MOOvin' Along - Goog Times, Goog Friends . . . Part 2

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MP- I forgot to say moohooty on closing!!!! Very Exciting!!!!:banana: Our kids have been very healthy- we are blessed. All of our ear infections have been for the cleft palate princess as that is just par for that course. And actually the doctors are shocked at how few she has had. Now pinkeye:confused3 I don't know where that comes from (probably the church nursery) because we never had it before mooving to the prairie and my kids get it twice a year and then pass it around the family for months.

PJ- You are as cute as a button! As well as a pirate ballerina and a hotT too :) Great costume. Belle is one of my favorites! You all look wonderfu!!!!

Marita- Thank you for the baby song! I sing to my babies- both old lullabies and made up songs for each child.

Oh-de-Lalijack- hmmm I kind of like Grasshopper Twinklebug Montessori.... but I just got the UH to agree to a major name finding pow wow (and car seat/baby clothes/other stuff extraction from the depths of the storage area) to be held this weekend.

Moo- hi!

DTD- I missed your post earlier. Get some sleep! It makes a world of difference.

DU- yhw era ew gniklat siht yaw niaga?
or is it

?niaga yaw siht gniklat we era yhw
PJ- You are as cute as a button! As well as a pirate ballerina and a hotT too :) Great costume. Belle is one of my favorites! You all look wonderfu!!!!
Thank you. :) Not gonna lie, I worked really hard on that costume.
p.s. Can I vote on your baby's name?

I think the events of the day/week call for a Friday night chat tomorrow;)
Hmmm....rumor has it I may be at the crazynurse ranch tomorrow night. Do y'all think you can take both of us at once in chat? :teeth:
Thank you. :) Not gonna lie, I worked really hard on that costume.
p.s. Can I vote on your baby's name?

Hmmm....rumor has it I may be at the crazynurse ranch tomorrow night. Do y'all think you can take both of us at once in chat? :teeth:

Try us!

When is the Dis going to fix the time???????
Yes PJ to both of your questions.

All Moovers may vote on the baby's name. Vote early. Vote often.
I think the events of the day/week call for a Friday night chat tomorrow;)

ITA, Marita! Fly the flag when you're ready tomorrow! My pajamas and I will be waiting! :rotfl:

Thank you. :) Not gonna lie, I worked really hard on that costume.
p.s. Can I vote on your baby's name?

Hmmm....rumor has it I may be at the crazynurse ranch tomorrow night. Do y'all think you can take both of us at once in chat? :teeth:

Great job on the costume, LilL!

No need to vote. Twink and the DH have tentatively chosen Grasshopper Twinklebug Montessori as the baby's name. If you hadn't skimmed, you would have known that. Hmph.

While you're at the Ranch, please discreetly give Julia all the sharp knives. We've already seen evidence over there of BBN's fragile mental state. And for gawd's sake, don't utter the words "bumper sticker". Just sayin......
1. Great job on the costume, LilL!

2. No need to vote. Twink and the DH have tentatively chosen Grasshopper Twinklebug Montessori as the baby's name. If you hadn't skimmed, you would have known that. Hmph.

3. While you're at the Ranch, please discreetly give Julia all the sharp knives. We've already seen evidence over there of BBN's fragile mental state. And for gawd's sake, don't utter the words "bumper sticker". Just sayin......
1. Thanks. :)

2. I. Did. Read. That. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: That was going to be my vote. DUH!!!!!!!

3. :rotfl:
You're the one with the bumper sticker issues!!! Just sayin, Miss Boston High Horse. :snooty:
p.s. Do we really want to trust all sharp objects to a 14 year old? Maybe I should just take them home with me when I leave to protect the innocent. If I make it out of there in one piece, that is. :sad2:
where is the poll? :confused3
It needs to be over yonder. I vote you start it. :thumbsup2
PJ - Love your (Hollywood's) photos!!! Thanks for sharing.

