MOOvin' Along - Goog Times, Goog Friends . . . Part 2

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I got to sleep in. I took a personal day. I am going to the doctor right now immediately followed by the dentist. Should be thrilling. :rolleyes:

Better to trust the 14y.o. than the imbalanced cowgirl, no? She already has access to controlled substances. Why push our luck?
You bring up a goog point that I hadn't yet considered. I guess it takes the both of us to keep up with her and her crazy ways. :sad2: young and adorable y'all are!!!!! Love the costume ideas! I wish I could go as Jessica Rabbit!
Thank you! We're already pondering next year's costume ideas....
we all LOVE Halloween.

PJ....I did not quote your costume post but wanted to say that you look adorable! Did you not buy the blue Belle jumper? You made it? Found it at goodwill? It's perfect! I also don't think the Jessica Rabbit costume is un-family-friendly. Didn't you say she got in trouble for it? She looks great in it!
I made the jumper all by myself!!!! I bought the shirt though.
Hollywood got "spoken to" at the last MNSSHP she went to so she added fabric to the costume. You should have seen the slit on the side pre-addition of fabric. It was questionable. At best.

1. PJ: Love the Belle outfit! And Jane! And Jessica! and Lilo! You guys looks so cute, and hotT. duh.

2. Don't know if I'll be chatting, apparently some hotT college chick thinks she is showing up on my doorstep.:scared: We'll see if chatting is on the agendaless agenda.

3. Nuthin' like givin' BabyPJ a hard time to get my morning started off right.
1. Thanks. We like to think so. I still say you should have borrowed the costume. It does have sewing errors, but it would have been great with your appropriate (although too long) hair.

2. Bwahahahaha!
p.s. maybe I'm bringing the agenda. :rolleyes1

3. Whatever wakes you up in the morning. Opposite. Get it? Oh nevermind.

HI TO EVERYONE!!! :wave2:

I'll be back!!!
MommyP: If your contractor has a really goog paperwork guy, it won't take but a few days. If he's a former construction worker who just took it over, it could take a while. And remember, houses go up in spurts. It may take 3 weeks before they do the first 'building' and then it could go up in no time, according to how many projects they have. With the housing slump, I'd bet it goes fast.

Yes, my husband keeps trying to remind me of that(he is an electrician), but this guy is old(ish) and has spent the last 2 weeks fishing instead of working and I just am afraid it's going to be that way. We had another builder give us an estimated time of 2 months to build a house, our builder said 6-8 months. Which is insane in this day and age as there are so many needing the work. They can't get work if he doesn't call it in though. But his prices were better for that we were getting.

MommyP, congratulations on your closing! Have some of these guys: :banana: :woohoo: :dance3: :cheer2: :banana: :woohoo: :dance3: :cheer2: Keep us posted on your progress.

We watched the paperwork process and construction of our addition (800 s.f. in-law suite with full kitchen, laundry, bath and full basement) 3 years ago. Amazing how quickly they can get things done, despite the winter weather. Also, we are within 100 feet of a protected stream and wetlands, so we thought we might have a problem with that. But the construction fairy was on our side, and we breezed right through. Hope it goes equally well for you!

I am pretty sure we won't run into wetlands. There is a house on the lot by us and we walked our lot in the rainy season and not a drop of standing water. No cyprus trees either. The area used to be cow pastures waaaaay back in the day.

MP- I forgot to say moohooty on closing!!!! Very Exciting!!!!:banana: Our kids have been very healthy- we are blessed. All of our ear infections have been for the cleft palate princess as that is just par for that course. And actually the doctors are shocked at how few she has had. Now pinkeye:confused3 I don't know where that comes from (probably the church nursery) because we never had it before mooving to the prairie and my kids get it twice a year and then pass it around the family for months.

We've had pink eye a few times(not Chad or myself, just the kids), but no one has gotten it in years. Probably because we didn't put Kaleb in the nursery and the boys have sat in church with us since the age of 2ish. As long as there isn't a baby in the nursery it's amazing how no one gets sick. :rolleyes1

Luther - I don't think I was thinking about food because we had just eaten dinner. It was an honest mistake. It would be better if the F and W were next to eachother on the keyboard. :laughing:

I think I am going to do school on the lanai, it's nice(ish) outside right now, or so I've heard. I haven't actually gone out there to see. If it's humid though, forget it!

