New Disney Film insensitive to adopted kids!!!

I guess I took it the same way as many others......that it was tongue in cheek as it was SOOOO obvious that he WAS adopted.
Originally posted by Luckymommyx2
I'm not going to start debating or throwing flames, but this is a very sensitive topic and unless you have adopted (or have been adopted) you come across people that "just don't understand." I won't go see the movie mainly because I don't think it looks good at all! I understand people boycotting it and not going to "preview" because why support it if it is sending the wrong message? Isn't the trailer to the movie supposed to give us the overview and main message?? And I don't think Disney will take complaints about this movie seriously anyhow--they don't care!!

The only way you will know if this movie is sending the "wrong message" is to actually SEE it. How can you justify your stance on what this movies message is without actually seeing it?
Okay, here we go again. It's not that it was sooo obvious that he was adopted. I think we're all intelligent enough to figure that one out! The problem is that the mom was defensive and nervous when the bear asked her if he was adopted!! It boils down to the reaction--the same myth that parents and kids should be ashamed of adoption!!! Disney tv just had a special on the show and showed some additional clips. The bear cub runs away to find "his own or real" family. (I forget the actual wording, sorry.) Is that tongue in cheek as well?

Can't we just be empathetic to those that are offended and not imply that we are just over-sensitive?? Unfortunately there will always be those that are adoption ignorant and we have to teach our children that they will run into these situations throughout their lives. I'd really like to put this thread to bed once and for all. There will always be different views on all subjects, this one being no exception.

I think it's time for me to hop off this merry-go-round because I'm getting dizzy going in circles!! (LOL's!!)
Said well again, Luckymommyx2. Now three times. :D I would add something, if I could, but you said it so well each time and fully agree with what you say.
Thanks again Dan--it's nice to have someone in my corner! I hate to have to keep defending those who share in our opinion. Again, I don't know why this has to be debated (isn't there a seperate board for that?) because all it's doing is rubbing salt in our existing wounds. Actually, I have theories but that would start a whole new debate! (LOL) Hopefully we can just end it all here and enjoy a new thread that is a lot more positive and supportive! :)
I have to agree that one should wait to see or hear about the whole movie before commenting about one scene that may be taken out of context.

What if at the end, the parents say something along the lines of " We were embarrassed to tell you about your adoptive status, but we have learned that there is nothing to be ashamed about being adoptive. You were as much a gift as our other child" or something to that affect?

Wouldn't you be praising the movie then for getting your point across to a much wider audience?

I agree there is nothing wrong with adoption. In fact, I think it is among one of the most selfless acts a person or couple can do.

I hope the movie does try to make that point.
Sorry, but you did ask people to join you in boycotting this movie. I think it's completely appropriate that those of us who feel differently be able to express our opinions as well.
GEM, please tell me where I said for people to boycott this movie!!! I said I do not blame people that wish to do so, that's all. Like I said before everyone has their opinion but why would you want to further insult people that has already been hurt and I'm not talking about myself. It seems like you want to keep riding this merry-go-round. All I ask is that you carefully read what others have wrote to this point and be a little considerate. I've tried to be curtious to both sides but I guess some just don't see it that way.
The original poster asked to join a boycott.

Although Luckymommyx2 you may feel some comments were directed your way, they may have been directed to the original poster.

Of course some do name you directly. Posters may mistakenly lumped you into the the call for a boycott that the original poster did. That was not fair.
Thank you for pointing that out Lion King. I think this board has put me on the defensive when I never expected it to get so out of hand. My orginal intent was to say that I understand those that are offended by the trailer to the movie and why those who have adopted or been adopted took offense. I am in no means telling anyone to boycott the movie but I would understand anyone that does. Thanks!;)

PS...I hope too that Disney spins this into a positive adoption message-- it just comes back to that orginal trailer. I wish they would have just picked a different moment in the movie to use.
I think most people can understand the concern a person might have from viewing the clip. Clearly those who are personally involved with adoptions are more sensitive to the issue. That is certainly understandable. It is certainly reasonable for those people to contact Disney with those concerns.

