No need to use the Rennervate Spell this Christmas..update 5/11

Jokes & Sweets, A Boy's 2 Favorite Things: Part 2





Honeydukes is one of the famous attractions in Hogsmeade, loved by teachers and students alike. It is a sweet shop famous for its chocolate and many wonderfully wild sweets. It also houses the entrance to a secret passageway to Hogwarts. When Harry Potter wasn't able to go to Hogsmeade, Fred and George Weasley gave him the Marauder's Map, which showed Harry the location of a secret passage between Hogwarts and the basement of Honeydukes.






"You want to be careful with these. When they say every flavour, they mean every flavour - you know you get all the ordinary ones like chocolate and peppermint and marmalade, but then you can get spinach and liver and tripe. George reckons he had a bogey-flavoured one once."
—Ron Weasley to Harry Potter[src]


Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans are one of the most popular sweets in the wizarding world. They are the same as Muggle jelly beans, except the range encompasses every flavour imaginable. There is also no way of telling for sure what flavour any given bean is without tasting it, although you can try and guess by the colour. The inventor of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans was Bertie Bott, who created them in mid-20th century by mistake. He was planning on making tasty sweets from food, but accidentally made one taste like a dirty sock. He immediately recognised the sales potential of "a risk with every mouthful!" There are ordinary flavours like chocolate, peppermint, and marmalade, but also less fanciable ones like spinach, liver, and tripe. There are also flavours that are not actual foods, like grass, farm dirt, vomit, earwax, paper and bogeys!

Trust me that these jelly beans are the real disgusting thing! My kids had a great time playing tricks on everyone they met when I brought them back a bag during my 1st trip!


Chocolate Frogs and Fizzing Whizbees​

I LOVE THIS STORE…who doesn’t love a good candy store. The kids had so much fun in here looking at all the candy that they only had read about (and we tried to create this summer when we did HP movie night). On my first trip to WWofHP, I brought back lots of little treats for them from Honeydukes so I guess they did not feel the need to stalk up on more treats. My favorite things are found in the bakery showcase…mental note, come back later and get some of these after breakfast.

Speaking of breakfast…yikes what time is it:?
Jokes & Sweets, A Boy's 2 Favorite Things: Part 2

Honeydukes is one of the famous attractions in Hogsmeade, loved by teachers and students alike. It is a sweet shop famous for its chocolate and many wonderfully wild sweets. It also houses the entrance to a secret passageway to Hogwarts. When Harry Potter wasn't able to go to Hogsmeade, Fred and George Weasley gave him the Marauder's Map, which showed Harry the location of a secret passage between Hogwarts and the basement of Honeydukes.

Hey, wouldn't it be cool if they actually made a secret passage between Honeydukes and the castle???

So it sounds like you came out of the sweets shoppe unscathed. In the very short time we were in there, it looked like the checkout line was about 45 mintues long. We did much better waiting to make our purchases at the Port of Entry on the way out of the park.

We are not shoppers either, but these shops are more about seeing the creative ideas from the books and movies come to life.
Hey, wouldn't it be cool if they actually made a secret passage between Honeydukes and the castle???

That would be cool...they already have the statue in place...

So it sounds like you came out of the sweets shoppe unscathed. In the very short time we were in there, it looked like the checkout line was about 45 mintues long. We did much better waiting to make our purchases at the Port of Entry on the way out of the park.

I can't believe the lines to get into a gift shop and then to check out! :scared1: I told the kids that this was our first day to get an idea what they wanted to buy and we will always come back. I ALSO DID A LOT OF MY SHOPPING IN THE PORT OF ENTRY STORE! :rotfl2:

We are not shoppers either, but these shops are more about seeing the creative ideas from the books and movies come to life.

I think that is the best thing about WWofHP is the theming is done to the tiniest of all details! And once again it has JK's stamp all over it! From what I understand this is why the WWofHP went to Universal over Disney...Universal gave her control where Disney would not. Smart lady, and it sure paid off for Universal, because it is her vision...and you can see it. People think that HP will fade away now that the movies are over, but the true test is the book behind the movie...which I am certain will influence more Pot-heads over the next generations.
Breakfast Amongst the House Elves

I check my watch and we still have time before our breakfast ADR, but the troops are getting hungry and grumpy! So I round up the kids up and Jeff is nowhere to be found, yes he has disappeared once again. I get the kids out the door, who by this time are complaining of being hungry, only to find Jeff outside taking in 1 last store window that of McHavelock's Wizarding Headgear between Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes.