Chad didn't wake me up this morning so I am getting a slow start. Yuck.

Have a goog day everyone!
Sewing is my new favorite past-time. I totally LOVE to sew!

PJ-You should post your costumes on the Boutique sewing thread I live on, in the Disney for Families boards. I think they'd really appreciate them and appropriately ooooh and ahhhh over them.

- I loved the house building process! I did that 3 years ago. I'm happy for you!!!!

LexMeinda- Ohhh, I wrote down the recipes and now I can't wait to try them! The corn casserole does seem like it will be similar to the H&V Spoon Bread. I hope! Thank You so very much! Thanksgiving will just have to be a diet free day!

Today my kids are out of school for UEA and we're organizing the basement...which is full of boxes of toys and holiday stuff. We're really going to thin stuff out and donate a bunch. I know we have a nice big box of kids coats that wont fit any of them so we'll take the nicer ones to the Women's shelter in Salt Lake. That kind of thing gives me a huge case of the "warm fuzzies"...(anyone remeber that children's book? Warm Fuzzy feeling vs. "Cold Prickly" feelings when you do something mean or naughty?)
Morning all,

I am getting a late start today. Stayed longer at the school this morning talking to other mothers.

We were not the best at baby names. It took us days to pick one, but we always left the hospital with a name.

Pumba-- My mom almost called me Cindy. I am glad she didn't because it was bad enough that we were six kids three boys, three girls. Like the Brady Bunch. And I was the youngest girl. Born before the Brady Bunch.

Lexi-- all your recipes have heavy cream in them I noticed. It must be a staple in your house. I only have half and half cream in my house when my mom visits for her coffee.

Babynurse-- I remember my brothers dressing up as girls for Halloween. And we were mostly hobo's or something. No store bought costumes. I keep telling Nicholas to dress like a girl but he won't :lmao:

He has another dance tonight at the church. It is a Halloween one and he is going as Scream I think. Last years costume. He has a new pirate on for this year but he says it as no pockets for money.

P.J.-- love the costumes. Your very talented like UMA. I hate even hemming pants or sewing on buttons.
Sewing is my new favorite past-time. I totally LOVE to sew!

PJ-You should post your costumes on the Boutique sewing thread I live on, in the Disney for Families boards. I think they'd really appreciate them and appropriately ooooh and ahhhh over them.
It's not my new favorite past-time. I didn't enjoy it. It took too much concentration. Plus, it was hard and time consuming. More power to people who can sew all the time. I would not fall into that category. I just couldn't find a blue jumper anywhere so I was left with no other choice.

P.J.-- love the costumes. Your very talented like UMA. I hate even hemming pants or sewing on buttons.

Thanks! I am not very talented though. I just got a pattern and figured it out as I went along. It could have just as well gone the other way and turned out absolutely horrible!

I am now going on a tour de Montessori schools of Cincinnati. I have to provide a top three list of where I'd like to intern next semester so I'm going to go see as many schools and classrooms as I can.
lex - I forgot to say yesterday congrasts on Mimi's parking space!!! :rotfl2:
Getting out of finals is a super good deal too. She's a senior, right? I remember the last month of school was awesome - I took several AP exams at the beginning of May then was exempt from the rest of my finals - and had a huge trip the week before graduation. it was smooth sailing.
cuz by that point, you're so ready to get out!

pj - thanks so much for posting pics! I love your outfit! You did a great job and you look great. The pic of you and jessica close up is a GREAT pic of both of you. It should be your new signature pic.

Jessica sewed hers too? wow. you are some talented princesses.

Twinkie: I vote for Trollop. What better way to tell your child "I love you", than to "saddle" them with a derogatory slang word.
Babycow, you crack me up!!!

nab - nicholas makes a VERY good jack sparrow.
and he'd be a pretty girl! hehehe.

hey all.
tammy's at work with me today cuz she had to go to the dr and I was not going to drive from franklin to st thomas hospital to franklin to work and then back to franklin again.
so she's in my cube with me.
Hi Tammy.......hope you are feeling better today......Hi Celery.......

