Nick & Nancy's DFTW - July 11,2012 *6/5 -Featured on Carly's Blog!*

Which tie should we choose???

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Hey! Yes, I am totally familiar with the Fireworks.....only ever watched them on TV though as going to the city just wouldn't work with my overprotective mother!! Maybe I'll have to trek over one summer and go now that I'm a grown up :D

I love that the waitress was talking about drinking in Canada....that is only something people from MI would get! The last time I was in Windsor it was a baby shower at Danny's it still there? And yes it was an actual baby shower...long story!

I love your food choices! What is on top of the champagne risotto? Is it shredded chicken? I so want the potato martini bar for our VR, it's just so different and unique. And that cake is gorgeous!!

You are from Detroit and you have NEVER seen the Fireworks???! OMG! You have to go next time you come back! They are pretty cool!

LMAO at the Danny's shower? Really? lol Danny's is gone now sadly (For all you non-windsorite/non-detroiters.....Danny's is a male strip club lol) I think they replaced it with a bank or something. I don't go downtown that often.

Thanks ...we love the food too! I think it was crab on top of the risotto. The potatoes were phenomenal! Do it!

It sounds like ya'll had a blast and got lots of stuff accomplished! We switched from the WP to SBP too and I just love it there. Your food looks so yummy...almost makes me want to add the cheddar soup, but I think we already have too much food, lol.

Can't wait to see more as it gets closer...

lol The cheddar soup was too good to pass up! I felt so bad saying that SBP was better than the WP but I'm glad others feel the same way. It has less of the churchy feel (which we were trying to escape anyways lol).

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your hair and makeup!! Sooooo pretty! I'm totally jealous of your tasting, too!!

Sounds like you had an awesome time!

Thanks! We really did have a great time! Everything is coming together so well now!

Ohhhh you just made me miss my tasting session SO hardcore! I want some of that chicken now! And I gotta ask: do they actually have the Canadian Beer Cheese soup in Canada?!

Your Planning Session sounded fun and efficient. Your cake is super pretty!!

This is all out of order, I'm sorry. I'm sleepy! I'm glad you got to meet Pooh and Tigger. :)

And I think SBP is a perfect wedding venue... but I'm a lil biased.

LMAO that was actually something Nick said at the tasting session "I am Canadian and I have never had beer soup". WE are very American-ized though. We live right on the border. I'm sure in the great white North they have some lol

I love SBP too!

Hi Nancy!

Just joining in on your PJ...everything looks great! I LOVE your colors, that's going to look great by the water that time of year!

We have our planning session on Friday and I have to say, I am most excited about the menu tasting part, and the pics of your food don't help at all! We're not serving soup at our reception but DF LOVES the cheddar soup and insisted we try it anyway since it's been ages that we've had any :rolleyes1

And you looked absolutely beautiful for your trial, I'm so glad she did your whole face! You had me rolling though with that pic from The Other Sister.

Can't wait to see how the rest of your planning goes, only a few short weeks left:hug:

Thanks for following along! Hey at least if you get to TRY the soup that's all that matters right? Your guests won't know any better lol
I was genuinely concerned that my whole face wasn't going to get done lol.
I can't wait for our wedding! This planning session made it seem more real!

*your planning session seems like it took all day. That is crazy! I am glad that you got everything done though.
*I would love to do a tasting of our menu but because of when we can get down there I know that it won't happen but that is ok.
*Hooray for tigger and pooh I love getting to see them as much as possible but I have to admit I wish eeyore was at more place than just the crystal palace
*I wish your trip could have been longer!

I can not wait to hear more and cute sand heart picture :)


You don't have to do a menu tasting...just know that it will taste good! lol Take it from me ;)

I know what you mean about Eeyore. We walked by the Crystal Palace one night and I wanted to go in to see if we could get dessert just so we could meet him and Piglet!!! Nick said no...he was too tired lol Ah well time!

I wish the trip could have been longer too!!!

