Of course there are free cabanas......a fabulous 10 day summer solo trip! August 19-29/23. New PTR link 02/25

What a lovely time you had between relaxing at the pool and your tour at AK (well done to pkondz for guessing right and putting me out of my misery šŸ¤£). I love how relaxed you are on your solo trips and the evening cruise with some eating and browsing sounded perfect :goodvibes
Relaxation is definitely the name of the game on vacation as real life with three young men navigating early adulthood, aging parents and a demanding job is anything but. So grateful for my escapes to the bubble! :goodvibes
Your upcoming plans with Caroline sound like so much fun! I'm telling you now if I ever see an airfare even close to what you're paying I'll be begging to join in. You two are going to have a great time and it will be absolutely worth being tired in work:banana:
Do you use any kind of points cards for travel? That's what I do. Then I only have to pay the airport fees and taxes. For food/souveniers I save up my grocery rewards points and cash them in towards Disney gift cards. I have a system, lol.

And you would be very welcome if you ever wanted to run away to Disney with us. :)
Do you use any kind of points cards for travel? That's what I do. Then I only have to pay the airport fees and taxes. For food/souveniers I save up my grocery rewards points and cash them in towards Disney gift cards. I have a system, lol.
I do loyalty schemes for Virgin Atlantic and Aer Lingus. Even if I manage to get all the points gathered itā€™s still about Ā£500 in taxes and fees per flight and thatā€™s for economy which isnā€™t great for 9 hours on a plane. Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™ve definitely have done economy and will likely do again but we usually use the points to upgrade our seats to extra leg room/premium economy. Iā€™d be a lot quicker getting the points for a full flight if it was just for me mind :rotfl:
And you would be very welcome if you ever wanted to run away to Disney with us. :)
Aww thanks Susan :goodvibes

ETA I am totally stealing the grocery reward points for Disney dollars from the stores that donā€™t let me convert them to airline points so thanks for the pro tip šŸ˜Š
I do loyalty schemes for Virgin Atlantic and Aer Lingus. Even if I manage to get all the points gathered itā€™s still about Ā£500 in taxes and fees per flight and thatā€™s for economy which isnā€™t great for 9 hours on a plane. Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™ve definitely have done economy and will likely do again but we usually use the points to upgrade our seats to extra leg room/premium economy. Iā€™d be a lot quicker getting the points for a full flight if it was just for me mind :rotfl:
Gosh! Still that much in taxes and fees?? That's equivalent to $837 CDN. You would almost think you could get the flights themselves with what they are charging!
ETA I am totally stealing the grocery reward points for Disney dollars from the stores that donā€™t let me convert them to airline points so thanks for the pro tip šŸ˜Š
It's the best!From January to July I saved over $1000 in reward points. That was more than enough for food, beverages and souvenirs. I actually had about $120 left which I will put towards December's trip. Since the beginning of September I collected another $250 in points so I know I will easily meet my target for the trip.
Trying for a 4 parks day!

I was up early to purchase Genie+ for the day and nab a boarding group for Guardians. I knew I wanted to ride Guardians twice so bought an ILL for it as well. I chose Remy for my first ride of the day. Of course I had to do Spaceship Earth upon entering the park. Then I strolled through the park towards France, taking in the quiet and beauty of an uncrowded Epoct morning. I saw a photopass photographer so hopped in line for a few pics before heading to Remy.

I enjoyed Remy much more this time and remembered to close my eyes if I felt nauseous at all. This really helped as I found the constant moving and screen changes a bit much. While it's a cute ride, it's one that I don't have to ride every trip. After Remy, I wanted a little treat so headed to Les Halles Boulangerie-Patisserie for my beloved Raspberry Lime Macaron. I was a bit shocked by the price increase though. When I first started getting this treat 6 years ago it was $4.50. Now it is $7.50!! Still a great second breakfast though.
Next up I headed to my most beloved Epcot attraction! If you guessed Living With The Land, you would be correct! I love the additions for each festival and thought these little dining set ups were super cute!


Before leaving the Land pavilion, I headed off to my Lightning Lane for Soarin'. It wasn't really needed due to the low crowds this morning. I was lucky to have B2. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Soarin Over California is still running for my December trip!