Twink, here are a bunch of "M" Italian baby names - surely one of them would have goog alliteration with Montessori! ;)

Macaria Macario
Maddalena Manfredo
Mafalda Manlio
Maia Manuel
Manuela Manuele
Mara Marcello
Marcella Marco
Mareta Mariano
Margherita Marino
Maria Mario
Maria Grazia Martino
Maria Luisa Marzio
Maria Pia Massimiliano
Maria Rosa Massimo
Maria Teresa Matteo
Marianna Mattia
Marilena Maurilio
Marina Maurizio
Marisa Mauro
Marta Medardo
Martina Medoro
Marzia Merico
Matilde Merigo
Maura Michelangelo
Maurizia Michele
Melania Michelino
Melissa Muzio

And then there is an interesting boy's name that I found elsewhere: Mannix!

And for gawd's sake, don't utter the words "bumper sticker". Just sayin......
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I am sure Twinkessori will thank you for that useful post, Moo.

I am going to bed. Night, all.
My googness you're brave! Do we just vote on boy names?
oh no! Just cause I think Grasshopper is a boy and the kid is going to have a blue room and a blue crib regardless doesn't mean I would actually name my daughter RonStoppable Jr.

Last edited by Backstage_Gal : Today at 10:15 PM. Reason: If it is a girl, I of course has to include "EliSabeth"

I already have one. Only with a Z. Because that was my other grandmother's name.

I really really really wanted a Mary Elizabeth. And to call her Merrily. (MarEli, Mareli, Merrily... get it?) Merrily Montessori was really just too much. Sigh.

And all crazynurse children's names are out. Too confusing. ;)
oh no! Just cause I think Grasshopper is a boy and the kid is going to have a blue room and a blue crib regardless doesn't mean I would actually name my daughter RonStoppable Jr.

Thank you for making me laugh like an idiot just before bed. I will have sweet dreams now, right?
RonStoppable Jr.
3. :rotfl:
You're the one with the bumper sticker issues!!! Just sayin, Miss Boston High Horse. :snooty:
p.s. Do we really want to trust all sharp objects to a 14 year old? Maybe I should just take them home with me when I leave to protect the innocent. If I make it out of there in one piece, that is. :sad2:

Au contraire, LilL. I have no bumper sticker issues. That's Crazynurse. I was simply offering the bumper sticker observation as public information. Because I am a goog and thoughtful pal.

Better to trust the 14y.o. than the imbalanced cowgirl, no? She already has access to controlled substances. Why push our luck?

I'm going to bed now too. For reals.

See y'all tomorrow!
You are a brat. That's all there is to it.
Glad you got a goog laugh out of all of this, Moo. :rolleyes:

That movie is the best. Second only to Sweet Home Alabama.

Congratulations!!!!!! :cheer2:

Hello to everyone out there! :wave2:

And now, the much-anticipated, long-awaited, extremely thrilling.....

Actually, I still haven't uploaded my pictures but Hollywood just emailed me hers so I'll just post them because, let's face it, we really might as well just give up on me ever posting mine.

Here we are in all our glory. Jane (from Tarzan), Belle, Jessica Rabbit, Lilo. We all 4 made our own costumes.


I just liked this one because it really was candid. We really were just walking along the Boardwalk holding hands and a stranger informed us that we needed a picture of the event and offered to take it. :rotfl:

I have to go watch ER. I shall return. young and adorable y'all are!!!!! Love the costume ideas! I wish I could go as Jessica Rabbit!

This lady and her DH I babysit for are going as Dog the Bounty Hunter and Beth his wife! FUNNY! Actually, they'll be perfect in those costumes.

No Misty Updates till tomorrow. No, the fires are not effecting them at all.

OT- I heard an interesting news story comparing relief efforts of the California fires to the Katrina disaster. Makes me sick and sad all at once.

I should never watch the news at night. Gives me night mares every time!

Pooh, I sound like I'm in a bad mood, but I'm not at all! Just tired and un-funny.

OH!!!! My (ds9's) Utah Relief map turned out great! It was made out of salt dough on ply wood. Painted and labeled. It was cool! All I did was make the dough and coach, honest. I think he'll get a good grade.

Tonight was our elementary school's fund raiser carnival. Dallen reeeeeally wanted to go, even though we're temporarily broke since I haven't been paid yet. He had $10 and spent all of it on tickets to ride great big inflatable slides and bounce pits. He shared with Riley and Norah (willingly) which I tear up thinking about, and each of them played on 3 inflatable slide things and also got to play a bunch of bean-bag-toss/ go-fishing type games for cheesy prizes. $10 doesn't go very far, and I'm sad because he was saving his big money to replace his Nintendo DS that was lost this past summer. They had fun, that's what's important.

