NBA at Walt Disney World

[Post deleted because I realized after the fact that it might be veering out of bounds for the DisBoards.]
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If any of these sports teams understood what it was like to make minimum wage, they wouldnt be fighting this the way they are. Its actually fairly embarassing to watch.

I think ANYONE could feel some trepidation about being away from their families and homes for months, isolated at a hotel where they’ll have very limited freedom - NBA player or not. I know I wouldn’t want to be in that position.

So many people are generalizing NBA players as greedy snobs. Most donate loads of time and money to underserved communities. Most didn’t grow up with “NBA money” and came from much humbler beginnings. Many are openly aware and appreciative of the struggles their families faced on their road to success.
Until we know exactly what is troubling individual players, it's difficult to comment. By the time they resume, players will be coming off 4 months of unplanned family time. I don't see how many could object to a few weeks of separation in order to resume their careers.
7 weeks. I think there is much we don't know and I hope that those who want to pass on the remainder of the season, and are fine not being paid for it, are given the chance.

Fringe players may have some reservations--those who know they won't suddenly start playing 30 minutes per game. Also teams who are at the bottom end of the standings.
Fringe are the ones most likely to want to play, they are paid the least so more likely to need the money and if bigger names pass this will be their chance to shine.

The slightly slanted media reports about the current Florida Covid situation may be troubling some. But even if there is a legitimate rise in cases and hospitalizations, that will be occurring among those who aren't taking adequate steps to protect themselves.
7 weeks. I think there is much we don't know and I hope that those who want to pass on the remainder of the season, and are fine not being paid for it, are given the chance.

I have no problem with players being allowed to opt out. But traveling for work and spending weeks or months away from one's family is hardly unheard of. Even NBA teams will embark on road trips that last 2-3 weeks. 7 week is more, but nothing about this is ideal.

Fringe are the ones most likely to want to play, they are paid the least so more likely to need the money and if bigger names pass this will be their chance to shine.

Agree to disagree. The key contributors on contending teams are more likely to want their shot at a title. IMHO, the 11th, 12th and 13th men on the Lakers are unlikely to get any opportunity to shine. (And there's been talk of rosters being even deeper.)

Not sure what you disagree with here. If there's to be a flare up, it's most likely to be among people who aren't wearing masks and aren't social distancing. If players follow NBA protocols, the odds of being infected will be much lower than the general public.[/quote]
Not sure what you disagree with here.
I facepalmed because I found the idea that those who come down with covid are basically those who aren't wearing masks and social distancing to be a facepalm worth generalization of a complex situation science is still trying to understand.

And if those players eat at outdoor restaurants where the restaurant isn't in the bubble- boom! Exposure to non-bubble FL people who are interacting with other non-bubble FL people who are not taking well to mask wearing according to reports.
And to be clear, that's 35-40 days from arrival (est. July 9), not from the first seeding game (July 30). Meaning more than half the NBA teams who re-start the season at WDW would be gone by the end of August.
I wonder if they will move them to a smaller resort at that point, or keep a huge resort locked down and half empty.
I wonder if they will move them to a smaller resort at that point, or keep a huge resort locked down and half empty.

Disney is going to have thousands of hotel rooms they cannot fill thru October, so they really aren’t losing anything by having the NBA’s primary resort half empty.
Members of the Armed Forces often stay away for months at a time for a tiny fraction of the pay. And they often risk their lives while doing so.

Except for patrols, my nephew has been limited to a base in Iraq for months.

Tough it out in your nice hotels while eating your fancy meals, NBA players.


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