As I heading towards the Imagination Pavilion, Pooh was leading an exercise class. This was the cutest thing ever and of course I joined in!

It was getting close to my ILL for Guardians but I had a treat I wanted to try first, the Remy Liege waffle from Connections Cafe. This was good but an one and done for me. Maybe it would be better warm?
I scanned into Guardians and was so excited! I thought there were a lot of people in line for the ILL but initially chalked it up to lots of people checking in at the same time. Then I waited and waited and waited. This was not an ILL experience! They came on saying the ride was down. At this point I was almost in the first holding room so I thought I'd hold on a bit. The ride came back up about 10 minutes later and we made it to the second holding room. Then it went down again!

They started directing people towards the exit at this point and let me tell you, it was a madhouse! I felt quite unsafe as there was only one door open and a very steep backstage staircase to go down. What if there was a fire?

So of course I needed a little something after that experience and headed to La Cava for a delicious Avocado margaita! I walked up to a two top with no wait, another indication of the low crowds that day.

I now had a redemption ILL for Guardians and a boarding group still to be called. Would Guardians even come back up at all? I decided to wait it out although it really affected my ability to do the 4 parks day. I was feeling peckish though and grabbed the Impossible slider from Flavour by Fire. This was really good with the wasabi cream and Asian slaw.
I had some decisions to make about the rest of my day.

That's next!
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I had to come to terms with the fact 4 parks was not going to happen today. I was still waiting for my GotG boarding group to be called as everything was so backed up from the ride closure. I had my Remy scavenger hunt with me so I walked through World Showcase looking for that elusive little friend. It was a typical August mid afternoon and I was beginning to feel like a fried egg on the pavement. I had a lightning lane coming up for Frozen but I just didn't think I could walk another step. So I got a huge cup of ice water and refilled my Brita with it then went into the China pavilion for some air conditioning. I literally plopped down on the floor and leaned back against the wall. I was almost feeling as though I could take a nap! 30 minutes of rest in the airconditioning and rehydration had me feeling much better. I was ready to go on an adventure with our friends in Arendelle!


Now it was time for Guardians!! I so hoped everything would go smoothly this time around. I checked in for my boarding group first, with plans of using my redemption ILL next. I adore this ride and it did not disappoint with September being the song both times.
After riding GotG back to back, it was time to have a picture with Groot! Always one of my favourite magic shots!
My energy levels were back up and I was feeling much better bout the day. I decided to visit a few more F&W booths before heading out to the Studios. First up was Shimmering Sips for the beer mimosa, followed by Canada for the cheese soup and pretzel roll. Great all round!

I was ready for a sweet treat and headed off to Ireland for the awesome chocolate pudding cake which was swimming in the yummy Baileys sauce. Yes, I finished every last bite!
As I was enjoying my cake, there was a young family with the two sweetest little boys. We struck up a conversation and discussed it all...life, motherhood, health and choices that bring you where you are meant to be. Definitely a deep conversation with someone you had just met but honestly I feel I was meant to meet that young family that day. We both had tears in our eyes saying goodbye.

I headed off to the Skyliner towards the Studios as I had managed to get a lightning lane for MMRR. Of course I had to stop for a photo first!

And one with Tink too!
MMRR was having issues as well. What was going on with the attractions today? But I finally got on and enjoyed it. I used my time iin line to make a LL for HM after fireworks. I didn't venture any further into the park. Once I got off MMRR, I headed to the Trolley Car Cafe for an iced latte. I needed some caffeine to keep me going!
I grabbed the MK bus from Studios around 8:20 and made it over in about 10 minutes! Of course I had one thing in mind, my beloved People Mover!

After the People Mover, I staked out a spot for Happily Ever after to the right of the castle. As always, I loved the show! It just hits all the right notes for me. :) I headed off my LL for Haunted then was feeling hungry again and hit up Sleepy Hollow for a funnel cake with strawberries and whipped cream. Was this the best choice for a 10 pm snack? Probably not! It was good although I couldn't come close to finishing it all. I decided on BTMR next as it's so fun at night. After that, I was zapped. It was almost 11:00 and my feet were done! I had one last photo done with the castle before heading back to my beloved WL and bed!