McHavelock's Wizarding Headgear was a wizarding headgear shop in Hogsmeade.

We cross the cobblestone courtyard to our breakfast desination and I wonder what our chances are to get seated early? We make our way towards the check in station outside where the line is growing quite long with muggles who did not know that breakfast at Three Broomsticks is part of a ticket package for onsite guests, but they could come back for lunch or dinner, which apparently did not make some of them very happy. Finally, I reach the front of the line and ask if we can get seated early…not a problem. I hand over our tickets and we are lead inside to a semi-quick service atmosphere.



"The Three Broomsticks and I go way back, further than I care to admit. I can remember when it was One Broomstick!" —Horace Slughorn joking with Harry Potter in the Three Broomsticks Inn


The Three Broomsticks is an inn and pub in the all wizarding village of Hogsmeade.

As we make our way towards the ordering podium there is a display case with 6 different versions of breakfast displayed from which to choose.


Boo decides he is going the smoked salmon, to which both Jeff and I looked at him shocked. Really? I ask him…his reply was something that he wanted to be adventurous in eating, after a few minutes of discussing with him that he would be hungry later if he did not like it he decided that maybe something else would be a better choice. I should have known right then that things for him were about to go downhill rather quickly, but in the chaos of trying to decide what everyone was going to have and making our way to one of the podium ordering stations I did not realize we were headed for a meltdown. Let me mention that the ordering area and pick up area are all cramped into a tiny space, and this the peak of breakfast serving time. Your party gathers around a row of ordering stations, then you all are directed to a pickup area right diagonally a few steps to wait for your order…plus the fact that you have to wait until you have your food and all of your party before they allow you to be escorted to a place to sit. So when you combine this chaos,



being up for 4 hours already with no breakfast, and a little brother that is a pest and does not know when to stop…Boo has been pushed over his limit. Sometime from when I got to the podium and finished giving our orders Goo decides to do something to make Boo mad enough to scream at him and push him. Boo takes a lot from his little brother, but it was apparent that Goo had gone to far, so instead of me handling the situation in an adult manner I turn around at Boo and let him have it…yes, I must say all of the factors too lead me to a meltdown. I just wanted our food and to sit down (and of course Jeff is clueless as to what is going on and once again has disappeared). Finally we get our food and are lead to a table near Hogs Head Tavern near the back…which is fine with me because I am at my limit and could use a little food and peace and quiet. Apparently, so is the rest of my family because we all sit down without taking in the slightest of atmosphere or saying much (Boo is pouting because he is still mad that he got in trouble and I am mad because well…just because and the fact that I am mad at myself because I wanted to make this a magical vacation without being mad or upset). After about 5 minutes Jeff finds us, after wandering around (I would have hoped that at least he was taking the time to take in the atmosphere, but sadly he was trying to find his tea that they did not give him.)Hmmm, what did we all have…I think that Ab ordered the Continental (anything that says fresh fruit is what she wants),Boo and I ordered the American, Goo the Pancake breakfast, and Jeff decided to try the Traditional English Breakfast (just to try the Black Pudding…a sausage that uses blood).



Overall, the meal was good. I really liked the breakfast potatoes (lots of rosemary and other herbs). Jeff thought the Black Pudding was interesting, he even got the boys to try it…and of course they thought it was disgusting! I have tried it before when I was in England and did not feel the need to try it again. Finally with a little food in our bellies the tension is eased, the kids begin to notice the details around them...







I tell the kids to look for house elves, because apparently some of Dobby’s friends are said to live in 3 Broomsticks and if you watch closely you might just catch a glimpse of them…and we begin watching for their shadows.


I am not sure if actually spotted an elf shadow or just shadows from patrons passing by. With breakfast finished (and all feeling better) the kids are ready to get moving…but to where?
Someone asked me to share ideas for a Harry Potter Movie is what I posted from last July in my PTR!

