"Mister fans"


<font color=teal>Proud member of Klutzes Anonymous
Jul 12, 2004
Where is the best place to buy a "Mister fan" before we go to Disney? Which ones work the best? Thanks for your help!
wal mart or a drug store. that is where I am buying disney is over $20
We bought one in 2006 off site, but in Orlando and paid around $10 which was a bargain compared to Disney.
I just bought one last week at Wal-mart for $4.96. Can't beat that!!!
I bought large mister fans with straps at Walmart a few years ago for maybe $5 each. They are still working just fine so we'll be using them again in August.
Wal Mart- but I got hosed last trip and I bought two at the parks- my kids still love them.
Me and my boyfriend didn't want to have to carry around a big bottle-type mister fan every day at the parks, so we were looking for a small one. We found these last year at Wal-Mart:


We just clipped them onto our backpacks and filled them up every now and then at water fountains. The battery cover on mine did fall off a day or two into the trip, so if you got one, I'd reccomend taping it on. They're pretty powerful for their size! And they're super cheap, too.

I've also seen them at Academy Sports stores.
We bought a small mister, no fan blades, at Wal-Mart for about $7.00. It is a bit bigger than a battery operated power toothbrush. The large handle area is the reservoir which you fill then pump up with a plunger on the bottom. The water sprays out of the tip in a fine mist. We liked it but also used another idea we heard, small chemical cold packs that you squeeze and shake to activate. We went in August last year and those two things were lifesavers!;)
We bought some small ones at Walmart for under $3. They are palm size and have a small fan on them too. The brand name is O2Cool. Our kids loved them!
Small caribenner clip on it and easy to refill. We got lots of sprays out of them considering the small size.
We have used them for 2 trips and they are still going strong. Found them in the fan isle.

Me and my boyfriend didn't want to have to carry around a big bottle-type mister fan every day at the parks, so we were looking for a small one. We found these last year at Wal-Mart:


We just clipped them onto our backpacks and filled them up every now and then at water fountains. The battery cover on mine did fall off a day or two into the trip, so if you got one, I'd reccomend taping it on. They're pretty powerful for their size! And they're super cheap, too.

I've also seen them at Academy Sports stores.

That is exactly what happened to mine too. I recommend Duct Tape. This was a great little fan by the way!
Another vote for the $5 cheap one at Walmart. I think we've used the same one for 3 trips now? It's like cheap sunglasses, the less you pay the longer you have it without losing it!
Does the inexpensive Walmart version work as well as the Disney version? Thanks!
What section of Wal-Mart can you find the misty fans--camping/sporting goods or in the kids' section w/ the pool & outdoor toys?
What section of Wal-Mart can you find the misty fans--camping/sporting goods or in the kids' section w/ the pool & outdoor toys?

I have walked all through our Wal-Mart twice looking for the mini-misting fans. I haven't been able to locate them. :mad: Someone mentioned the fan section. I haven't tried that yet. I will try again this week.
Does the inexpensive Walmart version work as well as the Disney version? Thanks!

Let me answer this one... NO!!! They are NOT as good. We have several different ones, including the deluxe ones at Walmart (that we scored in the fall on clearance for $1.00 each!!!) and a few other brands. Walmart has different ones too, and we have several of them. I always told myself that mine were just as good. On the last trip we found a Disney mister. It had no info, and the park was closing and almost empty. We figured there was no way the person could identify it, so we kept it. Then a few weeks ago my wife found one at the Goodwill for $2.00, and it was a Disney mister. They work a LOT better. The stream is better, the spray is better, the batteries stay in!!!!! (our Walmart ones the batteries popped out of ALL of them daily, and we had to chase them down through the crowds. Not fun. The fan on the Disney spray misters has a REMOVABLE fan, that has a "foot" that can be flipped down, and the fan alone then sits on a table or such. Thats not an option with the Walmart ones.
Now, if you just want to save a buck get the walmart misters. If your a perfectionist... the Disney Park Misters work much better and are much better made. I can't believe I'm saying this, as I'm usually one who defends the other side of the coin.
Still... if its cheap or none... pick one up at Walmart. They are pretty high at Disney. I wouldnt have either of mine if I hadn't found one at the parks and found the other at the Goodwill Store.
Plus if the one you bought at Disney breaks - they give you a new one. One of the fan blades ripped on ours that was about 3 years old - they gave us a new one.
I got me and my brother one each over the weekend at target for $2.50 a piece. They came in pink and blue-the only downside is that you have to buy batteries.
Plus if the one you bought at Disney breaks - they give you a new one. One of the fan blades ripped on ours that was about 3 years old - they gave us a new one.

I wonder if that depends on the CM? When we were there 3 years ago and bought one, our battery cover kept opening and wouldn't stay shut. We lost the batteries within 1/2 hour of buying it. We went back to the same kiosk we bought it and they replaced the batteries but the CM was really rude about it. Told me I needed to be more careful and watch it better. Pretty snotty tone too. Another couple hours later the 2nd set of batteries were lost. We went back again and they wouldn't replace the batteries OR the fan itself so that the problem would stop happening.

I don't even know if we still have that fan, but I know that we WON'T be buying another from Disney. :(
I just bought one at Target for $4.99. I don't know how it'll work, but they're in the Whim section (the back of the store seasonal stuff).


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