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nd lucked out with a cabana! I alternated between reading, swimming and lounging for the next few hours. I contemplated going to Studios for the end of the night. But I wasn't feeling the crowds so I opted for a low key evening.
Your Animal Kingdom day sounded perfect!!! I miss Nomad Lounge!

Christmas trip is a go!!!
You guys will have a great trip!

Will I be tired the next day at work? Yep!
Will it be worth it??? Absolutely!

After Remy, I wanted a little treat so headed to Les Halles Boulangerie-Patisserie for my beloved Raspberry Lime Macaron.
I love this as well. $7.50 is a lot but I do know it's not easy to make those, it might be one of the few things that "might" still be worth it.

First up was Shimmering Sips for the beer mimosa, followed by Canada for the cheese soup and pretzel roll. Great all round!
Is cheese soup a thing in Canada or just a Canada pavillion thing?
Looks like you are having a great trip! People Mover is such an underrated attraction! I have some of my fondest memories of my family in WDW on the People Mover! Loving your TR!
This was not an ILL experience!
Good grief! Hopefully your experience was due to the ride being down, but Iā€™ve read several reports that talked about backed-up lightning lanes. It really isnā€™t acceptable to have a long wait when you pay for the shorter wait. Iā€™m glad you finally made it on, although itā€™s too bad it ruined your chance for four parks in one day.

First up was Shimmering Sips for the beer mimosa, followed by Canada for the cheese soup and pretzel roll.
So many of your snacks and treats that day look delicious! I have to try that raspberry lime macaroon (yum!) and itā€™s too bad that chocolate pudding cake wonā€™t be available during my visit. The cheddar cheese soup will be, howeverā€¦ Iā€™m strongly considering a Le Cellier ADR just so I can have that soup. (I mean, so my husband can have steakā€¦ ;) )

As I was enjoying my cake, there was a young family with the two sweetest little boys. We struck up a conversation and discussed it all...life, motherhood, health and choices that bring you where you are meant to be.
Thatā€™s so lovely! Certainly meant to be.

And one with Tink too!
This is a great magic shot of you!

I headed off my LL for Haunted then was feeling hungry again and hit up Sleepy Hollow for a funnel cake with strawberries and whipped cream.
What?! I didnā€™t know this was available all day! If this is still the case when I visit I may finally get a chance to try one!

You had a lovely day with so many fun attractions and good food! Itā€™s too bad you missed out on your fourth park, but Iā€™m glad most things worked out.
Of course I had to do Spaceship Earth upon entering the park.
But of course!
I have bad news. The cup you have has a small chip in it. You may not have noticed.

Nice shot of you. :)
I enjoyed Remy much more this time and remembered to close my eyes if I felt nauseous at all. This really helped as I found the constant moving and screen changes a bit much.
Glad you found a way to make sure you enjoy it. I don't recall having any issues with it, but this is a good tip, if I do in the future.
I wanted a little treat so headed to Les Halles
Wow, I haven't been in there in a long time... and it's such a great spot! Must remedy that.
When I first started getting this treat 6 years ago it was $4.50. Now it is $7.50!!
The cost of something went up? In Disney? Are you sure??