Summer Movie Marathon
Harry Potter 1-7.1
July 9-14​

Each night we tried to watch 1-2 movies in the series. I had some many fun things planned for this week, but between trying to watch all of the movies and coming off a week of lots of movies/activities I think we were all tired of movie nights. I had planned to have the kids make wands and then practice their spells afterwards. We had also planned to make potions, but sadly it just was not done either. What we did do was have 1 special meal along with making a Honeyduke's Candy store that we left out all week…and munched on after dinner while watching the next movie in the series.


Banger and Mash Hand Pies

This was a great recipe, a very traditional English meal (Bangers & Mash) made into these great little sandwich pies. DH loved them…so I can see myself making more of them in the future.

Herbology Experiment


This is one of our favorite salads…broccoli, cauliflower, olives, scallions, cheese chunks with ranch dressing and bacon bits…just renamed it.



I fell in love with butterbeer last summer at WWofHP! While the recipe I found is not the real thing as USO sells, it is pretty close!

Ron’s Spider web Trifle


I wanted to make a traditional British dessert, a trifle and then put a HP twist on it by making a spider web on top. I wish I would have had a few plastic spiders to really add to the effect.



Ab made all the labels for the candy. She did such a great job! Here is what we included in our “Honeyduke’s”:

Cockroach Clusters (no bake cookies)
Pepper Imps (hot tamales)
Dumbledore’s Lemon Drops (lemon drops)
Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum (gum balls)
Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans (jelly beans)
Licorice Wands (twizzlers)
Ale Bottles (Coke Gummy Bottles)

Here are a couple pictures from the midnight release. I wish that I would have taken some of all the people dressed up in costume. There were some great Harry’s, Weasley Family, Voldomore, and even a golden snitch.

Line at 8:00 pm, yep the boys wanted to line up 4 hour early!!!!

Boo and his Friend Riley
I am loving your trip report! Your husband sounds like mine - always wandering off. I spend more time looking for him then I do watching my four boys. :)
I think that is the best thing about WWofHP is the theming is done to the tiniest of all details! And once again it has JK's stamp all over it! From what I understand this is why the WWofHP went to Universal over Disney...Universal gave her control where Disney would not. Smart lady, and it sure paid off for Universal, because it is her vision...and you can see it. People think that HP will fade away now that the movies are over, but the true test is the book behind the movie...which I am certain will influence more Pot-heads over the next generations.

Really, really smart of Universal, too! In my last 3 years of hard-core DISing, I am seeing more and more people incorporating trips of various lengths to US/IoA and you know that WWoHP is the initial draw. Die-hard Disney folks who never really considered these theme parks before are getting introduced to these parks.
Sorry to hear about the meltdown at 3 Broomsticks. I can totally understand it though. You have had a long, busy morning so far.

I agree with you- the ordering process is fairly confusing. I think we had to go back to the podium 3 times before we got what we wanted. I was so flustered that I initially forgot to ask for my AAA discount on the meal.
I do love the seating procedure, though. It is really nice to be escorted to a table rather than wandering around with your trays.

I didn't know about the house elf and owl shadows on hte walls until after our trip, so I didn't notice them.

We had lunch. I would go back. The food was decent enough, and the atmosphere is great.
Thanks for sharing your movie marathon ideas with us. They are great! Was it family only, or did you have friends/neighbors for any of the shows?

We were actually at Universal from July 10-15. It was really cool- there was a fan convention going on that week (LeakyCon) so we saw a lot of very clever costumes including a Moaning Myrtle. On Wednesday night, they had an after hours convention-only event at WWoHP (Open at the Close). Movie goers who attended the midnight premier of HPDH2 were surprised with free admission to WWoHP from 3 am to 5 am. We didn't see the movie during our trip, but we were at WW 2 hours after the fans had their private run of the park.

I have had a couple of HP themed birthday parties, during one of them I had the kids work in teams on an O.W.L. (this was around the time Order of the Phoenix had just been released). I am going to put the link to the part of my TR in case your kids (or you) would like to check it out.

*Contest * Entrance Exam for Hogwarts. Can you pass this O.W.L. ???

