MORE Adventures of the "Moms" Panel

I can't let go of the heartache and disappointment yet. I take things like this very personally. I don't walk into anything in my life without being fully committed; it's just the way I'm programmed.


I wrote my application from the aspect that one person would be reviewing it. That was my error in judgment because I knew there was a committee of people working on this. At the very least, Leanne and Laura. I assumed this would be like applying for a real job where the hiring manager is the one person doing all the reading.

In hindsight, I failed hugely in that assumption.

In hindsight, there's no way I can foresee what type of person is going to read my application. I can't know what mood that person will be in when my application crosses their desk. What if they were in a foul mood and my witty repartee totally rubbed them the wrong way? It could have been creative as all get out and hit the wrong place at the wrong time.

I know no one will ever tell me...and it kills me that no one will ever tell me...but I want to know what about me put my application in the shredder and why I'm so inadequate that I'm not worthy enough to advance.

I hope what Laura said was true, that Disney will find other opportunities for people who want to serve. Obviously enough people want to serve in a non-paid capacity for others that you'd think they would look for ways to use them.

I agree with a great deal of what you are saying. It's hard because so many of us are willing to put in the time and hours for free (basically, I know there are a great many perks) even with the frustration with the process.

In my one of my original answers, I mentioned having connected with people on twitter and said "(Hi ladies!)" meaning to say hello to Laura and Leanne because I thought they'd be reading, and I had met them both at the MMC Illuminations Party. DH told me to take that out that it was way too I wonder, if like you say, it all depends on who your application appears in front of.

I thought demographics had a lot to do with it, but then the blogging/special talents question threw me for a loop at the end. So far from what I've learned today, at least 5 'heavyweight' (I use that term to mean at least 2000+ followers on twitter) bloggers that were sent on to round two, 2 of them from FL. I know of 3 others from FL that advanced, that don't appear to have blogs, at least that they publicize...but maybe their talents lie elsewhere...So I know no more now than I did this morning.

I have no doubt that there must be a very specific method to this, we just may never know what that is. But realizing that has given me back some of that passion to 'keep trying till I can't type anymore'. I can't convince them I'm right for the job if I don't show them I am. :goodvibes
i got the thank you for appling but you didn't make it email... :( i guess there is always next year. congrats to the lucky ones. :)
I find myself tearing up reading the responses from all of us who didn't make it through. All the whys and what-ifs we ask ourselves can make a person crazy. But, still, it would be so nice to know what we were lacking. What's weird is that this is the third disappointment for me this week and I have yet to cry until now. I guess I wanted it a lot more than I even knew.

Again, a heartfelt congratulations to those who made the grade. If it can't be me it absolutely has to be a disser!
Interesting that my rejection email said since you applied for the 2010 we invite you to join the MMC. I know Zanna's letter said "since you applied last year, you were among the first to be invited...." I applied last year also, wonder why it is only recognizing me as applying THIS year and not last. BUT, I got the MMC invite this year to apply. Probably just a glitch.

I can't help but find it ironic that the link in the rejection email that takes you to the certificates, they misspelled Cinderella!

Cindarella Magical Memories Award Certificate

See, even Disney is not perfect!
I was pleased to receive that nice letter from Leanne & Laura. I am surprised at how fast it was sent out -- considering the thousands of applicants to whom it must have been sent - and considering the fact that we were told we would not hear anything if we did not continue on in the process. I think it is very touching that Disney tries to make us feel that magic even when we did not reach our first-choice goal.

I cannot imagine how hard it must be to pick only one out of 100 applicants to continue on. By the quality of "Moms" on the panel, I think the readers do a great job.

The Mickey Moms Club will be fun to participate in.

Congratulations to all those who made the 2nd round. This thread has introduced me to many wonderful people -- thank you to all those who care.

Good luck. I want to follow along as the 2nd rounders continue to round three. I hope you keep us posted.
...however it's hard to 'not take things personally' when showing your personality is exactly what we were all trying to do. Not taking it personally means that those that advanced shouldn't take it personally either, right? And that doesn't make much sense.

Hi Zanna!

Actually, it does! What do you do if you have say 5000 perfectly qualified candidates?

Everyone! This is NOT rejection! (It just feels like it! LOL!) Rejection is when 19,999 are accepted and you are the one who is rejected!

When 19,800 people don't make it to the next round, well, come on!!! That is at least in part, lottery! Even if it is hitting a reader who was in a bad mood for a moment.