He had lost his Nintendo DS at the Drive In Movie theater because we packed all our sleeping bags and chairs etc. in the dark and the Nintendo ds was black. He's been traumatized from that because he bought it last May with his birthday money.

Twinkles- Jordan was almost 10 days LATE (mind you, he was the colicky baby :rolleyes: ) and his skin was very dry. His hands and feet were all peely because as the pregnancy draaaags on, we lose amnio fluid (as IF you didn't know this). He was 22 inches and nearly 9 pounds in size 1 shoes. What a treat, huh? He was due May 9th which is Dallen's b-day :hug:

Love your conflicting tickers!!!!!

TGIF!!! :woohoo:

I got up extree early this morning...just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. So I'm here reading word-for-word and having lots of laughs in the dark by myself this morning!

PJ....I did not quote your costume post but wanted to say that you look adorable! Did you not buy the blue Belle jumper? You made it? Found it at goodwill? It's perfect! I also don't think the Jessica Rabbit costume is un-family-friendly. Didn't you say she got in trouble for it? She looks great in it!

Please share BOTH recipes to me (US). I had this spoon bread (corn pudding-ish) at Hollywood and Vine and it was incredible.
(I bake it in a souffle looking dish but it also fits nicely in a 9x13 baking dish. It's so sweet it's like dessert but so much better than the canned yams/marshmallow thing you usally get at Thanksgiving.)
Sweet Potato Casserole
3 cups (about 3 large) sweet potatoes, boiled, peeled & mashed
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 t. vanilla extract
½ cup heavy cream or milk (depending on your cholesterol level!)
1/3 stick butter
Combine ingredients and beat until smooth. Spoon into a lightly greased casserole dish and sprinkle with topping (1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup chopped pecans, 1/3 cup all-purpose flour, 1/3 cup melted butter.) Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Serves 8.

(This recipe is more of a traditional corn pudding recipe and with all the heavy cream it's soooo good and perfect for Thanksgiving and Christmas.)
Corn Pudding
2 cups heavy cream
1 stick of butter, melted
6 eggs
¼ cup sugar
3 T. all-purpose flour
2 t. baking powder
2 t. salt
4 cups canned or frozen/thawed white, sweet corn
Combine cream and butter in a large mixing bowl. Add eggs and beat with a fork til combined. Mix dry ingredients together and add gradually to the pudding til smooth. Mix in corn. Pour into a lightly greased casserole and bake at 350 for 45-50 minutes til set.

(I love this recipe! This may be more like what you had a H/V, Wendy. It's a little sweet and really good for pot lucks. It's also great with southwestern entrees like fajitas. Just add a small can of chopped green chiles and a couple of tablespoons of chopped, canned jalepenos. I get requests for the recipe every time I make it like this.)
Easy Corn Casserole
2 sticks butter, melted (cooled!)
4 eggs, beaten
2 boxes dry Jiffy corn bread mix
2 cans whole kernel corn, drained
2 cans creamed corn
2 cups sour cream
Preheat the oven to 350. Combine butter, eggs, corn bread mix, whole and creamed corn and sour cream. Spoon mixture into lighty greased dish and bake at 350 for 45 minutes or until the top is golden brown.
I had a baby in 19 and 89 too. A colicky one, though. Four months of screaming :eek:
Now 1989 must've been the year for colickly babies because mine had it too! She cried every day from 4-10 pm. DH would come home some days and we'd both be crying. But honestly, once she overcame the colic, she was always a goog kid and still is.
Of course, both were late! Every day it was, anything yet???? I really wore me out.
My mother came to my house when I was nearing delivery with the second baby and discovered a blood clot in my leg. Every day she was bout we go for a nice looonnnngg walk! :rolleyes: She was there for a week for the baby came and almost drove me crazy but the dr. refused to induce.
This one involved the criminals fleeing on foot into the foods.
This wins the prize for my favorite typo of the day! :lmao: Were you thinking about food at the time? I see Moo suggested that the criminals must've been really hungry! :laughing:
So Mimi is really Mary?!
Yes indeedy! Glad your friend's family in CA are OK! :hug: How scary!
I always mean to get that at Walgreens but can never remember the name.
:rotfl2: :lmao:
Awww. That is so sweet. :cutie: I would love to have a baby Mary. It is my grandmother's name too and not in use in our immeadiate family. The DH is not a fan however of the name or alliteration in general.
I love alliterative names! They make GREAT monograms! And let's face it....girls usually don't keep their last names their entire lives so she wouldn't always alliterate. And Mary is a great short-ish name to go with Montessori! And it's your grandmother's name for crying out loud! I vote Mary!
Tomorrow, children, we will get something!
Tomorrow we become to us freu'n! (meaning we will be very happy) (this is a horrble translation, btw)
What a cheering, what a life
Will be in our house!
Once we still wake up, (one more time to wake up)
Then Heisa (woo hoo!), is Weinachtstag! (this says Christmas day, but we substituted birthday for the occasion)
Marita....I love your baby song! That's so and your mom singing before the babies came. (Don't you have a free your head?) :confused3
Melinda, thanks for the clarification (TM BBN)
B&N age range puts them at 7 to 11. If your DS likes fantasy, he will like them.
He shared with Riley and Norah (willingly) which I tear up thinking about, and each of them played on 3 inflatable slide things and also got to play a bunch of bean-bag-toss/ go-fishing type games for cheesy prizes.
That's so sweet that he shared his tickets! Big awwwwwww! I try to avoid school carnivals. I could never understand parents that did that but now with #3....unless he mentions it, I don't go. Forunately at our spring carnival, you can buy a bracelet for the inflatables so rides are unlimited. BTW "use your own money" is my litmus test for how badly they really want to "do" something or "buy" something. ;)