Answer Key to O.W.L.
Begging, Bribing, and Crowds...Oh My!​

As we leave 3 Broomsticks we are in the perfect location to see the Dragon Challenge


and I began begging for someone to go on the roller coaster with me…yes, I was reduced to begging my chicken family to ride with me (I even went as far as bribing cash). But sadly no one would appease mom and ride! I knew I should have gotten them shirts with the words “Fun Haters” on them. We passed by


for Sirus Black where we stood and watched for awhile, because every few moments it changes and is animated! By this time the crowds are looking like this…


and none of us really want to fight the crowds, so we decide to bid Harry a goodbye and check out the rest that IOA has to offer, knowing that we have 3 more days of early entry ahead of us to enjoy Harry without the crowd. As we leave we are told that once we leave WWofHP we cannot re-enter except by the standby line located across the drawbridge. Yikes 10:00 am, the park has been open for all guests for 2 hours and they are about to start the stand by line procedure. It was my plan to leave WWofHP and do the rest of IOA in a counter clockwise fashion (starting with Jurassic Park), but of course on this trip my family has decided that they want to do things differently and stray from the plans that I have labored over for the last year. Goo is really dying to get on more rides, so we decide to head make our way towards Seuss Landing. But before we get there we have to pass through the Lost Continent


which captures Ab and Boo’s attention since they both love mythology. Knowing about Poseidon’s Fury from my past trip, this is the perfect stop before we get to Seuss Landing. As we make our way towards Poseidon’s Fury of course there are too many gift shops to explore


and yes Jeff has disappeared once again, sheesh do these people not understand touring plans and time tables? Ab things the Henna tattoos look cool as well as the Blue Evil Eyes, Boo spots a shop with Family Coats of Arms, Joseph discovers the fountain (which I am thankful is still turned off), and Jeff, who knows where he disappeared too!!



Somehow he finds as we reach Poseidon’s Fury,


only to discover…
I am loving your trip report! Your husband sounds like mine - always wandering off. I spend more time looking for him then I do watching my four boys. :)

I know....and he is always behind us! I swear I wanted to kill him...he had no clue about touring plans and schedules! But, he was sure thankful that I did! :rotfl2:

I see you go to DL a lot! I am really thinking this is where we need to head next March for Spring Break or maybe summer 2013! CARS land opens this summer and I really want to take Goo there before he loses his love for Lightning! I may have lots of questions for you!

Really, really smart of Universal, too! In my last 3 years of hard-core DISing, I am seeing more and more people incorporating trips of various lengths to US/IoA and you know that WWoHP is the initial draw. Die-hard Disney folks who never really considered these theme parks before are getting introduced to these parks.

I can understand partly the reason why...there are lots of other fun little rides and attraction between IOA/USO, but nothing that would have drawn me away from Disney!

Sorry to hear about the meltdown at 3 Broomsticks. I can totally understand it though. You have had a long, busy morning so far.

I am prone to melt downs...I am so type A in a non type A personality. I think that was the only thing wrong about this trip...I did not allow us to stop and smell the roses very much! I was so determined to get it all done because I really did believe I would never get my husband into agreeing to go again!

I agree with you- the ordering process is fairly confusing. I think we had to go back to the podium 3 times before we got what we wanted. I was so flustered that I initially forgot to ask for my AAA discount on the meal.
I do love the seating procedure, though. It is really nice to be escorted to a table rather than wandering around with your trays.

I didn't know about the house elf and owl shadows on hte walls until after our trip, so I didn't notice them.

We had lunch. I would go back. The food was decent enough, and the atmosphere is great.

I should post a picture of the lunch that my friend and I shared when we went in 2010...we both really enjoyed it for fast food!

Thanks for sharing your movie marathon ideas with us. They are great! Was it family only, or did you have friends/neighbors for any of the shows?

We did this summer have the cousins come over a few times...but they moved and they are high maintance! I have really scaled back on the movie nights...only 1 or 2 a month instead of weekly and really no activity anymore...just a themed dinner that I try to get the kids to help with!

