Not Getting COVID Vaccine

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You said there had "NEVER been a vaccine with long-term ill effects". The swine flu vaccine of '76 is an example of one that did.

That is not what I was referring to. There have obviously been vaccines with long term side effects for a tiny percentage. The point, if you read my original post and don't just cherry pick a phrase, is that these side effects always show up within a couple months of vaccinations. There are no vaccines where years down the line new side effects have shown up. At this point, we are past that amount of time of new side effects showing up.
US is doing pretty good and cases are crashing but not as good as Israel where 80% are vaxxed and cases are approaching zero. On the other hand Japan is a total mess and they are way behind in vaccines.

Never seen so many people against something that is working so well.
Almost every adult I know is vaccinated (and I know people from all walks of life & political persuasions), so I don't think that many people are against it. A small minority against it, with another group of people who are supportive but hesitant about getting it at this time.
That is not what I was referring to. There have obviously been vaccines with long term side effects for a tiny percentage. The point, if you read my original post and don't just cherry pick a phrase, is that these side effects always show up within a couple months of vaccinations. There are no vaccines where years down the line new side effects have shown up.
The sentences I quoted from you were the only few sentences on that topic that you wrote in that post. I definitely did not cherry pick. I quoted you exactly (and completely) and responded to what you wrote. Maybe not what you were thinking, but what you wrote. If you don't like someone responding to what you write, then you should be more careful about what you write, so that it better mirrors your thoughts.
The sentences I quoted from you were the only few sentences on that topic that you wrote in that post. I definitely did not cherry pick. I quoted you exactly and responded to what you wrote. Maybe not what you were thinking, but what you wrote. If you don't like someone responding to what you write, then you should be more careful about what you write, so that it better mirrors your thoughts.

You picked one part of my post and left out the rest of it that elaborated on the part you picked lol.

I'll stand by what I said and just leave this link:
My adult son got Covid in Japan a year ago, and again in the US just recently. Just fyi--in our family experience, getting Covid didn't provide long lasting immunity.
Similar experience in my family. My uncle's first bout nearly killed him physically. His second bout was much milder physically, but pretty much destroyed his mind. He's finally coming out of it months later, and STILL refuses to get vaccinated :(
I know a handful of people who won't get vaccinated. One is pregnant & not getting it (now) on the advice of her doctor. Her husband wants to wait and see.

However, the rest have fallen down the conspiracy theory hole. Covid is hoax, they're changing our DNA, they're microchipping us, etc. Combined with the some of misinformation I've seen over all of these Covid threads, it's hard to take the majority of the anti-vaxx crowd seriously. It's truly disappointing that they drown out those who may have a legitimate reason.
Yuck. As a parent and teacher, I would have been outraged and would not have let my child write the paper at all- it's none of that teacher's business & not his/her place to force beliefs on a child.

What that teacher did by demanding sensitive medical information from children in an open classroom discussion was actually in violation of FERPA, a well-known phrase to educators that stands for The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. I wouldn't be satisfied with the principal taking care of this in-house, frankly. I'd report and deal with it on a district level. The principal is probably sweeping it under the rug. That teacher's conduct is outrageous, and it was in violation of federal law. The principal didn't mention this to you, I suppose?

And no way would I accept that D after all of this, either. That teacher's behavior is beyond the pale and his/her insistence on a paper indicates that he/she hasn't figured out how inappropriate the behavior was. In my district, that teacher would be lucky just to have a job after something like that happened. The teacher needs to become aware of the law before it happens to another child next year.

Thank you for your kind words. I am not well versed in the legal aspects; I was just certain that the way it was handled was completely inappropriate. Sadly, this teacher is one of the best in our (very underperforming) district. My oldest kid had her three years ago and the difference is stark. I believe she is one of the many for whom FEAR has crippled her formerly kind nature. The teacher has a child who is a health care worker, and shares often on social media how unvaccinated people will "kill" her child. Not exactly rational at this point.

I have a pretty good dialogue with the principal, who seems to understand the severity of the situation. The whole situation is a disaster - over 1/3 of the Senior class isn't graduating; and almost 1/2 of the kids in the school are failing.

Our last day of school is tomorrow. What a awful time for kids.
Because I am an American. Screw you and screw these masks.

just kidding. All good I got my shot!! and I look forward to never wearing a mask outside of the bedroom ever again!
I always ask conspiracy believers why. Why would the government microchip everyone? Are we that important? And so on.

I am vaccinated and I am glad. I will not ask anyone why they decided against it though even if I am curious.

Same. I am vaccinated and so is my son. My sister refuses. All I can do is take care of myself.
I always ask conspiracy believers why. Why would the government microchip everyone? Are we that important? And so on.

I am vaccinated and I am glad. I will not ask anyone why they decided against it though even if I am curious.
Same! I want to know so badly, but won't ask. I also wonder why they aren't concerned about their iphones garnering the same data. But two of them are also against getting tested for Covid, so even I felt it was my place to ask, I don't imagine it would be a conversation I could have seriously. Thankfully these aren't people close to me.
Same! I want to know so badly, but won't ask. I also wonder why they aren't concerned about their iphones garnering the same data. But two of them are also against getting tested for Covid, so even I felt it was my place to ask, I don't imagine it would be a conversation I could have seriously. Thankfully these aren't people close to me.
They won’t even get tested? I haven’t run into that yet. Wow!
It was closed. Too much nonsense spouting.
That thread wasn’t closed. It’s fallen to page 7 most likely because everyone who was participating in it has been vaccinated. It was never a “will you or won’t you” thread. It was about side effects and informing each other on what to expect. Thankfully that one never went sideways because it was a very helpful thread.
This is a community board and this topic should be able to be discussed. If it is not a thread you are interested in, please just don’t participate.
Most other vaccine threads have been closed due to the misinformation being posted.

