"Must Buys" in World Showcase

Japan: Inscense (love the Lavender)
Morrocco: Baklava
Italy: Bollini
Mexico: Jewlery
UK: Jewlery
I have been wanting one of the carved animal figures from Mexico since I first saw them last year now. They're expensive, but I've been kicking myself for not buying one for almost a year now! On the cheaper range, I like the cute pens in Mexico carved to look like a person in a somberero. They're around $3 each.

I love buying stuff in China! You can get beautiful coin purses for a dollar or two. I'm always amazed at how inexpensive stuff is there!

I always like to pick up some Lucky Cats in Japan (You're supposed to retire them after a year), and last trip I found some really cute sushi dishes. One was a bowl painted with monkeys for about $4.
A Flake chocolate bar in England.
A Food and Wine Fest pin
Pastries in France :love:
I always buy myself a fan in Japan. I buy the flat type with geisha girls on them. They are under $4 and I have about 7 different ones.

I buy my DD socks in Japan. She loves the ones made to wear with sandals.

I buy my DS wooden desk items in Morocco. I've bought a pencil cup, tray and bowls. We've never had any trouble with them.

I also like to buy hand/body lotions in Great Britain.
I have bought mini musical instruments in Mexico.
It was a mini tambourine, and marracas ( shakers )

I got a fantastic glass beaded necklace in Italy.

Oh ..... and flavored tea bags in UK

I will very much miss those delicious beaver tails from Canada.
[I buy my DS wooden desk items in Morocco. I've bought a pencil cup, tray and bowls. We've never had any trouble with them.

husband's had a hinged lid, wood split right where it was hinged...bowls, trays and cups with no moving pieces would be better ( he was devastated plus he got one for a gift for someone also...hope their's lasted longer)]

not sure if they are at the little africa stand but we also got some nice wooded boxes carved with animals some place in a few of the african places( ak., epcot or akl, don't know which)
I have to find the ugliest troll around or a shrunken monkey head (adventureland in MK) for my best friend. It's a tradition that started years ago -- we see who can get each other the ugliest gift. He just moved and his girlfriend was like "what the xx is that" when he unpacked that thing. Wait till she sees what I bring him this year ;)
Mexico - turtles of some sort (my daughter collects them)
Norway - almond pretzels - I crave them!!
Germany - my girls LOVE to make the dolls in Der Teddybear shop. You can choose exactly what you want them to look like/hairstyles, clothes, skin tone, eye color - ADORABLE. They are starting a major collection of these. Sometimes Helmut Engel is there to sign the dolls.

Japan - Hello Kitty items, Pick a pearl (FUN)

I actually am getting sick of the same old stuff. I really wish they would change the merchandise more often. We go a couple of times a year and this past August, I didn't buy anything!! :guilty: Nothing thrilled me at all. Been there, seen it. That's pretty bad for a shopaholic like me. I used to love the Dale Sweaters, but have enough already!!! They need some fresh merchandise in WS.

Lives4Disney :earsgirl:
Well, it used to be Smorbukk from Norway ::yes:: until the price went from $3.25 to $8.50 and now $9.50 a bag! :crazy2:

But I still spring for Reber chocolate in Germany, since the factory was pretty much in my backyard in Bavaria....

This past year I have been hooked on pendants - lots of glass ones from Murano in Italy, and some nice ones from Mexico. I have a whole assortment now and get lots of compliments on them.

And I always have to buy Hello Kitty stuff for my 40 year old friend and 40 year old sister! :rotfl:

I agree though with a previous poster that some of the items are getting a little stale. And some is just kitsch...

Last month I bought my sister a little Steiff hare (we have quite the collection, over 100 animals) from the German pavilion. She emailed me to tell me that she had bought me the exact same thing while she was in the UK! We had a good laugh over that, since we are nothing alike and have totally different tastes!
twinkle said:
Has anyone ever had anything shipped home? If so, is it real expensive?

Thanks :earsgirl:

You could always pick up a flat rate box at the post office - $7 for all you can stuff inside. They are a life saver during my travels - I send myself one almost every week to my next destination.

Can't speak for Disney shipping rates, though...
Here are my musts:

Mexico: I collect glass fish and figurines from the Arribras Bros Shop there
Norway: I have never found anything I want to buy there...this trip I may have to try the pretzels everyone talks about
China: I could spend for ever in here. I love the cheapy coin purses with the zippers and flaps (use them for my pins) I also love all of the dishes they have.
Outpost: all of the carved animals are so neat there. And they have cute stuffed animals that make noise
Germany: I really want to make a doll here someday.
Italy: I like all of the jewelry there
USA: IMHO our country needs a better shop
Japan: The pearls that have already been mentioned
Morocco: I have never bought anything there, but there is a lot to gander at
France: Must have pastries there hmmmmmm
UK: I love smelling all of the lotions and usually pick up some tea
Canada: I'm not really impressed with the shop there and now that the beaver tails are gone :(
I'm Canadain and am totally ashamed of the Canadian Pavillion. My husband and I go there as a joke. Honestly...a racoon tail hat?!? what is up with that? And all the American Indian stuff? There are more American Indians in the US! True we don't have tons of exports, I think there should be a gourmet maple shop and leave it at that.
I hope people don't think Canada is like that, but I was once asked it I took a dog sled to school. The person might have been joking but he was totally dead-pan.
Oh, and I don't live in an igloo :)
Save for a few times we have always picked up a new Christmas ornament from Germany. We also had been getting a nutcracker from there but stopped that one when we basically had them all! (Whew, I'm glad that "tradition" stopped as it got $$$).

Other than that I don't think there is anything that we always get. We have stuff from about every country in our home but it's more hit and miss in that if we see something we really like we'll get it but not necessarily year by year. ::MickeyMo

PS We almost always have everything shipped home with maybe the exception being clothing items. While i cannot quote an actual price I don't remember it being too expensive.
Lives4Disney said:
Germany - my girls LOVE to make the dolls in Der Teddybear shop. You can choose exactly what you want them to look like/hairstyles, clothes, skin tone, eye color - ADORABLE. They are starting a major collection of these. Sometimes Helmut Engel is there to sign the dolls.

These sound cute, about how much are they (question whether to steer my kids toward or away from there!)
I like looking for Christmas ornaments. I always hit the store in Canada. They don't have much, but am able to pickup my favorite Seagull Pewter ornaments. Been collecting for almost 20 years beginning with my first in Nova Scotia.
France: This year, I picked up really cute little Eiffel Tower fridge magnets for about $7.

Japan: Origami! and Hello Kitty, of course, and rice candy.

Germany: Advent calendars. So pretty!
4orm said:
I'm Canadain and am totally ashamed of the Canadian Pavillion. My husband and I go there as a joke. Honestly...a racoon tail hat?!? what is up with that? And all the American Indian stuff? There are more American Indians in the US! True we don't have tons of exports, I think there should be a gourmet maple shop and leave it at that.
I hope people don't think Canada is like that, but I was once asked it I took a dog sled to school. The person might have been joking but he was totally dead-pan.
Oh, and I don't live in an igloo :)

I agree, and feel that same way about some of the items in the German pavilion!

Having said that, I picked up a great travel manicure set (Roots) there last year on clearance, and told the CM that I was shocked to actually buy something there. After chatting with her, it turns out that she lives 1 block from my family, so definitely a small world!

But that was my only purchase ever there...


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