Next up I headed to my most beloved Epcot attraction! If you guessed Living With The Land, you would be correct!
I actually did not know that.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that Soarin Over California is still running for my December trip!
I miss that. :(
As I heading towards the Imagination Pavilion, Pooh was leading an exercise class. This was the cutest thing ever and of course I joined in!
Well, of course! Can't let the silly ol' bear exercise all by himself, can you?
I wanted to try first, the Remy Liege waffle from Connections Cafe. This was good but an one and done for me.
Thanks for that. I have seen that Liege waffle menu item, and had even considered it, but never got around to it. Now I know I didn't miss much.
I waited and waited and waited. This was not an ILL experience! They came on saying the ride was down.
Oh, no.
The ride came back up about 10 minutes later and we made it to the second holding room. Then it went down again!
Yay!... Wait...
I felt quite unsafe as there was only one door open and a very steep backstage staircase to go down. What if there was a fire?
Great... Never thought of that before, but now I will. :laughing:
So of course I needed a little something after that experience and headed to La Cava for a delicious Avocado margaita! I walked up to a two top with no wait, another indication of the low crowds that day.
No wait?!?! :faint:
I was feeling peckish though and grabbed the Impossible slider from Flavour by Fire. This was really good with the wasabi cream and Asian slaw.
I've had that. I thought it was pretty good.
I had to come to terms with the fact 4 parks was not going to happen today.
Heh. Doesn't that sound like a first world problem?
"Whoa is me. I flew to Florida and stayed at Wilderness Lodge but couldn't do 4 parks in one day. Tragic!"
It was a typical August mid afternoon and I was beginning to feel like a fried egg on the pavement
Yikes. Florida in August...
So I got a huge cup of ice water and refilled my Brita with it
You carry a Brita with you? Have we seen that? I don't recall.
30 minutes of rest in the airconditioning and rehydration had me feeling much better.
Good thing you did that. Sure sounded like you were getting close to dehydration there.
First row all to yourself, and look at that smile! :)
After riding GotG back to back, it was time to have a picture with Groot! Always one of my favourite magic shots!
Cool shot. :thumbsup2
Holy smokes. Does that ever look decadent!
As I was enjoying my cake, there was a young family with the two sweetest little boys. We struck up a conversation and discussed it all...life, motherhood, health and choices that bring you where you are meant to be. Definitely a deep conversation with someone you had just met but honestly I feel I was meant to meet that young family that day. We both had tears in our eyes saying goodbye.
Quite the experience. But... things like that just seem to happen in Disney, don't they?
The place really is magical.
Of course I had to stop for a photo first!
Of course. :)
Great photo of you!
MMRR was having issues as well. What was going on with the attractions today?
There it is. It must be done!
I staked out a spot for Happily Ever after to the right of the castle. As always, I loved the show! It just hits all the right notes for me. :)
Awww. :)
hit up Sleepy Hollow for a funnel cake with strawberries and whipped cream. Was this the best choice for a 10 pm snack? Probably not!
Best choice... is there such a thing? But was it a good choice?

I decided on BTMR next as it's so fun at night.
I really need to do this!
After that, I was zapped. It was almost 11:00 and my feet were done! I had one last photo done with the castle before heading back to my beloved WL and bed!
I bet your feet were done! Lots of walking that day.
But... you wound up not using your GotG redemption pass, then?
Awesome day, we really enjoyed the impossible sliders at F&W
The China Pavilion is the best place to relax in the air conditioning
Iā€™m glad you got on GotG and MMRR!
What a great day, 3 parks is still an accomplishment with the ride problems and the 2pm PH, I canā€™t wait until that changes!
Did you see the Frozen castle show is back at MK, Iā€™m excited about that!
I enjoyed Remy much more this time and remembered to close my eyes if I felt nauseous at all. This really helped as I found the constant moving and screen changes a bit much.
I have to close my eyes at a few spots in the Remy ride. It just moves too fast. ;)
After riding GotG back to back, it was time to have a picture with Groot! Always one of my favourite magic shots!
I'm glad that the ride finally came up for you. We were in the virtual queue line one evening that had a shorter line than the ILL. I don't think those people were too happy with Disney at that point.
We struck up a conversation and discussed it all...life, motherhood, health and choices that bring you where you are meant to be. Definitely a deep conversation with someone you had just met but honestly I feel I was meant to meet that young family that day. We both had tears in our eyes saying goodbye.
You are very easy to talk to and I can see how this happened. :)
Of course I had to stop for a photo first!
The photos are really cute. :)

I am really looking forward to the end of the park hopping limits in January.
What a wonderful day!
Good food, great conversation and some excellent park hopping just for good measure :goodvibes
I do agree with you on the evacuation route from GotG. That happened us too and it was seriously crowded and awkward to get out of there.
You got some gorgeous photos of your time in the parks today šŸ˜Š
Whew! No wonder you were pooped! You accomplished a LOT in one day!