We were actually at Universal from July 10-15. It was really cool- there was a fan convention going on that week (LeakyCon) so we saw a lot of very clever costumes including a Moaning Myrtle. On Wednesday night, they had an after hours convention-only event at WWoHP (Open at the Close). Movie goers who attended the midnight premier of HPDH2 were surprised with free admission to WWoHP from 3 am to 5 am. We didn't see the movie during our trip, but we were at WW 2 hours after the fans had their private run of the park.

That would have been so awesome...I read about that on Facebook as we were waiting to go into our midnight showing!

I have had a couple of HP themed birthday parties, during one of them I had the kids work in teams on an O.W.L. (this was around the time Order of the Phoenix had just been released). I am going to put the link to the part of my TR in case your kids (or you) would like to check it out.

*Contest * Entrance Exam for Hogwarts. Can you pass this O.W.L. ???

Answer Key to O.W.L.

Thank you for sharing! I am filing some of your ideas away should I ever need a reason to do HP again...:rolleyes1 Please let the rumors be true about an expansion so I have an excuse to go back!
Sounds like it was a good time to get out of Dodge! We had that same experience on our first morning visit. They were already issuing entry tickets around 9:30 or 10.

I'm sorry to hear nobody ould ride Dragon Challenge with you! Hopefully you will have plenty of opportunities later. And hopefully everyone will at least go through the queue. Pretty cool theming.
Explosion of Christmas and Seuss​

You guessed it, Poseidon's Fury is closed at the moment, they are having technical difficulties. That was actually okay by me, because I had planned to do PF the night we ate at Mythos later in the week…so keep it moving people. We pass by the most photographed statue in all of IOA the entrance of the Lost Continent and of course Boo needs a picture.


Finally we cross over to the bridge into Seuss Landing where I am delighted to discover that the annoying theme music that I had experienced on my first trip (and still plays in my ears) has been replaced by Christmas music; well there is something to celebrate.


Our first stop is the High in the Sky Trolley, which takes you high above Seuss Landing while telling several stories…our story on this ride was about the Snitches.


The end of the ride drops you into a candy store...



where my boys with money in their pockets decide it is time to buy something. Goo wanted one of those fill it yourself candy tubes, and thankfully he convinced his sister to help him out...


But if she knew what he was about to do to her, I think she would have refused helping him! From there we continued exploring all the theming and decorations Seuss Landing has to offer…and let me tell you it looks like all of Seuss books have exploded into reality and then Christmas exploded on top of that!




Our next stop was in Gertrude’s...


Jeff forgot his sunglasses, after I reminded him before he went and parked the truck at the airport so he made a purchase and of course Goo wanted a new pair (which you will see quickly becomes my nemesis). Ab and Boo just had fun looking and trying on things…knowing that they can come back later if they really want something.





Our next ride was carousel Seuss but before that we walked through the Lorax forest where Ab had to remind us that Taylor Swift was in the movie coming out this spring.


A carousel is a carousel and this one if filled with all creatures Seuss, but IOA could learn from WDW about upkeep and appearance of rides…they really need to be painted.




Across from Carousel Seuss One Fish Two Fish…now I know about this ride and I am not getting on it and Ab just wants to look around…so I send the boys to do it on their own, only for them to appear 5 minutes later telling us they have to have someone 14 or older ride with them…who will that be?
I haven't seen you post your daughter's age, but going into HS next year probably puts her around 13-14. Even if she isn't 14 yet, I think she goes on 1F2F with the boys. If not, it is Jeff's turn. OR you should do some major negotiating... I'll go on this with you, if you go on Dragon Challenge with me!

I'm glad your family enjoyed Seussland. My boys were total pills there. One ride on High in the Sky Trolley and they were out of there. GRRRR!
I haven't seen you post your daughter's age, but going into HS next year probably puts her around 13-14. Even if she isn't 14 yet, I think she goes on 1F2F with the boys. If not, it is Jeff's turn. OR you should do some major negotiating... I'll go on this with you, if you go on Dragon Challenge with me!

I'm glad your family enjoyed Seussland. My boys were total pills there. One ride on High in the Sky Trolley and they were out of there. GRRRR!

Ab will be 15 at the beginning of May and is currently a freshman in high school....she is height challenged (Jeff's mom is barely 4 ft 8 in, while his dad is 6 I am barely 5 ft 2 in...poor girl is inching closer to 5 foot, but doubt she gets there). She is extremely petite in size, but makes up for it in attitude.

