Not Getting COVID Vaccine

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Sorry, but I feel like "common sense manners and decorum" goes out the window when it's a matter of a public health crisis. Sort of like Disney's Four Keys. Courtesy is absolutely one of them. But they go in order: Safety, Courtesy, Show, and Efficiency. If there's a Safety issue, addressing it is imperative even at the expense of the other three Keys. If I would like to spend time with you (or have you as a customer at my business, or whatever), I'm going to ask your vaccination status. Because public safety is more important to me than "decorum."

That's ok! Agree to disagree :o I personally think people have used Covid for all kinds of reasons to cross boundaries and not stay in their own lane and it has created all kinds of hurt in relationships. I've seen some shocking behaviour from vaxxed people who feel it perfectly acceptable to bully, intimidate and beat down others (all in the name of "safety") who aren't ready to make a choice yet, or who are not able to vaccinate. I think some manners can go a long way, especially now because people are SO weary and tired from it all. And of course, people always have a choice to not spend time with someone who is not vaccinated for Covid, if they feel unsafe. I totally respect that choice and can even understand that choice. 💕
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Why the hell are people commenting in this thread who ARE going to or are already vaccinated? For the love of all that is holy, go bother someone who cares!

Exactly, it's gotten completely off topic. Sorry OP, I have nothing further to say about my views on asking someone their vaccination status, I know this isn't the purpose in starting this tread to begin with. :crazy2: Moving on.
Why the hell are people commenting in this thread who ARE going to or are already vaccinated? For the love of all that is holy, go bother someone who cares!
If they're commenting only to say they're vaccinated or will be getting it, I agree. But if you're suggesting that people who are vaccinated can't be part of the conversation...well that isn't fair. Plenty of threads about getting vaccinated included both groups. And it's also not how a message board works.
So I can share only what others have shared with me. But of the people I know who are NOT getting vaccinated at all (or not yet) their reasons are mostly because they believe that the data being provided by the Canadian government on Covid is showing that Covid is not the unusually deadly killer it was made out to be and that the survival rate is very high in people who do not have commorbidities or who are not elderly. They see no point in getting vaccinated (particularly with a new vaccine) for something that poses very little to zero risk to them and their family. The others I know are not getting it yet because they want to see more long term data on the side effects but they are open to changing their minds. I only know of 1 person who is conspiracy theorist about it (believes that the vaccine has a microchip in it, or that it is designed to kill off the population or other such theories.)
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My reasons for not getting the vaccine (or at least waiting) were mostly because of its newness and the unknown. Coupled with my willingness to continue to distance, mask, etc. I was "low risk" in that I was mostly staying home expect for work & early morning shopping trips. I felt my risk of getting COVID and therefore the unknown long term effect of the disease were low. That the risk of the unknown side effects of the vaccine were not something I wanted to chance.
For all us vaccinated people: imho, we don't need to steal this thread and turn it into a "why you should get vaccinated" thread.
The OP just asked the above question.
I'd enjoy just hearing various people's answers to the OP's question in their own words, rather than a should/shouldn't/will/won't discussion.

In my experience, The Dis has not enforced limiting a thread to one side of a debate. Those that like Die Hard are perfectly free to answer why they like it in a thread entitled Why don't you like Die Hard for example. This has been the case since before political talk was banned and back then people that tried to enforce such restrictions on their own were told that they would not be enforced. I will never say never so to speak and do not presume to speak for the staff, but I haven't seen any signs that is going to change at any time since.

I always ask conspiracy believers why. Why would the government microchip everyone? Are we that important? And so on.

I am vaccinated and I am glad. I will not ask anyone why they decided against it though even if I am curious.
I think my chip malfunctioned.
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Personally, I do respect the hesitancy of some people because of the whole "long term effects aren't known" thing.

However, it also somewhat bothers me that those people are willing to let "others" bear the risk while they ride along on the coattails of things opening up and life going back to normal. (I am not talking about people who were advised by doctors not to receive the vaccine, so don't come at me with stories)

I don’t think anyone should bear the risk if they don’t want to. I assume people are vaccinated because they want to be and it was the right choice for them.
So a quick question for those who are choosing not to get the vaccine and have not had a diagnosed case of Covid are you continuing to mask up and social distance? Also if your child's college makes it mandatory to attend in person classes are you prepared to get the vaccine or will your child transfer schools? If a vaccine is required for a concert or travel or any other life events are you alright skipping those things? I am really wondering about this. I have a Facebook friend who is up in arms about concerts requiring vaccines and she is against getting it. She says her rights are being trampled on. In my opinion you can't have it both ways.

For those of you who feel confident that your child will not have any complications, we know 3 college athletes who are still dealing with heart issues from covid. None of them had issues before getting Covid (all 3 were required to have an ekg before returning to campus in the fall). All 3 had very mild cases and really the only way they knew they had covid was because of routine testing. Two of the 3 are making progress toward returning to play and the third may never be cleared to play again.
That thread wasn’t closed. It’s fallen to page 7 most likely because everyone who was participating in it has been vaccinated. It was never a “will you or won’t you” thread. It was about side effects and informing each other on what to expect. Thankfully that one never went sideways because it was a very helpful thread.

My mistake. I thought that one was closed like all the others because of crap some people post. But my point stands, anti Vaxers post on all vaccine related threads so I don’t think this thread deserves protect status as requested by a pp. :flower1:
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Loss of my left tube, cervix, and uterus to endometriosis. The disease is so embedded in my pelvic region and it has spread to my other organs making me stage 5 according to Australia’s definition of the disease. My lifespan is already shorten due to this. Just the fact there’s reports of the Covid vax causing issues in that area, I’m not chancing the vax to do further damage compared to what I already live with on a daily basis. Plus there’s my family medical history of blood clots and strokes with all the women. It’s a 100% no Covid vax for me.

First of all, I wanted to say I'm sorry to hear about your severe medical condition.

Speaking specifically to the issue of blood clots and strokes, DW suffered a pretty severe stroke five years ago (she's finally back to working part-time). As some folks may know, having a first stroke greatly increases the risk of subsequent strokes. She desperately did want to get the vaccine, and I was insistent that we speak to her cardiologist, neurologist, and PCP before getting it. They all signed off on it and even recommended no adjustments to her medications before taking it. They also voiced the opinion that the risk of blood clots and stroke was less from the vaccine than from COVID itself.

We also happened to be in to see her rehab specialist around the same time, so we asked her about it, too, and the interesting thing to me was that they had been offering extra doses at the end of the night to their in-patient rehab patients who had suffered a stroke as well. (I think they were offering Pfizer, IIRC.)

I completely appreciate what others are saying about working with medical advice about whether to take the vaccine in specific situations, and I would not suggest replacing the contents of this post with the advice of medical personnel. But for those who have a specific concern about stroke who maybe haven't had that consultation, I figured I'd share what we have heard from our medical team.
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