Nichole's Wishes PJ 10/24/2011 ~ WP/ADH/SCP ** OUR WEDDING DAY ~ The Reception

We woke up early on Thursday to have breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table. Yes, we were probably the only people there without children, but I absolutely loved it!! I will take any opportunity to have my photo taken with a Disney character ... DH on the other hand says he is reserving his photo taking with characters until we have children, but he made a couple exceptions for his favorite princesses! :rotfl:


DH actually enjoyed himself too - especially the props they gave us :laughing:


The food was amazing and they gave us a great table overlooking the carousel! We had so much fun watching all the kids with their autograph books. In fact, we found ourselves watching random children all week (no not a creepy as it sounds I promise). We had talked a lot about having children in the near future, but there was always something coming up that I didn't want to be pregnant for. After a few days we decided we were not going to wait. So I am officially off of any pill as of the wedding. When it happens, it happens and we are not going to try to wait or try to make it happen! :lovestruc :goodvibes

I loved being in the MK before it opened! It was a beautiful morning and there were only a couple people in the park for the breakfast.


Then of course we had to take a few more photos after breakfast :)


After breakfast we headed back to take a much needed nap before our family and friends started to arrive.

Up next ... Downtown Disney
Hi Nicole

So excited you posted day one in Disney. DF and I love going to the castle to have dinner. You dont have to have kids with you. We went when we went down for are planning session and we sat exactly where you sat and got to watch the fireworks go off. It was magical. We also went back and had the breakfast one morning. So excited you are thinking about kids. We are going to be the same way after the wedding if it happens it happens. Can't wait to see and read more :)
Hi Nicole

So excited you posted day one in Disney. DF and I love going to the castle to have dinner. You dont have to have kids with you. We went when we went down for are planning session and we sat exactly where you sat and got to watch the fireworks go off. It was magical. We also went back and had the breakfast one morning. So excited you are thinking about kids. We are going to be the same way after the wedding if it happens it happens. Can't wait to see and read more :)

I loved the breakfast! We will have to do dinner next time we go!!!

Great start! Can't wait to read more.

Thanks - more to come I promise!!
I have been so bad about going through all my photos!! I feel like it is taking forever!!! Anyways, after breakfast DH and I took a nap before our families and his groomsmen started to arrive. Good thing we did, because it was the last sleep I got until after the wedding!

DH's dad and stepmom arrived first, then everyone started pouring in. As it turns out the best man and a groomsman missed their flight that morning. Luckily they were able to make the next flight!

We had our room all set for entertaining!


and as soon as people got there, they found their way to our room and the fun began :)


DH had gotten some stick-on mustaches for the guys photos. Someone saw the extra ones and before I knew it all the guys were putting them on!! I wasn't sure about it when he bought them, but they quickly became an ongoing theme throughout the week! The bridesmaid put them on at the reception even (but more on that later!) ;)

We started with the family gifts and Mickey ears for our moms. I got each of the moms pink bags to match the bridesmaids too.


Then we got everyone together and headed to Downtown Disney for dinner. I really hadn't planned anything, but going there was free and I figured it would be better than hanging around the hotel. As it turned out, everyone loved it!! I had forgotten how hard it is to get a group of people organized to go anywhere though -- it takes forever! :lmao:


The boys were a little happy at this point and immediately found the fountains.


By the end of the night they even got my mom to run through them!


We took photos with just about everything there -- and yes, the fountain did finally get DH! :rolleyes1


We even talked the train ride operator to let us take a photo :upsidedow


Then we found the kids dance party and joined in for a little while before heading back to Coronado Springs for the night.


I went to bed early since I was getting up at 3:30 am to go swimming with the manatee in Crystal River the next morning with my mom. More on that next!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! We got our first round of photos from Randy early last week so I spent the long weekend starting to go through all of them! :woohoo: :woohoo: We have 11 CDs so far, so it is going to take some time!!

Meanwhile, I will continue with our trip report :goodvibes

I ran across some information about the manatee somewhere on the Internet a few days before we left for the wedding and I knew it was something I had to do! My mom loves to snorkel, so we decided to go one of the free mornings. Crystal River is a hour and a half / two hour drive from Disney, so we were up and out of there by 3:45 am on Friday to make the first boat at 6:30. If you like this sort of thing, I would highly recommend it!!

We were in our wet suits and out on the river before dawn. I had never seen a manatee in the wild before - they are huge!!! I guess their closest relative is the elephant :)


Once it got a little light out we were in the water. At first it was a little scary - they swim right under you! But they are like big puppy dogs and they are so friendly! We had so much fun and it was really the only time my mom and I had alone during the entire trip!