We have this tv channel that sponsors coats for kids each year.....people donate the coats that they are not using anymore and a few dry cleaners in the state volunteer to clean them and sew up missing buttons and such....last year I think they collected over 42,000 coats to kids in the state of me this is a great thing this tv station sponsors....

hubby is coming home in a few......I called him at work and he wasnt doing much he is skipping out ......
I have a turkey in the oven ....just finished stuffing it and in it went........I can hardly wait to start smelling was one I bought when they were on sale for 49 cents a pound.......cant pass up a deal like that.....
Hi Tammy.......hope you are feeling better today......Hi Celery.......

We have this tv channel that sponsors coats for kids each year.....people donate the coats that they are not using anymore and a few dry cleaners in the state volunteer to clean them and sew up missing buttons and such....last year I think they collected over 42,000 coats to kids in the state of me this is a great thing this tv station sponsors....

hubby is coming home in a few......I called him at work and he wasnt doing much he is skipping out ......
I have a turkey in the oven ....just finished stuffing it and in it went........I can hardly wait to start smelling was one I bought when they were on sale for 49 cents a pound.......cant pass up a deal like that.....

That's so cool! As a former foster mama, I know there's such a need for clean warm coats for the foster kids, especially the older ones. As well as blankets. There's something about giving to those in need to really take home the real meaning of Christmas to my greedy (I caused, I'm afraid) kiddos. THIS year will be very very lean for Christmas for us :guilty: because we went to WDW when we shouldn't have. But! We need this to teach us a lesson.

Hmmm, turkey! I have a turkey-breast in the freezer maybe I'll crock pot. Then the noodle soup the next day :cloud9:
Wendy - I hear you on a lean Christmas. Chad and I are doing nothing but stocking stuffers for eachother. The kids are getting new crocs, rifles from MGM, stocking stuffers and maybe some legos. Most of which will be bought with the money my Grandfather sends for Christmas. In the bigger extended family we decided to not do gifts this year. Instead each person picked a name of another out of a bag and we have to get them a garbage picked, garage found, goodwill type joker present that goes with their personality. For instance, Chad picked my youngest sister who went to hair school. We're going to find some reeeeeaaaaaaaaaaally old curlers from goodwill for her. lol

We're also going to try and see if we can carol at the local nursing home either before or on Christmas day and maybe make ornaments for them. I think it will be the best Christmas ever for the kids.
Wendy - Here is the actual recipe from Hollywood and Vine.
Disney’s Creamed Corn Spoon Bread

Hollywood and Vine, Disney-MGM Studios
1-1/2 Cups Cornmeal
1 Cup Buttermilk
8 Tbsp Sugar
1-1/2 Cups Corn (Frozen Kernels)
2 Tbsp Baking Powder
1 Cup Milk
1 tsp Salt
1/4 Cup Butter
*Blend all ingredients together *Blend with Burre Mixer and add dry ingredients
Any Creamed Corn (Heated) 3 Cups

Add dry ingredients to liquid and mix together until well blended. Pour into well greased pan (9” x 13”) and Place in steamer and cook for 15 to 20 minutes. Top with creamed corn and serve.

NOTE: Most homes do not have a steamer - you will have to use a double broiler and still cook for 15 to 20 minutes.
ha!..utahm, your green light has me , :yay: ..alwys!

did i ever thinks, you! is the sweetest...:cheer2: ,

..& by now , it should be evident....i only makes up comments...
based on reality....:thumbsup2

..going to the dentist & the dr.?,,,,,and they say, "youth is wasted
on the wrong people....hope, it isain't tooth esciting....:laughing:

.......ok, your gals' costumes...."impressive!"...with all the trimmings... up the screen..better than a christmas tree! :cool2:

ps, i would show you gals my boys..but that would most likely
cause "drool" damags...& worst...eye strained where i never git the

here's a :mickeybar ....for putting up with all my wanderings...

* ok??? working it, to a positive impact...automatically, implies..

a "corrective measure....if we are going to redirect...toward an
effective coping mechanism..over the ineffective? psssssst, wanta of the best making a sucessful outcome...