Yay about your December plans! Sounds like it'll be an amazing trip!
Your Animal Kingdom day sounded perfect!!! I miss Nomad Lounge!
Nomad is a must do!
You guys will have a great trip!
Definitely! I am really looking forward to it!
I love this as well. $7.50 is a lot but I do know it's not easy to make those, it might be one of the few things that "might" still be worth it.
It is pretty fancy. And definitely delicious! I just try not to think about the Canadian exchange rate when I pay for it.
Is cheese soup a thing in Canada or just a Canada pavillion thing?
I don't think it's a Canadian thing. Maybe in Quebec? Certainly not where I grew up in Prince Edward Island.
Looks like you are having a great trip! People Mover is such an underrated attraction! I have some of my fondest memories of my family in WDW on the People Mover! Loving your TR!
Thank you so much for joining in! Lots of great memories on the People Mover with my three when they were little too. I think that's what makes Disney so special as a repeat visitor. You're not only experiencing that trip but you're also filled with memories of the times you enjoyed before.
Good grief! Hopefully your experience was due to the ride being down, but Iā€™ve read several reports that talked about backed-up lightning lanes. It really isnā€™t acceptable to have a long wait when you pay for the shorter wait. Iā€™m glad you finally made it on, although itā€™s too bad it ruined your chance for four parks in one day.
I just had to make the best of it. The part of it I was most disappointed in was how chaotic the evacuation procedures were.
So many of your snacks and treats that day look delicious! I have to try that raspberry lime macaroon (yum!) and itā€™s too bad that chocolate pudding cake wonā€™t be available during my visit. The cheddar cheese soup will be, howeverā€¦ Iā€™m strongly considering a Le Cellier ADR just so I can have that soup. (I mean, so my husband can have steakā€¦ ;) )
The raspberry lime macaron is SO good! I haven't been to Le Cellier in years but might go just for appies and dessert.
Thatā€™s so lovely! Certainly meant to be.
It was really special. :goodvibes
This is a great magic shot of you!
Thank you!
You had a lovely day with so many fun attractions and good food! Itā€™s too bad you missed out on your fourth park, but Iā€™m glad most things worked out.
It was a super fun day! You can bet I was ready for some serious relaxation the next day after all that.
I have bad news. The cup you have has a small chip in it. You may not have noticed.
I think it gives it character. :)
Nice shot of you. :)
Thank you!
Wow, I haven't been in there in a long time... and it's such a great spot! Must remedy that.
There are so many amazing choices there. It's a great spot for breakfast, lunch or a light dinner.
The cost of something went up? In Disney? Are you sure??
You're shocked, aren't you??
I actually did not know that.
LwtL for life! Love the "edutainment" aspect of Disney.
Great... Never thought of that before, but now I will. :laughing:
Fire is my number one fear in enclosed spaces. My second fear is deep water but no risk of that there.
No wait?!?! :faint:
Right?? When does that ever happen at La Cava!
Heh. Doesn't that sound like a first world problem?
"Whoa is me. I flew to Florida and stayed at Wilderness Lodge but couldn't do 4 parks in one day. Tragic!"
Totally a first world problem! Especially now with owning DVC, I always know I will be back. So anything I don't accomplish on a trip, I know I will have the opportunity to do it another time.
You carry a Brita with you? Have we seen that? I don't recall.
Brita refillable water bottle. The filter makes the Florida water bearable. I do have a Brita pitcher in my Owner's Locker as well that I use for my coffee and for cold water in the room. I hate the waste that plastic water bottles cause.
Good thing you did that. Sure sounded like you were getting close to dehydration there.
I think I was even though I really do try to drink water constantly. I also use electrolyte tablets at least twice a day.
Holy smokes. Does that ever look decadent!
It sure was! And delicious!
Quite the experience. But... things like that just seem to happen in Disney, don't they?
The place really is magical.
I knew you would get it. There are certain things that just happen in Disney.The magic is alive and well.
Great photo of you!
Thank you!
Best choice... is there such a thing? But was it a good choice?
It was yummy but probably enough for three people.
I bet your feet were done! Lots of walking that day.
But... you wound up not using your GotG redemption pass, then?
I did use the redemption pass as I rode GotG back to back. I wasn't leaving that on the table. :)
Awesome day, we really enjoyed the impossible sliders at F&W
The China Pavilion is the best place to relax in the air conditioning
Iā€™m glad you got on GotG and MMRR!
What a great day, 3 parks is still an accomplishment with the ride problems and the 2pm PH, I canā€™t wait until that changes!
Did you see the Frozen castle show is back at MK, Iā€™m excited about that!
The sliders were really good! I was vegetarian for nine years and still enjoy eating plant based at least 50% of the time. The China pavilion is just so dark and cool. It was just what I needed. I can't wait until there are no park hopping restrictions. I can't understand what took them so long to get rid of the rule.

