MOOvers - 2011 Edition

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Well what do you know?

That was Fast Moo!!

Just got home from Christmas #2. My kids are spoiled. Where to put it all is the question.

No snow here , matter a fact with all the rain we got over Christmas it is green everywhere. Great for driving.

Moo-- Boo that you have to go back to work tomorrow but yay on getting another day with Mari.

Kids are off for this week but have no plans yet. Hubby is off too so I am sure we will be out and about. Hannah is excited about New Years for some reason this year. She wants her own little party with just us. She too wants shrimp.
"Edelweiss, Edelweiss, bless my homeland forever"

Why does does that always get me get teary eyed?

Sound of Music is on YET AGAIN! but nothing else is.

Oooooo, that one makes me cry too, Marita! But that's hardly out of the ordinary for me. :rolleyes:

MP - what an adorable picture - what adorable girls!! :love: very sweet!

Lali - "bum lay" :rotfl2: that just cracked me up!! We also succumbed to the do nothing lazy day - dd didnt get out of bed until 4PM!!

ITA about MommyP's Ellie and Mercedes....they're adorable!

Part of the beauty of holiday leftovers, IMHO, is that they allow the bum-laying to be extended and still allow decent meals for the family. Heh.

DH and I did our best to enjoy this weekend of bum-laying because we have a lot going on this week. DH's older brother is getting remarried on New Year's Day. That means the rehearsal dinner will be Wednesday. Since the in-laws (or is that outlaws?) live pretty far away-ish, the wedding and accompanying brouhaha will eat up a sizable portion of time on both Wednesday and Friday. But at least I get a nice SIL in exchange!
Moo, you changed the page for me and I am late to the party, LOL

Sandy, love the moving Mickey!

I can barely keep my eyes open. so good night!
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.

We have basketball practice and hottie dentist appointments for the boys today.

We took the kids to see "Avatar" in 3-D this weekend. It was pretty good, but very long imho.

I'm still waiting to see "The Princess and the Frog". Maybe there would be more interest if I had 3 little princesses instead of 3 little princes at home. :rolleyes: My 16 yo princesses said she wasn't interested in seeing it, but I'm sure I will drag her along eventually.

Have a nice back to work day for those of you back at work and for those of you home with the kiddos....hope it's not too chaotic.

I'm waiting for the phone to ring to find out what my Doctor appointment (Chiro - my hip is causing so much pain, I havent been able to train!)

NINE DAYS before we head to WDW!! :faint:

and now all these "new" rules so Americans can see TSA is "serious" RIDICULOUS - Seriously I can bring on a lighter, or matches, but I cant read a book for the last hour? NO electronics (Ipods etc) Give me a break - that's so stupid... (no blankets, pillows, NO carry ons stored under any seats) Yeah, punish the masses because TSA didnt do their job in Nigeria, didnt listen to the terroist's dad - didnt do a lot of stuff, so now

all those kids on the flight will be SCREAMING for an hour (and NO one will be allowed to use the lavatory in that last hour - everyone is required to stay in their seats.)
I hope that they give us the two minute warning so I can use the "facilities" before the sit down hour starts....that would be hard on some people..
I know what I will coffee and no drinks on the flights.....yah that will have to do....

HEY this is a nice move for us .....Like it !!:cool1:
Checking in.

Sandy - No reading for the last hour of the flight? Seriously? WTH is that going to accomplish? And no bathroom? Hello! I can totally see my nervious stomach kicking in because I can't go and have an emergency situation pop up(IYKWIM) and I'll end up in jail for sure because I ran to the bathroom. lol. I'm sure you'll hear about it on the news.(If I ever fly again. lol)

I cannot WAIT to get this Christmas tree out of my house. It's brown now. lol.

Wasn't it Marita who left hers up for months one year?

Isaac turns 2 on Thursday. I can't believe it. :(
Howdy all!

Sandy, I've been hearing about the new TSA rules too. Pretty darn ridiculous, IMO. Not sure what they hope to accomplish by keeping people in their seats for the last hour of each flight. Won't these terrorists just plan their heinous attacks for earlier on in the flight??

Seems to me that if we stopped worrying about hurting some people's feelings, we'd be a heck of a lot safer in this country. :mad:

Is anyone else watching POTC At World's End on ABC? Johnny Depp....YUM-O!
It is worse for us flying in to your country....We can't have any electronics. And I read your can't have any thing in your hands for the last hour of your flight. No carry ons , under the seats either, no backpacks or roller type carryons. That would make a long flight for us. And of course the bathroom thing would be bad. Most people change in the washroom just before we land in Florida....:lmao:

This is the first year we are not going anywhere in the winter. Speaking of winter the wind is a howling out there and dusting us with snow too.

I will leave my Christmas stuff up until the New Year. New Year new start.

Didnt' do anything but read and lounge today. Heaven....:goodvibes
Lynette - My hubby's watching a really old NCIS right now. No Johnny Depp for me :(

Lil G - I think you'll probably need to be prepared to call right when your 11 month window opens to get BLT for Christmas! And start dialing a half hour early.

MommyP - I've been known to have my (artificial) tree up until mid-February :rolleyes1 This year our tree didn't go up until a few days before Christmas, so it'll be up until New Year's most likely.