...welllllll doya???..hemp? :dance3: :teacher: :dance3: ?

....hope the nay~sayers aren't looking..........the art of "COMPROMISE"...

well, :snooty: ...what can you expect..from a plain & simple guy? :wizard:

's a secret...from the way ...i view the world.....over the
years...destiny, is wht one does with life, while art...are all the ways,
mankind..decorates the when i entered my current realm,

those are the "tools"..i 've complete the tasks @ hands.

:rolleyes1 ..for better or worst....good & bad times...has given me'
my apprication & the feeling to share.....

[pssst, my defintion came....from college art class...when the insturctor, cannot be defined...naturally! i raised...;) , i bet
yor thinking..a rukus instead raised a hand? :laughing: ...well, us rebels
need "attention & :love: ..too?

.........soooo my first the mental health realm....had me
seeking for "impact tools"....& the following ...are don't
burst out.......:lmao: .....cos while they are old & goofy...tthey are
in~deeds ....a glimpse of me?

......"life is a compromise" , by me [ handouts..trying to give reminders to
my patients...], oh?,, if one thinks about it..if your people, than
the best way to demonstrate the meanings..for your
to give of oneself ?

...." life is a compromise",

what you really love, you can't never bestow,
what you dread, you need to tolerate...
so what to do? or what not to do?

come close & i whisper the secret of time,
if something, someone dosen't work out...
is your signal never to give up!

then the riches of the world will be yours,
as you reap all the values for sucess...
my dear friends and lover to all my ends!

reality being all the efforts one spent,
created the formula of turning magic of prespiration...
into a jar of glowing inspirations & inner desires!

to hold and behold anyone blue,
something new like the feeling of confidence...
pushes up your window of oppturnity!

come near one more time,
the wish to gie equals compromise...
just like that to discover a happy life!

* while i wrote this like many years, every day you all
make me think of it...[ quit your lauging..esp, you utahm!]

ha!..i read..your snaky lil' feeling..., utahm, you know "darn" well ! you
would make a jaw~dropping...jeassica rabbbb_ it... [show off!] . actually,
you just tootie~sweet for her! besides! we seen your cute lil'
pics..over on your trippin report...the evidence dosen't lie....& goes
along wayyy explaining how you made..por lil'maire...:scared: envy!

* if others would follow ..your leads...then my "one wish" poem
would come true....

if people were afraid to hate...
like they are to love,
then the world we all know...
would change over night!

& all for the better, pixiedust:

[..didn't you get/ all your princess's charming ways?]

pumba..there you go again...misss martha, huh? :hug:

c~ girl, make me :)

...can you all much my lil'miss cutie makes me feel? :earboy2:

..what a gal!!!:earsgirl:
Slow day this afternoon. Where is everyone? We are leaving in 45 minutes for the chili dinner. I cannot WAIT to chow down on some chili. I am going to suggest to Chad that we stop at the gas station near church to get a couple huge fountain drinks(they are only 69 cents there for like a million ounces). It is a real hassle to get plates for 4 children, dessert for 4 children AND drinks for 4 children, plus ourselves. If I had a size appropriate container I would bring our own. ;)

I let Kaleb play out front with the boys for a little while before they all had to come in for baths. He informed me of their play.
Me: Kaleb, did you have fun outside?
Kaleb: Yeah
Me: Yes Ma'am
Kaleb: Yesh Ma'am
Kaleb: Mina(Jeremiah) bike ride
Me: Jeremiah was riding his bike?
Kaleb: Yeah
Me: Yes Ma'am
Kaleb: Yesh Ma'am
Kaleb: Mina far
Me: Jeremiah rode his bike far?
Kaleb: Yeah
Me: Yes Ma'am
Kaleb: Yesh Ma'am
Kaleb: Me run (trys to stand on my bathroom counter and run in place while pumping his arms)
Me: You were running?
Kaleb: Yeah
Me: Yes Ma'am
Kaleb: Yesh Ma'am
Kaleb: Me dirt throw
Me: You were throwing dirt?
Kaleb: Yeah
Me: Yes Ma'am
Kaleb: Yesh Ma'am

Don't you just love having a conversation with a 2 year old? Boy? I'm sure Norah can speak so well. Boys are so slow. And on top of being a boy to begin with Kaleb just was a slow talker.

