"Mister fans"

Me and my boyfriend didn't want to have to carry around a big bottle-type mister fan every day at the parks, so we were looking for a small one. We found these last year at Wal-Mart:


We just clipped them onto our backpacks and filled them up every now and then at water fountains. The battery cover on mine did fall off a day or two into the trip, so if you got one, I'd reccomend taping it on. They're pretty powerful for their size! And they're super cheap, too.

I've also seen them at Academy Sports stores.

We used these for our trip last May and loved them! My DH is always warm (shorts and t in the Winter type)...this little fan helped keep him cool despite the hot May temps and blazing sun. We also filled them up at the water fountains.
We bought some small ones at Walmart for under $3. They are palm size and have a small fan on them too. The brand name is O2Cool. Our kids loved them!
Small caribenner clip on it and easy to refill. We got lots of sprays out of them considering the small size.
We have used them for 2 trips and they are still going strong. Found them in the fan isle.


Put us down as another 'fan' of the o2cool misters. Great price, compact... does the trick ! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
I just bought 3 different kinds at walmart (fan aisle) ranging in price from $.99 to $5. I will know by Aug. which one I want to buy more of and take with us, may choose more compact over effectiveness, who knows. I will be trying a trick I learned from disboards which is to fill half full, lay on side, and freeze (or leave overnight in a cooler). This allows additional water to be added when needed for the small ones. The large ones are large enough to add ice and water.
I wonder if that depends on the CM? When we were there 3 years ago and bought one, our battery cover kept opening and wouldn't stay shut. We lost the batteries within 1/2 hour of buying it. We went back to the same kiosk we bought it and they replaced the batteries but the CM was really rude about it. Told me I needed to be more careful and watch it better. Pretty snotty tone too. Another couple hours later the 2nd set of batteries were lost. We went back again and they wouldn't replace the batteries OR the fan itself so that the problem would stop happening.

I don't even know if we still have that fan, but I know that we WON'T be buying another from Disney.
Yes, it's all about who you get. When returning a defective PAL MICKEY here is our crazy story...
My son is Autistic. He wanted to keep the old ugly, dirty original 1st generation PAL. It was his "friend". You NEVER EVER take a "friend" from an Autistic child. We walked around Epcot, stopping at several different PAL places (like the repair shop under Spaceship Earth, the camera shop, etc etc etc.) We were told everything from "No, you must just buy a new one full price; Disney does not exchange Pal Mickeys" to "I'll do a full rufund", and I also got 10 off, 15 off, 20 off, and 25 off. So its ALL in who you ask. Now, your probably wondering why we went to the trouble. We were hoping one of them could fix poor old Pal. None of them could (old technology, and no updates), OR we were hoping someone would let us KEEP old pal (given the circumstances of a giant 10 year old Autistic boy flapping his hands like a penguin asking them if he could keep his old one). We later found a better solution, but thats another thread, and another moral debate.
We bought a small mister, no fan blades, at Wal-Mart for about $7.00. It is a bit bigger than a battery operated power toothbrush. The large handle area is the reservoir which you fill then pump up with a plunger on the bottom. The water sprays out of the tip in a fine mist. We liked it but also used another idea we heard, small chemical cold packs that you squeeze and shake to activate. We went in August last year and those two things were lifesavers!;)
That's the new style of Misty Mate - I find it to be better than any mister fan. There's no battery needed and you don't get the larger droplets of water like you would from a mister fan. Misty Mate is, like you said, a fine mist. It's so fine, it doesn't disturb your make-up and you don't look like you've been hosed off. It is extremely satisfying....We've never had a problem with it and the kids love it, too.

BJ's club has three of them in a pack. I forgot how much though.
We bought the small misting fans at Wal-Mart last year and LOVED them. They do not have them this year. :worried: We still have a couple left, but not enough. I've not had any luck finding them anywhere, so I ordered a different kind. I'll let you know how they are when I get them. They shipped yesterday. :thumbsup2


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