So lovely that the castle show is back! We will enjoy that. :) 40 more days!
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I have to close my eyes at a few spots in the Remy ride. It just moves too fast. ;)
It really does. Then the spinning of the ride vehicles really does a number on me.
I'm glad that the ride finally came up for you. We were in the virtual queue line one evening that had a shorter line than the ILL. I don't think those people were too happy with Disney at that point.
I wouldn't be happy either. Those ILLs are not cheap!
You are very easy to talk to and I can see how this happened. :)
Awww, thank you! You and Dana were both so easy to talk to as well. Hopefully we will overlap on trips again. :)
I am really looking forward to the end of the park hopping limits in January.
Same here!
The photos are really cute. :)
Thank you!
What a wonderful day!
Good food, great conversation and some excellent park hopping just for good measure :goodvibes
I do agree with you on the evacuation route from GotG. That happened us too and it was seriously crowded and awkward to get out of there.
You got some gorgeous photos of your time in the parks today šŸ˜Š
I had such a fun day! I can really only do a day like that on my own as Bill and the boys would not care for that. They will hop to one park after a rest but not a full hopping day.

That evacuation route freaked me out. Just not well managed at all.

I had memory maker included with my UK tickets so was determined to put it to use. :)

Whew! No wonder you were pooped! You accomplished a LOT in one day!
I was pretty pleased with what I accomplished. I know I logged in at over 23,000 steps or about 16.5 km that day. My feet were definitely feeling it. :)
Yay about your December plans! Sounds like it'll be an amazing trip!
I am so excited for December. I am just sad that we are missing so many other Disers! Ariane and Jenny leave the day before we arrive and then you and Allie arrive not long after we leave. We should overlap with Cloe and hoopefully get to see her and meet their new baby.
Whew, that was a busy day! You got a lot accomplished, even with the GotG debacle. The raspberry lime macron sounds delicious, but 7.50 is steep. The Disney prices have gotten really rough in the last few years.

BTMRR is the perfect attraction to experience at night. And I bet the People Mover was very relaxing after a long hot day in the parks!
I think it gives it character. :)
Almost... animated.
You're shocked, aren't you??
Fire is my number one fear in enclosed spaces. My second fear is deep water but no risk of that there.
Unless a fire breaks out and with only one exit, it gets jammed with people. The fire suppression system comes on and floods the room. Everyone drowns.

You're welcome.
I knew you would get it. There are certain things that just happen in Disney.The magic is alive and well.
I did use the redemption pass as I rode GotG back to back. I wasn't leaving that on the table. :)
Whew, that was a busy day! You got a lot accomplished, even with the GotG debacle. The raspberry lime macron sounds delicious, but 7.50 is steep. The Disney prices have gotten really rough in the last few years.
They sure have! When we first started going with the boys, the Mickey bars and ice cream sandwiches were $4. Now I think they are $6.50! And don't even get me started on the price of cocktails! Or the Canadian exchange rate which adds another 30%.
BTMRR is the perfect attraction to experience at night. And I bet the People Mover was very relaxing after a long hot day in the parks!
It sure is!
Almost... animated.
Nice volley!
Unless a fire breaks out and with only one exit, it gets jammed with people. The fire suppression system comes on and floods the room. Everyone drowns.

You're welcome.
That's really lovely....the possibility of both my fears coming true. So great!


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