I had to go back to work today. Wahhhhh!!!!! Not looking forward to working the next couple days. And Mari's leaving in the morning :sad1:

Allie - Thanks for the cute card. I can't get over how TALL your son is! And your DD is just beautiful :)
Lynette - My hubby's watching a really old NCIS right now. No Johnny Depp for me :(

Lil G - I think you'll probably need to be prepared to call right when your 11 month window opens to get BLT for Christmas! And start dialing a half hour early.

MommyP - I've been known to have my (artificial) tree up until mid-February :rolleyes1 This year our tree didn't go up until a few days before Christmas, so it'll be up until New Year's most likely.

I had to go back to work today. Wahhhhh!!!!! Not looking forward to working the next couple days. And Mari's leaving in the morning :sad1:

Allie - Thanks for the cute card. I can't get over how TALL your son is! And your DD is just beautiful :)

Hey hey hey - - we are having a Gilmore Girls Marathon here ( thanks to Target and Black Friday DEALS!!)

Lil G? a post I missed

CBS is reporting from a "reliable" source that the restrictions are up to the "descretion of the Pilot" so all should be well when we fly!! :wizard:

MinnieMoo You "sound" better today!! I too have an artificial tree - but I think I miss most is my Christmas Carol Clock - - on the hour it chimes Christmas Carols... I LOVE :love: that! I hate I have to pack away my clock!
Moo, sorry you can't enjoy Johnny this evening. Boris actually tore himself away from his new Nintendo DSi in order to watch with me for a bit. POTC are his favorite Disney movies. So I got to enjoy Johnny AND some mom-and-son time with Boris!

Forgot to mention earlier that I talked to my Grandma earlier today. She was sick for a while in early December and lost 13 lbs, which left her weighing in at a meager 70 lbs! That's 3 lbs LESS than Boris! She IS a tiny little lady....only 4'7", but 70 lbs is just TOO thin! She sounded pretty frail despite her attempts to sound upbeat and healthy. :sad1: At her age (91), we are grateful for every day we have with her, I sure hope we are allowed to enjoy her for a while longer.
Address change!

I'm in.

Still at my mom's house but headed home tomorrow.

MP....Christmas babies were BEAUTIFUL little dolls in their dresses.

Lynette....My grandmother is 91 and painfully thin too. Went to see her at the new assisted living place today. (I'm checking on a room for's SUPER nice) I'm glad she's there as she has some friends and lots of good food to eat there...better than what she was making for herself at home. Hope your grandmother is feeling better and gaining weight soon.

Sandy? New puppy?

MELINDA! So good to see you posting!

Thanks for the well-wishes for Grandma. She was eating well up until she got sick this time around. She's actually rather infamous for her voracious appetite. But the medication she had to take to combat this most recent illness gave her sores in her mouth, and she couldn't bear to eat. Poor thing!

Hope your g-ma thrives in her new digs!
moo,,,, we have nothing to go by...except...we made this point
very, very our guide...& he better not be lying!

....our vacation times..are set....& even though iam on top of the
list [ get to pick first], i can't go back & make changes. tough..getting vacation time? * when i retire...i'll have over
$25,000 of it..backlog. currently...& for the last 10 years..i must
used...5 weeks every year....which is alot harder than one can

..we are planning @ the end..of next year...= 642 blt..points....
that would be lost.

our guide..."promised us"..we would have no problems..using our
points @ the 11mos window..whenever we wanted to go. he said
to call him...if that was ever the case. we made this point very
clear, because [ believe it or not]....he pulled up ..our 2002
visit..& "this"....was the reason..why we never joined before...
{ something we kept repeating over & over to the guide.}

now i have seniority..but!!! i can't make changes....& the points
we chosen...were based on the m.k. view 1/2 bedrooms...if he lied then
disney..better refund..our money. [ i gave this guide a good example..
we are not going to "play the crt" a room. my wife is
@ work , 6am....& i don't get home til 1am....but our guide...told , don't can always all me....for your 11mos
resvs. now if he disappears....then disney...would need to take a
corrective action...or we will.

..i have been worrying about this...from the begining, & if he dosen't
then......we are going to have real-problems. we are not playing no
lottery....or any lists or any of that. as far as iam concern, disney
is in charge..of the guides..& are obligated..if they are deceitful. i guess...we will see.
Helloooooo! Nice fresh thread and good to see so many posts. :thumbsup2

MP- Those girls are ADORABLE! Did you make the dresses?

LilG- I hope it works out for you- but a teenkytinky(tm natasha) part of me would love to see Lil G vs DVC smackdown. popcorn::

Moo- Glad you get Mari one more day. I hope her return trip is far less eventfull than her trip out there. And I hear you on back on the low carb bandwagon. Blech. I mean. YAY!.

Sandy- I hope your hip feels better yesterday.

Lexy- Soooo goog to see you! I have a funny assisted living story. So my mom's down the street neighbor (in NC) drops by yesterday to say how he was visiting his grandma in the assisted living in eastern NC when his son is looking at her roommate's Christmas card display. The son pipes up "I know those kids!" and his parents assure him that he doesn't. But he says "That is Princess Twink and Twinkerbell and they live on the prairie". Sure enough, my dh's stepgrandma is the roommate. It is a small world afterall.

I am supposed to be deChristmasifying my house today. It is a large job because my ornaments are historical and must be reboxed in their original boxes. Except the ones that are homemade but they also must be tenderly bubblewrapp'd. However the dh forgot to get the boxes from the attic and I am too faaaar along to be moving boxes and dealing with attics so my chore must wait till tomorrow. I should look at my calendar and start a to do list. But that seems overwelming. Is it too early for a nap?
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