Nancy!!! Your trip sounded amazing! When Vicki posted the teaser on Facebook I screamed outloud. You look so beautiful and just like Snow White. I love the Wilderness Lodge, I'm excited to see more of your pictures. The planning session also sounded great! Hooray for lemon/ raspberry cake! The stock image of the cake you are having was one of my favorites too from the knot. I love mums, so it's pretty cute :) Oh my, I'm so excited to hear more about your plans! Yayyyy, it's getting closer!!!!

I'm happy to hear that you screamed at the sight of me lol I squealed too when I saw it!
I LOVE lemon raspberry (I think I mentioned that on your PJ too lol) I wasn't NOT having it on our cake lol.
It is SO close I can't stand it!


Thanks everyone for following along! We got some more stuff done while I was writing the TR so here goes:

Moya Lara sent over the invitations for the wedding and they are STUNNING! I am so happy with her work and I love the end result! It makes me sad though because I first contacted her back in July of 2010 and I just feel like a big part of the planning process is now over :( lol hopefully we can renew our vows A LOT so I can use her more often.

Here is the finished product:




Also, we got together a few nights ago to put them all together and put together the shower invites as well. Not sure if I posted a pic of those...if I did I'm sorry but here it is again:


Those took forever to address lol. Luckily there were 4 of us and the wedding invite labels were already printed lol We only had to write out the shower addresses....but it's still LOTS of people lol

The next day, I mailed out the shower invites and sent Nick to the post office to pay for postage for the wedding invites. For 45 invitations it cost him 70$!!!! That's ridiculous! He was pretty annoyed by that. I knew it would be around that but I never warned him before he went ...oops! lol

We also had the chance to make a sample of the centrepieces for the shower. It was so easy to make and I really like the way it looks! (It looks red in this picture...they are actually hot-pink)


Lastly, the guys got their suits the other day (minus Nick's best man who is being a HUGE d-bag and refuses to buy his suit). They were at Kohl's at regular 300$ on for 129$ and we had a 20% off coupon. For 2 suits, Nick ended up paying 220$ which is reallllly good if you ask me.


I ordered our cake topper off of etsy! It is so cute and I think it suits our cake and personalities really well. Here is a link to the shop: Cake topper

We also ordered the memorial candle that we are going to light at the beginning of the ceremony. (or at least attempt to light...I didn't take into consideration that we are getting married at sea BREEZE point lol ....I'm sure our deceased loved ones will understand if it goes out :rolleyes1 lol) Here is a picture of our candle mock up:


I think that's it for now. There is still so much to do! Less than 4 months to go! EEK!

Those invites are GORGEOUS!! And as i'm planning our second VR, I totally support multiple VRs ;)

I also love that centerpiece, I so wish I were more crafty myself!! Cute topper, but the link to the candle isn't working :(

And yes, it was for a baby shower (long story short, baby-daddy was a married man, so we all deemed it appropriate). Very sad that it's gone now was another one of those rites of passage!! And I totally want to head down to the fireworks, perhaps we could meet up or wave across the river LOL!!
Eek! The invitations are gorgeous! I cannot wait to see how your wedding turns out! The color scheme is fabulous. It's crazy how close your wedding is!
Your PS looked sooo awesome! Man that food looks great!
Hilarious about the telepathic conversation that ensued after the woman yelled at her child. (NOT hilarious that she yelled, tho)
I loved all your details from your PS! And I also stole your car magnet idea! LOVE IT!
Your hair and make up is fantastic! They did a nice job, but boo you had to go to them! I'm glad it was worth it and the did your WHOLE face! :laughing:
Your hair & makeup during your PS was lovely :lovestruc U guys are so much fun to read about :goodvibes Cute invites :thumbsup2 Everything looks AWESOME! :cutie:
The invites turned out so well! I remember your virtual mock-up from a while ago, Larissa is so talented!