See there....that ate up an hour! :laughing:

So much to comment on, so little time.

Twinkie: I vote for Trollop. What better way to tell your child "I love you", than to "saddle" them with a derogatory slang word.:confused3 p.s. One of my babies came the day before the due date, one on the due date, one the day after the due date, and the last one NINE days later. Even though baby #3 was 10 lbs and 9 oz, the doctor didn't want to induce the redhead. She kept asking me if I was uncomfortable and I said "No." So, she would say "Let's wait a few more days." I guess I should have lied and said "Yes, I can't take it anymore."

MommyP: Yay for the closing. Goog luck.

DTD: :lmao: "Forget to pick it up"

Me, imbalanced? Tell your voices to quit making up stories about the perfectly sane bbn.

PJ: Love the Belle outfit! And Jane! And Jessica! and Lilo! You guys looks so cute, and hotT. duh.

Utah & Lex: All your recipes are making me hungry. Not that this is really any different for me. I'm sorta the sweet potato casserole/corn pudding/Texas sheet cake/sugar cream pie "queen" in the family. If I ever bring something different to holiday gatherings everybody asks "Why?". I finally gave up with the new stuff and just bring the food they like.:rolleyes: p.s. YAY about your dd Lex.

Nab: For some reason, it seems like you and I have discussed this topic alot this week, so I thought I would share with you that today is "50's day" at the kids school. I sent the boys to school in poodle skirts and pony tails. What else?;)

Marita: Don't know if I'll be chatting, apparently some hotT college chick thinks she is showing up on my doorstep.:scared: We'll see if chatting is on the agendaless agenda.

Isn't it fun to 'splain cyber stuff to IRL work people? I'm glad I gave you a chuckle at the office though. Nuthin' like givin' BabyPJ a hard time to get my morning started off right.

When I was due, my mama was going to call me Maria Elaina.....but they dropped it down to Marie Elaine. My friends twins are Martina Rosa, and Gabriella is the oldest girls name. The boy twin is an A word......Anthony.

I loved to think up our childrens names and then help my DD and DIL with the knocking out names for our grandkids.....Our grandsons name was Zachary Owen and my DIL loved the name Owen so that is our youngest grandsons name.....More old English coming back to names.

Today is another day another ho hum........We worked in my mamas apartment for about three hours......threw out alot of stuff......and kept some......Its hard to see stuff that none of us really want to throw away but none of us have any room to keep it all......So hubby and I are keeping our junk down to a bare minimum....already have boxes ready for our camp that we are looking for up north not far from the Canadian border..I told hubby ...TOILET and RUNNING water is all I ask for....hahaha.
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