PLEASE recognize that the DIS is a Disney related, family oriented, travel planning website. This Community Board is provided as a release from the usual topics but is NOT immune from moderation as evidenced in the past.

This thread is on its last leg already from the information and expert opinions already offered and is NOT immune from the fate of prior vaccine topics (which were inhabited by mostly the same posters).

Fair warning.
That is not what I was referring to. There have obviously been vaccines with long term side effects for a tiny percentage. The point, if you read my original post and don't just cherry pick a phrase, is that these side effects always show up within a couple months of vaccinations. There are no vaccines where years down the line new side effects have shown up. At this point, we are past that amount of time of new side effects showing up.

Thank you for your knowledgeable comments. Now.........on to DISer's who would like to share their concerns/reasons on why they don't want to take the vaccine. I still personally feel that this thread and many of the comments were civil and thank you WM DOC for just the warning. :goodvibes
Vaccines have NEVER been private medical information. You need them to go to school and to go to certain countries. That is not in good faith. Knowing someone's vaccine status is not a new phenomenon.

Sorry, but not where I am from. My kids have both been attending public school since kindergarten and I have never once been asked to provide proof of vaccination. In fact I have never ever been asked about their vaccine status except by doctors where their vaccination records are important to diagnose and treat them. Travelling to a country and federally requiring travellers proof of a vaccine is very different IMO than a neighbour or complete stranger in the grocery check out line asking me what my vaccine status is. It is completely rude. I don't ask people when their last prostate exam was, nor would I dream of expecting that I have a right to know the decision that person has made about whether to get a Covid vaccine or not. If I were to fly to Africa or another country that required a vaccine then sure.. I will share that info because that's the law. I get that. That is reasonable. But that doesn't mean that the masses also have a right to know my vaccine choice. Now if someone is put off by the fact that I don't want to share that info, and they are afraid that I might be unvaccinated then they are perfectly welcome to not spend time with me. And I am ok with that. But I am not going to divulge my personal medical decisions because frankly it's no one's business but my own. Some of this stuff is common sense manners and decorum, although not so obvious anymore apparently.
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Sorry, but not where I am from. My kids have both been attending public school since kindergarten and I have never once been asked to provide proof of vaccination. In fact I have never ever been asked about their vaccine status except by doctors where their vaccination records are important to diagnose and treat them. Travelling to a country and federally requiring travellers proof of a vaccine is very different IMO than a neighbour asking me what my vaccine status is. It is completely rude. I don't ask people when their last prostate exam, nor would I dream of expecting that I have a right to know the decision that person has made about whether to get a Covid vaccine or not. If I were to fly to Africa or another country that required a vaccine then sure.. I will share that info because that's the law. I get that. That is reasonable. But that doesn't mean that the masses also have a right to know my vaccine choice. Now if someone is put off by the fact that I don't want to share that info, and they are afraid that I might be unvaccinated then they are perfectly welcome to not spend time with me. And I am ok with that. But I am not going to divulge my personal medical decisions because frankly it's no one's business but my own. Some of this stuff is common sense manners and decorum, although not so obvious anymore apparently.
Where do you live? I completely understand it's state dependent, but there are many states that DO require proof for public school. And some who even have eliminated all/almost all of their exemptions. CA is one of them - only medical exemptions are allowed and even those have very stringent guidelines to be accepted. And all 50 states have legislation that requires proof of certain vaccinations.

And colleges also require proof. And many are moving to requiring proof of this vaccine for the Fall semester.
Where do you live? I completely understand it's state dependent, but there are many states that DO require proof for public school. And some who even have eliminated all/almost all of their exemptions. CA is one of them - only medical exemptions are allowed and even those have very stringent guidelines to be accepted. And all 50 states have legislation that requires proof of certain vaccinations.

And colleges also require proof. And many are moving to requiring proof of this vaccine for the Fall semester.

I'm in Canada :) I have never ever heard of colleges or universities requiring vaccinations, that is news to me. When I went to college I was never asked to prove I had been vaccinated. In the province I am in specifically, it is not required for kids to attend school of any kind and I have never travelled to a country that requires my vaccine record. :confused3

Thank you for asking where I am from. It goes to show that many of our opinions about this topic can vary widely simply depending on where you live. Not always, but perhaps in this case. To me, asking someone if they are vaccinated or planning to vaccinate is absolutely SHOCKING. But the only time I have been asked about my kids vaccination records was when my DS was in hospital when he was 3 years old and the doctors thought he had a virus that was common in unvaccinated children. But to others, I guess this is standard information that is willingly shared between people? It's so bizarre to me but obviously I have a different opinion.
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Now if someone is put off by the fact that I don't want to share that info, and they are afraid that I might be unvaccinated then they are perfectly welcome to not spend time with me. And I am ok with that. But I am not going to divulge my personal medical decisions because frankly it's no one's business but my own. Some of this stuff is common sense manners and decorum, although not so obvious anymore apparently.
Sorry, but I feel like "common sense manners and decorum" goes out the window when it's a matter of a public health crisis. Sort of like Disney's Four Keys. Courtesy is absolutely one of them. But they go in order: Safety, Courtesy, Show, and Efficiency. If there's a Safety issue, addressing it is imperative even at the expense of the other three Keys. If I would like to spend time with you (or have you as a customer at my business, or whatever), I'm going to ask your vaccination status. Because public safety is more important to me than "decorum."
Personally, I do respect the hesitancy of some people because of the whole "long term effects aren't known" thing.

However, it also somewhat bothers me that those people are willing to let "others" bear the risk while they ride along on the coattails of things opening up and life going back to normal. (I am not talking about people who were advised by doctors not to receive the vaccine, so don't come at me with stories)
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