I really love the suits too--that is a great deal! I hope the d-bag best man steps up to get one before he misses out!! !
Love your invites!!! If we had more than 7 people coming to our wedding I would definitely go with her for our invites! :rotfl: She's got such talent & originality!!! Love your wedding colors :goodvibes Okay I love everything! lol

Those invites are GORGEOUS!! And as i'm planning our second VR, I totally support multiple VRs ;)

I also love that centerpiece, I so wish I were more crafty myself!! Cute topper, but the link to the candle isn't working :(

And yes, it was for a baby shower (long story short, baby-daddy was a married man, so we all deemed it appropriate). Very sad that it's gone now was another one of those rites of passage!! And I totally want to head down to the fireworks, perhaps we could meet up or wave across the river LOL!!

Thanks! the centrepiece looks WAY harder to make than it actually was. lol I am not overly crafty either lol
Let me know when you are down for the fireworks next! Canadian side is definitely a better experience ...I may be biased lol

Love everything as always! Especially in love with your colour scheme, it's so much fun!

Thanks Norms!!! Yes I called you Norms ;)

Eek! The invitations are gorgeous! I cannot wait to see how your wedding turns out! The color scheme is fabulous. It's crazy how close your wedding is!

It is crazy....I am freaking out a bit! lol

Your PS looked sooo awesome! Man that food looks great!
Hilarious about the telepathic conversation that ensued after the woman yelled at her child. (NOT hilarious that she yelled, tho)
I loved all your details from your PS! And I also stole your car magnet idea! LOVE IT!
Your hair and make up is fantastic! They did a nice job, but boo you had to go to them! I'm glad it was worth it and the did your WHOLE face! :laughing:

Glad you stole the Car magnet idea....because I stole the idea too lol
I'm glad you enjoyed following along with the Planning Session! It was a really fun time!

Your hair & makeup during your PS was lovely :lovestruc U guys are so much fun to read about :goodvibes Cute invites :thumbsup2 Everything looks AWESOME! :cutie:

Thanks so much!

The invites turned out so well! I remember your virtual mock-up from a while ago, Larissa is so talented!

I really love the suits too--that is a great deal! I hope the d-bag best man steps up to get one before he misses out!! !

Isn't she!!!? I Love her....there were a few moments where the emails were few and far between but overall I am VERY pleased!
Nick talked to the d-bag and he agreed to get the suit lol. I am just afraid of how is going to be come wedding time.

Love your invites!!! If we had more than 7 people coming to our wedding I would definitely go with her for our invites! :rotfl: She's got such talent & originality!!! Love your wedding colors :goodvibes Okay I love everything! lol


Great updates! Everything looks fabulous.

* You looked lovely for your photos. Love the Snow White one! Can't wait to see more.
* Glad your PS and tasting went so well. I am always curious about the tastings in the Epcot kitchen, since that is where ours will be in less than a month! :banana: It looks like they did a fabulous job on yours.
* Love the invites! They are exquisite! Your guests will love them.
* The centerpieces are beautiful. Good job.
I thought I subscribed a month or so ago but didn't...hopefully it works now. Catching up from last time. Looking to see more of your plans.

ETA - glad you chose the first tie, it stands out more.
Oh wow! Sorry I missed this update. Your invitations are SOOOO pretty! I hope you can use her a lot too. :D Seriously though, so pretty. Also, good price on the suit. (Did your BM get one too? Or was he still being a PIA?)
Love love love the invites!! They are so perfect!

Caught up on the planning session too, your cake idea is gorgeous! I adore the bright colors. The simplicity makes it look really elegant and modern.

Your updo and makeup (full face lol) were great too, what a nice peace of mind to know what that will all look like on the big day! :thumbsup2
Wow, your invites are so beautiful! I just love them!

Nice work on the shower centerpieces too. Yay for 4 more months!

Great updates! Everything looks fabulous.

* You looked lovely for your photos. Love the Snow White one! Can't wait to see more.
* Glad your PS and tasting went so well. I am always curious about the tastings in the Epcot kitchen, since that is where ours will be in less than a month! :banana: It looks like they did a fabulous job on yours.
* Love the invites! They are exquisite! Your guests will love them.
* The centerpieces are beautiful. Good job.

Thanks so much! We had so much fun planning everything!

I love everything especially those invites!!

Great checks!! Geez, time is FLYING!

I know!!!! EEK! Only 2 1/2 months to go!!!

