No Masks Outdoors 5/15/21

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My fear is actually the opposite.. My family will probably be ridiculed for wearing our masks during our July trip. We are all wearing for our son who is not yet eligible for vaccine.

You might get a couple idiots, but the majority of people aren't going to think anything of other people choosing to wear masks.

We still plan to wear when we fly long after they decide to drop mask requirement for air travel.
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You might get a couple idiots, but the majority of people aren't going to think anything of other people choosing to wear masks.

We still plane to wear when we fly long after they decide to drop mask requirement for air travel.
I hope people wearing masks aren’t made fun of..where I live there is definitely a lot of that. Since our 8 year won’t be vaccinated, we will still wear masks outside if we are in a crowd (like to stop and watch a character cavalcade. Even though the adults are vaccinated, we would wear one since she would be wearing one. But it will be nice to walk around without one and be able to have a drink! But I’m with you, I think we will wear ones on planes after this is over—especially during flu season.
Four weeks before I needed. Very excited. I don’t even care about the indoor requirements at this point.
Same! This is our first trip to Disney since 2014. Was dreading having to wear them, especially in June heat. However, I still think it's stupid to have to wear them on rides as MOST Disney rides are already fairly "socially distanced", the way the cars are attached, etc. However, this is a big plus and I'm finally looking forward to this trip.
I'm happy for the change as we go again in a week, and I wasn't looking forward to another hot trip with masks (July was no fun). I do think the timing of further relaxation will depend both on CDC guidelines and liability issues. I honestly think a lot of businesses are keeping mask mandates even after the CDC update for two reasons: their staff isn't fully vaccinated, and there's still a question of liability if an outbreak happens.

I think they will watch carefully, and if after a few weeks or months we haven't seen an outbreak traced back, they're in the clear. Then they can lean on the CDC guidance fully. Just my 2 cents knowing some business owners locally.
I suppose I'm in the minority here, but I'm glad I'll be departing WDW tomorrow. The mask has not bothered me at all, and has made me feel safe all week. Most notably during afternoon rain showers when everybody crams up next to each other outdoors for cover (as in, less than 6 inches of space between you and the next person).

I don't see how they will enforce masks when entering indoor queue areas. People are going to just take them off as soon as the CM isn't looking, as they do now. Very few people are following the floor distance markings and I would feel uncomfortable being indoors with people right on top of me unmasked.
If you’re vaccinated, even that shouldn’t be a problem.
I'm at MK now. There are no clear signs indicating the change in policy, and there is a lot of confusion amongst guests. I confirmed the policy change with a yellow-shirt CM.

I was getting a lot of awkward stares while walking around the Poly grounds without the mask earlier this morning.
I was thinking that might happen & I think that’s intentional. Mask-mandate was lifted here a couple weeks ago & many businesses have signs that say masks recommended so most ppl are still wearing them.
Perhaps ppl shouldn’t have shamed anyone to start with & this wouldn’t be an issue. But, also, who cares?? Why would anyone care what anyone else thinks about what they’re wearing especially strangers you’ll never see again?
The only people who deserved shaming are the ones that disobeyed rules and made employee's lives more difficult. Otherwise, agree 100% that people should worry about themselves.

Dude, Disney has been abundantly cautious since the beginning, making a guess that they would continue to be isn’t a big deal. Those who assumed they would drag they’re feet are now pleasantly surprised. Not really much to do with right or wrong.
Yep. Happy to be wrong and see them do it sooner. Being pleasantly surprised isn't a bad thing.
But, also, who cares?? Why would anyone care what anyone else thinks about what they’re wearing especially strangers you’ll never see again?

People care when kids are involved. When kids are old enough to hear and understand shaming comments - it matters. Me? I can brush it off. Who cares. But don’t talk like that with my kids around and make them feel uncomfortable.
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