Think of this- out of 6 billion people, we were among the tiny percentage that made it to round 1!


Hi Zanna!

Actually, it does! What do you do if you have say 5000 perfectly qualified candidates?

Everyone! This is NOT rejection! (It just feels like it! LOL!) Rejection is when 19,999 are accepted and you are the one who is rejected!

When 19,800 people don't make it to the next round, well, come on!!! That is at least in part, lottery! Even if it is hitting a reader who was in a bad mood for a moment.

Think of this- out of 6 billion people, we were among the tiny percentage that made it to round 1!



This is why I don't like math. :rotfl:
After having dealt with the initial disappointment, I have tried to put it all into perspective. Having followed this thread, it is really impossible to think that I was in some way more qualified than many of the others. We are all so huge into Disney. I have been trying to look at it as what the purpose was in the selection process and the goal and direction for the panel. Like so many of you the panel came way to late for us. I learned Disney through Birnbaums, All Ears, and these boards. It is rare that I use the Mom's Panel as I already know so much. That being said I have looked up a few things there(parasailing etc). and the Panel has a great search engine and I love the Panel members so I have read about them and follow some of their answers for fun. I wish it had existed for my first several trips. I think if I was marketing the panel I would definetely take deomgraphics and backgrounds into consideration to get to the initial 200. Having a Dad, a Canadian, single mom, UK resident, working mom, SAHM, etc. are all important to bring a comfort level and familiarity to all the people who will use the Panel. Too many bloggers, writers, moms with young kids etc. don't accurately reflect the intended users of the panel. They could only take so many of us from each demographic. I love the fact that when I read about the current panelists, there is a mom from Georgia, a mom with a big family etc. I feel a connection to them and trust their answers.To market the panel I would think you want to appeal to as many different types of families as possible. So too everyone dissappointed, lets keep doing what we do, sharing that positive Disney spirit and helping the thousands of people we are currently helping as a group and individually see and feel the magic Disney has to offer. It breaks my heart when someone goes for the first time and comes back and says they hated it. When asked why you realize they went in July, tried to see all the parks in two days, did not know they needed ADR's, and dragged their hot and tired kids through the park ride to ride never stopping to smell the smells, hear the music and take it all in. SO lets get out there people at help the newbies have a better experience.
I do like free magnets.:)

Sigh... Still wish I'd made it through. Because now I have to go back to my real life where I need to be exercising and eating right and not spending so much time on the Disboards. And who wants to do that?!:sad2:
Well said Mom4graceandlogan....

I think we should start our own underground moms panel - sharing advice on our own forum!!

Under ground members and secret inside advice ......isn't that what DisBoards threads are all about? :lmao::goodvibes:yay:
Hi there

Just found out that I made it to Round 2!! Haven't even had a chance yet to read back thru the posts here to see who else has made it, but Congrats to all who did!! I'm still here at PopC, and hoping that being in the midst of the magic is going to help see me thru this next round. Good luck everyone!!

'Just recently returned home from my book club meeting to discover a WDW Moms Panel "Thank You" message in my in-box. (I pretty much already suspected I hadn't advanced, though, since I never received a congratulatory e-mail this afternoon.) <Sigh!>

Congratulations to all who progressed to Round Two!! :cheer2: I look forward to reading about your adventures! :cheer2:
Hi there

Just found out that I made it to Round 2!! Haven't even had a chance yet to read back thru the posts here to see who else has made it, but Congrats to all who did!! I'm still here at PopC, and hoping that being in the midst of the magic is going to help see me thru this next round. Good luck everyone!!



Here is a quicker way to see who has received the second round letters.
Follow this link:

Congratulations! :woohoo:
Sometimes life makes you feel just like Goofy -- or maybe Eeyore. I'd like to cry like a baby, but I guess I'll just start dreaming about my next trip to WDW in December! :rotfl2:

Just a question, what is this consolation prize magnet? I applied last year and didn't get one -- was it only from the 1st time? I think that would be really cool.

Also, when you 2nd rounders get a chance, would any of you be willing to share with us your answers from round one so we can do a bit of analyzing???

It would really be helpful!

Thank you and Congratulations to the Winners!
Congrats all!

Because I really hate giving up... Did anyone who visited the site earlier and got the "We're sorry, but we cannot validate your login against our database of approved applicants" get the email?

Thanks :)


Yes, I did. I got denied entry in the "back door" this morning. Then I got the confirmation e-mail but as a FW. Then I got another e-mail that was exactly the same as the first but it was not a FW.


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