I thought I subscribed a month or so ago but didn't...hopefully it works now. Catching up from last time. Looking to see more of your plans.

ETA - glad you chose the first tie, it stands out more.

Thanks for following along!

Oh wow! Sorry I missed this update. Your invitations are SOOOO pretty! I hope you can use her a lot too. :D Seriously though, so pretty. Also, good price on the suit. (Did your BM get one too? Or was he still being a PIA?)

LOL The D-Bag Best Man finally got his suit!!!! And you know what he said after?!! "You happy now?" I was ready to slap him in the face! lol

Love love love the invites!! They are so perfect!

Caught up on the planning session too, your cake idea is gorgeous! I adore the bright colors. The simplicity makes it look really elegant and modern.

Your updo and makeup (full face lol) were great too, what a nice peace of mind to know what that will all look like on the big day! :thumbsup2


Wow, your invites are so beautiful! I just love them!

Nice work on the shower centerpieces too. Yay for 4 more months!

Thanks! Less than 3 months now!!


So we finally got our BEO the other day and...I have to admit....I am LOVING IT!



I was so worried about what the price of the buffet would end up being but I am totally fine with 70$ a person! Also, we decided to cut out the photography and the bridal session the next day. We are also cutting out Minnie and Mickey as well as changing our Motorcoach to a Minibus because it looks like we won't be having more than 25 people including us. So, that being said, since DFTW already has 12k and 1000$ of our deposit gets applied to the balance, it looks like we will only owe them around 2500$ by the time the 30 day mark comes around!!! :cool1: I am ecstatic!

We are still waiting on our floral BEO though....which kinda irks me. All we requested were aisle petals, centrepieces for the reception, and candles for the DP and we still haven't heard back since our PS in March!!! What the heck is up with that!? I've heard of people getting extensive floral BEO's back within days lol Ah well...

Also, the same day we got our BEO, we also got some previews of our engagement pics from the Arndts! They are gorgeous! Here's some of my favourites:









I can't wait to get the rest of them!!! I love the Arndts!

Other than that, like I mentioned above to Jackie, the d-bag best man got his suit FINALLY!!! lol But he has yet to book his trip :headache:

We also got the cake topper in a few weeks ago and it was broken when it got here! So I emailed the seller on Etsy and she sent a new one, no questions asked...and it was wrapped like crazy in bubble wrap lol

We got our Memorial Candle and it is BEAUTIFUL! I didn't take a picture of it before I stored it away but I am in love with it!

I booked my first dress fitting for May 16th so I will be posting newer pics of me in my dress around then.

The shower is only 3 weeks away!!! We are getting together next weekend to wrap all the gifts and put together the centrepieces! I am so excited!!!

Lastly, my MOH is pregnant!!!! I am so excited for her! But, since she's so short she is already showing like crazy (she's only due in November) and she doesn't fit in her dress anymore!!! UGH! So I told her we would go back to David's Bridal and see if we can exchange hers for a bigger size or, better yet, a new style! She wants something that's empire waist so she will be able to grow and not worry about the size. Keep your fingers crossed that we can do that as inexpensively as possible.

Anyways....that's it for today....Hope everyone's weekend is going well!
I just started following along--I'm so excited for you. The Arndt pics look great--were those fireworks @MK really happening or added in via photoshop magic? Absolutely cool, however it occurred!
Thanks for sharing,
So I told myself that I was going to read more PJ'S. And so the first one that caught my eye was yours and all I have to say is you're freaking HILARIOUS!! I love craig ferguson, (can't spell,) and as an ex cast member It sucks that they do monorail check ups but it's absolutely important as Disney prides itself in Safety or as they call it back stage, "SAFE-D begins with us." Love all the plans so far, congrats!!

What did I learn today?:

Reading Pj's take 2 freaking hours. No wonder I don't read them HAHA. =)
LOVE your e-pics Nancy! I saw them on facebook and it makes me so jealous 'cuz we chose not to do any (for financial reasons, boo). Now I wish we had done them... You guys are so adorable though! love it :thumbsup2 G'luck with MOH's new dress!


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