He did so well this morning being polite. He answered me everytime, "Yesh sir, Mama!" lol When he gets excited though it's all "yeah" (s) and "uh huh" (s).

I got all my laundry done today and cleaned the bathrooms. Plus I got Mondays school all set out and ready to start. I hope next weeks goes as well as this week did!

Have a good weekend everyone!

I plan on building my changing table(if we can get into home depot early and get a stapler) tomorrow and then in the afternoon we're going to my parents for a big family get together of meatball sandwiches.
ha!..utahm, your green light has me , :yay: ..alwys!

did i ever thinks, you! is the sweetest...:cheer2: ,


......"life is a compromise" , by me [ handouts..trying to give reminders to
my patients...], oh?,, if one thinks about it..if your people, than
the best way to demonstrate the meanings..for your
to give of oneself ?

...." life is a compromise",

what you really love, you can't never bestow,
what you dread, you need to tolerate...
so what to do? or what not to do?

come close & i whisper the secret of time,
if something, someone dosen't work out...
is your signal never to give up!

then the riches of the world will be yours,
as you reap all the values for sucess...
my dear friends and lover to all my ends!

reality being all the efforts one spent,
created the formula of turning magic of prespiration...
into a jar of glowing inspirations & inner desires!

to hold and behold anyone blue,
something new like the feeling of confidence...
pushes up your window of oppturnity!

come near one more time,
the wish to give equals compromise...
just like that to discover a happy life!

* while i wrote this like many years, every day you all
make me think of it...[ quit your lauging..esp, you utahm!]

ha!..i read..your snaky lil' feeling..., utahm, you know "darn" well ! you
would make a jaw~dropping...jeassica rabbbb_ it... [show off!] . actually,
you just tootie~sweet for her! besides! we seen your cute lil'
pics..over on your trippin report...the evidence dosen't lie....& goes
along wayyy explaining how you made..por lil'maire...:scared: envy!

* if others would follow ..your leads...then my "one wish" poem
would come true....

if people were afraid to hate...
like they are to love,
then the world we all know...
would change over night!

& all for the better, pixiedust:

[..didn't you get/ all your princess's charming ways?]

That's beautiful! No I didn't laugh, but you made me swoon with your sweetness! How'd you know I needed that today?

Everyone in General-No One In Particular- Going through gobs of boxes in the basement, some never opened since we moved, has left me tired! Found tons of baby pictures that made me remember how SWEET my babies all were!

I'm making progress. But nap time's almost over.

My 2 boys, Dallen and Riley, want to be Pokemon Trainers for Halloween! I think I can make their costumes using mostly sweats. They are SOO excited to be Ash and Luis, but I'm afraid no one will know who they are. Maybe the boys ages 7-10 will know, but that's about it. Oh well. As long as THEY know who they "are"! I sure miss having control over their costume choices :rolleyes1
Wendy - I know you don't read back(shame on you) and don't want you to miss the recipe I posted for you. It's the actual recipe for the corn thingamajig you had at H&V.
Oh my word!! Still no one around? Did I miss something? Did everyone have dates tonight?

I enjoyed my chili. It was sooo good. I am still stuffed. We just got home about 30 minutes ago. All the kids are in bed and I am going to lay down on the couch.

Good night!
evening all.

mommyp - you are too cute! You crack me up - if you have everything laid out for school on Monday, won't the boys mess with it before then?

we got Jeanie tonight because Mike is in the hospital. He has a strep infection on his arm.
I was worried that it'd take forever to get her back in the swing of things - but she's already saying thank you and please. :banana:

twinkletoes -
I made an executive decision about your present. You're not getting burp clothes. My new obsession is cross stitch. so I'm making a crossstitch something or other for grasshopper.

mommyp will still get the burp cloths.
Last edited by celerystalker : Today at 10:04 PM. Reason: marita - no life here! I promise! I was bored and had to go to walmart to get new crossstitch

Sounds like my llfe, LOL
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