We were back at Disney before noon. My mom decided to take a nap and I had just enough time to shower before heading to tea at the GF. The boys were heading out to pick up their tuxes, so my SIL and I hitched a ride :)

DH's stepmom and grandma were the only one's interested (my BMs hadn't arrived yet). Even though we were a small group, it was nice to spend some one-on-one time with people. We were able to talk and enjoy our tea before we headed back to start getting ready for the Hen Party.


Meanwhile, the boys went to Men's Warehouse to pick up their tuxes. Good thing they did, since we needed a few alterations! I have a brother that lives in Brazil (actually he was our exchange student years ago, but we have always stayed really close). His measurements were completely messed up!


But there was no harm done, and I think they guys had a good time bonding ;)


The boys went to lunch afterwards and then to buy more alcohol. I am assuming they went to Long John Silver's for lunch since they got these pirate hats that they wore for the rest of the night!
Wow, swimming with the manatee must have been amazing! It's so nice you were able to share that with your mom! :lovestruc
Hi, Nichole!

Your trip looks like it was action-packed and full of so many fun activities! The character meals looked fun, the drinking group is hilarious :rotfl: , and the manatee swim is amazing! (I had no idea you could do something like that!) I am so excited to see all of your wedding pictures from Randy! :cool1:
Loving your TR so far! You all look so happy and like you're having a fantastic time. A few years ago we went to Tampa/Clearwater for spring break and I wanted to swim with the manatees, but we ended not doing it--your pictures make we want to go back and do it now!! There wasn't a lot of info when I was looking into it before.
Your TR is awesome so far!! I want to come party with your group! :goodvibes Looks like everyone had a blast!

Can't wait to read more!!
I just recently found your report (I'm already married but love reading about Disney weddings) and have just caught up.

So sorry for the drama you had to deal with beforehand, so happy that everything worked out in the end, you looked absolutely stunning in the wedding pics you have posted and I can't wait to read more. Congrats on the move and let's hope that you will soon be blessed with a little pirate or princess. :)
Just looked through all of your pics and everything looked amazing!!! You looked beautiful and your honeymoon sounds like so much fun! Can't wait to read more!!
Hey, Randy posted some sneak peek pics of u guys on facebook 2day!! at 1st i didnt reconize u but i did ur husband :rotfl: Nice pics :thumbsup2
Hi Nicole

Your TR is great. Looks like you were having so much fun. Can't wait to read/see more :cool1:

Thank you!! We had a blast! More updates coming soon I promise :)

Wow, swimming with the manatee must have been amazing! It's so nice you were able to share that with your mom! :lovestruc

It was amazing! A little unsettling at first but once you relax and realize how gentle they are it was great!

Hi, Nichole!

Your trip looks like it was action-packed and full of so many fun activities! The character meals looked fun, the drinking group is hilarious :rotfl: , and the manatee swim is amazing! (I had no idea you could do something like that!) I am so excited to see all of your wedding pictures from Randy! :cool1:

Thanks!! Randy posted our sneak peak photos on his blog here and on his Facebook page!!

Loving your TR so far! You all look so happy and like you're having a fantastic time. A few years ago we went to Tampa/Clearwater for spring break and I wanted to swim with the manatees, but we ended not doing it--your pictures make we want to go back and do it now!! There wasn't a lot of info when I was looking into it before.

We did have a fantastic time -- I can't believe it has been a month and a half already!! Definitely look into swimming with the manatee! We went through River Adventures and I would highly recommend them!

Your TR is awesome so far!! I want to come party with your group! :goodvibes Looks like everyone had a blast!

Can't wait to read more!!

Thank you!! Some of our guests want me to plan another trip for next year! :rotfl: Not sure where life will take us by then, but it's an idea ;)

I just recently found your report (I'm already married but love reading about Disney weddings) and have just caught up.

So sorry for the drama you had to deal with beforehand, so happy that everything worked out in the end, you looked absolutely stunning in the wedding pics you have posted and I can't wait to read more. Congrats on the move and let's hope that you will soon be blessed with a little pirate or princess. :)

Thanks so much!!

Just looked through all of your pics and everything looked amazing!!! You looked beautiful and your honeymoon sounds like so much fun! Can't wait to read more!!