I think it is another thing to call for a boycott without knowing the complete context of the movie. We will know that when the complete movie is released.
Well said! Has the movie been released yet? I thought it was but maybe not. I'm anxious to hear what both "sides" say about it when it comes out. Hopefully someone can post it here or start a new thread.
I have no interest in this movie because it looks silly.

But I think you all are silly for judging it based on a line. I think (from the trailer I saw) that a major point of the movie winds up being that it is ok and that he's still family!

If there were a story teaching kids that racism is bad, there's probably going to be a scene where some kid is being racist! That's a part of the message. It would be closed-minded to think that the movie makers support racism based on seing one scene. :rolleyes:
My grandson is adopted, and I'm not offended by this line, it seems to be in jest...i.e. he is a bear with lots of hair.

I think today everyone is over sensitive to everything that is said and done. I know there are cases of those people that are "uneducated" to issues in this world, but just ignore them, if you choose to see the movie, enjoy it for what it is.

Lilo and Stitch has been critizized for the way Bubbles as a social worker is, but I think the movie was done with a sense of realism and these situations do exist.

Congrats to all of you who have adopted and have given those special children a warm and loving family. I couldn't love my grandson any more than if he had been "born" biologically into our family.

There is a very nice post about this movie over on the rumors & news board, take a minute to read it.
I have only had 2 minutes to scan the posts but it is an interesting thread. Both of our children are adopted and our youngest can't wait to see the movie....... because of the trailer.

He really likes the end of it when the older brother screams, "That's not a bear, that's my brother!!!!". the Mom is also very, very upset that her little guy it gone.

Hmmmmm...... I see both sides to this. DD doesn't see that this relates to her and DS could care less. Maybe the movie will develope the theme a bit further.

In any case, I am completely aware that adoption is a touchy subject, especially with our DD, and that my opinion is just that... my opinion.
The only way you will know if this movie is sending the "wrong message" is to actually SEE it. How can you justify your stance on what this movies message is without actually seeing it?

I always agree with this no matter who is boycotting what !

Good fiction always shows the main characters progressing as people as they encounter various obstacles. I hope that this movie does a lot to promote the concept that loving families in any form are wonderful.

The way i interpeted the trailer is not that the Mom is ashamed or upset....just that she was mentally unprepared to answer the delicate question as she is serving dinner. Much like when children ask "where do babies come from" in front of dinner guests !:D
I am a mother of three wonderful adopted children. I feel truly blessed by the gifts of these children. Our children know they are adopted and have open relationships with their birthfamilies.

I honestly did not take offense to that scene mentioned. I thought it was way out EXTREME satirical humor where the mom was not expecting that question. I took some offense when the bear said he was out to look for his "real family" or something like that by himself. I honestly can't remember the exact words in that scene and only saw it on the Lilo and Stitch trailer. He goes out by himself without the support of his adoptive family....but I was judging it by those few short seconds on that trailer.

I think we should see the movie and then make our judgements on the whole movie vs. the trailer, IMHO. (Although, I will not fork out the money to see the silly movie in movie theatres; I will wait until it comes out on video)
It has been said that many "just don't get it" about
the trailer. It's not like there are just a few of
us inflamed by the trailer. There are organizations
parent groups, adoption agencies
and book clubs asking for the general public to
become more sensitive to creating a family by
adoption. The days of telling your child he "was
not adopted" are over because they were not
emotionally sound. There are books written
about how insensitive and lacking information people
can be about adoption. This was an especially flagrant
example of how some people can see humor in other's
discomfort. Children of adoption often feel different and
here's a whole movie driving home that point BUT it's
Ok because in the end everyone loves the adopted
member of the family.(whiny sarcasm here) Big whoop!
Read "Adoption Is A Family Affair: What Relatives and
Friends Must Know", by Patricia Irwin Johnston, M.S. or
"Who Am I" a book for adolescents who were adopted
and maybe you'll get some insight into these issues. See
the whole movie, indeed! Take a walk in my son's shoes
and really get the message. Thanks for taking the time
to read this. I'm quite indignant as you can see!
I didn't care for that movie the first time I saw the trailer. It's one we're skipping.
My husband was adopted and he doesn't find it insulting or offensive at all.

We have no plans on seeing the movie because it's of no interest to us, but I personally find it a bit over the top to boycott a movie because of an obvious attempt at satire. It's just one line after all.


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