They LOVED Seuss Landing...I cannot tell you how many times we kept finding ourselves in this area over the next 3 more days! Goo loved High in the Sky...I think he rode it (we rode it) probably 6-7 times! :scared1: Ab loves Thing 1/2 and the Grinch.

I love your prediction...hmmm, maybe tomorrow I will reveal what happens! :rotfl2:
I would be happy to chat Disneyland anytime. I love it there! We have never been to Florida before, and the size of it all intimidates me a bit. At the Disneyland Resort everything is within walking distance, it makes it so easy to run back to the room for a nap, or to change or whatever.

Still loving your trip report! We leave in 2 weeks and 5 days for WDW and will be at Universal for three days in 3 weeks and 5 days. I can hardly wait!

I would be happy to chat Disneyland anytime. I love it there! We have never been to Florida before, and the size of it all intimidates me a bit. At the Disneyland Resort everything is within walking distance, it makes it so easy to run back to the room for a nap, or to change or whatever.

Still loving your trip report! We leave in 2 weeks and 5 days for WDW and will be at Universal for three days in 3 weeks and 5 days. I can hardly wait!


Once you figure out the transportation system getting around WDW is really easy! I loved staying on the BW simply because we were walking distance to 2 parks which made things really easy!

I am so excited for you about your trip! I think 3 days at USO/IOA will give you lots of down time and to do the parks at a less fenzy pace!
One Fish, Two Fish…Wet Sis, Mad Sis​

Ab had not really been paying attention to the ride in front of her, so she volunteered to ride with Goo…yes, no bribing on my part to get her to ride she did it willingly…that will teach her to pay attention! One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish is a Dumbo type ride, but with water!


Basically you go up and down to the story that is narrated around you dodging the water sprayed at you by the fish. If you follow the story’s direction, you do not get wet…but if you ride with a little brother who figures out there is water involved…well you know what happens!



Ab came off the ride wet with a little brother giggling his heart out! Way to take one for the family Ab! Secretly, I think she had fun…I could see the smiles! Next we rode the Cat in the Hat…


of course Jeff is now aware of warning signs and starts reading them before he gets on a ride…sheesh this is a kid ride, get on it and like it, darn it. He of course questions the attendant who assures him that he can handle it. The ride is simple; much like Winnie the Pooh…except retelling the story Cat in the Hat…same rough twists and turns. I think we ended up riding this twice…the Express Pass line was walk on, while the regular line was a 50 minute wait! Afterwards Jeff decided he needed a bathroom and the kids wanted to check out the gift shop…while waiting we found Horton’s eggs…warning this pictures look pretty bad (100% boys)!


The kids noticed this sign,


and agreed with it (and I did too)! When Jeff did finally reappeared we left Seuss Landing


in search of…
Great Chapter Title!!!

I love that Ab went on with the boys. The question is, did you guys ride it again later in the trip?

As I mentioned before, after the trolley ride, my boys refused all things Seuss. If you are interested in reading about our time in Seuss Landing, here is the link to my TR chapter:

Oh, the Places we Didn't Go!

Where do you go next? Well, some of you are a little wet already. Is it time to get thoroughly soaked?

Toon Lagoon?
Great Chapter Title!!!

I love that Ab went on with the boys. The question is, did you guys ride it again later in the trip?

:rolleyes1:rolleyes1I had read they they turned down the spray on the water during the winter months...not sure if that is true!

As I mentioned before, after the trolley ride, my boys refused all things Seuss. If you are interested in reading about our time in Seuss Landing, here is the link to my TR chapter:

Oh, the Places we Didn't Go!

Where do you go next? Well, some of you are a little wet already. Is it time to get thoroughly soaked?

This is December...not July! :rotfl2:

Toon Lagoon?

I LOVE HOW YOU WROTE THIS CHAPTER OF YOUR TRIP REPORT! :rotfl2: I am so sorry that your boys did not enjoy Seuss Landing. I so can relate with no one wanting to do the extreme rides with me! (loved the picture on the trolley, BTW...)Looks like they are trying to hide or not be recognized)


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