Thanks! More on the way ;)

Hey, Randy posted some sneak peek pics of u guys on facebook 2day!! at 1st i didnt reconize u but i did ur husband :rotfl: Nice pics :thumbsup2

Thanks so much!!! I have been trying to watch his blog and Facebook page, but I have been so busy lately!
I had planned to get through another couple CDs this weekend, but we ended up putting up Christmas lights and decorating instead! It looks like our neighborhood really gets into decorating! I felt like we spent a lot on lights and our house looks really amateur compared to some of our neighbors, but oh well ... each year I guess we can add on some more!

On another note, Randy posted some sneak peak photos on Facebook and on his blog here. I can't wait to get this CD in the mail!!! It is so hard to pick my favorite photos! I am also noticing that we have so many more photos of us with our wedding parties/family than just the two of us! I am so picky about photos though, so I have eliminated quit a few where one of us doesn't look perfect. I know the perfect one is in there ... I just need to find it! We are also going back to WDW for our MK and Epcot shot in the end of March, so we will get plenty more then! :goodvibes
Now back to my TR :)

We ended Friday with the Hen and Stag Parties! Everyone started pre-partying around the time they woke up that morning, and continued the party through the night! :laughing: The boys were all set with the Long John Silver pirate hats and fake mustaches for their evening and once my girls arrived, they got me decked out in some bachelorette gear.


We charted a bus through Disney to take us all out for the evening. I was finally able to get everyone out of the rooms and to the front of Coronado Springs to get on the bus a little after 8 pm. We were suppose to leave by 8, so this was a good lesson about just how long it takes to get a group of people (i.e. this group of intoxicated people) ready and moving. As soon as we would get just about everyone out there some one would have to go to the bathroom or run back to the room to get something ... you get the picture. Anyway, we got out to the front and Disney sent us a cruise line bus! :headache: Problem being, we were going to Citiwalk at Universal and the guys were going to a men's club ... not somewhere a Disney bus could go. We had requested a plan bus (in fact it was in big capital letters on our BEO), but oh well, what can you do. So the driver had to call and get a new bus, which took about 30 minutes. I decided to give up trying to keep everyone together or be in control in any way and to just relax and enjoy the party. People are adults and if they miss the bus, they just don't get to come. Better now than later in the week at the wedding.

So while we were waiting for the other bus, we got plenty of photos and just started having fun!


I never did look to see if they charged me for the 1/2 hour or so that they messed up, but at this point, I just consider it a wash. We had a good time and that is really all that mattered! Plus, Disney did such a good job with everything else I really can't complain! :thumbsup2

The other bus finally got to Coronado Springs and we were off!


The girls started our night at Rising Star Karaoke. This was a good spot to start since we had all the moms, aunts, grandmas, and a pregnant friend with us!


Somehow my girls ended up getting me on stage to sing. Now, I have the worst voice ever!! Originally they told me all the girls were going to go up on stage with me and I was okay with that. But then when my name was called, they said I could only bring one other person! Luckily my MIL loves to sing so I quickly grabbed her and we did our best to Summer Loving from Grease.


Then we went to the Red Coconut Room for some dancing. Shortly after we got there, the parents were ready to go so we called the bus for them. Meanwhile, the guys went to Hooters for some beer and wings. I can't attest to all that went on there, but the Best Man was nice enough to take some photos on an extra camera we had for me! Oh, that reminds me ... one thing I am really glad I did was bring an extra camera and give it to the Best Man to take photos with. He really got some great shots of the guys during some of our events!!


DH always finds a way to make himself the center of attention. So apparently, he had fun at Hooters!


They then went to a men's club and this is the only photo proof we have of that ... DH and the bouncer


The bus came back to pick up the ladies that wanted to go back and then it picked up the boys at the men's club. I'm not sure exactly how this all worked out, since the guys were originally suppose to come meet up with us at Citiwalk, but I guess they stayed at Hooters a little too long. Needless to say grandma was not too excited about the boys going to a men's club and I think a couple of the uncles got into a little trouble :rolleyes1

Meanwhile, the rest of us girls (and my MIL, who I have to say is probably the coolest MIL ever!) went to the dueling piano bar to play some bachelorette party games.

Get a sock from a stranger:

Switch shirts with a stranger:

You get the idea. We had a couple of drinks and then moved outside to dance some more.


After that it was last call and the bus came back to pick us up. Everyone was pretty intoxicated at this point.


We "posed" for a few more photos at Coronado Springs before turning in for the night.


Up next Drinking Around the World!!
Your group adventures keep getting funnier! I love it. Looks like you all had a blast. I can't wait to see the DATW pictures!!!


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