although I DON'T agree that there have been several unflattering ones of Jill, I think you look great in all of them.

Speaking of pics I absolutely ADORE that pic of Brooklyn at the Dumbo ride. What a sweetie. I just want to pic her up and squeeze her tight. How jealous am I that she's been to Disney 15 times in her not quite 5 years with, what...two more trips in the works for 2011? So, so green with envy.

How many times has Bella been in her two years of life? I *might* have her beat. :rotfl:

So glad you've started. Can't wait for more!


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